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CheeBooga ago

Jewish commie music. I would also bet the guitar player is a nigger jew like Jussie Smollet.

illuminalto2 ago

Tom morello is such a leftist knob.

CheeBooga ago

He truly is a commie jew dipfuck. He has a show on (((satellite radio))).

TheSeer ago

I can to this day remember the edgy teenagers rocking out to RATM. I mean, the music was good. But the message, clearly, was poison.

"Fck Godzilla, pure motherfckin filla" is apparently enough to earn you a career worth of 'street cred'. They push an anti-consumer message that people can relate to, and then, when you are looking for the 'solution', "Have you tried Communism? I mean Real Communism, naturally, good sir"

And yeah, would not be surprised if Zach also got some of that sweet CIA funding (or hell, if they even wrote some lyrics).

The biggest giveaway has been their support for the Zapatistas. Again, you criticize the corruption of the government and the violence of the drug cartels, and hey, look what we haven't tried yet! Rule by Far left Commie terrorists!

illuminalto2 ago

They wear Che Guavera shirts. The guy who ruled by military force. Then they sing about American brutality.

Shame because Know Your Enemy was a banger.

The early songs sucked, repeating verses and choruses over and over like a picket line sign or something - just crap.

The kids ate it up because it was the logical transition from Saturday morning cartoons "parents just dont get it" and they said the F word.

I'm an adult now! I listen to music with curse words and political opinions!

Fucking shit heads.

Macska ago

That's how I feel regarding fans of Tool as well.

illuminalto2 ago

Tool sucks, and the fans suck.

I say this as a guy in a band who covers schism and has to sing and play the guitar part at the same time, and it took me a long time to do it well (it's their only song I like).

The fans are so up their own ass - loathsome know it all nihilists who think they understand sacred geometry because Maynard helped them discover what a "fibonacci sequence" was.

Fucking Maynard is a turd too. He now runs a vineyard - hes praying for tidal waves, why cant he just be sober, hey my grapes are ready for the Mexicans to pick!

The guitarist unfortunately was never taught how music works, and 85% of their songs all sound the same because he uses drop D tuning uncreatively and cant get over the plateau by just locking himself in a room for a week and practice something else.

I cant stand tool culture.

Not to mention Maynard had like a 1 year run where he could sing well, and all the other shows are stale garbage - theres no crowd movement, participation, just a bunch of loligaggers conveinied in one spot to quench the thirst of "belonging" that Maynard has taught them they are too cool for.instead they make up for Maynard's non-presence with flashing lights and visuals.

Fuck tool.

The part that hurts the worst - and I've only seen this from the outside, so I know those druggie tool fans must have been bubbling with passive aggressive rage - is when he made that song dissing "potheads".

I would say Maynard is stupid for doing that, because that's his entire fanbase, but he isn't stupid - he is just a self centered nihilist.

Seriously man Fuck tool.