Amaka ago

voat turned to shit real fast after donald subreddit got banned, now its just another normie "muh economy" circlejerk

capnflummox ago

4.x year account with little posting history suddenly comes here to post this stuff. You are all fools and idiots if you cannot see this. Even more so for the 300+ upvotes. Are you faggots not paying attention??

11hrr ago

So, what's your point? Does that make what I say untrue?

capnflummox ago

First, no, what you say is simply untrue. Second, yes, because you're a kike shill.

My point is you're a kike.

11hrr ago

You're saying it's not true that I like VOAT and that VOAT is great? You're the one sounding like a fucking kike!! Get bent shill.

capnflummox ago

No, I'm saying you're a kike. Go back to reddit, kike.

Fucking kike.

11hrr ago

Go to hell, you fucking faggot. You're worse than a jew.

capnflummox ago

There is nothing worse than your kind, kike.

J3wsername ago

Imageboards (not 4chan) are even better because you don't need an account and there's even less censorship.

11hrr ago

I just registered on poal; I've been on 8kun for a while, but only started getting familiar enough with it to start posting last weekend.

J3wsername ago is also good and more stable.

JohnnyLaRue ago

You are lucky punk. and don't forget it

11hrr ago

Tabarnak, tu post des ostie d'weird d'affairs toé.

I know I'm lucky. You are too.

Horrux ago

Wow chu pas tuseul du Québec icitte, salut! =D

11hrr ago

J'viens pas de d'là moi, buddy, sorry. Mon pays, y'existe pu, actually.

Sa s'appelait l'Acadie, longtemps passé.

Horrux ago

Entéka les cousins d'Acadie seraient les bienvenus à se joindre aux Québécois si le pays tombe en morceaux... ;-)

RandomFurryDude ago

Not gonna lie, fuck 99% of other sites.

People here might call you a niggerfaggot, but at least they don't censor and ban you (exclusing the retard Q subvoats).

I'd rather be with assholes who accept, then 'progressives' who non-person you.

11hrr ago

I actually call niggerfaggots "niggerfaggot" all the time! Ultimately, I think it helps.

RandomFurryDude ago

I suppose 'niggerfaggot' is more of a greeting here now.

11hrr ago

It helps with filtering out the niggerfaggots, I think.

Hodor123 ago and

Blood-is-Nature ago

when Pao started her censorship bullshit

That's ancient narrative control to prep up an idol and then divide the believers through loyalty to the false authority. It's what the communist party-line is build upon. To deal with this you can't give your authority to others. Do not accept moderators who have a following. Force the moderator to change his name to balance out anonymity (well, anonymity within Darpa-net that is).

I thought, maybe political parties could have a subreddit

That's consolidation of power by giving "minorities" a platform with the intent to systematically destroy the unity of the majority. The only ones benefiting from that scenario are the owners of the platform which created the divide and are now exploiting both sides of the conflict. If your party has to accept the authority of another platform just to argue with another party, then both parties are set up to destroy each other by the platform holder (democracy exist only in the minds of those who believe in it).

Anyway, every time VOAT goes down, it makes me uneasy.

That's called "carrot and stick"; another psychological manipulation tactic to control you. You were born with nothing and you will die with nothing. Holding on to the material is called selfishness, which is a self destructive temptation. Make your own voat in your neighborhood and invite those worthy to argue with. You will get even more value out of that self made arrangement...all carrot; no sticks.

I feel so fucking lucky to have VOAT every single day, but when it comes back online after being down for a while, the relief I feel is intense.

That is called control through dependency (you're an addict to their drugs). They don't care if you call them out here as long as they control where you call them out.

I pray nothing bad comes our way...

That's how they deceived the majority of mankind...blind faith towards false authority, which prevents authority of self aka self governance (hard to exploit someone that takes care of himself).

It's incredible. I've learned so much here, I obtained knowledge but also learned to see things from a different point of view.

Correct, because instead of holding beliefs, you used adaptation to ever changing circumstances. Now apply this to outside the digital holding know; natural reality, and take down any belief that prevents you from adaptation to a system that constantly changes. You're welcome.


Remember that the information they are withholding from us is freely available within nature; it just takes YOUR effort to find it yourself.

11hrr ago

Thank for considering my post so thoroughly. Insightful stuff, and I do have a "local" project in the works! I'm thinking about posting more on this later. Don't hold your breath tho, I'm a bit of a procrastinator, but it'll eventually happen.

OK OK, I'm building a wifi pirate box! I have a nice little collection of videos I'm planning to put in there too!

BordelonLoop ago

if it doesn't make the "news" section here, i don't need to know about it. it's the humor here that keeps me loyal. there are some sharp minds here.

asdf23 ago

We need to clone voat (website not code) & without puttitout. Get a stable trust worthy system in place

Jiggggg ago

I love you faggots

IquitzuOcha ago

Feel the same. I don’t drop the n word, and I dont enjoy reading racist posts for the sake of being racist, but I do love facts and alternative points of view which the other sites feel they need to protect me from. The world would be a better place if people were allowed to see the truth.

Gargilius ago

Ditto, with an additional detour via slashdot which turned to shit too...

Black_Phillip ago

I love all you niggerfaggots too.

observation1 ago

I like my honeypots edgy and challenging

tourgen ago

You might enjoy /k/, although that site has been pozzed since gamergate. There are Infinitely better boards, but also merely a shadow since St. Tarrant. Infinity+1 is slow but decent.

Shtescalates17 ago

I browsed reddit for the family drama ...mainly.

They had a couple different threads or whatever they're called...just about family drama (MIL drama in particular)..

I left because of this whole shut down...situation.
People are sheeple and were commenting supporting the idea of fines for leaving home and arrest.

I'm like you all are doing the Reich thing?

I feel like it was full of many people who couldn't allow too much of a mental challenge because the whole facade they lived for would crash down.

I just found this place..Its kind of confusing but I think I'll figure it out. Lol.

11hrr ago

You're gonna love it here you fucking nigger faggot!

I used to read /r/raisedbynarcissists, there were some pretty messed up stories on there, boy.

blumen4alles ago

Gratitude is a good thing :)

CheeBooga ago

Voat was so much fun in the beginning for a few years. Then some zionist jewess sent some members tit pics, created a simp army and divided Voat all while installing a zionist sub to push propaganda.

Doglegwarrior ago

the guy that created reddit was some young jew genius then they killed him and eventualy they got some piece of shit coal burner chink to run it and made it 1000 times worse now its just bots and jdif and glow niggers and self hating liberals and worthless

IncognitoVoatGuy ago

I don't know what I would do without Voat, Gab, Dissenter, Parler, Spreely, Xephula, BitChute and Imgflip.

11hrr ago

Ever hear of I just found out about, but it sounds promising. Knock on wood, I guess.

truf_tales ago

Chiefpacman ago

Digg died because they started putting up sponsored content mixed in with normal posts.

It's sad because reddit does this too. They just hide it. Digg was honest about it. I remember hating them back then for selling out. Now I put up with so much shit on the internet that I pity their demise.

EyeOfHorus ago

I used to pay subscription to "RawStory" when it was libertarian.

Black_Phillip ago

Holy shit! That's like early Bush era right? Or even before then? Fuck, where did time go?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

We're the ones who will spearhead the upcoming Civil War 2 defences.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

You didn't like advertisement digg 2.0 promoted submission because of all the advertisement advertisements that they would promoted submission mix in with the normal advertisement submissions that would get posted and advertisement were made to look the same as the normal posts.

Dark_Alchy ago

I tried Reddit about 2 years ago for the first time and soon found out I despise them and their mob mentality. Their entire Karma system is being abused to the point that even the founder said it was broken. You have a nice discussion and suddenly your viewpoint goes against the mob and your thread/post/reply is voted into obscurity and you get to a point you can't even post. I still visit there from time to time for my game I play but I feel as if I have walked through shit and need to be cleansed each time I do it.

For instance I just posted on there and noticed I had -2 karma because I brought up something the mob doesn't wish to think about or even talk about. What a filthy and disgusting place and it is so bad that even the mainstream media has said they are in a downward spiral (like flushing a toilet).

Hand_of_Node ago

Should've been there in 2005. It's nothing but soy bots now.

Dark_Alchy ago

I was on the vnboards back then but heard stories about Reddit and 4chan but never had the time to check them out. The people over on Reddit are just nasty liberal hive minds.

Hand_of_Node ago

Early reddit was pretty cool, although there were a lot of libertarians. Was just a single page with no subs. 4chan in the early 2000s era was pretty degenerate.

Dark_Alchy ago

Yep, I had heard about that at the time as goatse was all over 4chan.

voatdied ago


you are all so fucking intelligent I swear

well, most of you.

runway36 ago

Bravo anon, I and I'm sure several others are with you.

ALIENS2222 ago

... you haven't contributed very much in the last 4.9 years. What was the password to this account? 1235? Nigger got your tongue? Where you been bro?

11hrr ago

LURKING. But I did upvoat good stuff and after a while, I was even able to downvoat faggots like you!

Plus, it's none of your goddamn business, what I do. I'm just not a contributor. I don't feel the need to spew my bullshit all over the place for all to examine, all the time. So, there.

ALIENS2222 ago

Based. That is a reasonable response. Yeah there are shitloads of old accounts from the different Reddit waves that have come though. I like to look at their numbers and pin them to the wall. From time to time someone like you emerges who is an obvious human and not a jew or mudslime or bot or jogger. Anyway Good to have you niggerfaggot. This is one of the finest places on the internet.

11hrr ago

Damn straight, and I'm glad there are some more active accounts that sometimes make a lot of goddamned sense too. Let's just hope we don't all get nuked! Is it anti-semetic to wonder how many of those Israel have? Like I said in the OP, I'm grateful for a lot of the knowledge I've gained here; along with a few good laughs too! I believe in meme magic.

blumen4alles ago

meme magic is real

ALIENS2222 ago

Yeah I was banned from Reddit long ago for saying "Roland is not a nigger" (when referring to the release of a nigger playing Roland of Gilead of Dark Tower fame in the movie) and came here under various names. Yeah I remember when you were front page for like a week if you got 15 upgoats. I remember Atko, Amalek and HPOP. Those were the days.

11hrr ago

I read that whole series! that fuckin' Blaine the mono train...

ALIENS2222 ago

Long days and pleasant nights patriot!

Bigdeal ago

I love this place.

Tandemlee ago

I used to go on and StumbleUpon to find new and interesting stuff on our precious Internet. Then, came Digg 2.0 or something like that, which sucked; I don't even really remember why. I just know that I didn't like it. That's when I gave reddit a chance, with all their funny ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu memes, technologically impaired ducks, philosophical raptors, etc. I thought reddit was so great and had so much potential; even politically. I thought, maybe political parties could have a subreddit and use it to poll their constituents about anything and everything! What the fuck was I thinking. But, then, it all got fucked up like I couldn't even have imagined. I deleted my reddit account when Pao started her censorship bullshit, and it just went downhill from there. Anyway, every time VOAT goes down, it makes me uneasy. I feel so fucking lucky to have VOAT every single day, but when it comes back online after being down for a while, the relief I feel is intense. I pray nothing bad comes our way... I just love this place. It's incredible. I've learned so much here, I obtained knowledge but also learned to see things from a different point of view. FUCK CENSORSHIP.

Atkho ago

Smart phones made the internet stupid.

blumen4alles ago

death to vertical videos

PaulNeriAustralia ago

and females more vacuous.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Thatbwas a pretty short ride in any case.

talkingliquor ago

We love you too Faggot.

11hrr ago

Shut up jogger, you're drunk

talkingliquor ago

Me dunk, but true voat gud, ain't jog lately, might though. git hammer first.

clubberlang ago

You've been Banned from v/whatever

Reason: free thought = hate crime

heywoodnj ago

I still miss digg you could even have a resonable discourse with the other side there [except for yellowcakewalk I hope the cunt necked himself]. reddit was always cucked even before pao but not like nowadays.

Voat is like a thanksgiving where everyone at the table is "that crazy uncle". Proud to take a seat here.

ForgottenMemes ago

9chan seems pretty solid so at least there's a backup.

PhilKDick ago


xenoPsychologist ago

their funny ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu memes, technologically impaired ducks, philosophical raptors

all 4chan memes.

BigTrucker ago

You oughta not depend on an internet forum so much to the point where you get uneasy if it were to go away. Reserve them feelings for the real world.

oldzeke ago

Have alternatives, too. There are good groups on Gab and Minds.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

You're... you're seriously telling people to go to gab and minds? Both isreali ops and youre telling people to go there.

Uh huh.

ColinKelley ago

What do you mean? This is the real world.

BigTrucker ago

I'm guessing you know what I meant

BentAxel ago

Digg - going way back now. OK Goat. Did you ever frequent YTMND?

Polic3Stat3 ago

Blessing + curse.

Workingsteel ago

This site is a shell of what it used to be, you can't even send a link to a non user because its closed off by sign in requirments.

This place is slowly dying like the other sites did.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/askvoatanon comment.

Posted automatically (#109866) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Workingsteel: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

11hrr ago

I thought you could now.. didn't they reinstate that a few weeks ago?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

For the same reason. Invaded by trash.

23793828? ago

It's not all newer users. I see tiresome responses by very old account users. It looks like more and more of the quality users have left.

LurkedForever ago

whatever happened to @BLOODandHONOR ? That dude was always so pleasantly over the top. Cracked me up.

Chiefpacman ago

People come and go. I like the current batch, feels like less of a hivemind lately. You gotta admit the Q users were pretty hilarious.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Only in that way that especially oblivious way that a child with severe retardation is hilarious when it joins a cult.

Chiefpacman ago

I mean- it's mostly Boomers. They weren't thinking for themselves, but they were finally disillusioned on some things.

Soon enough they'll either go back to their old stupid ways or go farther down the rabbit hole. A little proud of them for turning away from tradition here, even if it was for a scam

newmenewmeyea ago

Everywhere usually ends up eventually compromised. We've seen it here where mods get out of hand. Enjoy it while it lasts. Voat is awesome.

11hrr ago

We need a decentralized version of VOAT.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I don't know about these things but isn't that what GAB did and ended up with a washing machine of a mess?

Berichonbegone ago

I like to browse the hidden wiki when voat goes down. Some pretty fun/weird shit on there. Second option is to browse black market forums in darkweb - pretty interesting conversations.

11hrr ago

I went over to 8kun this last time, posted a bit, I figure that's where I'd end up.

500five ago

I remember when Digg was slightly ahead of the news by a couple days. This was before the iphone era.

They even had that Diggnation video every week. Makes me wonder if Digg and reddit were censored back then. When people go on web 2.0 sites, they think they are more informed than the population.


Digg was very clearly censored at some point during the Obama 08 campaign when that kicked into high gear. They had to change the algorithm cause Ron Paul was lit up on the homepage everyday.

lanre ago

It's just a new, better, means of control. I remember when people thought they'd win the fight against DRM and how streaming would be the death of the movie and TV industries.

ruck_feddit ago

I think you were in the same van as me on the way over!

therage96 ago

Voat will go the way of Reddit once it achieves sufficient popularity.

There will be other sites after Reddit, just as there were sites after Slashdot, Digg, Digg v2, Reddit, etc etc

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Reddit was never as pro-White as Voat is, at least when I first got to Reddit in 2009. It was politically somewhat neutral and very open to new arrivals even when they weren't worth shit. People here have seen how Reddit ended up and we've created an environment where newcomers who can't accept our opinions get run off.

It might not go the way of Reddit but I can see it getting shut down. I don't want Voat to get significantly more popular or famous than it is now.

therage96 ago

It was at the beginning. I was in the first 1500 users of Reddit and have watched the entire journey.

It was just a run of the mill tech news site very similar to Digg at the beginning. Just with shitty CSS. It flourished for awhile, until the Pao and Mao Reddit Regimes tookover.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Agreed, though the sbbh and qtards are truly going to kill what's left of it within the year in any case.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I remember Stumbleupon. That was fun. I got banned so many times. Some guy reported me to the FBI for I don't even know what, but I was living overseas, so what was even the sense? I think I was putting a dent in his SEO operation with my constant nagging and he didn't like me. Battled it out with the pro-Bush neocon factions. Used to shill Alex Jones and David Icke so hard. I met my future (now ex) wife on that fucker.

Good times.

Hand_of_Node ago

Stumbleupon was one of about 4 sites I was considering for a 'home site' back in 2005. Ended up choosing reddit. It was pretty great back then, despite the waves of school kids flooding in during school breaks. Then the digg invasion happened, which was basically the Q invasion for early reddit. 2030 voat is probably going to suck balls.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I dunno. If Voat went under maybe I could focus on something besides being monitored by the FBI.

antiliberalsociety ago

Cries out as he monitors you

KosherHiveKicker ago

Fuck you, you ((( SPLC ))) spamming cunt.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You've been missing the plot for literally years now.

KosherHiveKicker ago

So says the admitted Anti-White propaganda pushing prick who accuses anyone telling the truth of being "Judeo-Obsessive".

Joe_McCarthy ago

I don't think Jews rule the galaxy. True. If I were, say, a real SPLC person and wanted to make this scene look like uneducated morons I'd probably tell people it is.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Thanks for the heads up. Never know when your going to run across a (enemy) actor.

slumbermachine ago

Same here. Been hanging out at voat for many years now. My favorite forum and I would gladly donate to keep it going.

CowWithBeef ago

You're pretty much me except I could never figure out how to say FUUUUUUU in my head so the comics never landed for me.

11hrr ago

I used to take it as someone yelling FUUUUCK!! But the audio cut out before you got to hear the hard "ck" sound.

Logansrun ago

lucky to have Voat. I use to rely on drudge (((ya I know))) but back then there were comment section in the news articles and I’d read the first paragraph and jump to the Comment section. Most of the news outlets started getting rid of comments. Not sure how I found voat but glad I did

MissingEgo1 ago

That's one of the reasons I really found voat. I knew it existed but meh. The exodus of comments sections was the last straw that awoke me. It made me curious enough, and then I started to get voat for reals. A lot of things started to make sense after that.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

You should come to my board SCROTE (formerly Nutflix). I dress my balls up in different outfits and post a new pic every day. Yesterday, I fashioned a bonnet and a blue farmgirl outfit for my sack because I really like Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

As I said above...I watched Silence of the Lambs last night.

cantaloupe6 ago

A lot of it stems from MSM losing an audience to independent content creators; and therefore censoring or slandering them. Paired with global corporations trying to steal resources from citizens.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago


LMAO, you don't know shit about voat do you.

11hrr ago

It's the last bastion of free speech.

Tallest_Skil ago

That’s the problem.

Hand_of_Node ago

He's referring to the subs where you'll get banned, although I think GA is the only one that's active enough atm to be an issue.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, really. It's current year. This-Voat-is-a-free-speech-site went out last decade when the downvote brigaders took over the platform.

SparklingWiggle ago

Fuck you pedo. The fact that you can still post is proof there is no censorship. Not being able to be on the front page isn't censorship. Go find a tall building, jump, and see if you can do a flip on the way down. Molester.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've lost about 3000 in CCP since the holidays. The trend is clear. I just have a fairly big cushion.

We've had a couple of ladies recently get brigaded into negative CCP though. This stuff has been going on for years - and literally nothing is being done about it. The brigaders carry on without restraint.

SparklingWiggle ago

There's nothing to be done about. You lust after children. What do you expect?

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're just full of shit. Maybe FBI yourself. The biggest morons are sometimes too moronic to be real. Or so I suspect.

SparklingWiggle ago

How am I full of shit?

You have stated you like young girls.

You post porn.

Jews push degeneracy, including and especially, pornography.

Goats hate that shit.

You're going to get downvoted.

Nobody is forced to see your shit.

Free speech doesn't guarantee an audience.

Kill yourself.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Free speech, presumably, would not entail a situation where you can effectively be censored by the userbase through mass brigading.

That is an issue even if this were simply about me. But it isn't. Others get brigaded into negative CCP.

All of this vomit about child molestation only distracts from the reality that Voat is not a free speech site.

So if not a free speech site - what it claims to be and what its purpose is - what is Voat in 2020? The easiest explanation, of course, is that it was long ago invaded by banned Jew haters of a less than stellar intellect that brigade anyone that disagrees with them.

Other possibilities exist as well. But most of us have all done the speculation thing enough by now.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, you're just a mentally fucked idiot that can't accept reality. Brigading (and I don't believe it is organized) isn't censorship.

CCP is designed to encourage popular participation. You aren't at all appealing.

slumbermachine ago

What the fucking fuck are you talking about you fucking nigger faggot cunt? Did you know that Israel has nukes? Did you know that the CIA started doing mind control back in the early 50's? Did you know blacks are 11 times more likely to kill than a white? Did you know you can make a gun yourself? This is fucking freedom.

antiracistMetal ago


AgentSakura ago

Like a lot of the stuff you find on the internet it's a blessing and a curse.

Pandora's Box if you will

romanstock ago

was that pao slut a communist agent? just a coincedence that she's asian and she steered reddit from leftist shithole to extreme communist shithole

itssomatic ago

Pao's husband is a literal niggerfaggot.

Sk8rminion ago

she was set up to be the fall person, supposedly she was even standing up for users internally but being over ridden but had to play the part of figurehead until they could sacrifice her shrug she was used as a tool. Pretty oblivious to what was really going on around her, but most at that level seem to be that way. The bubbles they put them selves in will always be the downfall of the elites and give the common folk a chance to pull them down before someone else climbs the pile and sets up another control structure.

until 'ignorance' is not celebrated by society instead of 'herd mentality' we will keep having this problem. need to make it cool to be a nerd about history, politics, and human social psychology.

lanre ago

It seems more and more that humans are here animals, or pack animals, and want to be led. Thinking is hard, and if you're not willing to risk your neck doing it, it seems like people default to being docile.

MissingEgo1 ago

Nothing irks me more than people remaining on that default setting. Just content with being in the flow.

Gorillion ago

Even worse, she was a bog standard SF tech hustler. While her "husband" was the real estate variant.

Both worked the Diversity Recruitment Circuit pretty hard. If anything she revealed that the real control behind Reddit, like Steve Huffman, were even more bolshevik than she was. She was/is an opportunist. It's they who are the actual, dangerous ideologues.

As Agent7851 notes - she was the "current year" minority shield for the boardroom's actions of the time. Increased censorship. Centralizing to SF despite the operation being the perfect "distributed workplace" and "home office" lifestyle model so many nuTech fags had been pushing for years (because it turns out that you can't be fully authoritarian unless you're breathing down your workers necks and forcing them to live in the Company Town where one employment hiccup with a "woke employer" results in financial, career and reputational ruin). She even spilled the beans later down the track.

If Reddit sold out to China (or rather Conde Naste did), it wasn't because of her.

It doesn't make her any less a pierce of shit of course, just a different flavor.

11hrr ago

Well, reddit seems owned by China now. Remember that say day their WHOLE front page was deleted/removed posts? that was fucked.

I used to go on but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

Commiefornication ago

they're owned by the Newhouse family...not china.

PagingDrBenway ago

Rome 70 A.D.?

Plavonica ago

The first jewish/v/roman war.

Agent7851 ago

pao was the fall guy for the whole thing. She was never in charge.

smokratez ago

Make sure you have other places to connect with people. It's not good to only have one place.

blumen4alles ago

the deer don't insult me like you do

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I watched "Silence of the Lambs" last night. Got me thinking about how strange the human critter can be. All these people out there with habits and practices and pastimes - some good, some shared by all of us, but some...

Perhaps there's someone on Voat who marches to the rythym of a very broken drum? Spooky ain't it?

Joe_McCarthy ago

If there was another place do you think a lot of us would still be here?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

a perceptive comment Joe Mc and PS I detest Jehovah's Witnesses too. Not because of their religious beliefs but because of their arrogance in thinking they have a right to invade peoples' privacy.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Point me at it. Qrv is all that's really left of voat, and their constant kikery and degeneracy led me to abandon voat for a good while. Having been back a bit though, I'm beginning to think there was nothing to come back. Q spam, gullible stupid jewcucks constantly calling each other shills and literally threatening to murder anyone that doean't cosign they're insanity, c-a mods posing as elderly boomers manipulating subs, it's just getting to be too much like reddit.

While the 'free speech' illusion is nice, we are all aware that this is a honeypot, and that 'putt' isn't 'putt' anymore anyway. Canary's been dead a long time.

So if you can find another site that isn't crawling with npc's, I'm game. Between the rednpc cultists here and the bluenpc cultists everywhere else, the really aren't many options for actual valid people.

11hrr ago

Fuck man... I've been wondering the same thing about putt...

What do you think about gab or 8kun?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Gab is the jew, proven. Look it up. Gab, poal, minds all are kike honeypots for monitoring patriots

Joe_McCarthy ago

As I told someone in a similar discussion some weeks ago - someone with better tech knowledge than me needs to start another site. The people that remain here will mostly be the people that are comfortable calling each other Jews everyday - so the forum dissidents or intelligent people might jump ship if the new operation looks competent.

11hrr ago

Yeah, but if I go there, I'll still call you a jew. Just say'in.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Wow are you utterly oblivious, deliberately willful in ignorance, simply trolling, or a paid participant? What part of you is it that rebels against the simple and fundamentally unavoidable truth about the world? What fantasy version you pretend to live in where reality isnt real, bill gates and his jewish cult friends didnt just try to kill you or enslave you, YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT isnt at least partially culpable for 9 11 and it's all not becoming brutally obvious to everyone on earth except you 'bubble' people?

Why do that? Why continue to participate in your own slavery? Why?

GeneralDisposition ago

I'm with you. When this site goes down, i pick up a book. The internet is lame and dumbed down for the masses.

Doglegwarrior ago

go to /v jokaloid

its a voat book club. i made the subverse for something else we turned it into a book club

TheKnightOfGod ago

If Voats goes down we can all go to Poal or make a ZeroVoat zite.

Thereunto ago

9chan dot tw

TheKnightOfGod ago

Yes, that one too. I forgot about it, thank you.

ALIENS2222 ago

You should read Fruits of Graft by Wayne Jett

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

What you reading? I'm currently reading Mein Kampf. It's long as fuck and actually pretty fuckn boring so far.... but I can't wait for the good part. lol. I've already caught a couple glimpses of what's to come.

forbisjunkman ago

Same boat. Same story. Hopefully, we whoa and goats last

PhilKDick ago

Share reviews of those books with us. You may not get many upvoats, but it makes the site more valuable. A few more people reading an informative book arguably does as much as 300 people seeing a meme. Both types of posts enrich Voat

chirogonemd ago

I do the exact same thing, and I love reading. But this place is very valuable, and I'd be really disappointed if we ever lost it. It's the ability to participate and interact with people. Even just letting off steam. There isn't another outlet in my whole fucking life that allows me to voice my truth like Voat does, without having to flinch or hesitate.

IquitzuOcha ago

Karen is anti-white. Pick another name please.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol you're just like SJWs.

good thing voat isn't the only game in town. you faggots are fucking retarded.

good entertainment though.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

LOL redNPC's vs blueNPC's. The only people incapable of seeing what they're being programmed to do is them.

mitoriomyt ago

yup. I'm with you. I love reading, as well. Allows me to digest facts and objectively think without the undue influence of sound or visuals to distract me.

I wish Voat had more activity in other subs I'm interested in, though. Whenever I venture onto other kiked social media platforms, I'm reminded of how much I despise most of it.

Recently tried to have a discussion on YT regarding man-made laws vs Mosaic law. Got censored by the thin-skinned cunt who ran channel on a perfectly civil comment because she had no argument and I came with facts. Occasions like that serve to remind me how little regard people have for free speech if it offends their ego.

11hrr ago

I feel you. The niche subs are often really quiet. But it didn't hurt to try and post once in a while.

GeneralDisposition ago

Ha. I have the exact same problems! Right now we're social lepers but in a few years people will come around going wow, i thought you were out there but it's true; and want to talk about it. I'm like well, I'm past that now bye.

Hand_of_Node ago

in a few years people will come around

This is "not accurate".

GeneralDisposition ago

My buddies did. My cousin has. 911 was ask inside job! Yeah figured that out when the buildings didn't tip over. Building 7 got jealous and went straight down too. Your experience may vary. It's too easy to run away and forget on the internet.

MissingEgo1 ago

The "experience may vary" is on target. How much it varies is truly scary. It's like remembering an alternate reality.

ArielQflip ago

I cannot Wait for that to happen!


chirogonemd ago

Bro, I wish this were the case. But based on my experience, this isn't how it tends to go. I described it in another comment a few weeks ago (related to this whole Corona thing), that it was like being in a room with a spider and another person, where the other person wouldn't acknowledge the spider:

US: "Hey, there's a spider in here. Watch out."

THEM: "No there isn't. You're a fucking nut."

US: "No, it's right there, look!"

THEM: "Yeah, whatever. Conspiracy nut."

(3 weeks later; we've basically stopped trying)

THEM: "Duuude, did you know there was a spider in here with us the WHOLE TIME!"

US: "Yeah, I said that weeks ago. Are you actually fucking kidding right now?"

THEM: "I don't remember that. I don't think you did."

US: "Yes I did. Many times. Here, look. I even texted you this. Remember?"

THEM: "You've kind of become an asshole. Nobody likes someone who is always jockeying for intellectual position."

US: "What? I'm not. You acted like I was insane for weeks, and now you're saying exactly what I have been."

THEM: "You're just mad Ben Shapiro said it, and you're jealous. (sarcastically) What's the hot take on 5G?"

What I have found is, yes, people do tend to come around to some extent. But they never admit they were wrong. They always structure their experience and report it in a way that maintains their own mental integrity. Somehow, even when you're right, you're still going to be the nut.

11hrr ago

Enlightened analogy, dude.

BordelonLoop ago

ignorant gaslighting.

loooooongtimelurker ago

This is spot on

ArielQflip ago

Saved, Thank you!

jackfraser ago

Goddamn, you nailed it. You can never be right. When you are right, and when they actually agree, the next day they have forgotten.

You can see how people start to believe in NPCs.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

the next day they have forgotten.

Isn't that how Hitler described his experience of arguing with jews?

Plavonica ago

The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about.

Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.

The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

~ Uncle Adolf

CHeritageP ago

I found it fucking intreguing to go and look at the youtube deleted website etc.

So much good music purged because its connected with the USSR and NSDAP.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

youtube deleted website

name of site?

CHeritageP ago

It was all over here past couple days. i think

we_kill_creativity ago

Stumble-upon...that takes me way back. I wonder if there's a similar add on for Brave? I'll have to look into that.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You’re a fucking satanist probably

moarzor ago

Definitely a joggerfaggot.

forgotmypassword-sad ago

Lol this reminds me of the exodus from reddit a while back when none of them could handle the whole niggerfaggot thing. Man that was gold

RM-Goetbbels ago

Lurk more faggot.

antiliberalsociety ago

I luv Voat!

Checks account

4.9 years, >300 scp/ccp

Every. Fucking. Time.

11hrr ago

I lurked a lot, it's this bullshit going around that's getting me riled up.