Carpools ago

It's not freedom that is the problem, but lies/liars. Claiming freedom is the problem is exactly what the liars do, and want you to believe.

theshopper ago

We're in the endgame now. I long for a home where I belong but instead I only find ashes.

New-World-Ebola ago

yep it's all pretty much done for

skimster ago

Giving women the vote... Shud be reserved for families with children only.

Irishluckk ago


xenoPsychologist ago

and then the kikes come and say "shouldnt you be marrying and reproducing by now, goy? haha, there are so many women good enough for you!"

no. and thats the problem.

WhiteChickens ago

Also, the average American woman is 160 lbs. lol

0rion ago

Damn bro, she really hurt your feelings huh?

BjornIronside ago

Boating accident.

Showed this to my wife.

Yes, I have a boat.

TurquoiseLover ago

New-World-Ebola ago

you're a faggot.

TurquoiseLover ago

Here's your problem, fake men

Woman get blamed for all this crap and everyone in DC and hollywood is one of these..

New-World-Ebola ago

kike faggot

TurquoiseLover ago

Just because women hate you don't blame me.

New-World-Ebola ago

i want nothing to do with your transgender family

wolf_534 ago

It almost looks as if Islam was right about women's suffrage, feminism, porn, homosexuality and open borders.

Somehow, the antiquity managed to bring all winning evolutionary strategies together and declared them as God-given laws that may not be questioned.

White societies have progressively abandoned basic evolutionary strategies and replaced them by Cultural Marxism, and it is no coincidence that this correlates with the increasingly abandonment of religion in White societies.

So, the whole purpose of religion is to implant winning evolutionary strategies and enforce them by corresponding ethics, so that even those who don't understand the purpose of the laws will obey them.

Cultural Marxism does exactly the same and implants its laws and values as unquestionable ethics, and at this point it becomes clear that the Frankfurt School managed to implant a religion tailored specifically to destroy White societies.

New-World-Ebola ago

islam is right about nothing.

all islamic countries are fucking shitholes.

we just need to remove the jews and take our nations back and suffer the damage that's already been inflicted.

we need to revert... there is no other way.

Maddmartigan ago

Ever heard of the Order of the White Feather? Here is a piece of history rarely talked about. The Order of the White Feather, founded in August 1914 by Admiral Charles Fitzgerald, encouraged women to give out white feathers to young men who had not joined the British army. (((They))) encouraged young women to shame their men into dying for their country. You want women to stop being cum sluts They must be shamed. A harsh shame, publicly. That is why CoalFax was so hated. It was seen as a form of public shaming. In order for the shaming to have its desired outcome much of the population must see and adhere to it. This is why the jews control media. They control what that vast majority see and therefore what most will believe as a society , steering societal norms in the direction they choose.

New-World-Ebola ago

correct and this is why cunts need to HELP coalfax.

petevoat ago

There's load of channels on youtube talking about sex and gender, sex and gender.


None of my business so stop talking abouut it

New-World-Ebola ago


tourgen ago

"Nobody wants to marry a slut. Therefore family and reproduction are destroyed."

Womens' political, social, and sexual liberation happened. But men are still required to fulfill their traditional roles to keep society going. Men build everything, maintain everything, and womens' liberation is a luxury built on the backs of mens' traditional roles.

Men are slowly waking up to this amidst all of the screeching hens denouncing patriarchy. Men are finding the deal no longer makes sense. Yes, this means the destruction of our society sooner rather than later. It's not the current generations of men's fault. Shaming them with "man up" etc. is just deluded boomer tradcucks begging men to get hack on the plantation so their SS gibs keep flowing.

Are you ready to take womens' voting rights away yet people?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Society would still be shit as long as shitskins are here. 1965 Immigration Act is the core of why the US is dogshit in the modern day. Nothing else has nearly as large an impact.

New-World-Ebola ago

niggers would have been removed from our nation if the bulk of society hadn't been feminised.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Sexual liberation is political control.

Torqueness ago

"Nobody wants to marry a slut."

I think you're underestimating the lack of restraint and the overwhelming mental frailty of contemporary men. They will certainly marry (and therefore legitimise their conduct) these loose-moralled women, which then incentivizes the next generation of women to behave in much the same manner, because they've observed that instead of society castigating them for their poor choices, a man will always step up to provide for them as long as that woman has some form of physical appeal, regardless of her conduct and past behaviour. That's a male problem. We can blame the media and its masters for indoctrinating the male mind to behave in this way, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the man. If his thirst overrides his common sense, he deserves everything he gets.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Sexual "freedom" my ass it's more like catch a unique STD one dick at a time.

BlueWave11 ago

I dont mind marrying a slut, as long as she is STD free and isnt beyond the "wall"

New-World-Ebola ago

get yourself on coalfax, cuck.

BlueWave11 ago

If you yourself want to have sex with a lot of women regularly, its retarded to expect the women you end up with, to be virgins. The math simply doesnt add up.

That being said women are hypergamous so in reality, if you want to have a long term relationship with one, your "value" needs to be high enough, for the women to not leave you and go hoe around some more.

Still its retarded to expect women to not be promiscuous. Its a basic evolutionary principle of sexual selection at work and its perfectly natural. What you can do is be better than others in your vicinity, which will cause women to branch jump to you, and not from you.

also you need to learn what being a cuck mean. But I can empathize with you, I can see from your faggot comments everywhere that you are probably still a virgin. I mean, if you cant get girls, at least you could get a cock up your ass if you pay someone. Probably best you will ever get?

BTW arent you that incel self-hating jew that is afraid of black people?

New-World-Ebola ago

so which one are you? a kike faggot or a nigger faggot?

your projections are truly obvious and laughable.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's called a family unit (from unity), because the protection femininity gives to the child is protected by masculinity. Therefore; to bring harm to femininity one first has to lower the protection provided by masculinity, and what is the other main faction of masculinity aside protection? Providing. Entrance usury exchanging the need to provide for the family, and the want to provide what money (usury based fiat currency; backed by nothing of any value) offers as temptations.

The core issue is the selfishness to fall for the wants over the needs.

UsedToCuck ago

How do i get this off my shit. Infuriates me to see it 15 times tonight

GeneralDisposition ago

This is why modern men can't laugh. They open wide on soy because that's what it takes. Abortion is murder and you never had a say.

Helena73 ago

Women commit more murder than men now.


I appreciate this perspective, and I agree with it, but I need a video where a bunch of Australians are chanting "OZZIE OZZIE OZZIE, OI OI OI, OZZIE OZZIE OZZIE, OI OI OI" during a wedding. Please accommodate me, and if you cant then fuck off you lazy cunt



New-World-Ebola ago

weddings aren't sport, fuckhead

obscenity ago

The game is rigged in women's favor and not worth playing. I've seen many decent men enslaved and broken by vile harpies...

Women play nice until they score a ring then they let themselves go and you're her bitch. You'll be constantly nagged and berated. If you don't acquiesce to her every whim she'll threaten divorce. She'll take half your shit plus alimony, child support and rarely see your kids. Their opinion of you will be poisoned by these cunts and you'll just be that asshole loser they have to put up with every other weekend. You'll end up miserable, alone and made to survive on scraps. I've known men driven to suicide by this shit.

Women can be terrible because they have no accountability. The law protects and rewards them for failure.

alalzia ago

Strongly disagree .

This sexual freedom is a result of the general freedom from agency zoomers enjoy , they can be free from everything except debt because of course feminism is a scheme of the banks and i have the document to support my claim .

Boomers and GenX enjoyed sexual freedom , drug expeditions , backpacking in exotic places etc but we ( i was born in 1970 ) never let our genitals be our main drive . The T.I.N.A. appeared in late 80's and during the 90's and the "end of history" people started to base their existence in the very basic of their instincts and let everything be handled by the banks . Women back then didn't treated themselves like meat now open instagram and take a look .

The shitworlders are lacking agency because they come from countries where everything had to pass through the dictator/top priest filter , they decided everything for everyone . Banks and their political dogs are importing them now not for the cheap labor but for promoting a way of life free of any agency .

DanceswithFeet ago

It's the basic biology-

Humans desire Sex. More specifically men desire sex and women desire emotional intimacy.

Sexual intimacy fulfills men's desires but not women's. Why would a man continue a relationship with a women when not only he got what he desired, but can find another woman to give him the same desire without attachment?

Sexual "freedom" only serves most male desires and only some females, however, women are told this is an important road paved for them by the feminists of the 70s. The same as pushing girls to colleges and to careers. If they do not take advantage of this, they are spitting on the grave of those women.

Of course the above if majority and not all. Not all women are sluts and not all men are driven by sexual desires, but society implants into minds that you are either a sex driven creature or you are an outcast.

kijoja ago

An over-indulgent population naturally culls itself.

If you look around, and all you see is shit, maybe you are a part of the problem. Stop going to clubs and bars to look for a wife.

Start working out. Throw yourself into your passions until someone who shares your values and hobbies comes along. If that’s a woman who runs marathons, run more marathons. If that’s a woman who is Christian, go to church. If that’s a woman who reads, join a book club.

There’s a subversive force on the internet convincing you women are the enemy, therefore give up on ever having a family of your own. If you want to attract the right kind of woman, be the right kind of man.

New-World-Ebola ago

done everything you mentioned and it hasn't made a difference.

if women aren't sluts, they've been victims of rape and violence.

the only conclusion is that invaders must die.

tokui ago

Might need to lower the marriage age.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Girl need to be married off when they hit menarche.

Helena73 ago


BjornIronside ago


Helena73 ago

He’s literally a pedo if you’re paying attention, bjorn ya silly cunt.

New-World-Ebola ago

i think you have a point there.

people today are treated like irresponsible children well into adulthood.

the whole system being an economic disaster doesn't help with most zoomers unable to afford real estate.

adolescents need to be taught very young that they are the new generation that needs to become strong and wise to take charge of the nation, instead of fucking babying everyone.

people should be encouraged to start working and get married as young as possible... and simple things like getting a driver's licence should be made much simpler.

there is too much bullshit today and concerns about safety.... meanwhile the nation becomes extremely unsafe due to multiculturalism, no leadership and degenerate kike media influences.

Ciaglownigger ago

I'm willing to sleep on a hotel mattress for a few nights. I'd never buy a hotel mattress for my own home

New-World-Ebola ago

is "hotel mattress" code for large framed flat chested tranny?


Since diving into the history of the Frankfurt Institute 20 years ago and being nurtured in Russian History, because I'm Russian, life is a daily dilemma. The battle has really intensified since obama got elected and since Trump got in it's hellfire everywhere every day, to the point where it's in my mind constantly. (((CULTURAL MARXISM, CRITICAL THEORY, TRANSVALUATION OF VALUES, POLYMORPHIS PERVERSITY, FREUDIAN DARWINISM ETC ))) have taken a heavy toll on the Slavic/Anglo/Euro/Nordic race...from the great conquerors, pioneers, inventors and explorers who defined our race to a morally battered and physically emaciated un-unified wanderers. People have been weakened by an emotional ruse. The unnatural altruistic ideals of compassion, understanding, empathy, tolerance and sincere acceptance of the absurdities associated with change are all calculated social narratives with the sole purpose of altering the behavioral mechanics and cultural imprint of the White Western 1st World.

I've never imagined that all of humanity could be so easily controlled even after being warned by history. The filthy jew has been the center of focus since their party at Mt Sinai 3,446 years ago. All the way through history, using reverse psychology, the filthy jew relentlessly cried persecution all while preying upon the sympathetic hosts who gave them shelter by exploiting their compassion, kindness and enfeebled minds. So successful was their psy-op that today Western civilization is comprised of fragmented social components void of any ideological cohesion and now brainwashed to believe that multiple genders beyond male and female are a biological fact. I hate to think that we've been all but destroyed but the present state of today's ugly reality leaves for little hope of anything else. The JEW is a well seasoned soldier in the battle to destroy the non jew. Jews bonded ideologically while the bond that welded the West together was destroyed by them. The White Man's mind has been stolen by the filthy jew and it doesn't look good for us.

BlueWave11 ago

you are actually retarded dude

New-World-Ebola ago

you don't need to convince and win over everyone.

the most determined minority will win, so persevere.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It's a lifestyle. Most of them start this when they're girls. It is not uncommon for girls as young as 12 or 14 to be dating Mexicans, blacks, whiggers and even some of the jocks in HS. They go to house parties, get drunk, get high, get fucked and some even do hard drugs and get gang banged. A lot of these young girls are attractive and popular in school and most of the boys their age have no idea.

If you don't have a lady that is marriage minded, that wasn't raised to be marriage minded, that wasn't taught the difference between a guy who will date her and a guy who will fuck her, that wasn't taught to value her body and not give it away so freely, she'll always be a whore. Almost always they're on a plethora of mind altering anti-depressants, amphetamines, sleeping pills, etc. and this starts in HS or college and by the time one is 26 she has often been whoring for at least 10+ years and been on a volley of mindfucking magic beans for 10 years as well. She more than likely already has herpes and several strains of HPV.

Even if they hate their lives and themselves, most are going to keep slutting. You see this a lot with the serial monogamists and when they get too old to do that they'll still be whores at the club. When they get too fucked up to do that then they will often go off the rails and get some job with the city or state where they don't have to actually do anything productive and just stay on their meds. The worst ones are not the whores or the bitter old ladies. The worst ones are the sluts that are serial mongamists. They get beat down from being used as a dump and run and get what they see as a 'Lyle Lovett' or a constant stream of income and security. This guy is probably a guy they should be married too but because a nicer looking guy or hung guy or younger guy will still fuck them while they're drunk and high on pills at the club, they think they're better than the guy that will date them. They are not. The on and off again whore, the serial monogamist is the one that cleans up nice, is often educated, has a decent job and presents herself as someone who isn't a junkie.. that 'I made a bad decision' or 'this guy fucked me over' type. These type of women, I've seen them literally destroy several men by the time they're 40.

WhiteChickens ago

It is not uncommon for girls as young as 12 or 14 to be dating Mexicans, blacks, whiggers and even some of the jocks in HS. They go to house parties, get drunk, get high, get fucked and some even do hard drugs and get gang banged. A lot of these young girls are attractive and popular in school and most of the boys their age have no idea.

This was already happening in the late '80s, probably earlier.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I have no doubt. I'm sure to an extent it always happened but became much more common after the hippies hit the scene. The thing is, drugs today are a lot worse than they were in the 60s.70s, 80s and 90s. I remember when I was growing up meth was called 'biker speed.' It was really impure and a lot of people didn't like it. No one where I was from even tried it. When I was in the army the meth epidemic hit. The new stuff would get people a lot higher, create euphoric feelings, create obsessions like gambling and sex addiction and it was many, many times more addictive than biker meth. Of course, the white kids thought it was like everything else, like biker speed or cocaine. They were wrong. That shit snatched a lot of people I grew up with and they simply weren't ready for it. The same could be said for Oxy, something a lot of people thought was like your standard painkiller addiction. I won't even go into the designer drugs. I've heard of more than one case of someone using synthetic marijuana and developing psychosis for years. You just don't know. It's not like the 80s or 90s where people are doing lines of coke and they know it's coke and maybe cut with something harmless. A lot of the times meth is mixed with rat poison and other shit like synthetic estrogen. It's a fucking landmine out there. It never ceases to amaze me how white people in general have failed to recognize the things I'm saying here and how they've failed to prepare their children. But often, the parents are victims of it, sometimes both of them. It's one of those things you have to have a united front against and that's very difficult when you have a mother that's an addict herself.

New-World-Ebola ago

lately i'm getting the impression that saving this world is like trying to polish a turd.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It's an insane thing to even think that way. I worry about me and my world.

holaymackal ago

The invention of the pill was the single point of failure of the entire western civilization. Everything hinges on this.

bonghits4jeebus ago

That's not a cat that can be put back in the bag. So what, we're just screwed?

tourgen ago

If you want a family become a mennonite, orthodox jew, muslim, or plan for your eventual assraping in family court.

bonghits4jeebus ago

You could just not get divorced or not get divorced until your kids are grown, like my parents did

SaxonWolfcock ago

Not only are they whores but they completely lie and misreprisent their sexual past when you first meet them. I remember finding things out about my ex girlfriend after dating her for two years, when her friend accidentally said something at a party drunk, that basically ruined the deal for me.

What the OP said is true. I don't want to stick my dick where another guys dick has been. Girls these days are fucking 5-10 guys before they turn 24.

shunpikah ago

More like a hundred.

16tons ago

Once you get married. They are the boss. The exact opposite of what it's been for millions of years. They can't handle it, blame you for that and rake you over the coals because of it. No matter how shitty a woman is, there's always some thirsty beta orbiting relentlessly, just waiting for the chance to put up with what ever shit she throws "his" way.

You think you're an alpha? Get married. Now SHE'S the alpha. If you built it to get her, now she can take half. Not only that, she can get spousal support on top of the half, so you wind up paying for her to go off and fuck someone else. Some guys get that last one for life. She cheated on you? Doesn't matter she's getting everything, just because she has a vagina. The worst part is these princess cunts think they deserve it all. They're entitled to your money and whatever cocks they want to shovel into their coal chutes. No remorse, No shame and No guilt from modern day system created she-demons.

Get a pre-nup. No spousal support. No taking half of what you built and if that bitch cheats no child support either. That's a breach of contract cunt. Let her parents and immediate family pay for creating this fucking beast and letting it loose on society. Having the tax payers pay for these civilization destroyers via the government needs to end. Let families keep their shit members in line.

We need to stop rewarding bad behavior in this country.


A pre-nup is not a solution. Most of them are thrown out by activist judges because they may not like the wording of a single sentence within the agreement or multiple other reasons. The only solution is to kill her

New-World-Ebola ago

everything in life is a risk... if you think you need a prenup... don't get married.

Inatehiggers ago

That's the problem dumbass. Nobody is getting married anymore because the risks are too high.

New-World-Ebola ago

go marry your dad then you gay nigger

tourgen ago

"Get a pre-nup. No spousal support. No taking half of what you built and if that bitch cheats no child support either. That's a breach of contract cunt. Let her parents and immediate family pay for creating this fucking beast and letting it loose on society. Having the tax payers pay for these civilization destroyers via the government needs to end. Let families keep their shit members in line."

False. Prenups will be thrown out of court immediately. Family court is fully feminist controlled.

Maddmartigan ago

Unless they find a way to void the agreement which is happening more and more now.

mrnicegoy ago

Well that's terrifying

xenoPsychologist ago

they can also find ways to consider you commonlaw married even if you didnt marry.

AlabamaNigger ago

Is that true

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DicklessAndAfraid ago

If you want to do it right, you kill them. When you get married you agree to spend the rest of your life together. If she cheats, then you kill her. Its that simple. And my god is it effective.

tokui ago

stop rewarding bad behavior

It's a multi-trillion dollar industry. It's gonna take Collective Genius or Collective Violence.

DamonAxemaker ago

Women are having a tough time meeting men. All those articles that talk about 'marriageable' men are written are referring to men that will put up with their behavior and atrocious past. Fewer and fewer are accepting it. Men are waking up and won't marry a cum rag.

New-World-Ebola ago

i honestly think "adulterers" should be killed.

scum that think they're beasts or cool for fucking a whole bunch of women should be executed.

all they've done is potentially ruin a bunch of women that could have been wives.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I could get on board with this. I've seen a lot of men blaming women for being whores and then bragging about banging tons of sluts. As if they have no control over where they put their dicks.

Deny sluts. Don't buy them drinks. Don't fuck them. Especially if you are an attractive man that these whores seek out.

If you are an attractive man your job is to marry an attractive woman and make pretty white babies.
Voat gets so mad at pretty young girls for wasting their youth riding the cock carousel but those cocks are attached to young men doing the same damn thing.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Personality of a cum rag.

Usernamenameuser ago

I met one yesterday who claimed to want a traditional wife and to raise a family. She's 25, and she brought up the topic, not me. She said this shit but I think it was all a show to get in my pants.

jimibulgin ago

there just aren't any women who want a traditional life here anymore.

Eh, there probably are, they just aren't interested in you. And I don't mean that as an insult, I just mean there is a supply and demand issue and you are somewhere below the market-clearing price.

tourgen ago

It doesn't fucking matter if they are traditional NOW. What about in 1 year? 3 years? 10 years? At some point if she decides she wants to trade up she will do it, cash out, take your shit, and move on. The law and society full supports and encourages this behavior. Shaming men to "man up" does nothing to address this situation.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

This is what most retards don't understand. Shit changes. The life you have today WILL NOT be the life you have in 10 years. Oh, and the vast majority of those "traditional marriages"—where the couple is together for say 50 years—are shitty marriages. In my line of work I talk to a lot of old widowed ladies and most are glad to be rid of their husbands. Life is suffering. There are no panaceas. Deal with it.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You don't know me, faggot. Supply and demand rules only work out reasonably when the market isn't fucked over by bullshit floors and ceilings. You'd be telling them the same thing about me, a guy who would be interested in them if I knew them.

Seriously, anyone who quotes text like this and then totally shits on you without context is probably a glow kike seeking to derail any meaningful conversation or debate.

DamonAxemaker ago

Leading up to our dates I had two different women that sent me photos of themselves covered in some other guy's cum. I guess they thought that was supposed to make them more attractive?

We never had those dates

BoraxTheFungarian ago

What the fucking shit?! Twice?!

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AR47 ago

No you bitching about it like a woman is the problem. So quick to find all the problems, and never offer a viable solution.

Just the vile cowardly jew is to blame fellow cucks....blame this mystical creature for all your woes and direct your anger because I have identified the problem....

You are the problem because YOU won't do anything to better yourself and influence a woman. You don't need to be a need to be a provider to yourself and to the family you want to make ....sure you may fuck up with your choice as I did pick yourself up and maybe have a few sport fucks...move along and determine where you went wrong and what the signs were so you can fix it.

Dwell on it and you are no better than the bitch that left you....she wins and you always remember her. Or you make something good of it.

BjornIronside ago

"…" is not how you end a sentence.

You write like a nigger, please learn to write like a human if you want to be taken seriously.

AR47 ago

I don't need you to take me seriously. I am of no authority, and I sure as hell shouldn't be any influence over you. You can take what I wrote and maybe use it or you can pick it apart like a bitch (which is what you did) and direct your impotent rage at me.

I don't care to tell you the truth........

BjornIronside ago

So, just another useless faggot.

AR47 ago

You don't need to think of yourself as useless. I am sure that there is plenty you can be of use for.

Ballast on a boat. That requires only your presence. So start there and use it as the springboard for greater things.......faggot.

BjornIronside ago

Is that what passes for clever in your tiny, semi-literate mind?

AR47 ago

No it was genuine. I am sure you saw it as a jab, but from your own admission or lack there of it was all I could come up with for you to expend the minimum amount of effort to feel accomplished.

Baby steps if you will.

BjornIronside ago


AR47 ago


You have yourself a better day than yesterday.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're a stupid cunt aren't you? full of assumptions and projections.

there is a serious lack of quality women just as there's a serious lack of working braincells in your thick head.

Angryelectrician ago

Forgive your mother.

New-World-Ebola ago

stick a fork in the powerpoint

Angryelectrician ago

listen man im being genuine. your anger comes from your mother's nature that raised you. forgive her and free yourself to become a man

New-World-Ebola ago

you're a fucking idiot.

Angryelectrician ago

we all are but that's no reason to harbor resentment for your mother that didnt know any better.

New-World-Ebola ago

bye shlomo

AR47 ago

I am in a happy relationship because I stopped bitching and started doing. Don't see me bitching about my marriage or family life.

There isn't a lack of good anything. There is the complete ignorance of how to get one is all.

Keep being miserable.

Too_The_Point ago

The lack of quality women is a direct reflection on the lack of quality men available.

Life is too easy, there are too many weak men.

New-World-Ebola ago

fair comment

malkafor ago

was gonna say this.

man the fuck up bitches.

AR47 ago

This is what you get when there is a generation of boys raised by women.....they adopt their ways and find all the shit wrong around them that they want to fix, and they never do. They just dwell on it and let it piss them off.

Angryelectrician ago

They need to forgive their mothers and overcome her nature to become men.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

So your solution is to just accept the problem? That's cuckery.

AR47 ago

No to accept it is to show about you be a man and change your life for the better?

Far as you going to go on a date with a resume and your current credit rating? Ask her for hers as well? Lol goddamn I can see your relationships going the distance.

Stop trying to assign yourself a value within what you percive everyone else can measure. That real woman....when your find them don't care about what you make, how big your dick is, or anything you can measure.

You find that right one....she will miss you when you are not around....she talk about you to her friends....not anything sexual but just how happy she feels.

Maybe to you it sounds like a fairy tale.

These ones that are just a receptical for your penis....why bother with that honestly? Seems very artificial in every way. Stop trying to find all the wrong with everything around you like a bitch...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Are you retarded? I asked a question in retort. Not because I didn't know the answer. I'm planting trees on Tuesday and I just bought two shotguns. I've applied to 5 jobs I'd really enjoy having while I'm working at my current job and I made 15% on the stock market in the last three months. A paltry sum, but a great proof of concept... I'm helping the folks avoid paying pet boarding fees by taking care of the dogs. I'm starting not only a mushroom club, but a mushroom lab in my basement, though these projects often fall om the backburner, and I've found over 200 pounds of high quality agates while hiking at least four miles daily in the last 5ish months (always with a dog of course). What have you done to improve your life?

My goodness you know me so well. I'm apparently a cold hearted small dick who rarely gets with women... If you want to know my one flaw, titrated down to the marrow... Well, up until now, it was laziness. It's not over, that battle. I get so goddamned tired that I let things sit a mess for too long. I let things slide especially where I figure my accountibility is least. Essentially, I know that God is least concerned with the state of my kitchen sink, though concerned nonetheless.

I lived my fairy tales and they died because I didn't know what the fuck to feed fairies.

AR47 ago

Yeah? All that and you can't find a good woman?

And you think they are the problem? Lol yeah it's all them I just know it!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You have solutions? Prove it.

AR47 ago

Prove it?

For what exactly...and how would I that you would be satisfied? Here is what you are......full of yourself and even worse is that you don't see it. A woman however will certainly see that, and you act as if your going for some job interview with all the shit you have done and what you have to offer.

Lol even the gold digger types don't care about all your talk and bravado with "I walk dogs, and bought some shotguns"

You are a try hard and quite frankly you are a complete asshole. Likely you talk down to a female and they can tell trust me. You speak to can you not know that? You think it was any different back in the early 2000s for me to find a wife?

I was simple and told her what to expect.....some said nope and some said yes. I reviewed my options and found the best for me....I didn't berate them for saying no and bitch about why.....I said whatever and yeah the one I chose was across the world.

My wife is from Australia..and now she ain't. Sure was a lot of bullshit here and there to get her to be able to come here, but so what?

10 years of marriage and I don't have problems which is obvious due to my history where I don't bitch about women....I bitch about niggers, and make others aware with well researched submissions and engaging content for the site.

Sure I shit post, but it's are just here to complain and whine about how you can't get your (adequate) dick wet. Lol so somehow you think I am the problem?

By the way.... almost anyone can buy a gun.....go make one and do something constructive as opposed to bragging about what you proud of something you created.

If you want some help I will help you out with that with my experience. Stop acting like you are something and actually be it.

Ain't a woman alive that doesn't find confidence the most attractive of all other things.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Lol, I saw you made a long postm I'm not reading it. Couldn't prove you have solutions. Waste of time.

AR47 ago

So I gave you solutions and you ignore them? Oooooook you have a better day.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I told you I wasn't gonna read it... You had marriage. No kids I suppose. Sounds like a eeg aussie biotch. Standard here too. Listen, were clashing where we should be collaborating.

My day has been great. I told a pastor, 3 dogs, a cat, 2 parents and 5 kids that I love them. I hope you find that same kind of joy.

AR47 ago

Alright I am gonna tell you a story skillet.

1998 I graduated boot camp and went to sub school in Groton CN and met my first wife while I was there. We didn't get married until I got to my command in Bangor WA. She traveled in a grayhound all the way from CN to Seattle and I thought that was love.

So I married her. Got base housing and shortly after I went to sea on my first patrol.

Now you may not know this but you can receive 10 teletype messages to whom you give them too. I gave my dad 5 and her 5. She didn't send me fucking one, and hey...I get that because it's difficult you know? Empathy and all.

Ships movement is she didn't know when we get home, but they have a good idea in the wives club. She never went to a single one so she wasn't there at dock. I went home and hid for like 45min before she got home.

Snuck out with roses and all that smiling and smelling like diesel and amine (particular smell only on submarines).

I get.....oh your home? That was it...shit seemed weird.

She gets a call and she is saying she can't come over, and that I was home...blah blah

She hangs up and says she has to go to Seattle. We lived in Bremerton....that is a hike. So I said I would go with her.

We didn't say a word the whole way there.....she was going to see this guy she said was her friend. A somalian refugee Muslim. (Pre 2001) so still a shit skin. I knew she would have friends most likely and I didn't feel a need to fuck with that.

So she goes into the hospital and I stay in the car. I start digging in the back and find this notebook.

Has pages and pages of I love (somalian refugee name) but AR47 is my husband......what do I do???????

Just over and over like some serial killer shit.

She comes back and well. I ain't right in the head. She asks wtf is wrong. I toss her the notebook.

Suddenly it's my fault and she says nothing else.

We get back home and hell breaks loose. She is screaming and yelling how I invaded her privacy with the notebook....then she says she fucked him and his they met (don't need to go into it) and how she is pregnant but it was mine.

Navy hospital says she got pregnant 2 weeks before or after I left.....she says her affair is over and it was mine she was sure. I pretty much know it's over but whatever I married her I should trust her....go back out to sea. Come home and she spits out a nigglet when we where both white.

I didn't say a word...went home took her shit and tossed it outside.

Her Muslim man comes over and I answer the door with a Magnum Research .50cal desert eagle in his eyeball socket telling him to leave or die....he leaves and military cops come.

Tell me I can't toss her shit as we are married and that I had to leave.

I get a happy shot at the base hospital and spend 3 days crying my eyes out on the submarine muzzle compartment upper level......a first class didn't know what happened and asks me if my wife spit out a black baby.

I don't remember hitting him.....I put him in a hospital. Broke his jaw and luckily I didn't have charges. Captains mast was nice and gave me 60d in the brig and reduction in rank. Busted to an E4 again I had just made E5.

I did another volunteer service and spent most my time doing things that I enjoyed.

The only easy day was yesterday, it pays to be a winner. I had to recite that day after day after day. You look that up and you will see a little about me.

You want to know the rest I will be happy to tell you.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I'll never understand those who betray good people. It's like they get possessed by demons, claiming the effort you're asking for is too much and then they spend multiple times more effort fucking you over. Unfortunately, I think women are targetted with brainwashing fantasues they aare very unaware of.

The lesson I'm gathering is, don't trust the words of a woman. See what she does.

AR47 ago

Not so much that you don't trust a woman....more that your going to get your heart torn out a few times.

Don't let it keep you bitter and full of hate, or even keep you from finding better.

Too_The_Point ago

Men still compete with eachother.

If you are waiting for a 'kumbaya' moment between men that will snap this world back toward it's traditional roots, you are the problem.

Be the change you want to see, that's all you can do. That's what all men should try to become.

Taking a backseat and blaming the world for problems you have is a female trait. The stance you put forward is exactly what is counted on by those who want to pervert society. Passive outrage.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Wtf? Are you retarded too?

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

Spot on and, in fact, this can rather conclusively be traced back to the introduction of the birth control pill.

boekanier ago

Wasn't it a jew who invented the 'pill'?

Eualos ago

Yup, shit is insidious. Also even if you do that makes you inferior quality too

ChiCom ago

There are no more whites in public.

I just poked my head out for a wild Saturday night to Tampa Applebees and it was at max capacity (with the bar and every other table roped off). Not a single white other than me and the bartender and manger.

Whites are so cucked they just disappeared entirely on command unless they are essential to serve the niggers.

MrBateman ago

Have you seen their physique ?

Helena73 ago

Have we seen females’s physique? Yeah I think so. At some point.

biscuitrage ago

That's only part of the issue.

4841400209 ago

Gloria Steinem started the women's equality movement in the 60's. She admitted years later she was paid by the CIA. This got women out of the house and working (more tax dollars), and destroyed the family.

YangGang1234 ago

I’d argue only incels hate slutty girls. I seek out the ones who are loyal sluts.

New-World-Ebola ago

does the CIA ever do anything good?

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Money is just the grease to turn the wheels. The Jews, through their control of central banking, can print an unlimited supply. The destruction of White families was the main goal.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Interesting. Where'd she admit that she was paid by the CIA?

4841400209 ago

Google her name with CIA and there will be lots of articles.

4841400209 ago

Tons of articles still out there. Surprised they weren't memory holed.

Mycathas9lives ago

Tons of articles out there. Surprised they haven't been googled.


4841400209 ago


Barukadoy ago

Shills dont look shit up for themselves they just parrot others.

4841400209 ago

First article was in a woman's magazine, maybe Harper's Bazaar or similar. But just googled it and there are still lots of articles about it:

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SadMacKabaam ago

Put out the fire before catching the arsonist.

Splooge ago

Not just more tax dollars, literally doubled the work force and halved wages for (((corporations))).

Paperstreet ago

Yup. That was goal.

blackzetsu ago

Women are great for some industries like healthcare and administration, but why do the majority need 2 work? Should be like 4 men to 1 woman.

Islam is right about family structure

Talmuhdick ago

Islam is right for a bunch of desert savages with poor impulse control.

We're better than that.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

No. Obviously not. You need orthodox Christianity or Islam to have a functioning society.

Talmuhdick ago

I didn't mention Christianity you snake.

4841400209 ago

Great documentary on this is Inequality for All featuring Robert Reich.

whyamIevenhere ago

Robert Reich the fucking commie?

4841400209 ago

Suppose so. None the less, can't deny his brilliance no matter how evil.

4841400209 ago

Wouldn't know. He did explain how corporations have changed over the decades with workers loosing retirements and CEO's getting wealthy.

blackzetsu ago

I hope ceos get big $, as long as workers getting competitively good money for their role too


Well, they usually don't anymore.

You sound libertarian.

Void0101010101 ago

The problem is not corporations as a whole, but the top 0.1% of corporations which make a business out of lobbying, intimidation, market manipulation, and crony capitalism.

Usually these businesses have a huge narcissist running the show, a huge amount of borrowed money/other peoples money, treat their workers like shit, and pay the top guys absolutely ludicrous salaries not in line with their value.

Also treating a worker like shit has nothing to do with pay, it involves not giving them a way to climb the ladder to a higher paid/more responsible position.

I'm a libertarian, but in many ways I agree with the communists out there - the system is rigged against the worker.

But at the end of the day, communism isn't the right solution to the problem - "the cure is worse than the disease"

Letting the guys at the bottom make all the money doesn't work either, it just shuffles the power to a different group of arrogant assholes.

4841400209 ago

Oh yeah, forget about that part.

New-World-Ebola ago

that picture satisfies the kike propaganda of "muh evil nazis" wanting to save their race.

the hood and ss symbol are completely unhelpful.

jewsbadnews ago

Brah, optics don't matter anymore, The Proud Boys proved the left hates the moderate alt-lites more than us.

beefartist ago

The way to fix it is to raise strong men who want to raise families

tourgen ago

and when she decides you are tapped out and she wants to trade up? Then what genius?

Phantom42 ago

Note how OP pointed out women, not men, are the issue.

Let's raise more cows! That'll stop the chicken shortage!

But you say "Well if there were strong men hurp durp they'd have a firm hand an shiet".

Not in the eyes of Western law. You hit a cunt, you're done. May as well kill yourself at that point. Or take as many as you can with you, that'd at least do some damage. The police and court of public opinion will have you crucified for even thinking about hitting "muh woman" (a whore isn't even a woman, much less a human).

So no, the answer is not to raise strong men, though it should be done regardless.

The answer is clear and simple. Whores will be quickly neutralized through means of lead injection. Recall that a whore can be "man" or "woman".

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Exactly. It amazes me how many times in my life(and I'm around 40, not in my 50s or 60s even) that I've seen guys talk shit about other men and then get royally fucked over and broken forever by their wife or just willfully ignore/deny that they are a cuck or that she dominates the marriage. I have a friend that reminds me of this fool. He's always talking shit about any guy going through a divorce, just reinforcing all this bullshit in our society but his wife is a fucking whore and a loud mouth and he takes pills to put up with her. He has become neurotic just like her and hard to be around because he gets shit on so much at home. He has no friends at all because no one wants to put up with him or his wife anymore. She still has all her friends. He makes quite a bit of money and I would bet a testicle she'll be taking it all in a couple of years in a divorce.

You cannot create a strong partnership or union or any situation where you lead when one person holds all of the power. The lady in a marriage holds all the keys. Almost every time she will take the kids and the house. In states with alimony almost every time she will get that. Almost every time she will get massive and ridiculous amounts of child support, for which you will get put in prison for if you don't pay it. I've seen statistics that 70% of women accuse men of molesting their kids during a divorce. I don't doubt it. Many times even if a guy has no criminal past, even if there was never a call to the cops, they'll accuse him of every crime and misdeed they can in court just hoping something sticks and they rarely, if ever suffer any repercussions for what can only be described as habitual lying.

The problem with marriage is the court system we have in place. Unfortunately, we have large lobby firms and several industries that have come to depend on this so I don't see any of it changing or even back tracking without a societal collapse. The only reason we're seeing any push back on it at all right now is because so many women are making more money than men and also gay marriage.

Phantom42 ago

All too true. Good wording.

If, by some act of God because that's what it'll take, I do decide to get married or whatever, it will be an "off the books" marriage that way should divorce ever come down the line I keep my shit that I worked for.

But I don't need to worry about any of that, because I won't be getting married. In all likelihood, the way things are going, we'll be in a civil war soon and chasing girls will be the last thing on my mind.

Granted, not like there's much to chase anymore. 😂

Intrixina ago

You don't even have to hit a whore to be done - she can just make shit up half the time.

Phantom42 ago

😂 True!

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Right because it is in a man's nature to protect a woman and women are more social than men so it's in their nature to listen to a lady and spread the gossip or the 'good word' that she puts out. In almost all break ups you'll see the guy lose the majority of mutual friends and almost always the kids side with he mom because it is their nature, just like it's in everyone else's nature to be more sympathetic to the female.

beefartist ago

Why would you need to hit a woman you faggot? Also would you really kill yourself if you were charged with such a thing? I can't imagine a bigger advertisement for being a pussy...I would expect the women around you to be committing suicide at the least or fucking niggers if you are the kind of man handy.

Phantom42 ago

Why would you need to hit a woman you faggot?

Well they sure as fuck aren't listening to us asking or telling. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Holy shit how is this so hard for you to see... Violence is not the answer, it is the question. The answer has been yes for a very long time, friend.

Oh, and if you hit a stupid cunt that throws her holes to every guy around or dick to every girl around you've not even hit a human. That is a whore. Whores are beneath humans. They cannot reside among us. We are superior. They are inferior. Act accordingly and see the world in this way and you will understand exactly what I am saying.

Also would you really kill yourself if you were charged with such a thing?

Your life will be over thanks to the jewish court system which will be all too happy to charge you with a hate crime and strip you of all assets while running your name into the ground on national television.

Helena73 ago

When Im queen Im going to make you the whore catcher.

New-World-Ebola ago

with what women? the majority of women today are fucking whores.

jimibulgin ago

The way to fix it is to raise strong women who want to raise families

jewsbadnews ago

My friend got lucky enough to marry a 8/10 redhead virgin, both of them are in their early 20s. Lucky bastard better not ever leave her.

mrnicegoy ago

Yep it seems like you either met your wife young/in school or you lose


Luck had nothing to do with it.

jewsbadnews ago

Finding a good looking virgin in today's world is fucking luck, R-tard.


Sure sure. It's all luck. Keep beating your pud and claiming it's all luck.

Meanwhile, dudes that know any luck is the "luck" they create themselves will keep marrying the good women out there and have boatloads of babies.

tokui ago

They'll divorce, odds are against them.

thatguyiam ago

Raising stigma against divorce helps this.

SpiritExpedition ago

The numbers are deceiving. They say 50%of marriages end in divorce. That makes it sound like there's a 50% chance of your marriage failing. But the truth is repeat divorcées get counted each time. So people who get married and divorced 3,4,5 times wreak their havoc on the "average". Plus niggers are considered human in these statistics and I think we can all guess how successful their marriages are.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

That's a great point on divorce recidivism.That definitely skews the numbers in a way I hadn't considered.

beefartist ago

Bullshit. They are desperately seeking strong male leadership

CaesarisAstrum ago

Yeah they are and as a result they’re vapid hypergamous cunts

redsfan277 ago

desperately seeking a CHAD...

You wanna become a chad? take a the time you get chad status the line has been moved again forward

beefartist ago

More excuses from faggots who aren't willing to put in the get what you fucking deserve. I don't really know what a fcuking chad is but I probably am one...let me guess...masculine male with two parents (as opposed to a single mom) who women are attracted to? Can read a book and kick your shit in? Has a fucking awesome beard that makes women ovulate...? You can have all that shit you are just too afraid to try and fail.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno. But my overriding impression of you here at least is that you're a major asshole who'd likely get his shit kicked in if he dated treat people offline the way you do offline. Are women attracted to that? Maybe so. Honestly, it doesn't take a lot of effort. But it does take assertiveness. Women don't typically fall into a guy's lap - and I strongly suspect these guys have unreasonable expectations. They certainly are head cases - even compared to you, sadly.

Harry_Areola ago

Face pubes do not make women ovulate. It makes the wretch.

beefartist ago

Trying to mock them by calling them face pubes(I prefer big boy hairs) shows you don't know a damned thing

Harry_Areola ago

I know that in the social circles I am in a beard immediately marks you as low rent trash. Women find it repulsive.

beefartist ago

How many abortions do you think there have been in your "social circle".

letsgoallthewhey ago

Maybe so but they're going about it the wrong way. Fucking three or four guys on a weekend, spreading their legs for everyone on the internet to see, "finding themelves" through 30 or 40 or 80 sex partners is not the way to do it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Spreading their legs on the internet for thousands or millions of men is a form of advertisement. Means they get more offers, expand their mating pool. Prudes seem unable to get beyond the shock of the sheer whoredom of women doing it - or maybe are titillated but are unable to take advantage? Dunno. Massive numbers of sexual partners is something I'm more agnostic about but if a woman is masturbating on the internet it should inspire no special disgust.

Inatehiggers ago

This is the most jewish thing I've ever read.

Joe_McCarthy ago

In the kook worldview isn't the 'Jewish' perspective more to encourage 'white genocide', to try and deter white couple formation and white babies from being born? That's what you guys do.

Of course in reality Jews couldn't care less if you breed or not - and are not even a particularly significant competitor for white females. But just sayin'.

beefartist ago

Get there can't finger bang your way through your teens and 20's and then demand purity

New-World-Ebola ago

for now

New-World-Ebola ago

beta cucks are not real men.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Christcucks will stop you.

Rabbi Yeshua says they have to sacrifice themselves for Jews.

Oh well, eh?

Helena73 ago

Gee that went over big.

New-World-Ebola ago

say a prayer to judah and jewsus for your blasphemy goy

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

We should all strive to be like Saint Joseph.

ggolemg ago

Absolutely correct.