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ArielQflip ago

WOW. I thought everyone knew this. I knew years ago.

Jews singing Islam mantras in heavy metal 'murica.

I can't listen to them anymore.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Did you know about his fundamental role in bringing the cult of Santa Muerte to America or how it's the chosen 'religion' of MS13.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The 1st amendment protecting Freedom of religion was a mistake.

Stubbabubba ago

Really the first is only meant to protect political speech. It wasn't supposed to be applied to things like this

borderline7 ago

whites believing in bronze age death cults and lies is a mistake... which leads to the creation of the mistake of the 1st amendment.

you can't have a fundamental flaw of logic and reason like this and not suffer the damage it causes.

Draco777 ago

How about starting a new religion?