GameBOB64 ago

They shut it down.

James123123 ago

Lol you faggots are so offended by who blonde bimbo teens fuck. So unbelievably pathetic and loserish. HahaHaha. Hahahahaha

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Notice the imagery?

Top two girls show only 1 eye and the eye is painted like egyptians.

Uncle_Slob ago

So they posted pictures of coalburners because people were posting pictures of coalburners? I think that plan is too smart for me.

Usernamenameuser ago

The objective of this website is to further separate white men and women.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Hrm ... sort of plays into the theory that it’s been a Jew operation from the start. But either way, it’s a good idea and should spread to other categories like web cam models, porn stars, etc

Intrixina ago

What makes me laugh the most about this is that the one who did this, does the usual leftist go-to of "YOU'RE JEALOUS HURRRRRRRR".

No, people against racemixing aren't "jealous", quite the contrary in fact.

Twodivinehipsters ago

"Shrimp dicks." Has this person ever met anyone with Nordic, or Dutch descent? Like the tall white people who are usually over 6'? Call one of them a shrimp dick and they'll laugh at you. And for those women obsessed with numbers, their average IQ isn't considered retarded either. It's like these women don't care at all how their kids turn out.

Intrixina ago

It's classic projection tactics from those who know what a "shrimp dick" looks like, having got one themselves, so they assume that everyone else has the same.

New-World-Ebola ago

the admin needs to step up his game and have better security than that

New-World-Ebola ago

if only the hackers could be traced.

slit their throats

hambcinco ago

I would never try and convince a white woman not to go with a black man. If they cannot make that decision on their own then they are not intelligent enough to breed with anyway. No loss.

everlastingphelps ago

If she had any mirrors in those shots, you would be able to see that tollbooth she's coming up on.

andrew_jackson ago

If you or one of your friends wants to get this back online, I can do a free security audit for you. I'm a pretty good hacker.

Shotinthedark ago

And they post a bunch of coal burners. Isn't that counter productive?

AfricanZionSafari ago

The only white women who fuck niggers have personalities so awful that any respectable white man would never bother with them. These cunts don't bother with desperate beta white guys, so they fuck niggers because they assume all niggers worship white women and they can treat the nigger like their little pet and he will just put up with it because he can never do better.

This is why so many white women get murdered by their nigger boyfriends. They get sick of putting up with the white bitches treatment and stab her to death.

The women in the pictures in this post are barely average and caked with makeup like straight up hookers.

0011000100100111101 ago

a jew is running coalfax i guarantee it

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Lol my buddy recognized the girl and the story I put up and confronted me about it today through text. Tried to shame me about it and asked where my hatred of black people came from.

I said it's been there since I was little. I was forced to grow up around them. I'm done pretending everything is cool

Wolfspider ago

They have done a good job at showcasing the mental illness of those girls, that's about it.

dadudemon1 ago

Send me a PM if you want me to harden your systems against the hackers. I do not work for free: not even close.

themasterrace ago

Eternal war with the shitskins and their Jew overlords...

Satisfying to be on the perpetually winning side

DanielR ago

How IRONIC that they completed the coal fax by sharing pics of every coal burner in existence XD

Kingleopold2 ago

Good for those jewish girls. So beautiful to see empowered jewish women turning away from racism embracing diversity. Every time you see miscegenation, say the girl is jewish and praise her progressiveness. After all, unlike those racist whites, jewish women are tolerant and progressive, right? Meme this into normie consciousness and watch depictions of coal burning evaporate. Always turn the golem and their masters against each other.

TheyLie ago

Fellow Jewish people...

whatisbestinlife ago

why do they want to take it down? be proud! put this on your resume. you probably count as a diversity hire now. you could be ceo of google in 5 years

TheyLie ago

I'll be glad if they parade it around proudly so I can easily identify who to avoid

Floppyhorsecock ago

the last thing I am jealous of is a disgusting whore who would allow a nigger to violate her.

this site is about making sure you DONT get one of those, not shaming them into returning to whites that do not want them anymore.

I have been married 20 years and if I found out or believed for half a second my wife had even been on a date with a nigger I would dump her that second.

Bottled_Tears ago

The fuck is gov doing spending money to take shit like this down but child shit is rampant online. Thieves and pedos.

HeebSlayer ago

Pretty sure the "gov" is responsible for the majority of CP on the net.

ComradeUseless ago

is this the kind of woman white men want anyway? to feel bad that they are hooked on blacks

tanukihat ago

Remember: If you're taking flak, you know you're over the target. Bombs away!

beefartist ago

Are you sure the kangs didn't just get all bizzay on their flippity flaptops?

Ghetto_Shitlord ago


Plant_Boy ago

Good to hear they're interested in contributing!

anticlutch ago

Any pics/vids of those girls actually fucking a nigger?


No there never is.

Those are girls farming virtue points and likely money from jewcucks off of whatever site. Or straight up jews out of Tel Aviv stole the photo and PSed it.

It doesn't happen.

It doesn't happen. I've looked into this and went on twitter to check these girls like in the pic and you'll find two thing;

1 - the girl with a tshirt that totally says "teamnigger" on it.

2 - (((blacked))) clips.

3 - never the girl in question with a nigger.

Pro-tip 2 != 3, don't do this research on your own. It's disgusting.

aikibiru ago

Jews are in all-out war with us but very few goyim seem to even know it.

gerberlyfe2 ago

On /pol/ they are assembling a blockchain coalfax that can't be censored.


not found. new link?

gerberlyfe2 ago

Jannies nuked it at 200 replies, they don't like coalfax. There's a /biz/ thread talking about it though.

Intrixina ago

That's 404'd too.

joder666 ago

Damn jannies will forget tending their scar working this hard to take those down.

Shadowlight ago

Jews hate thot patrolling

BentAxel ago

Easily gotten around. Niggers are just accessing the from end ports. Fucking reboot that machine wipe that shit clean. Nigger level hacking. If coalfax didn't have a dev version to port over then they are dumber than the niggers.

bitbug ago

Ahahaha! They defaced it by posting more coalburners??

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andrew_jackson ago

Yup. Offtopic - Most of the girls in the pictures are Jewish.

Cat-hax ago

Wait some nigger thinks I'm mad about racemixing whores? I find it funny that a white woman must lower herself to the level of a nigger.

Sheetz ago

So why did they allow it to be hacked? Was it really that hard for it to not be hacked?

awildbanannaphone ago

The simple fact for me is that if CoaFax were a reliable source I (and i am sure many others) would use it for its intended purpose.

NarrativeControl ago

You know it's a kike because it's asking for money right away

AnotherGrayman ago

Chuckled at this.

Tandemlee ago

Add all those girls to the coalfax registry once it is back up.

WD_Pelley ago

So they think we're jealous when they're the ones who pulled this? Yeah OK, sure.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

What they don't realize is that they've now opened the door. Coalfax will be back, or another iteration of it, and it will be bigger than before with way more submissions and way more attention paid to it.

These Jews, and all their brainwashed degenerate sheep are pushing too hard too fast still. They've already crossed the line, but now they're accelerating. Good. It will bring about even faster an open season on killing Jews, niggers, spics, faggots, transfaggots, feminists, etc.

I'm looking forward to killing as many of those degenerate fucks as humanly possible.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

cut the grass lol

make it sexy

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

"Kill the Jews" is a tired and, by default, flawed statement.

People always interpret that as "just the adults".

No. Enough with that half-measure.

Kill every single last Jew. Including Jewish children and Jewish babies.

Shotinthedark ago

You're glowing agent

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I wear my "glow nigger" accusations as a badge of pride. It means my rhetoric is juuuuust the right amount of "fuck you, you motherfucking kikes".

Shotinthedark ago

No not really

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

sure... sure billy.

whatever you say billy.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Anytime, Goldbergencohenstein.

tastywhitemeat ago

They think those are pretty white girls and that based white men are jealous that they suck black dick? They are so far off target.


It’s like when people say “You’re just afraid of gays. I bet you wanna suck dick.”

It’s not fear. It’s disgust.

joder666 ago

The same as "how do you know you don't like if have not tried it" that only really weak minded and low iq people fall for.

Have you tried a guillotine to your neck? No, so how do you know you don't like your head attached to your body if you haven't.

Humansized ago

the only fear i have of gays is that they will donate their diseased blood or that they will harm children.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

The only person afraid of gays is other gays. Domestic abuse is endemic in the faggot community.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Homo-apostrophia maybe? Homo-aidia? I dunno, if we're sticking with Greek here:

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Right? They have no idea that it's not about jealousy. It's about an innate hatred embedded in the very core of our consciousness.

Gorillion ago

The push-back against Coalfax was off the charts. The flak came fast and hard.

Crikes ago

Anything put on the web was meant to be controlled by the slavers. If you want to communicate in a way relatively free from slaver controlled, you've got to think decentralized.

Heard anything about end to end encryption lately?

RoBatten ago

Yeah, they're trying to pass a law to put in a backdoor to that . . .

Crikes ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, and the criminal legal tender "laws" that enable it, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

"What is least corruptible?" Principles, individuals, and maybe some of this stuff.

Smallest_Skil ago

so whats up with coalfax. Will it be back? I cant buy a woman without a coalfax report.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

yes, sir; this beauty right here has only been with one man.

Show me the coalfax.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



It's funny that they want to pretend people using coalfax are jealous. They want to delude themselves into believing that the site is used by womanizing racists to identify which women they should not sportfuck.

The actual reason that site exists is to warn men who want to find a good wholesome wife and mother for their children, that the women listed do not share their values. If whores were honest and upfront about their pasts then there'd be no reason for coalfax to exist.

yewotm8 ago

They inherently do not understand disgust because they cannot feel it. It's supposed to stop you from race-mixing, homosexuality, transfaggotry, and so on, but they are just defective persons. I'm pretty sure at this point it's a hardware issue.

Commiefornication ago

I"m probably in the minority here, but I think is MOSSAD controlled oppo - it has all the hallmarks of an online op based on historical evidence. Remember that was 'shut down' by the feds and turned out to be a MOSSAD run website. I do hope I"m wrong though.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Yeah well hopefully it backfires. We’ll now have a slew of copycat sites from all different platforms and admins. And the word will get out faster about racemixing and Jew propaganda

Commiefornication ago

As much as I'm anti-miscegenation, I think we have bigger fish to fry with forced vaccinations, ZOG/NATO military preparing for communist-style mass murders, 5G, Chemtrailing the fuck out of our skies, fluoridated water causing cancer and lowering IQ, Agenda 2030, 'resilient cities', etcc...race mixing is a convenient distraction for the goyim.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

This is the consequence of losing the culture war when it comes to white genocide and race mixing. it's a big redpill.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

yes, but remember at the core of all of the things you describe is:

(1) destroy white civilization

(2) destroy white history

(3) destroy white race and gene pool

(4) obtain full totalitarian control over the remaining races.

We're literally the only thing standing in their way so exposing racemixing propaganda is a great redpill.

obviously it's not as urgent, but equally or more important because of the long term consequences at risk here.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

The actual reason that site exists is to warn men...

Absolutely false.

This battle has nothing to do with men whatsoever [other than it's the patriots of CoalFax.Ru fighting the code-writing assassins of the JIDF].

The Common Sense which fuels your thinking emanates from your Amygdala.

But the hypnotizable shabbos goysiche cattle of the Frankfurt School have very weak [and largely non-functioning] Amygdalae; instead, their shitlib thoughts are propelled by the Muh Feelz which emanate from their shitlib Insulae.

And for at least a century now, the Frankfurt School has had an unchallenged monopoly on the psychological massaging of the shabbos goyische shitlib Insula.

But a site like CoalFax.Ru is a double edged-sword being wielded in defiance of the Frankfurt School: On the one hand, CoalFax.Ru cuts right through the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"/"Driving Miss Daisy"/"Pulp Fiction" race-mixing psychological warfare campaigns of the Frankfurt School, and attacks the Muh Feelz of the young White girls' Insulae [by showing them that race-mixing with Chimpanzees ends in disaster for White girls], and, on the other hand, the raw naked hideousness of the pictures & stories at CoalFax.Ru will also tend to activate the young White girls' Amygdalae into a sense of disgust & revulsion & psychological nausea at the idea of being saddled with half-human half-chimpanzee abominations for the remainder of their lives.

Furthermore, once a site like CoalFax.Ru gains some momentum in the cultural ZeitGeist, the site will alter the tenor of prevailing social norms, and suddenly it will no longer be chic to date a chimpanzee, but rather it will become a mark of dishonor which will banish a young White girl from the toniest cliques in society.

And the Frankfurt School simply cannot allow that to happen.

Whats_my_password ago

You capitalize things inappropriately.

Fuckyounigger ago

There is this one easy trick I know to make sure the girls tell the truth about their past. “Have you ever fucked a nigger?” In a calm and collective manner... wait for the overwhelming emotions to flood their mind and if the overwhelming doesn’t happen and she remains calm she isn’t worried and you shouldn’t be too because one she’s used to hearing the word nigger and two she didn’t fuck a nigger because she isn’t embarrassed by what you said. Works every time Goys

fightknightHERO ago

I swear by this method, filtered out so many burners and crypto-jewesses

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I can vouch for this method. Highly recommended.

500five ago

You could do the opposite route, and tell how progressive you are, and get her to admit how progressive she is.

Usernamenameuser ago

Being manipulative is how women behave.

500five ago

That is why you might have to play that tactic. Might is the key word, depends on person and situation.

Women are capable of lying pretty well and can easily convince themselves they never nigger fucked after fucking niggers.

Usernamenameuser ago

I won't ever play that tactic, its not part of my moral code. I am an "honesty is the best policy," kind of dude.

So what if you pull out this tactic and her answers are to your liking? You tell her you were lying? Then she will think that your either a manipulative liar, or she'll think you are supplicating to please her. Both are no good as women won't nothing to do with a phony.

There are many things that I want to know about a woman before I am even considering her sexual past. Does she want views?now? What role did her father play in her life? What are her political and religious vi

500five ago

Enjoy your nigger fucking women. Your lady probably fucked nigs and you don't even know it.

andrew_jackson ago

You're a bad person if you treat people like this.

500five ago

If you ask her straight up, she could lie to you and you wouldn't even notice it. Then you'll be fucking a nigger fucker.

Intrixina ago

The whole point is to out those who think using the word "nigger" is racist.

If a woman you're vetting doesn't have a problem with the word, then you've vetted them to at least not be a leftist fuckwit, which means that values-wise they are at least somewhat compatible.

500five ago

No guarantee that'll work. She is capable of reading you very well, if you say nigger, then she knows that she needs to hide her nigger past as she would lose you. She can easily lie just as well, or far better than you.

Intrixina ago

There's no guarantees on anything in life, however someone who coalburns will more often than not out themselves if you use the word "nigger" especially if you keep using it.

500five ago

Make no mistake, I am not saying don't use the nigger question. But realize once you use the direct method, you pretty much cannot use any other indirect methods.

Intrixina ago

Why would you want to use "indirect methods" though? A dealbreaker is a dealbreaker - if they like niggers, they are turfed. If they are being shifty about their past history this often means they were with a nigger, which again means they get turfed. Don't waste your time on trash.

andrew_jackson ago

Yup. What's worse is that 500five seems to be one of those people who demands rigorous honesty from those around him, yet displays enough entitlement to think that he should be allowed to to lie to people in order to solicit confessions. As though he's some sort of permanent undercover cop. What's more is that he seems to assume he's got substantial abilities to detect deception, which is somewhat rare. Overconfident.

This is all the makings of a bad person.

500five ago

Never said you had to lie to someone. You can steer a conversation, depending on the mood and environment, of the 'wild' things she has done. Doesn't even need to be that direct, but small subtle questions or jokes over time. There are many other questions instead of asking for her 'wildness'.

If you say nigger up front and ask the question, she may already be ready to put on a straight face and claim she's never nigger fucked. She could spend just as much time on that as she does posing in the mirror for a camera smile. Now that coalfax is out, many females may just be preparing for that question.

Also, what do you do if you ask the nigger question and she confidently says no. You believe it, because as you said no one has that "substantial abilities to detect deception". Then years later she was pounded by multiple niggers. What then?

Intrixina ago

I'd much rather be honest and upfront of who I am so that others see my true colours, and can vet me in the same fashion that I vet others. Lying is how the world got into this mess in the first place.

I don't want to be friends with, or acquaintances with, anyone who covers up who they really are.

Splooge ago

Watch the bridge of the nose. If it wrinkles, that indicates disgust. That’s how you know you’ve got a winning candidate.

BasedGamer ago

"calm and collective"

That's nigga speak. Based advice tho.

Fuckyounigger ago

I hate how perceptive your brain is but I will say that I “was born in this, molded by it” I haven’t seen the light of day until I stopped doing what everyone else was telling me to do and starting doing what I knew was the right, non hypocritical way. So fuck off ya faggot. Have a noice day though and May your future be white and bright.

MarauderShields ago

I think it was a typo for "calm and collected". Which is certainly not nigger speak.

892012518HEROS ago

Well played

Berichonbegone ago

This guy knows how to mine diamonds.

ChiCom ago

Expecting leftist niggers and jews to understand conservative white culture and motivations

They'd be moving to Israel and Africa


I think they understand, but blacks refuse to believe it because they can't imagine living their lives that way. Jews refuse to acknowledge it because they're only interested in manipulating the narrative. Intellectual honesty is something reserved only to be used in their conversations with other jews.

ChiCom ago

In a spiritual sense they are too occupied with chasing the illusions and distractions of temptation to respect the path of righteousness.

WeMustRemainPure ago

They have to spread that it’s hate or jealousy, because it’s too hard to fight against the actual feeling one sees when they spot a coal burner, disgust.

Smallest_Skil ago

I wonder if a 'no nigger pre-nuptial' would hold up in court?

AmericanJew2 ago

Are you kidding? With the family courts in the US or U.K., the no nigger pre nup would mean that YOU get ass raped by a nigger when the divorce is finalized.


I like that thought

GusStappo ago

Even more so, niggers are riddled with STD's. 48% have herpes.

It's nice to know before you make the mistake of sticking your cock into the Even Horizon.

Shotinthedark ago


Smallest_Skil ago

vast majority of africa niggers have aids.

GusStappo ago

Thanks to all the "DL" joggers rates are high in the US as well.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Funny how on the street they're DL but in prison they're proud of it.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

is @sir_ebral a trustworthy guy? are you two jew hating billy badasses?

oooooooo billy billy

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

plop plop plop

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

call in the other obvious jews.

go ahead.

You guys pretend that people can't tell when something seems inorganic to the forum... or inorganic to common sense even.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

call in the other obvious jews.

Obvious jew complains about obvious jews.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

that's the game isn't it? sell the obvious ones for trust points?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

hey.... i'm a jew.

what is my worst fear? Is it getting shot in the face? Is it getting murdered?

Tell me what my big jewsh fear is.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Tell me what my big jewsh fear is.

Dropping a nickel and not being able to find it.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

except I don't think that my own escalation of force protocols should end with live freight transportation.

I think you should just die and not be transported. hows that grab ya?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

What the hell are you talking about?

MuricaPersonified ago

Trainspotting, probably. Sounds like he's afraid of riding cattle cars.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Too bad. There was a time when Germany offered select individuals a free trip to an exclusive resort using this unique rail service, where they were treated free of charge to fine accommodations and excellent entertainment. It's surprising so many jews didn't jump at the chance to take advantage of the Germans' generosity.

CheeBooga ago

Jews kept pushing filth like this in Wiemar

SadMacKabaam ago

Then 6 million of them were killed.

CheeBooga ago

That's not true. The holohoax was the biggest hoax in history.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

And look what happened. Except this time, we need men like me with the conviction to do what the rest of you are unwilling to do: kill all the Jewish children and babies.

Let me at it, and I'll make it into a sport.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

cut the grass


cut every piece of grass

you're being unsexy on purpose. lol. you stink in god's nostrils.

steven_feelsperg ago


muh dick

This isn't about your natural dopamine hit.

This is about killing genetically evil creatures.

It's OK to kill your enemies.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

sure it is.

it's about marketing fuckface. are there dead jews with you because there aren't any here...

then we're still in the marketing phase... and he was purposefully writing like a faggot (((just like you))) to make the idea unappealing.

so you can fucking go fuck yourself, because neither of us is actually killing anything at all.

this is a forum on the internet.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

You're a fucking pathetic Jewish sympathizing faggot. Evil fucks like your deserve to have needles inserted under every one of your fingernails and toenails over and over again until you pass out from pain a thousand times, then filleted alive, have honey poured on you, and let insects devour you.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Not long. I think that I would get over hearing your Jewish screams and whining and complaining and just put a fucking bullet in your stomach and watch you bleed to death.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

so you have a gun and needles. ok.

and a knife.

how much do you think those things would all cost?

what if you just hit my skull with a stick until it lumps in and then toss me in the woods?

I bet head crushing is cheaper and faster than gun/knife/needle.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It is. But Jews are evil pieces of shit who have committed untold amounts of pain, anguish and suffering on humanity for thousands of years. Every single last one of you deserves to suffer a slow and excruciatingly painful death.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Because you want to keep evil on the planet for 1 second longer than it needs to be.



AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I love a just fate.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


that's why you need 3 different weapons for 180 pounds of biodegradable ham and bones.

billy badass has 3 weapons to fix one job. lol.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I look forward to hearing Jewish screams.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

ok billy baby.

big badass billy.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Exactly right, Schlomo Goldbergencohenstein.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Jews always have been.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

and formulaic too.


AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

And evil.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

That’s why you want to keep them alive For extra time with some kind of Rube Goldberg machine involving needles and shit lol.

You literally put yourself at every turn.

Good luck in the fighting.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

that's some reaction.

how long do you think that would take? toenails and honey-insects.

A thousand times huh? I know you like a complicated fate lol.

What about your own fate? Will it be as complicated as mine or do you wanna go down fast one day.

POP and lights out. I think you want something quick.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I have no idea how it will come to pass, but I do know that before that day comes, I'm going to take out as many evil fucks as humanly possible.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

nono you.


how do you want it? not bugs and honey then?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

they also shipped over the niggers and made women crazier than usual with pop culture....

but yeah... jews totally want to shut down coalfax lol

beefartist ago

More importantly they made sure all the solid men were killed off...none of this happens with men on watch

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Lol tricky jew

beefartist ago

They aren't that tricky...all they do is offer trinkets and candy with terms and conditions to weak people

BoomerHater1488er ago

We should have bought our slaves like the Arabs did. Castrated, and no women.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

lets be like the arabs lol

good luck hiding in the fighting ok? you'll do good.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Are you a stupid person? If we had bought only castrated males from Arabs, he'd have no niggers in America today and Jews would be less wealthy.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

plow your own fucking fields kike

poison pill kike motherfucker

BoomerHater1488er ago

The fuck are you going on about?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

a plow.

it's a tool that farmers use.


BoomerHater1488er ago

Ah, gotcha. You are a retarded person. Just sperging out for the sake of sperging. Cool.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

you're making the rules I guess.

why don't you be like an arab and go fuck your mother?

BoomerHater1488er ago

What the fuck are you going on about? More and more I'm becoming convinced that you're not just trolling or being ironically antagonistic - you're stupid.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

you've said similar things already.

I guess that's ok since you're making the rules

but seriously... your mom is getting fucked one way or the other.


behind every form of racemixing, behind blacked, behind every pro mixing message

wants to shut down coalfax

Does not make sense.

Humansized ago

theres hardly anything pro mixing about coalfax.


Exactly, it uses the powerful 'public shame' and it has a lot of examples of 'tolls paid' if it ever goes viral it could become a 'meta-change-factor' in the culture war. I think its potentially very powerful.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Are you saying the jews DO want us to see their handiwork or DO NOT want us to see their handiwork?

892012518HEROS ago

You make good point why would Jews not want to flaunt Thier work

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

I’m right. I know I’m right.

Like 90% of the knuckleheads in here are kike shills or gullible faggots.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

gets you addicted to ice cream

makes fun of you for being fat

do you understand demoralization yet? Or are you a slow walker?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

big fat peanutty shits on coalfax

plop plop plop

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


I'm gonna shit on coalfax all day.

because it's friday and jews did 9/11.


AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

So are you just a Reddit faggot who found Voat, or are you just another kike?

wanderingblade ago

We don't like bestiality round here

wanderingblade ago

Begone moshe

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Well done. Blending well.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

what if the usernames pushing coalfax all seem to belong to transportation whores?