Drstrangebeard ago

Drstrangebeard ago

my vote is worth ten faps, apparently.

antiracistMetal ago

I'm so mad about this thread that I'll beat you up irl, I will I will.


Drstrangebeard ago

oh, vie! I mean.....oy vey!

SeanBox ago

Definitely got a little triggered on this one. Lol

anticlutch ago

Why the fuck is this a thread?

This isn't your twitter feed.

SeanBox ago

It’s called sarcasm.

scandalous-goat ago

Feeling nervous, moshe?

anticlutch ago

Yeah. I'm nervous because someone else is thinking about another man's cock and what he's doing with it.

Helena73 ago

When you put it like that, it sounds GAY!

antiracistMetal ago

But you're thinking about a man thinking about another man's cock, which makes you twice as gay.

kammmmak ago

He's not a man

SeanBox ago

Tranny? Go figure

Joe_McCarthy ago

Or you could try not being a complete asshole to someone who'd kick your ass if you did this face to face. That might work.

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Helena73 ago

That’s funny cuz when I saw your dirty pics post tody I thought you were being the asshole. Would you try sharing that shit on the street? No, you’d get punched. Don’t do shit that’s offensive and then act like you’re Maria Von Trapp in a habit when people are like fuck you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

First, this isn't the street. More like a bulletin board really. But I suppose there are a lot of 'offensive' things said here. White guys using the n word for example. Said in the company of blacks and that might get you jumped.

So it's more that the mob here thinks they have some kind of prior restraint on what I post because they don't like it.

Helena73 ago

Yeah saying the word nigger in front of black people might get you beat up. Why are you saying n word here? Is that rational? Are you afraid youre going to anger the black lives gods or something?

try not being a complete asshole on the internet to someone who'd kick your ass if you did this face to face.

But also

This isn’t the street

Do you see any conflict there?

I really dont enjoy piling on here. You seem like an otherwise nice marxist intellectual. But you keep posting the kind of pollution thats destroying the culture. You know its offensive. Either stop doing it, or stop bitching when you get blow back.

Why’s everybody being so mean?

You know why. It’s your behavior.

Joe_McCarthy ago

"Marxist intellectual"? You don't understand me at all.

And no, there is no conflict. I post something on an open platform - a guy starts with the kid's stuff. It's not difficult to discern the chain of events here unless you're pretty clearly biased - and you are. You have a pretty intense dislike of pornography. Even the milder stuff like Playboy. I know this from past conversations with you.

Bottom line: this reaction to my porn posting we see here on Voat? Overblown. At best.

aefibes99 ago

You are a fucking problem and your porn posting is a cancer to this site.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The importance given to my porn posting, especially given all the other shit that is seen here on a daily basis, is nothing short of laughable. Though I've on many occasions articulated why my posting it is actually a good thing. Or more good than bad let's say.

aefibes99 ago

Get a fucking life loser and stop trying to bring a group down that's thinking of critical solutions. Go post elsewhere. You are worse than jews and niggers. Esprcially if you are white. You fucking traitor. If you had a daughter i bet it wouldnt be so funny. Well you probably wouldnt care. Youd have your hand downs your pants as your family gets beaten to death and would probably film it and post it on a site that doesnt give two shits about upvoats.

Joe_McCarthy ago

As I've stated in the past if I had a hot daughter that posed for Playboy I'd approve of it.


SeanBox ago

You would kick my ass for telling you to stop playing with your pecker? Gonna have to put it away if you wanna fight tho.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I would kick your ass for being a disrespectful jerk. Used to do it all the time as a kid. Which kinda segues into how you're acting like a punk kid here.

Helena73 ago

Youre being disrespectful with your porn. If you cant accept that your behavior is offensive to everyone else, why do you demand people give you respect?

When you imply that irl standards should apply here because “he’s getting away with being an internet asshole and I’d kick his ass in a face to face”, but then, hypocritically in the next breath, “this isn’t the street, I can dump as much porn here as I like.”

Seems like you have the bias, against the Voat culture which has arisen here organically, and you are trying to impose your beliefs on everyone else.

aefibes99 ago

Its not offensive its god damn fucking cancer to an otherwise decent platform for real debate. It has no use whatsoever. And that whole argument well its free speech is bullshit. All porn needs to be banned on this site. For fucks sake.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My porn posting is not universally disliked. That Jennifer Walcott thread is at 6 upvotes and 24 downvotes last I saw. I don't think what I post is disrespectful. A lot of people just don't like it - but in doing it I'm lobbing personal attacks likely to get one hurt out in the wild. Essentially it seems to me you're defending the kind of behavior seen in the OP as a matter of principle provided it assails something you dislike. That can cut a bunch of different ways though. It can be used on you for example. Not that I'll treat you like this - but just sayin'.

aefibes99 ago

Of course its not universally disliked. People are fucking retards and dont understand the devestating effect that it causes.

Helena73 ago

28 downvotes. They are hated.

I don't think what I post is disrespectful.

Oh well it’s settled then.

Seanbox doesnt think what he posted was disrespectful either. All in good fun.

Make a subverse for your porn if its so well liked. You should have lots of company if you’re right.

But you wont do that. Because you like upsetting people who dont want to see your fap material. You’re an exhibitionist. So if people want to hammer you on the forum, you should not be confused at all about why you’re getting hate.

NoBS ago

I do not mind pinko commie fags posting well earned indoctrination, but do you really post porn?

To think I have been treating you like an adult,

Helena73 ago

He’s posted quite a bit of it.

SeanBox ago

You’re the one spamming the site with porn for months on end. You are being a disrespectful jerk who needs to stop jerking off.

Joe_McCarthy ago

One clip here. Not exactly 'spamming'. Do you know how much I have even posted this stuff recently? For tips try checking out my submission history.

SeanBox ago

Dude, I use this site. I’ve been watching you post the “solo 30 seconds click x for sound” posts for months. You get downvoted to oblivion every time but you built up an account that can’t be rate limited before you started so no one can stop you. What are you hoping to accomplish?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Kinda involved as to my motives. I've explained it a bunch of times if you want to bother going back through my comment history since Christmas.

SeanBox ago

So, 5 months of spamming and you still haven’t accomplished your goals?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not sure how to answer that. My motives and goals are multiple. I suppose I've accomplished some of my goals.

SeanBox ago

You could accomplish a lot more of your goals if you quit fapping so much... just trying to help.

aefibes99 ago

Dont help this jew. He is actively attempting to subvert this site. He could post it anywhere but he chooses here. He's a fucking cancer and needs to be banned. If we cant even get rid of a porn posting loser how are we going to do anything when push comes to shove.

Vrblpollushin ago

You imply that his motives are well intended. Are you sure?

SeanBox ago

No, I’m not. I just see this porn spam popping up constantly and decided to do a call out post. I mainly just got a chuckle out of the “psycho joe” part because Trump keeps saying it.

Vrblpollushin ago

Ok, I get it. But its someone's alt. Seriously, I swear there are 500 people on this site, and 10,000 alts.