Truth_seeker84 ago

Why don’t you just try to encourage men to be stronger, so whites women don’t go running into the arms of more masculine men?

New-World-Ebola ago

you absolutely stupid cunt.


Had ago

Several issues here. First, I am a guy and I have sons. I teach my kids that race mixing is bad, but I don't care what other guys do because I don't have any ideas of them becoming a part of my family through my children marrying them, because homosexuality is degenerate and my kids understand that it is evil and will not happen.

And when a white man knocks up a she-boon (as disgusting as that sounds) it is eugenics, not dysgenics. She was going to be a single mom either way, she might as well have a child with better genes than if Tyrone knocked her up. I don't agree with it and I would never do it, but it is a million times better than a white woman ruining her ancestors genes and raising a fucking monkey alone. It is the difference in allowing immigration vs colonizing shithole countries. Whites colonizing Africa will improve the world and bring up their standard of living. Allowing shitskins into our countries will reduce the quality here at home.

Colonizing a black woman is effectively removing a nigger baby from the US. Assuming she was going to have X # of nigger babies, she will now have X-1 nigger babies and 1 mulatto.

But a white dude dating a nigger? Rope.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Google won't even list coalfax. I tried yesterday.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Are you surprised?

RM-Goetbbels ago

I am and I'm not. I would like to think that jewgle had a least some integrity, they don't.

New-World-Ebola ago

search for it with .ru on the end

RM-Goetbbels ago

I did thanks.

New-World-Ebola ago

that's a kike

Stingsbutplug ago

If they burn coal wouldn’t the kids be called smokes.

MyMobileAccount ago

Little bags of soot.

temp_lurk ago

Couple of thought:

1- as the registry gets bigger, make it searchable by name or perhaps state.

2-as far as recent Australian free publicity goes, perhaps linking some current people on the site to their Facebook or Instagram to cause outrage and make more news.

3-Add your own entries.

tony2shirts ago

He deleted the chick who took it to the news unfortunately...

New-World-Ebola ago


temp_lurk ago

Terrible precedent

Plavonica ago

Damn. Getting jewed already.

tony2shirts ago

I'm not sure what happened, she was gone for a few hours but now there is a new page on her...

TheBookWasBetter ago


MarauderShields ago

Geez that nose!

geekpuk2 ago

Just Niggers.? Just females? Not diverse enough

Should include Pajeets, chinks and all non-white pairings

WMAF is more common . Racetraitors all

New-World-Ebola ago

definitely... all indians/moslems/etc... they're all niggers to me.

shitskin subhuman cunts that need to be killed for having the audacity to invade our land to begin with.

Plavonica ago

It's a step in the right direction. But it's already getting cucked it seems as they bow down to media attention. Only a matter of time before it gets memory-holed.

New-World-Ebola ago

screenshot and archive every profile

terminator7 ago

Show me the coalfax!

MarauderShields ago

Right now, yes. But probably not for long.

StarbuckAndCasey ago

I like the term niglet but your use of 'shitlet' is more appropriate. Those kids truly are like human waste.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Turdlet is fine too.


We need a cartoon duck character that screams, "she got the coal fax!" for each story.

138 ago

I think it could use a search option. Who has time to browse pages and pages of mudsharks?

Joe_McCarthy ago

And one might add that if you work for the FBI it is much to be preferred to my opinion.

Doglegwarrior ago

coalfax literaly can save lives. also never forget

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

SearchVoatBot ago

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areyoumygaffer ago

medical benefits? oy vey, do you know how many shekels for a foreskin?

facepaint ago

...careful. They could be just friends.

New-World-Ebola ago

what's the fucking difference, cuck?

facepaint ago

Whom she is fucking.

rabbi_shlomo ago

"Coal burners" as you call them arent ashamed of being bred by blacks. It's the opposite. They are proud of it. They are proud of accepting superior black seed into their soft white wombs. Just go to TikTok and see how many white girls express their love for black men.

Meanwhile, go take photos of those white guys at anime conventions and my little pony groups kek

Joe_McCarthy ago

It doesn't really matter what white girls think. If the bullets are flying at their nigger boyfriends it's kinda academic.

Ultimately this issue will be settled by a test of strength. If we're too weak or stupid we will go extinct. Around here people are definitely pretty stupid at least.

SearchVoatBot ago

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New-World-Ebola ago

you're both weak and stupid, degenerate.

Rotteuxx ago

Neither of your replies to @joe_mccarthy were strong nor intelligent.

You haven't even offered one counterpoint.

Keep on huffin' and puffin' ya larping pussy.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're an incel cuck that worships the jew porn poster.

i'll leave arguing with porn addicts for faggots like you.

Rotteuxx ago

Huffin' and puffin'

What a tough guy.

New-World-Ebola ago

try petrol

Had ago

It isn't about shaming them, it's about creating a database of coal burners so that when she figures out she should be with her own race, we will have evidence of why she should be shunned. This would stop the dysgenic behavior if we held them accountable when they are tired of being a 31 y/o roastie without a future.

It's to protect us white men, not shame them. It is to shun them.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

You wouldn't buy a used car without checking it out on CarFax. Why buy a used ho without checking it out on CoalFax?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Sounds like you want to just further depress the white birthrate with that strategy.

I've no issue with shaming race-mixers. What I do have an issue with is this misogynist ideology that blames women and sees them as the target. You don't target your own people. Certainly not primarily. You target the invader male in this situation. Without the threat of extreme punishment nigger males and other racial aliens will not be deterred much in their racial aggression. Even then as long as they share space with white girls some mixing will occur.

New-World-Ebola ago

no one cares about your kike opinions, faggot.

Titanbikes4ever ago

No one here respects you or your "opinions" LMAO

New-World-Ebola ago

you can suck my balls, stupid dyke.

you'll end up on coalfax one day, retarded whore.

Joe_McCarthy ago

That's not exactly true. Because I care.

And no offense but you're an Australian. You don't know shit about what goes on at street level in American cities in 2020. Heck, country Americans even don't.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're disgusting, shlomo

Rotteuxx ago

You sure he's a cunt and not a glow nigger ? If he is he has very little real world social experience even in his own Chinese island province.

Had ago

Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. There are not a lot of race mixers period. And those that are out there deserve to be shunned and left to raise little Tyrone alone.

Women are malleable, and their entire race shunning them will have massive repercussions and influence for the next generation of white women. When women see the consequences of Becky fucking Jamal, they will think twice about being a fucking cum dumpster for a baboon.

Rotteuxx ago


Men have to protect their women and that means removing any threat. Anything less is passive cuckolding at best.

Had ago

And how do you suggest we remove the threat? I will not go out killing people because I will serve my cause better by raising kids who understand and can further the cause. Multiple people thinking like me is better than just me.

You sound like an alt account for the glownigger jew mccarthy.

Rotteuxx ago

I will not go out killing people because I will serve my cause better by raising kids who understand and can further the cause.

The nigger & shitskins exponential reproduction makes this the stupidest way of going at it, might as well just say "Fuck it, let's stick our heads in the sand and get outbreeded"

You sound like an alt account for the glownigger jew mccarthy.

Tell yourself what you need to in order to rationalize this.

Had ago

One soldier killing a few enemies is better than raising multiple soldiers that can persuade and lead hundreds of others to kill thousands of enemies when the time is right. Also leave behind some fatherless children because we all know how well that works out.

Basically your argument.

Shit isn't going to turn around in a day, and rogue acts of violence tend to polarize potential sympathizers in the wrong direction because they aren't ready for that. Our war is an ideological one currently, and a physical one later. We must start with persuasion until we have the numbers to move the needle in our direction.

Rotteuxx ago

It'll never happen like that.

For every white kid born there are 100 shitskins getting shat out.

Right now they don't have a strong foothold and their numbers are manageable. Wait one generation & your daughters will be getting raped on a daily basis because it'll be the new normal brainwashed into simpleton's minds.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Lemme guess.... you're either not an American, are 50 years old, or live in some place like Wyoming.

Had ago

Nice try glownigger.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Actually, you being a glownigger is another possibility. I could see the government playing down race-mixing as part of their counterterrorism strategy.

In any case anyone saying miscegenation is minimal in 2020 America is seriously out of touch with reality. Laughably so even.

Had ago

Try again FBI. How is your daugther's baby daddy Tyrone anyway? Just because you raised a coalburner doesn't make it ok. You are looking for validation, you won't get it here. You failed as a parent and deserve the rope.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Irrespective of my situation white chicks under 25 or 30 pretty routinely fuck anything dark. Most here seem obsessed with blacks. I take it many reside south of the Mason-Dixon line because in Western cities where Hispanics are grown up it is more them and other muds. It's not even necessarily having kids. There are just a lot of interracial couples seen in public.

negrojohnny ago

Good idea!

New-World-Ebola ago

they should create a dox section where people can contribute information under submitted photos of mudsharks to identify them.

this way all race traitors will live in fear.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

New-World-Ebola ago

everytime you show someone new this site, you cure a future cancer patient.