Tallest_Skil ago

And yet you won’t ever actually GO on a rampage.

SoOutraged ago

Did a nigger steal your girl?

dassaer ago

WTF. Am i missing something here ?/.

According to the advert 'A person can get pregnant during their period but it is UNLIKELY'. Immediately followed by '... a person is most LIKELY to get pregnant in the middle of their menstrual cycle ...'

Is that some dumbed-down-masses-joo-miscegenation-double speak or what ??? ...

tokui ago

We need to take actions. This has to be addressed.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Jealous Whitey?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Yes you can but more importantly if you fuck niggers you produce low IQ halfboons that you end up having to raise by yourself. An STD is also an added bonus.

three_fifths_human ago

8 minutes after fucking this dirty race trader of a cunt, the nigger beat her skull in with a coffee mug and stole 3 dollars from her purse. Police are baffled for a motive.

VishnuX ago

Aww, is the little white cuck getting mad? Neck yourself mayofaggot.

rabbi_shlomo ago

Go on a rampage kek, you weak white pussy.

White women prefer black men. Period. It's always been like that. Look at the depiction of relationships on ancient Greek pottery. Fair skin women with darker men.

Black men have more testosterone and less body fat. While you are having to track your woman's periods like a limp dicked cuck, a black man could get her pregnant at anytime of her cycle. That's real fertility.

It's funny how whites get so triggered easily. It's science. They are better breeding partners. In the future, white men will cut their little dicks off and serve as guardians for the genetically superior mixed children.

Intrixina ago

Only bastardised filth will coalburn, kike. White women are far more loyal to white men than you verbally masturbate them to be.

recon_johnny ago

And people ask me why I hate the jews so much.

Derpfroot ago

Answer: Possibly. But you'll definitely pay the toll.

Jiggggg ago

What is worse:

blatant race mixing

saying "people" who have "their" periods instead of "women"

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

Are you sure this will help prevent unwanted pregnancies?

Unwanted pregnancies?

knightwarrior41 ago

name checks out lol ^

mitoriomyt ago

Most of these articles are all pretty much clickbait. These churned articles cater to the lowest common denominator to trigger outrage, curiosity. Think of them as if they're National Enquirer gossip rags that you used to see by the checkout area of the grocery stores, except in digital form, and everywhere. It's all bullshit to see if they can gets clicks and traction thru forwards. They have all the data on the backend and can track how much well it does (either for advertising purposes, or in this case, for clear social engineering.)

If it does well, they analyze if it was content or image that grabbed people. Then they recycle the formula and repeat it over and over again.

The only thing these shit pieces are good for are to chronicle the globohomo clown world agenda that's being shoved down our throats. So screenshot and share to redpill people like you've done here, OP. But don't ever forward them on. Archive if you feel you must. Otherwise, treat it like the trash that it is and don't give it clicks or views.

shiffscreek ago


True. The negro is a protected species.

Vyasa ago

Of course they pick the blackest nig and the pastiest white thing

1Sorry_SOB ago

Keep poking the tiger, fellas.

Uncle_Slob ago

They even look like they're in a crack house...

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Someone will probably put her on coalfax

TheWorstImaginable ago

No. Not a rampage. You HAVE to understand that something like half of whites are unrepentant traitors. If you told them you hated a nigger, they'd think you're as disgusting as we think niggers are. Get this through your head and plant it there. They would turn you in and enjoy as you get tortured and killed and your children raped by niggers because you're a RACIST.

White people are not automatically your allies, white people are not automatically your friends. Most if not all of the traitors will hide and lie and sabotage your movement from the inside.

We need to identify and track traitors. We need to be aware of the extreme danger they pose to the weaker willed among us, people who will think about how their skin is white over how their broken brains have made them the useful idiots, the enemy of our race. We can't start fighting without a plan for the traitors. You have to realize how dangerous the women especially are. They will worm their way into mens minds and start corrupting them with their pussies.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

You have to realize how dangerous the women especially are. They will worm their way into mens minds and start corrupting them with their pussies.

Sounds like your a cuck buddy

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're. And no, I'm just smarter than you and that's a common response from people like you.

steven_feelsperg ago

True. I had more trouble with traitorous Whites than shitskins or women because of their duplicity from race and gender cucking. The latter openly despise you. The former saddle up and backstab you.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Exactly. We have an enemy that surrounds us and controls everything from shipping to commerce to the media and education. We can't coddle traitors at the same time

Literally-Oppressed ago

You're starting to sound like the government

steven_feelsperg ago

Government has been hijacked to prefer shitskins and exclude Whites, so your argument is invalid.

TheWorstImaginable ago

No, I'm sounding like someone who realizes that our own race has been brainwashed for too long, and we can't afford a long process of attempting to fix their brains while we're at war. I get it that you probably have members of your family or friends who can't be trusted, it's hard to deal with.

starrychloe ago

I’m a traitor. The real enemy is socialism and collectivism. I know several black and Jewish ancaps.

Tallest_Skil ago




starrychloe ago

Banned from too many subreddits.

Tallest_Skil ago

how do I make a new account

For fuck’s sake.

starrychloe ago

Then you are time limited for each comment and get marked spam and shadow banned.

184669729 ago

You're fucking retarded.

starrychloe ago


itssomatic ago

Race is skin deep, except for sickle cell anemia.

Race is skin deep, except for non-reciprocal bone marrow.

Race is skin deep, except for prognathic jaws.

Race is skin deep, except for frontal lobes .

TheWorstImaginable ago

If your name is really chloe I wouldn't doubt it.

I don't like jews or blacks, they won't be living near me that's for damn sure. You can go live in the jew and nigger district with walls between you and I.

Shotinthedark ago

Only a nigger is trying to fuck a woman on their period.

PHXSunlight ago

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, why would a woman want to go anywhere near one?! They're so stupid, stinky, violent, and ugly.

Well, most women don't (except fellow dark ones, of course), but that doesn't stop them from pushing it.

Hand_of_Node ago

The ones who do it are doing it because it's disgusting. Just look at the number of women who fantasize about fucking dogs.

chirogonemd ago

I'm not sure why you think you know what that number is. I mean the number of women who fantasize about fucking dogs. Just because you see those vids on porn sites doesn't mean it's a common female fantasy. It means where there is an opportunity presented by the existence of a male fantasy, there are women who will take that opportunity. That's not to say there aren't sexual deviants. Of course there are and for both sexes. But I think bestiality is a pretty fringe one, and most of the time when it occurs, is probably the result of a career-long habit of porn use and the associated escalation from that dopamine drip.

I think a good deal of fetishes are tied to fear. I don't want to get into the spiel here, but many are rooted in precisely the things that scare, revulse, or would normally cause us to feel social shame. When it reduces to low-level facts, it probably amounts to the fact that it simply stimulates more of the proximal brain regions than typical sexual imagery. The centers for revulsion and terror are close and related to the centers for arousal. More neural stimulation, more neurotransmitters. When you start getting desensitized from chronic masturbation, the more neural recruitment you can generate, the greater the arousal.

I think fetishes, for the most part, are built. Episodic memory from early childhood exposures can contribute. But I also think we are far from a clear understanding of how porn use during formative years, especially the hormonal and tumultuous years of puberty, perverts regular sexual developmental changes in the brain.

Hand_of_Node ago

Am just guessing at the number based on women I've met or know. Although it's possible I've met more than my share of freaks. These were mainly younger women, in some stage of their 20s.

The second half of your last paragraph seems to accurately describe the phenomenon.

Soyboy69 ago

It's even worse for society for women to be fucking niggers than it is for them to fuck dogs. At least the dogs won't impregnate them with mogrel spawn, are less likely to give them disease, are less likely to attack, and might not cause microchimarism. It's still degenerate but coalburning is even worse.

PHXSunlight ago

True, there's always some degenerates who have tough time reining in their debauchery.

RumpRangerRick ago

I always make a point of bringing it up to the wife, noticing it while we watch ((( talmudvision ))).

She has quickly become red-pilled.

TheWorstImaginable ago

By talmudvision you mean you download your brain poison for free right? The thought of paying for that garbage makes me roil with hatred.

Twodivinehipsters ago

She looks mixed anyway tbh.

New-World-Ebola ago

buy ammo

wanderingblade ago

That's not when ovulation is...

Jiggggg ago

They mean "menstrual cycle" as in around 28 days, middle of that is day 14, which is usually when ovulation occurs (give or take).

You begin a new menstrual cycle with bleeding so people tend to say "menstrual cycle" when they mean "period"

Ps37-27 ago

Wrongo- i thought that and ended up with 5 surprises! You are fertile immediately after your period as soon as mucus starts. The more egg yolk it is the more fertile you are give or take 4 days on either side not counting how long sperm can live (72+ hrs)

Plus, you can get pregnant during your period and sometimes other times too. Good Luck!

Personally, other than the sheer number of groceries and vehicle choices w/ 4 wheel drive/V8

I would have had a few more.

Jiggggg ago

Lol no I know. I am a strict follower of the fertility awareness method.

I thought you meant that they were saying that you ovulate when you're bleeding and I was saying that you don't.

I only consider myself "safe" after the temperature shift after ovulation!! Way too much left to chance with "dry days" haha

Ps37-27 ago

Hah! Exactly!

Ps37-27 ago

As for a few more that would have been then... now I’m tired. Teenagers are hard

oyyyyyveyyyy ago

Yes we know but it's always worth trying

Buff_Awesome ago

The only reason why that article exists is for that picture. The topic of the article is nonsensical and of help to no one.

dassaer ago

WTF. Am i missing something here ?/.

According to the advert 'A person can get pregnant during their period but it is UNLIKELY'. Immediately followed by '... a person is most LIKELY to get pregnant in the middle of their menstrual cycle ...'

Is that some dumbed-down-masses-joo-miscegenation-double speak or what ??? ...

Deceneu ago

Read: -- Come visit our fertility clinic --

i_am_triggered ago

Not exactly, there's second plot: it says "person" get's pregnant, not woman, a "person". Not woman on her period, "person" on "their" period.

I just can't stand this "they" and it's getting everywhere, even people here on voat are using it.

RebeccaSugar ago

Don't worry! The girl is a Jewess.

Smokybubbles ago

Correct. Anything to keep their narrative in the public's face, to normalize and desensitize.

YamaMaya ago

Exactly this is 6th grade biology we all know how women get pregnant

i_am_triggered ago

Notice that it doesn't say anything about women, it's "person" on "their" period.

Deceneu ago

Yes, that was the most significant part of that article. With that vocabulary, you know exactly who you're dealing with.

voatuser1128 ago

Someone posted a coffee commercial of a nigger with a white woman and you wouldn't have known it was a coffee commercial if nobody told you. Ad companies have been taken over by Jews and SJWs and Cultural Marxists but I wonder about why companies who need to make money are just following along with these ads.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

You could have just said jews.

philmchawk ago

but I wonder about why companies who need to make money are just following along with these ads.

Because blackrock/vanguard own basically every single publicly traded company and they decide how things work.

voatuser1128 ago

own basically every single publicly traded company and they decide how things work.

If that is true then wouldn't that make them so powerful that any opposition is futile?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

They don't have any political power or authority power though

philmchawk ago

Dutch india trading company was worth more than any company ever and still collapsed. No there has been way more powerful countries/groups/companies, you won't "beat" it or destroy it but it will collapse, they always do. Hell think about how much money they lost with this shut down, every single company under them just got hit massively besides netflix/amazon. Also they don't own much in the East.

WD_Pelley ago

You should've seen the Nestle chocolate bar commercial, black dad and white woman with some sprog kid.

PhilKDick ago

I assume it was a milk chocolate ad, and not for white or dark chocolate.

Don't go making milk chocolate with a white man and a black woman, however

WD_Pelley ago

No, it was the candy bar. Turned me off of eating that shit.

Skipberry ago


WD_Pelley ago

I'd rather not atm, because I don't want to puke.

jthun2 ago

he's not beating her, can't be a real interracial relationship

gosso920 ago

They're not a couple, they're models for an advertisement. She took a long shower afterwards, to wash the stench off her.

BordelonLoop ago

ever see the movie "Othello" with julia ormonds and laurence fishburne? she looked like she wanted to vomit when she had to kiss him. she was not a happy person.

Deceneu ago

That was NSFL. Thanks.

sane ago


ALL Black males are pleasant , helpful, and nice in Print & TV commercials by Jews : See! :


he's not beating her because its a fantasy picture

Smallest_Skil ago

Oh no that nigger is raping that human girl...... Shoot it.

SmokeyMeadow ago

At least throw a basketball to distract him.

noob_tube ago

Time for an honor killing. Islam is right about women.

oyyyyyveyyyy ago

Me and the gf decided to start having children since the future is so uncertain. We realized it will always be uncertain, so we started trying a few days ago. We were tracking her cycle and found this....

DaddyO ago

I think the moment of conception would be ovulation which is 2-3 days after period ends. So give ur nuts a break and then on the last day of the period do nothing but bust nuts

Ps37-27 ago

That’s ass backwards. Marry first and then the kids.

Otherwise the uncertainty is some other dude ends up with your mistake (gf) & up beating your kid. It’s not his.

spreadthosecheeks ago

subjugate yourself to state rules heavily in favor of the woman to fuck you in the ass if she decides she wants to in order to procreate

yeah, no

Tallest_Skil ago


Try harder, yid.

spreadthosecheeks ago


Tallest_Skil ago

doesn’t try harder

Oh well, you lose.

spreadthosecheeks ago


Ps37-27 ago

Oh, there’s a limit to which you aspire when you pick your woman. I suppose trough feeding works for some.

spreadthosecheeks ago

You look at things objectively and realize that the potential costs outweigh the potential benefits, reeeeeeee why don't you just do what I say

Nice ad hominem non argument.

Tallest_Skil ago

Keep crying out in pain as though you don’t know what irony is.

spreadthosecheeks ago

And you apparently don't know how to define it, since nothing in that statement was an ad hominem attack.

Tallest_Skil ago

in that statement

Ooh! The jew thinks his pilpul will save him.

spreadthosecheeks ago


Tallest_Skil ago

You already failed. It’s over. No one will ever fall for your jewish propaganda.

spreadthosecheeks ago

Keep projecting, it's kinda funny/ sad.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you’re a jew because you call out jews

YOU’RE projecting not me

Scream louder as you strike.

Ps37-27 ago

It’s the herpes! It’s fairly easy to get- apparently. But it cycles you down to either infect others or pick others that are infected. If you chose the latter, all you have is complaints that your partner is a whore like you (them)

Tallest_Skil ago

STDs just running rampant and no one doing anything about it is itself proof that our society is collectively brain damaged.

Niggertoes ago

Marry her

knightwarrior41 ago

yup,i second this advice

Karbuster ago

Marry her first and foremost as a man of honor and secondly as a big middle finger to current culture

YamaMaya ago

just have regular sex every 2 to 3 days when she isn't actively bleeding. You will get pregnant easily.

knightwarrior41 ago

You will get pregnant easily.

you might have meant his gf,men cant get pregnant yet though i suspect that they are working on this as we speak

YamaMaya ago

Obviously the woman gets pregnant its just a colloquialism to say "we're pregnant" or refer to a couple being pregnant