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WorldSerpent ago

Who cares in 2020? Is this 1995?

The only remotely explicitly pro-white music you will find is Black Metal.

Splooge ago

I dunno about black metal specifically, but I agree with what Dr. Pierce has to say on the topic in general:

WorldSerpent ago

First off he is talking about Death Metal not Black Metal.

Second there is whole genre that is called National Socialist Black Metal. If you can name a musically genre that EXPLICITLY is pro-white, I'll listen, I am aware of OI and general racist rock. It ain't country music....that shit is pozzed

SPAMsammich111 ago

Country music nowadays is nothing more than twangy pop sang by rich yuppies who think they're "cawntry" because they wear a cowboy hat.

Splooge ago

I know very little about metal. Generally speaking I think the only based music is traditional/old timey shit, and even then you gotta be selective. No single genre is safe, because that's how the jew works.