It's the most simple and damning

Fibbideh ago

Every white baby born after the second

We need to reproduce at a rate above replacement, otherwise any minute victory they might have will whittle down our numbers further.

voatgoat2 ago

I thank my Niece and her friends every time I see them all have had white Babies

blumen4alles ago

I disagree. Quality > Quantity

What kind of life is a child born to a meth head going to have?

random128dsf321 ago

hes going to breed. And with the next generation hopefully have it better than the last. Its a numbers game.

blumen4alles ago

Yes it is a numbers game. White people are incredibly good at killing large numbers of their enemy while suffering few casualties of their own.

Phantom42 ago

Obviously he's going to be the poster boy for the SS. Duh.

Sarcasm included with every purchase.

truf_tales ago

WhiteChickens ago

Male cowardice is a form of degeneracy, it's the male equivalent of "slut".

Nadeshda ago


WhiteChickens ago

No because they get destroyed after that.

You're great at making them, terrible at protecting them.

whatisbestinlife ago

stupid fucking moron who thinks birthrate is what matters. deathrate is what matters

Fibbideh ago

How will the next generation exist if it is never had?

whatisbestinlife ago

the only way they exist is to remove the forces that will try to prevent their existence.

Tallest_Skil ago


5-10 years until global white population peaks. Whites do nothing to stop their own genocide. You know nothing.

GreenSlug ago

Ok i see a lot of people in this thread trying to convince people we can outbreed this war....

No we absolutely fucking can not. White people will NEVER be able to outbreed the vermin.

Its a god damn travesty that yall are so fuckin stupid, and JUST LIKE THE FUCKING BOOMERS.

You keep saying, have a billion white kids NOW! Ok, push ALL the problems off onto your kids, just like has been done to us. Ok, lets say we are outnumbered 100 to 1 right now. You wanna try and outbreed? Your kids will be outnumbered 10000 to 1.

You wanna remove as many white people from the fight as possible and keep them slaves forever? Make sure they are too busy working literally every second in order to support a few kids.

Fight NOW, you fucking retarded sons of bitches. Fuck AFTER

Maggotfeast ago

It's impossible to outbreed races who don't give a fuck about their children, huh?

GreenSlug ago

Yes. Because they just just keep shitting them out, consequences and quality of life be damned. They dont care if half of them get shot over a half rock of crack, theyve still got 6 more out there sellin the crack.

GreenSlug ago

Whhh. No. Not even slightly. Every white birth at this moment is just another slave for their machine. Every white birth right now ia another family capable of fighting, that won't be.

mattsixteen24 ago

The victory is for those who persevere under the Lord Christ Jesus.

"When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony. " (Pope Pius XI, 1925, Quas Primas– 19)

6843153 ago

Be me:

Before Trump: Swore I was never getting married or having kids

After Trump: Married 2nd baby white baby on the way

Phantom42 ago

So a wannabe jew made you hook up with some bitch that's going to divorce you in 10 years?


6843153 ago

it speaks like a kike

random128dsf321 ago

who cares kike. the 2 white kids, each having 2 kids, etc will keep the ball rolling.

Phantom42 ago

names the jew, indirectly pointing out jewish involvement with Trump

is called a jew by some nobody faggot

Your breeding tactics will not work, you married a "woman" that will destroy your life, and worse yet you believe in a wannabe jewish rat.

Moln0014 ago

Any white woman who wants a caucasian man of European descents baby?? Ok me

CheeBooga ago

Its all worthless unless you teach your children the truth about jews and niggers

Broc_Lia ago

every white birth is a victory for whites.

I disagree. Whites got to where they are by K selection. Downbreeding and slowly turning into pale skinned joggers is pretty much as bad in the long terms as breeding with joggers.

What we need to do is convince high IQ whites to breed more.

Fibbideh ago

Because having no children or one child will lower our dwindling population. Producing above replacement is the ONLY way to recoup losses.

I'm not saying you should have 17 children by 5 different mothers and not know a single one. 3-4 children is ideal in a cohesive family unit. More than that is irresponsible unless you can afford the costs associated and have the time to raise them, less means a slow population decline.

voatusernamevoat ago

Shadowlight ago

And every white womb given to an invader is a stab wound against our survival.

Every invader itself is another stab wound against our survival.

There is a reason EVERY Western nation has been invaded by hordes of young men at the same time during the Obama years.....

elcob32 ago

Every cow born on this farm is a victory against the Rancher who wants us dead.

CapinBoredface ago

shitskins are the cattle. Whites are other ranchers with more wholesome practices.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

Fuck that is bleak and accurate. We are so fucked.

CapinBoredface ago

Its not accurate at all.

In this metaphor whites would hardly be cattle. If kikes are the ranchers then whites are a different kind of rancher that the kikes dont want to compete with. Shitskins are obviously the cattle. Thats why kikes want to replace us with them.

Shadowlight ago

Heya jew

elcob32 ago

I love how Voat has devolved into ad hominem attacks.

A different view was expressed than the one I hold. Quick slander him and ignore the content of his comment.

My point, dumb ass, is that they do not want us dead. They want us to serve them as slaves. Goyim literally translates into calling us cattle. Having white children is fine but it's no more a victory against them than a baby cow is a victory against a rancher.

Tallest_Skil ago

He admitted to being paid to post here. Just ignore him.

Broc_Lia ago

My point, dumb ass, is that they do not want us dead. They want us to serve them as slaves. Goyim literally translates into calling us cattle. Having white children is fine but it's no more a victory against them than a baby cow is a victory against a rancher.

More specifically, they want white people removed as a potential point of resistance to their regime. There are three ways of achieving that:

  • Killing all the whites (high risk, too obvious)

  • Interbreeding them with more docile and easily controlled groups (takes too long)

  • Ensuring that only the lowest quality whites breed (bingo)

Shadowlight ago

No shit they want us as slaves.

Your comment suggests that White chilsten do not help us, and fuck that because they do.

You are a fucking idiot.

CapinBoredface ago

You cannot convinced brainwashed incels that families are good. I've been trying to correct @Tallest_Skil for over a year at this point at that whiny little kike worshiper still prattles on about how having a white family is pointless.

Looks like @elcob32 is just another black pilled idiot that cant find a good woman or reason to start a family.

elcob32 ago

brainwashed incels... black pilled idiot that cant find a good woman or reason to start a family

More ad hominem attacks.

You don't know me and your inferences are way off the mark. Simply breeding is no victory there are way more white hook nose sympathizers than there are actual Jews.

CapinBoredface ago

Look past being called retard and address the point.

Crying about name calling is what kikes do.

elcob32 ago

I made my point clearly. You however have done nothing more than call me names. This time I'm a kike according to your B.S.

I am done feeding you trolls at this point.

CapinBoredface ago

cant find a good woman or reason to start a family.


Shadowlight ago

Tallest skil is a jew.

I have outed him as I have recognozed his writing style and phrases at the Q board.

At QRV he constantly defended the jsws to keep thwm from discovering the J problem. He lost and couldn't contain it.

Then he retreated to these other boards and attacks Trump because he knows Q and Trump are connected.

In all of these cases, the jew benefits.

Tallest_Skil ago







Q and Trump are connected

Donald Trump personally disavows Q-LARP.

Shadowlight ago

Angry that I was able to discern who you are from your repeated ohrasing patterns?

Jews HATE pattern recognition.

Talles Skil is here to save the Jews, by first teying to convince Q follower, and now trying to derail Trump's support.

We SEE you now.

Tallest_Skil ago

I was able to discern

You weren’t, in fact. I do not post on QRV unless someone pings me with an @. I have never posted there otherwise. You’re so fucking brain damaged that you see the boogeyman everywhere.

The boogeyman who, incidentally, proved that your god is a hoax. The boogeyman who asks questions about your god that you REFUSE TO ANSWER. The boogeyman of whom you’re endlessly terrified.

Reply to me WITHOUT answering any of my questions. Reply to me WITHOUT proving your own claims. Do it. I command you.

Shadowlight ago

Thou doth protest too much.....

You can try reframe all you want, but you ha e been outed.

You first tried to corrupt Q, and now you are desperately trying to renove Trump.

Your actions do not match your words mossad agent.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god now.

Shadowlight ago

Tallest Skil = Attacks Q, attacks Trump, and tells you to NOT focus on having White babies....

What team could he possibly be on? Hmmmmmm

Tallest_Skil ago

more lies without substantiation

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Don't focus on White babies.

Ignore Q saying "Israel is last".

Don't re-elect Trump.

All things the enemies of the US want.....Hmmmmmm

Tallest_Skil ago

more lies without substantiation

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Israel is last.

We are coming for you, anti-White kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

more lies without substantiation

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

We are saving Israel for last.

Keep spam-panicking though pedoboy!

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Keep trying to shut me up mossad pedo.

Israel is last, we are coming for you.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Q and Trump are coming for you mossad pedo.

Saving Israel for last.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Jew defender knows he is caught ^^^ Panic ensues.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Mossad bot getting angry!

Israel is last motherfucker!! BWAAHAHAHAA

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Mossad pedo still panicking!

Israel is last motherfucker! Q says it even though you deny it!

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Yeah, saving israel for last means admitting support for the Talmud.

We see you mossad agent.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Israel is last, says Q.

We know why you hate Q.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

We are coming for you Rabbi.

Israel is last ~Q

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic jewish retard openly admits that his god supports the Talmud

Thank you for doing as you were commanded to do.

Reply again without proving any of your claims. Reply again without answering any of my questions. I own you. I am your new god. You have disavowed Q-LARP just like Trump did. You worship me now.

Shadowlight ago

Your claims are garbage. I have backed up my claims.

We are coming for you Rabbi.

Israel is last ~Q

Tallest_Skil ago

How many more do you want to get in before your shift’s over? Frankly, I’m done. Here’s your last reply, which is simply congratulations on proving every word I ever said, as well as disproving every claim you made about me, exposing you as a subhuman kike and a coward.

You will kill yourself when Trump leaves office and nothing Q-LARP said would happen actually happened.

Not a warning, not a threat. A promise. And a statement of fact. Get the last word, little goy. Because I say you can. Remember, until your dying breath: I own you.

Shadowlight ago

We are coming for you Rabbi. Cry all you want.

Israel is last ~Q

VoatsNewfag ago

even a 30 year old meth head giving birth is better

And if the meth head raises a mudshark? Or pimps out her "transgender" boy for drug money?

than an incel simping

The child could become a simp incel itself. Being raised by a meth addicted mother will limit your dating options in early adulthood and heavily influence your views on women. Could very well become a leftist, who blames all the problems his meth addicted mother had on her not being given enough money from the government.

every white birth is a victory for whites.

No, it also depends on what these children will believe or how resistant they are to brainwashing by media. Consider that whites firebombed the cities of other white people during WW2 and enabled current day politics.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thecajunone ago

Agreed. A meth popping out a piece of shit child might as well be a nigger the way it's going to grow up and act

New-World-Ebola ago

never take on debt from a kike bank, grow your own food, avoid contributing to the system as much as possible because taxation at this point is just foreign aid, stockpile everything for survival and defence.... find a decent female and have as many children as possible and educate them on proper history and your ancestry... try to become a leader in your local region and preach the importance of tradition, culture, identity and environmentalism. Awaken people to the corruption of the current jewish system. Awaken people to the lies of WW2. Show the hypocrisy of the kike stream media, expose their lies and propaganda everywhere and be fucking relentless.

Plavonica ago

Help other white people when possible. Be kind and understanding to one another. And assume the worst for the muds.

Broc_Lia ago

Those are much better proposals. Promoting dysgenics as a solution is insane.

Ocelot ago

The majority of these faggots probably don't even know the difference in meaning between the words "eugenics" and "dysgenics".

Phantom42 ago

Butbutbut muh baysd WHITE drug addicts!!!

glenny ago

Whites are unquestionably under attack everywhere. Part of why I like living in a majority white area is because people care about each other and the community. We'll pick up trash on our yard even if it isn't ours. We'll return a wallet without cleaning it out. We won't steal a bike that a neighbors kid left on the street. I've been in poor black and poor white neighborhoods all my life. The difference is dramatic.

I'm not sure having a generation of white kids raise themselves is going to lead to the society we want. I've noticed that in my kids and my neighbors, they don't have an innate sense of doing a job correctly or redoing it until it is. We've had to teach our kids that concept. Some of it has to do with bad schooling. I've seen too much emphasis on going through the motions without regard to how correct the final result is or completing a task within a tight time frame in elementary school work. Both lend themselves to doing sloppy jobs and not thinking about how to improve.

White society wasn't built in a generation and I fear losing that generational knowledge (such as by having meth head parents) could be pretty catastrophic. When a kid is debilitated in a proper white community it drags down the parents, the neighbors, the teachers, and the rest of the community. Too many kids with problems will destroy a community.

Every white birth in a good family is unquestionably a victory. However, in a world with several hundred million whites and several billion others, whites cannot survive with open borders. We'll be overrun, out voted, and then murdered like in South Africa. I'm not sure having a meth head with white kids bring us any closer to success.

Goat7 ago

A beautiful and peaceful white world. 🌹

Plavonica ago

Part of why I like living in a majority white area is because people care about each other and the community.

Case in point, my dog would occasionally escape, usually because some kiddo retrieving a lost ball would forget to re-lock the gate. The neighborhood kids know that they are allowed to retrieve their toys because they asked me and I told them to just go ahead as long as they lock the gate, but I do understand that they forget sometimes.

I would let him out and go back inside. He would make an immediate b-line to the nearest group of children to go play with them. I would get a knock on the door a few minutes later with one of the neighbor's kids returning my dog. I would thank them profusely of course and they always liked playing with him.

This only happens because I trained that dog to the 9s. He is perfectly willing to have a 9 year old walk him and follow all commands, even from a 9 year old. He is the gentlest dog around children I've ever seen. When visiting home my nieces and nephews love to take him on walks and to play at the park with him.

The neighborhood children are all white, understand how to treat animals well, and are empathetic to the animals under their care. They know who he belongs to because they see me walk him, they get to interact with him, and they like to play with him through our fence.

I wouldn't trust a neighborhood under 90% white to be this way.

fuckamyacton ago

I agree...not only the meth head parents but its not helping that many white males are being raised brainwashed to be pro feminist cucks from birth and girls are allowed to be degenerate nigger loving sluts all in the name of diversity and acceptance.

Broc_Lia ago

White society wasn't built in a generation and I fear losing that generational knowledge (such as by having meth head parents) could be pretty catastrophic.

Agreed. Plus, even the component of white greatness that is genetic will be lost by replacing our numbers with the children of methheads.

kishind ago

As much as I look down on degenerates, you're damn right. We can sort out the sins of weakness and hedonism later, or our children can. It's not as high a priority as demographic shifts. This generation should focus on producing as many white children as possible, not to the exclusion of other solutions.

All solutions include lots of white babies.

Lagmonster ago

Bread them out is (((their))) game. It's time to purge them out. White people have 2.5 kids at best, the welfare recipients have 5 or more. It's time for a culling.

kishind ago

"not to the exclusion of other solutions."

Broc_Lia ago

We can sort out the sins of weakness and hedonism later

Can we? If you breed weak people you'll get weak children. Not all whites are equal, we still have a left side to our bell curve and ensuring they become the majority of our population isn't solving the problem.

kishind ago

I have a deep faith in our moral capacity, when unburdened by the influence of joggers and bikes.

We've lost our sense of identity and community, and the programmed response is to fill the hole with pleasure and consumption.

Nature determines aptitudes and preferences, nurture determines the fulfillment of potential.

A methhead degenerate can still give birth to a white kid with 120 IQ.

Promise2 ago

Quantity over quality. Whites by default are higher quality.

LightestHour ago

"Quantity over quality" is the most succinct description of parasite reasoning you can find.

I think you'll find that "Quality over quantity" is, as a political philosophy, both surprisingly robust and incredibly subtle (normie-palatable) for its simplicity.

Broc_Lia ago

Quantity over quality

... is how africa became africa. Whites are the way we are becaused our environment forced us to focus on quality.

Whites by default are higher quality.

No we're not. There are still plenty of white retards. In any previous era of our evolution they wouldn't have bred, or their offspring would have had no chances. If they had managed to breed then white people would be a lot lower IQ than we are.

Promise2 ago

Base whites are higher IQ than base non-whites. Anyways, its a numbers game rn. Non-whites are outbreeding us and will overwhelm us with sheer numbers. Thousands of white foot soldiers are more important than a handful of white geniuses.

Broc_Lia ago

Base whites are higher IQ than base non-whites.

We're not talking about average whites though, we're talking about the left hand extreme of the bell-curve.

Non-whites are outbreeding us and will overwhelm us with sheer numbers.

This isn't a numbers war, it's a propaganda war. They can pack as many millions of dindus into western countries as they like, those groups are still going to be dependent on white people. The moment white people wake up, they're done for.

The only scenario where whites disappear entirely is where we interbreed with the dindus or downbreed to the point where we're indistinguishable from dindus. The latter outcome is what OP is proposing.

Promise2 ago

downbreed to the point where we're indistinguishable from dindus.

They’d still be white. An army of 90 IQ whites would still be useful against an army of 85 IQ blacks. There are already whites that are as intelligent or less so than your average black. Mean IQ of 100 with a standard deviation of 15 on a normal distribution puts ~17% of whites at 85 or less. Those whites are not without utility in the coming war. Easier to indoctrinate and easier to give their lives to the cause. When jihadis send men out strapped to explosives, they’re not sending out their chemists or lieutenants; they’re using men who are disposable. We need men who are disposable.

Broc_Lia ago

They tried that, it didn't work out very well. Extremely low-IQ soldiers are more of a liability than a benefit.

EarlPoncho ago

(((No we're not.)))

Broc_Lia ago

(((Let's use the lowest quality breeding stock to replace our numbers fellow goys. It doesn't matter so long as they have pale skin)))

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Whoa, good point....

VoatsNewfag ago

What are the odds that children from a meth head will grow up in a ghetto and have a black boyfriend? Or become sexually abused?

Sexually abused children are more likely to become Obese and LGBTQ.

Or that they will become an incel/simp because they have serious mommy issues and living with a meth addict will drastically limit their dating options during early adulthood?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What are the odds that children from a meth head will grow up in a ghetto and have a black boyfriend? Or become sexually abused?

No idea, I've never seen statistics on that. As a total guess, I'll say 20%.

Or that they will become an incel/simp because they have serious mommy issues and living with a meth addict will drastically limit their dating options during the defining early adulthood?

That seems less likely, so I'll say 10%, but again, it's a total guess.

How is it helpful to have more whites if they become future antifa recruits?

What's your "scale of helpfulness"? How do you rate it?

There's a continuum going from fewer whites, through more whites who aren't completely helpful to your goals, and into more whites who are helpful to your goals.

VoatsNewfag ago

That seems less likely, so I'll say 10%, but again, it's a total guess.

You think only 10% will end up with mommy issues when mommy is a meth head?

Single motherhood alone doubles suicide rates in children and increases the risk for drug addictions by a factor of four.

We could also look at severe alcoholic parents and then assume that meth will be even worse than either.

There's a continuum going from fewer whites, through more whites who aren't completely helpful to your goals, and into more whites who are helpful to your goals.

The thing is, the scale doesn't just range from not helpful to helpful. It ranges from downright antagonistic to helpful.

Whites willingly firebombed the cities of each other during WW2. Whites are arresting other whites for being politically incorrect or cheering on their arrests.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, ok. Lemmie know what you find out!

Eualos ago

Yup first thing you do is make lots of white children. Then you change the world to help protect them

GreenSlug ago

No. You dont have kids first and then figure out if you can keep theme alive. You change the world to be the place you want to raise your kids, and you raise them there. Stop being a lazy fucking nigger who can only.muh dick and use muh dick as an excuse to put off the actual fixing of things