MadJack ago

The Coalfax page started on 9chan:

Tallest_Skil ago

Scared of what? What’s anyone going to do with these lists? We’ve had lists of jews and traitors for decades. What became of them?

Hydrogenoff ago

Don't forget about "coincidence detector" plugin:

And site:

anticlutch ago

If your second attempt gets kiked again you should just make a torrent and a new torrent with submitted updates however many days/updates. That way people can

<screencap of list-view folder structure>

choose to download for their state, their city, their college or whatever flag is used such as "toll paid" "Tennessee" "cucks" "traitors" etc.

The naming convention would be complicated. But could be done easily with just filename and folder structure.


|girls/Amanda Pendelhaven - toll paid - Texas - University of Austin - tag#3 - tag#4


|cucks/name#1 - tag#1 - tag#2

|cucks/name#2 - tag#1 - tag#2

My suggestion to him. This was his reply;

There are many suggestions like this. Going to the deep web, I see others are making a blockchain. These are more secure, but at the same time coalfax blew up because it's was on the normie web. In my opinion all these others attempts won't generate even 5% the traffic coalfax did.

calfahul ago

More important than making them scared, we need a record of who has espoused anti-white/anti-male/pedophilic/etc. views so that when a separation happens these people are not allowed to come crawling back into our culture. Doesn't matter if "it was the popular thing to say at the time, I just did it for the updoots". No. You tweeted support for white genocide on Twitter, you get to live the rest of your life with them, period.

Berichonbegone ago

There needs to be a decentralized effort of patriotic citizens who quietly dispose of the trash without getting caught. This would strike more fear into the hearts of our "leaders" than anything else. If you have no job and no children, then what the fuck are you waiting for? It's about as bad as it will ever be RIGHT NOW, plus you are being encouraged to hide your face.

waringi ago

This is what Ive been saying. (((They))) fear nothing else as much as sunlight. Shine it on them and watch them scatter. I still have Dissenter.

When everyone exposes their tricks from the federal government to the local dog catcher, the E.U. to local lawyer, they cant hide anymore.

Xmarduk ago

Block chaining general forms of online data... I thought it was for Bitcoin and crypto currency.... is there a particularly suggested resource to learn about this?

KikesOnTrikes ago

Can you fags at least triage your fucking lists? Like isn't there a few more pressing issues that roasties right now?

dayofthehope ago

this thread glows. @gerberlyfe2 is cia

gerberlyfe2 ago

i get where you're coming from but alas I dont glow

honk_atcha_boi ago

Can someone explain this terminology to me?

NotPolice ago

Just do a basic internet search. The quest for knowledge is half the fun.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Ok so I found out that its a type of sedimentary rock.

NotPolice ago

Try glownigger!

honk_atcha_boi ago

A dark sedimentary rock usually found in the african and american continents.

gerberlyfe2 ago

A glownigger is a CIA agent or otherwise a fed. The term comes from someone who said that agents glow in the dark AKA they are easy to detect.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Ha! That's pretty funny.

.. now put your hands on your head, slowly, and get down on your knees.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Do you hold the faggots hand faggot?

Bottled_Tears ago

This needs to happen. Make the traitors know. They live off of our income and breath from our labor. They are nothing but puppateers. They're worse than immigrants. They don't only gain off our taxes, they profit from it.

crazy_eyes ago

I seem to remember a coast guard man who had a list a year or so ago who was imprisoned for having a list

albatrosv15 ago

It's interesting how government agents can make their lists, but we can't. Let's turn the tables.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Thats a very interesting take.

facepaint ago

One problem with "lists" is that assholes will falsely stuff names in there to go after people they personally dislike, rather than have a true list. It is a known admitted tactic, that if a certain tribe cannot scare someone into silence by calling them an anti-semite, that they will switch up their tactic and accuse the individual of being a Jew.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Lists can come in handy.

Throwawayx123 ago

If JIDF had any sense of the rules they'd see their desperate shitposting is a strategic weakness. Exploratory enumeration doesn't require massive storage. Every build starts with planning. Great post.

GeneralDisposition ago

Agreed. The average club bro would take coalfax seriously. Then he'd find dindu-enclave for areas to avoid. Antifaspot(anti American) would teach him hair styles and clothe choice to be wary of. Make it happen.

theshopper ago

Data analysis for the every man...

generate ago

Which blockchain do you want to use?

obvious-throwaway- ago

I had to buy more storage for the sheer volume of my meme collection.

Grask1901 ago

What is a block chain?

Helena73 ago

Also you

There should be antiboomer software for people like you


ichlibejuice ago

iT iSnT faSCiSm iF It BeNeFitS mE

alalzia ago

Coalfax was not needed, 9/10 of those girls will end up singe mothers of a mutt that will be their world and only cucks & betas will associate with them . Making a webpage for all those disasters shows like someone gives a fuck when they shouldn't .

MOGA ago

It's that other 10% (closer to 40% imo) that's spreading STDs and niggrifying any potential children from micro-chimerism that there is a legitimate need to be wary of. The social shaming is just a side bonus.

honk_atcha_boi ago

micro-chimerism? What the fuck is that?

raisinade ago

When a woman is pregnant some cells from the fetus actually make it through the placenta into her bloodstream and survive in her body, so it's possible to find trace amounts of genetic material from the fetus/the child's father. It doesn't affect a woman's eggs though, those are formed when she is a fetus still in the womb, so it has no effect on the genetic makeup of additional children.

Cantankerous0 ago

There's also an exchange of the microbiome even if there is no pregnancy. The microbiome is 60% of human body weight. It's a big part of who we are.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Yeah. I've seen some incel bullshit over on reddit about how once a man cums inside a woman all of her future children will have traces of his dna. Which is what I'm assuming what goat MOGA was referring to.

New-World-Ebola ago

people need to have their own sites and social media profiles on every platform to mirror coalfax when it goes back up, so even if they crash the main site, the profiles will be spread everywhere regardless... and then someone needs to compile a coalburner torrent with all of their information. A massive coalburner shame folder.

New-World-Ebola ago

seeing a filthy fucking nigger with an Aussie girl was unheard of several years ago and it would cause EVERYONE to stare in disgust.

now it's almost a daily thing to see a mudshark... it's almost as if some of them are (((paid))) to go out and exhibit themselves as much as possible.

Ocelot ago

White men are wrapped up in white despair, faggotry and weakness, the women sense this and that combined with the incomprehensible level of racemixing propaganda is causing the numbers of race traitors to increase quite a bit. It all comes down to Jews. They're also responsible for wrecking the family unit and giving women near-total power over men through divorce rape and such, thus further driving white men away thus worsening the problem.

It's der Jude. It's always der Jude.

prairie ago

No need to make them afraid (threats), just stop interacting with them. Make them not a part of your life or business.

raisinade ago

Yeah, just keep doing what hasn't worked over the last 60 years, what the fuck is wrong with you?

prairie ago

I thought that the point was that publicly documenting their degeneracy allows whites to avoid them. Then the bimbos realize that their sluttry will cost then.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Running away does seem to be what whites do best lately...

TheKnightOfGod ago

We can start on ZeroNet

CoCayne469 ago

I have a domain, and hosting. But I only know so much coding. Anywhere I can learn to make a easy form for entering for like coalfax? Wordpress isn't that secure or I'd use wpforms.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Blockchain is not at all necessary - text documents like lists are already uncensorable.

What WILL be accomplished is you'll create a vector for regulating blockchains. Don't help the jews for such a small goal. Blockchain is not an answer for censorship it is an answer for trusted third-party. That has utility within this entire coalfax discussion but if you want to make lists you just need to post them in a LOT of places and they'll last forever. Text files are incredibly resilient - you can even print them.

Rizzo9000 ago

and get caught with them and get a redflag doorknock...

Empire_of_the_mind ago

put a mask on, coward

BlowjaySimpson ago

put a mask on, coward

Say that again, but slower this time.

Rizzo9000 ago

sure provocateur

Fancy451 ago

I concur.

ChiCom ago

LBRY is sooo slow. Is there something better?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

better for what? You can make a list and share it using nearly every function on the internet.

the work to be done is to make the lists - get after that. once you have a list worth sharing come back and ask for advice.

ChiCom ago

It's the permanency of the Blockchain that we're after.

I am better for engineering the tech that can crowdsource the list and ensure it can't be shoah'd than building lists.

I was asking in case someone already knows (always ask first) but I'm going to look into it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

i think the information gathering and presentation is far more important and I see an obsession with the infrastructure being an impediment to that. Once we have info worth protecting that becomes more interesting, but for now those lists don't exist. We can all get started on them today without waiting for some new coding project to be completed.

The blockchain idea that came out of coalfax has to do with certifying individuals as a trusted third-party, so like if someone's a whore you can put it in the permanent record or otherwise if they're cool. This is useful when doing reviews of people and helps to mitigate issues with that, but stuff like just making lists of names and ethnicities of politicians does not require that as the information is commonly verified through documentation and other means.

ChiCom ago

I want to put together something that pulls all the documentation together so we know who and why for certain.

The first thing the kikes will try to do is weaken the integrity of the lists. Subversion and infiltration is what they're best at.

Commiefornication ago

You need BOTH

superspathi ago

Democrats. All of them.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

I agree entirely. When you name names it really raises the stakes for the anti-europeans. They have enjoyed spitting on us with impunity, a little push back will make all the difference in the world.

SearchVoatBot ago

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XSS1337 ago

Jared Polis - Governor of Colorado

Red flag laws , before that was high capacity mag ban killing local mom and pop shops and costing jobs, now it is covid19 lockdown.

This kike is a faggot and has plenty of soft targets ready for enrichment.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

What happened to CO is incredibly sad, and it all happened so quickly.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

David abbot- Governor of Texas--Made it illegal to boycott Israel.

Stubbabubba ago

I still don't understand how this works. If I choose to boycott Israel and not give them anything, how would they even know? How is this enforced? Or do they mean you can't publicly display your boycott of Israel? Lol

NotPolice ago

Basically it can’t enter into your official policy. Since it can’t be your official policy (and in many ways this was only aimed at city/county governments), you can’t penalize an employee officially for doing this. You can’t teach it as proper procedure, since you’ll risk a whistleblower. You can’t proclaim the boycott of Israel, which is what would let people care about it...

In the ways that let you actually carry out the boycott, you’re neutered. Buttfucked. Royally screwed. It’s an insidious form of law where they can claim they’re not stepping on individual rights, but only regulating commerce and government, which is prooooooper. Say that last word with a girly simper.

Stubbabubba ago

Oh I gotcha. They always have a way to frame things to make it seem like they are doing good. I fucking hate kikes.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

What does the law outlaw?

XSS1337 ago

Saying the hall of cost was fake.

Removing Jewish politicians

Saying Jews run the world.

Then they take your pension....

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Do you know the name of the bill/law?

XSS1337 ago

Colorado Governor Hickenlooper has signed HB 16-1284 into law) HB 16-1284 would require the state pension fund to create a blacklist of for-profit entities that boycott Israel, and would require the pension fund to divest from blacklisted entities and prohibit it from making future investments in blacklisted entities.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Jfc...... how the hell has that law not been challenged? It is completely unconstitutional. Not like the government gives a shit about that , but still, they're at least supposed to pretend like they care about the constitution. Thanks tho man. I do appreciate it.

XSS1337 ago

The Jew has legislation everywhere .... like 15k page documents in a foot note written in Yiddish.

This is why we must kill the Jews and destroy Israel for the Palestinian people.

1917 Balfour Declaration implemented in 1947.

AttackHelicopter ago

You left out "the kike genocide of Palestinians in their own lands."

MOGA ago

At this point it is more difficult to find a state that doesn't have a anti-BDS law. AIPAC is sure as shit getting their money's worth