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Armpit_and_Ass ago

I unsubbed from it a long time ago.

First, the entire site is v/niggers.

II, like much of voat, when there's nothing current to talk about, it's just recycled news stories and stale memes from the time of dinosaurs.

C. The entire site is v/niggers.

SparklingWiggle ago

So you love niggers?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Clearly. Because not wanting to be bored to death with the same tired trayvon memes that I've had saved on my hard drive since 2012 and keep reading and re-reading and re-reading the AmRen articles about the guy that taught in niggerville schools and/or the lawyer that worked with niggers all the time is something that all nigger lovers have in common.

Truthfully, this whole site is like sealing yourself in a giant tupperware container and trying to stay alive by breathing recycled farts. And once in a while @TREDDITFIRST or @alexmark or @fanabba or @fluxusp or @USAConservative or anyone else I'm forgetting will pop the lid real quick and drop a fresh steamy log in there for you. Nothing but stale memes, facebook-tier garbage, spammers spamming spam, and the other fifty people all tripping over each other to be the first to submit the latest twitter link or breitbart article.

But 8/pol/ is gone, 4/pol/ is completely unusable for anything other than shitflinging in its current form, 9/pol/ has hardly any activity, the rest of the clearweb imageboards are honeypots, and nobody gives a shit about tor or netzero or whatever the fuck.