Rage Against the Machine >>> IS THE MACHINE >> Lead Singer Zach de la Rocha is JEWISH and his Father 'BETO' was a Member of the 'Chicano 4' and Founder of the DAY OF THE DEAD CULT in Los Angeles (whatever)
submitted 4.8 years ago by Oh_Well_ian
SEEN THESE SKULLS EVERWHERE, in recent years? Do you realize what they signify?
Fasting growing religion in Mexico ( all of Central America ) is SANTA MUERTE or the Cult of DEATH.
These are the vermin invading our country from Central America, not Catholics. In fact, Catholicism has lost millions of church members to this Satanic Cult. This is the chosen 'RELIGION' of MS13...
How International Gang MS-13 Combines Satanism and Death Into New Religion
Guess who started the Day of the Dead Celebration in East LA in 1974?
None other than Robert Isaac "Beto" de la Rocha He was a member of the 'LOS 4', a subversive Chicano faction funded by none other than our own CIA.
Robert de la Rocha is American painter, graphic artist, and muralist. He is of Mexican (including Spanish, some African and Converso-Sephardi Jewish)
EDIT: Appears Wiki scrubbed the fact that Robert Beto de la Rocha is a Sephardic Jew >> ALTERNATE SOURCE HERE
His name may sound familiar because he is the father of Zach de la Rocha, Lead Singer of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
You know... Paul Ryan's favorite band? The band that says to kill cops and turn our country inside out, all in the name of JUSTICE.
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Dalai_Llama 4.8 years ago
Most of the time, anyone who claims to be "against the man," is the man or a useful idiot of the man.
Oh_Well_ian 4.8 years ago
True, but the far bigger threat comes from Los Muerte Cult..
100% Satanism and selling in Target, Walmart, etc.
Sorry, I am ignorant to what you're talking about.
tastelessinvective 4.8 years ago
Looks like it's just the Mexicans reverting to their Aztec roots. Vatican BTFO.
maybe if you read the entire post you would become enlightened
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Dalai_Llama ago
Most of the time, anyone who claims to be "against the man," is the man or a useful idiot of the man.
Oh_Well_ian ago
True, but the far bigger threat comes from Los Muerte Cult..
100% Satanism and selling in Target, Walmart, etc.
Dalai_Llama ago
Sorry, I am ignorant to what you're talking about.
tastelessinvective ago
Looks like it's just the Mexicans reverting to their Aztec roots. Vatican BTFO.
Oh_Well_ian ago
maybe if you read the entire post you would become enlightened
Dalai_Llama ago