Conspirologist ago

Scholarship for porn actors school.

wisek ago


New-World-Ebola ago

every. fucking. time.

Logansrun ago

Excellent work! Figured a tiny hat was behind this

undertheshills ago

The get naked with a nigger and let a jew film it scholarship.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

This photo is titled

Peanut Butter and Raspberry Jam: the story of a single mother and affirmative action"

New-World-Ebola ago

is it?

loads last round into mag

Gorillion ago

So, which of them was the dyslexic during the casting call?

CheeBooga ago

She should be ashamed of herself for even being photographed with that fucking animal.

Gorillion ago

Coalfax needs a subcategory of race-mixing "modelling jobs".

BiggestDickOnVoat ago

Maybe it meant scholarships so easy even a retarded ape could attain them with the help of his red-haired trainer.

poopscooppp ago

Though it was a porn ad

Gorillion ago

Your subconscious still thinks it is. This is how subliminal messaging really works. Not this "Buy Coke!" flash-shit idea most of us have.

Vc83 ago

It is alarming how much white red haired women/men are attacked in media. Look at tv shows, cartoons, movies, the symbolism is glaring.

They are subversive in many ways.

Red haired male villain or antagonist. Black/curly haired brown eye protagonist.

Red haired female, love interest to multi racial protagonist.

It's everywhere, look for it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Jiggggg ago

And characters who were originally red-headed in the original cartoon / comic book / etc often have black actors cast in the life-action version

spaceman84 ago

Symbology is pretty important to kikes, and redheads are as white as you can get. Gotta invert and pervert anything intrinsically white. Fuck those uppity goys.

noob_tube ago

Its propaganda.

uvulectomy ago

Why are the kikes so obsessed with either racemixing or flat out replacing red-haired white women?

New-World-Ebola ago

because they clearly want to destroy the White race, that's how hateful and jealous they are.

everything they accuse Whites of if purely a projection about themselves.

spaceman84 ago

Before this they were ridiculing redheads as gingers for a few years. MSM psyops.

slumbermachine ago

Anti-logos. The synagogue of satan is wants chaos.

paperfolder1 ago

^THIS is the truth.

Grunge ago

I went to college, got indoctrinated, it wore off once I hit 'the real world' thankfully.

But you'd be surprised how many white girls "only fuck black guys"

Quite a few.

Then there was the ones that would never fuck a black guy and you should have seen the black guys reactions whenever one said that. "I'm just not attracted to black guys, sorry"

it was a chimp out.

I was a good looking guy, was always in the happening clubs surrounded by beautiful women and that is something I've observed many times.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

I know the voat meme that women only do what they're told. Aka what MSM says is cool.

But honestly any girl/women that will fuck a black guy "because it's cool" was a lost cause anyway you look at it.

I know a lot of girls that would never go near a nigger. Sadly most wear masks when driving by themselves to run errands where they will never get anywhere near 6 feet to the next person.

So... mixed bag. Yes they're easily brainwashed. But many still have standards.

Jiggggg ago

One time many years ago I was getting gas and a black guy is getting gas at the next pump over. He started trying to talk to me and asked if I dated black guys. What the fuck?

-If I said yes, he would have taken that as an invitation

-If I said no, he would have chimped out and called me raysis

I was just like, uuuhhh I'm good and got into my car and drove away quickly

Usernamenameuser ago

Hi! Few things to start of with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female goat, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

noob_tube ago

Post tits.

Jiggggg ago

Gorillion ago

Good work, you didn't relax.

tokui ago

(((Scholarship))) for bestiality porn studies?

SearchVoatBot ago

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JRich ago

Fucking hell...

I need more rope.

spaceman84 ago

Take a lesson from the kike trained Chinks. Embolisms are fatal and air is free. You do the math.

Gorillion ago

But rope is reusable and you get air-dancing.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Send all kikewhores into the meat grinder.

It's hilarious when the teen ones destroy their pussies in less than a year.

spaceman84 ago

Brother, your degenerate mind is showing. If you purport to be civilized, show it. Vulgarity is for the kikes.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

You are a kikeslave. You have no idea what morality is.

And you are blocked.

spaceman84 ago

You want teen pussies destroyed? You sound like a fucking kike pornographer.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Looks like he got a scholarship to her pants.

Nihilist_front ago

Funny how this gets massive upvotes but your softcore stuff gets downvoted. Are right-wingers just cucks in denial? After all, conservatives spend their entire lives getting fucked by history.

spaceman84 ago

Typical Joe McKike, incorrigible degenerate. What kind of Occidental Enclave admin has race mixing porn at the forefront of his mind?

Answer: A fucking kike or philosemite. Neck yourself faggot. You aren't worth half a shit to the human race.

Joe_McCarthy ago

wut. u mad bro

spaceman84 ago

Hello Rabbi. Even if you aren't a kike by lineage, you are the same breed of human refuse. Explains why you apologize for their parasitism, scum.

spaceman84 ago

What's your interest in the white race, when you obviously don't possess any of the advantageous traits of the European man? Have you ever assessed your genetic quality? You'll probably find it's not on the side of the bell curve you think it is.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I haven't seen much evidence that any white man on Voat is as well educated as I am. Certainly in the liberal arts. I'm descended from Puritans. Puritan lineage was found to point to a kind of master race by American eugenicists.

spaceman84 ago

Such a proud bloodline reduced to doing a wholly ineffective job at educating Voat plebs about why "it's not the jews". We remain unconvinced by your chicanery. Truly a testament to your intellect.

Joe_McCarthy ago

In the white nationalist movement there has always been a noisy segment that thinks itz teh jo0z. The alt-right just added a bunch more with wet behind the ears kids last decade. Apparently memetic warfare is a thing. I guess it should be. NATO came up with it.

spaceman84 ago

Except we've known for several decades that it's the fucking kikes. Not exclusively. Don't be retarded and try to strawman anything. It's predominantly been the kikes for the past three centuries, white and Asian associates aside. The central players are most Jews.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Most of you lot on Voat got taken in by 4chan and Reddit meme culture either right before or during the Trump campaign near as I can tell.

spaceman84 ago

You've been on Voat longer than I have so I can't debate you on Voat history. I came over with /r/coontown and I've been off 4chan since 2008. I was a Ron Paul man.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No. Your account is about a year older than mine. In any event it seems you were on Reddit during the approximate time I mentioned.

spaceman84 ago

Holy shit I didn't realize that I had been around that long. This is rather depressing.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

100% paid for by kikeslaves.

New-World-Ebola ago

whoever organised that photoshoot should be butchered like an animal at a chinese wet market.

KLDB ago

Why are you guys upset? This add is just targeting who needs easy to win scholarships...

PraiseIPU ago

You dont like naked white woman


spaceman84 ago

Riddles me this kike - why would a naked white woman be around a nigger?

philomath ago


New-World-Ebola ago

the bitch should be fucking ashamed for even participating in the photo.

it's completely fucked.

PraiseIPU ago

What does being naked have to do with scholorships?

This ad is deliberate to piss fragile people like you off and then spread it for them for free

Rage advertising is big. And you are all laping it up like good little sheep

New-World-Ebola ago

it will also result in them and cucks like you being beheaded.

PraiseIPU ago

Good sheep

spaceman84 ago

Yes. Unfortunately they are too retarded to ever understand why. We have to prevent this from happening because they do not know what they're doing. I will never advocate for simping for any femoid, but being a strong father or brother will steer your daughters and sisters away from bestiality.

con77 ago

well said

Logansrun ago

Bets on the photographers religion?

Crankbait ago

Lmao dude I swear you can’t make this shit up.

CEO of scholarship owl: David Tabachnikov

wifeathome ago




LostInTheStatic ago



LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Kike or kikeslave, even money, these days.