slowcrash101 ago

Most people are, they are convinced their pov came from them, when you question it, you are questioning the perspective they have formed for themselves.

Unreasonable ago

So are you faggots.

That's the point.

It's not fucking kindergarten you cock sucking niggers.

Grow a pair.

Ivanovich ago

I love the obvious and constant barrage of anti-Q propoganda on this site. Keep trying niggerfaggots, we find it to be highly entertaining.

AntiMason ago

All we want is some arrests. This has been the entire point.

retardicus ago

go to hell, you rotten fucktard

ChosenUndead ago

They are literal retarded cultists. The communist liberals are brainwashed by the TV and these "conservative" qtards are brainwashed by a government psyop on the internet. What a bunch of fucking dolts.

WhiteChickens ago

Most of them are idiots.

That's not to say that there's no truth to the Q thing, there may be.

Deidrawhite ago

NPCs aren't programmed with intuition. These guys are so incredibly far away from natural being.

XSS1337 ago

If they weren’t important then you wouldn’t need to fuck with them / complain .... yet here we are ...

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Is this due to that 9chan post?

17171717171717QQQ ago

All of you clowns who want to shut them down are modern day book burners. They own you so hard, its hilarious to watch. I can't imagine having such a vested interest, as a free and thinking person, in silencing a group of people. makes me really question your motives, you silencers. You could be starting fires in the minds of men, but instead you decide to attack. Who else acts like this? Jews do. Liberals do. Hmmmmmmmm.

WhiteChickens ago

No, they want to shut everyone else down.

They're from Reddit.

Shadowlight ago

Someone is butthurt at the latest Q proofs....

Last week Q suggested Flynn would be exonerated....and look at that!

JackTheGetRippedEr ago

Flynn is free. Qtards no more.

100100011001 ago

That's not a declarative statement from Putt.

Polic3Stat3 ago

How can so many Q deniers upvote positive Trump posts then?

AntiMason ago

Because we call it like we see it. You don't have to be a Qtard to give credit where it is due.

Charilko ago

Kind of like other people on Voat who get super butthurt when you don’t blame the Jews for things...

BigTrucker ago

Someone explain to me what in the hell this Q thing is I see talked about so much?

version7 ago

Kind of reminds me of another group who gets pissed when you question their claims

Commiefornication ago

well most Qtards are jews and MIGApedes, so...

AntiMason ago


Smokybubbles ago

Qtard is such a hurtful term, I'm triggered by faggot slander.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Remember when that paytriot faggot Neon Revolt came in out of the blue and demanded a sub? I sure do, and I remember people telling him to pound sand and GTFO. Qtards are the most divisive group here, moreso than the faggots who post porn.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

The biggest disagreements I've had with people on the Voat were mostly with Qtards. Them, and faggot kikes like Joe McCarthy.

killfuck9000 ago

I used to just browse "all". But could not handle how many smooth brain Q Tards posts existed there....

ciaozuzu ago

I think all the actual believers in Q are long gone. Now it's just trolls having a laugh and shills keeping it up not realizing there is no one left.

AntiMason ago

I think that's mostly true

TheSeer ago

People are now figuring out Q was hope porn.

But for some reason, the same people can't wrap their head around the fact that the same thing happened on a much larger scale during the late 60s through early 70s, called the Apollo Program.

The same thing, mixture of truth and lies, misinformation and lying by omission.

whatisbestinlife ago

we can go into demographics to understand it better. age, sex, voting history, level of critical thinking, bravery/cowardice, initiative/laziness

smokratez ago

Atheism is a religious jew cult.

Kleemin ago

jew cult - cult started by a jew that teaches pacifism, submission, non-violence, and to accept anyone as your neighbor. christcuck.

smokratez ago

cult started by a jew that teaches pacifism, submission, non-violence

Yup. All atheists do is sit around and jerk off to space and trannies. A perfect jew cult. I am not a Christian, you dumb faggot. I am a free man. You're the jew cultist.

englishwebster ago

as if you dont see that all the time on the internet in general though. Conversations go from "im not sure thats great" to "go fuck yourself" in the span of a single comment

i_am_texas_charlie ago

That's not even true. Go fuck yourself.

englishwebster ago

im not sure thats great

uvulectomy ago

What would you know you fucking retarded faggot? Go fuck yourself.

SparklingWiggle ago

They are all shills. (You know the downvotes are incoming but I can take it.)

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Sheep with a new shephard.

Question everything. Except Q. We beeeeellllllliiiiiiieeeevvvve!

SparklingWiggle ago

baa baa bix nood baa baa.

thirdsargon ago


Thepotatolobby ago

there are so many of them!!!!


MrPim ago

Qtards are retarded assholes. Period.

Gitmo_money ago

Wouldn't that be preferred instead of being a whiny goat who has been run off their own board by a bunch of boomers? Your nose might be interfering with your ability to make a point - be less sensitive, goat.

BigWind ago

run off their own board

I used to think that as well. Then one day, I unsubscribed from the only sub I had (QRV). The reults were amazing! So then I think 'What happens when I subscibe to another sub?'. Hot, once again, became another bubble for a different sub.

As a person who enjoys many points of view, I now have 0 subscriptions.

TL; DR: Voat takes the idea of sub to another level.

dirt_reynolds ago

Trust the plan bro.

The storm is coming and shit.

70times7 ago

Isnt everyone?

Charilko ago

Yes. Everyone on this site is an asshole. It’s fun.

AntiMason ago

Not really

TheNiggerFaggot ago

How to win friends and influence people rule #1: "Human nature does not like to admit fault. When people are criticized or humiliated, they rarely respond well and will often become defensive and resent their critic."

The really great thing about voat is that criticism is considered socially appropriate, but life means dealing with normies.

...faggot. 👍

Shadowlight ago

That's funny, I only humiliate those who attack or criticize me.

Then they REALLY get enraged.

BigWind ago

Yea, fuck. Enter Rona into the normie world, and the kung flu hoax exposes human nature rule #B. 'No matter how asinine, once a person grabs a belief, they tend to be a sub to it; To adjust their beliefs according to facts accumulated is incedibly difficult for the average bear."

Pride is a bitch of a wife, and marrying that cunt has real consequences.

Phantom42 ago

So break their pride.

Destroy their homes, burn their food, and make havoc on their infrastructure.

They will be proud of nothing but their own falure to defend what they loved so dearly.

70times7 ago

Coulda swore you were kinda a jerk the other day when I said something you didnt like.
