Shakenstein ago

I read that during WW1 Armenians sided with Tsarist Russia, organising destabilizing efforts against the war effort the Turks were having. Being Othodox Christians, they would have also sided with the White army when came the civil war of the red army vs. Whites tsarists and with their vast (underground ) network in the caucasus regions they could have hide and organised there during that civil war. They could also have organised from inside the turkish borders which could have create a clausterfuck between the not totaly yet dismantled Turkish empire, from which the jews leeched and influence their multiculturalism endeavor until they killed their host. We have to understand that now we know Mustafa Kemal was a freemason and a Domnhe, but during the Armenian genocide, the young turks, the usefull "atheists" idiots that followed their crypto jew leader to a western standard of living who made the armenian deportation/death march and the murders happen, well they didnt have total control yet over the not yet totally dismantled Turkish empire. Now we know that jews originally sided with Germany austria and the ottomans, from which they controled the banks and markets internaly. We know now that they backstabbed Germany and muslims when they didnt want to provide them with autority over the holy land, so they got the balfour declaration from the britishs in exchange of having their diaspora( read western mainstream medias) influence Amercian leaders to go to war against Germany. Funny thing is this is well known, and its not like they were taking a bet, they were SURE to have the USA back them up, it wasnt a gamble, tells you everything we need to know about jewish power in the western world at that time, they were already controlling our nations. So now we have germany and ottomans getting backstab by the jews, that leaves the russians out of the equation for now. We know they planned their bolchevick revolution in russia for a long time, but they had to be ready, they had to get the minorities in russia turn their back to the Tsar, and the armenians wouldnt have it. So they probably though that before taking down Russia, they had to be sure the Armenians wouldnt be able to help them organised or even fight on their side cause they would have lost. So they ask their guy, Kemal, to slaughter them before the great civil war would start in Russia. Thats my theory considering what we know now, how jews leech on a strong nationalistic productive host, pushing them to go expand borders, becoming an empire, making them rich with monopolized industries and international exchanges to then better kill their host before they realized what happened and start again with the next ones. Also, the jews probably have a deep hatred for Armenians considering they are the oldest christians, just like the copte community in egypt who are the original christians and get muslims and fake mossad muslims organizing terror attack against those communities all the time. Hope that makes this event a bit more clear for you goats.

boekanier ago

Turks don't do half work.

BalfourYourFace ago

Armenians are fucking assholes, I haven't met a single one that isn't a cocky ass clown in a BMW

voatuser1128 ago

For real, I don't know why anybody here is shedding tears over them. They are also big in crime especially organized crime. They are also super hairy and look more middle eastern than white. I would turn the women into sex slaves though and work the men to death in labor camps.

BalfourYourFace ago

The women are disgusting, basically just hairier and stinkier Mexicans

undemocratic ago

Fuck the turkroach

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

The Jew cries out as he strikes you.

Smallest_Skil ago

Oy veh goy.....The real victims here are the six million jews.

tanukihat ago

It's important to remember that the current Turkish government (the Atatürks) are not the same entity as the Ottoman Empire, which dissolved in 1922. Blaming the genocide on Atatürk is Sins of the Father nonsense. It's funny when people like Germans say things like "We're not responsible for the war crimes of our previous government! But the Turks are!" Atatürk has no reason to claim responsibility for a genocide his administration didn't commit. I'm not Turkish, I'm just an American who knows history beyond just American history.

gazillions ago

The Armenians were killed by muslims because that's what muslims do you filthy fucking sandnigger muslim.

tanukihat ago

The Ottoman Empire was muslim, genius.

gazillions ago

Of course it was. Who said it wasn't? You should learn how to read before you go deciding who's a genius and who isn't. Apparently you aren't qualified to make that call. You muslims have such a low IQ,

tanukihat ago

You seemed to be confused. I think you must have misread or misunderstood something, you appear to be having a conversation with someone else.

gazillions ago

NO, I'm familiar with your posts. You're a muslim.

tanukihat ago

Sure bud

oneunderall ago

Man lol @ these turks in this thread coming out of the cracks in the walls

Smallest_Skil ago

moslems and jews who gives a shit about them and their deaths.

Windmill4theLand ago

Most of the Armenians were Christian, and many were hidden by their Muslim neighbors.

Smallest_Skil ago

ohhhh my bad .... Well that sucks then.

thewhiteturk ago

  1. It was a conflict between Armenian and Turkish people, not a unilateral genocide.
  2. Far more Armenians were killed than Turks, but not over or even close to a million.
  3. Armenians started the conflict with the help of Russian and British provocation, they promised a free state to Armenians.
  4. You can easily find the pictures of raped-killed-beheaded women and children of Armenians and Turks on the internet.

*Out of topic: Armenians are orthodox, as incompatible as islam with the West.

oneunderall ago

So most people here are posting sources and links and backing up the shit they say. You have any non-turk sources?

thewhiteturk ago

It'd be the same thing as trying to convince people that slavs aren't White or Trump is just another jew puppet. Tired of this shit.

oneunderall ago

But that is easy to do? You can look at slav genetics and show anthropoligically they belong to a different evolutionary race.

Trump is also clearly a jew puppet.

So..... Where are your anti-armenian genocide sources and arguments?

thewhiteturk ago

I searched a little bit trying to find English versions of my sources but not surprisingly couldn't find anything. Unfortunately Turkish internet lacks a whole world of information because of Turkish incompetency compared to English internet in about any subject.

Now, I wouldn't give this guy's sayings as an argument because he's a jew but he was an expert on middle east history (especially Turkey).

Lewis' research match with the writings of Kazim Karabekir, the general who saw the atrocities committed by Armenians with his own eyes when he entered the province of Erzurum, in his book of Ermeni Mezalimi (Armenian Atrocity? not sure how it translates). The book is on the internet but not in English.

I've seen some twitter floods (like every year) with lots of pictures of allegedly killed Turks but they're all in Turkish too.

Also, yes I agree it's easy to do but whenever I point out that slavs aren't white I get downvoted quickly. Maybe it's the name.

oneunderall ago

Why is it not surprising that you couldn't find anything? Is Turkey somehow poorer and less influentialthan Armenia? How is it possible that so much documentation, photos, publications, memoirs, and ruins exist corroberating the history of the Armenian Genocide linked as references in the wikipedia page and beyond sourced from multiple countries in multiple languages. Yet for your perspective there is only Turkish sources and one english speaking guy who doesn't even deny the slaughter of Armenians, he just claims it's not a technical genocide and also something something muh holocaust.

thewhiteturk ago

I never denied the slaughter of Armenians either.

And yes, Armenia is a lot more influential than Turkey. There are a few important reasons for this:

-Most countries automatically accept it because their perspective of this this incident only consists of Christian-Muslim or Western-Eastern or European-Ottoman. If I was a corrupt politician in the Western world I would immediately ally with Armenians too. Best example I can give is Woodrow Wilson. He was supposedly a professor of history but when he drew a map of "Armenian Free State" during the peace conference he included some provinces that has never been inhabited by Armenians. He just hated Turks. My guess would be because he was a jew puppet.

-The Armenian lobby. It's one of the more influential lobbies in the congress. Contrary to that, there isn't any notable Turkish lobby, simply because of our incompetency.

-The media. As you most likely know, jews control it. Every year they sting it on the public's eye, like holocaust. So average American or European had saw it every year since he was born and continue to do so. It'd be hard to change his idea on this subject don't you think?

-Idiot Turkish politicians. They simply deny it that ever happened. I don't expect them to apologize (which I wouldn't) but simply acknowledging it (not that there was a genocide, but a mutual conflict) would change some perspective.

You can simply check out random pages on wikipedia (first English than Turkish) to see just how incompetent or lazy Turks are. While looking at Demographics of Ottoman Empire I've come across Stanford J. Shaw, he put the population of Armenians a little over 1 million. Most sources on the internet put it between 1 million and 2 million. Today's population of Armenia is close to 3 million. Not even Dakotans produce this fast.

CrudOMatic ago


auralsects ago

Peak Voat Christcuck spergery

"omg the Donmeh Jews are a thing, therefore this GENOCIDE THAT HITLER HIMSELF CITED TO PERPETRATE THE SHOAH is legit, cuz I get hard when Christians are victims"

Armenian Genocide is obvious bullshit which is why the English detained over 100 Ottoman officials on Malta for years before concluding they found NOTHING in their archives abt exterminating anyone.

And that's AFTER Armenian irregulars (using weapons caches in US funded missionary churches) invited Russian invaders and massacred a GREATER number of Muslims in order to provoke reprisals and draw in the Christian powers.

Meanwhile Armenian hoaxers forged laughable telegrams that didn't even use proper Ottoman dating system etc.

Fuck you and fuck Armenians, who are JEWS and DOGS.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Interesting how Russia was taken over by bolsheviks in 1917, the US had the Federal Reserve Bank created in 1913, and this genocide in ~1915. Not to mention the weimar republic around 1918.

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SIayfire122 ago

It was a terrible decade.

generate ago

almost like now

Laffey ago

What do you think you're doing? You're not allowed to claim any genocide happened other than the 6 million. Oy vey.

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PoquitoMojito ago

That's exactly why Israel still hasn't recognized the Armenian holocaust

CowWithBeef ago

Now do the jews in Europe.

CheeBooga ago

I thought Trump and Boris made anti-semitism illegal?

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

Jews did the Armenians in after exploiting their well known penchant for treachery, the Turks do not deny they suffered however they say they had it coming for siding with Russia in the 1915 Sarakamish Campaign.

Prior to the 1914-1918 First World War, Turkish politics had been infiltrated by Sephardic Jews called "The Young Turks."

Political power in Britain, France and Russia was similarly in the hands of Jews, thus in 1915 Jew proxies in Russia attacked Turkey from the North while Winston Churchill's British and French legions attacked at Gallipoli in the South.

The Turks repulsed the enemy on the Southern Front taking the lives of some one hundred and fifty thousand British, French, Indian, Canadian, South African, Australian and New Zealand troops, they conceded territory in the North however after the YT's sent an academic General from the Staff College to replace the General Officer in Command of the Northern Army.

In response to a coordinated campaign of criticism from the Zionist press of his decision to place the Army into winter quarters, while the tactical situation was at a stalemate due to the weather, and while the Russian Army complete with its contingent of Armenian Nationalists was similarly quartered on the other side of the Sarakamish Mountains.

The clown the YT's put in charge wanted to emulate Napoleon's crossing of the Alps and after declining to participate in a duel with the General he was sent to replace, ordered the army into the mountains during a blizzard in the middle of winter with inadequate clothing and footwear, whence some sixty thousand or so froze to death.

Armenia has remained a proxy state of Russia thence Jews ever since, while the reprisals against the Armenians carried out in the name of Turkey now known as the Armenian Genocide, were coordinated by the same Young Turks agents of international Jewry who had started the trouble in the first place.

Who had worked in coordination with Jew proxy Churchill and the Jew dominated Russian leadership to by way of war inherit what remained of the Ottoman Empire, and to provide an everlasting point of contention between Armenia and Turkey they would continue to exploit to their own ends.

Jews Plotted the Armenian Holocaust, by Nathanael Kapner.

The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians, by Christopher Jon Bjerknes PDF.

Crypto Jews Perpetrated the Armenian Genocide & Blamed Turks, by Elias Akleh.

gazillions ago

In typical muslim fashion they crucified women on crosses through the vagina and erected those crosses for all to see. They did that because the Armenians were predominately Christian. There's no justification or redirection of the savage nature of muslims. If jews use them to do their dirty work it's because the filthy muslims are always happy to oblige.

"In fact, the remains of the Armenians are so prevalent in the area that all you need to do is scratch the sand along the river banks and you will find pieces of human bones that have been there for 98 years."

AntiMason ago

And now they have us by the balls.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Turkish politics had been infiltrated by Sephardic Jews called "The Young Turks."

The Jews in Turkey at the time were the Donmeh, not Sephardi

Armenia has remained a proxy state of Russia thence Jews ever since

This is just dumb. 1) Armenia is actually closer to Iran than Russia 2) Armenia has maintained an Anti-Zionist stance 3) Russia isn't simply controlled by Jews, yes there is Jewish power in Russia, but this assertion is a gross oversimplification and exaggeration.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

The Jews in Turkey at the time were the Donmeh, not Sephardi.

You are nitpicking here my man.

The “Dönmeh” descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The Jews don't consider Donmeh to be Jews. They aren't allowed to make the aliyah. They do have Jewish ancestry, and they mix Sufi mysticism with Kabbalah mysticism.

JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

"They mix Sufi mysticism with Kabbalah mysticism."

Yeah well what is happening here is they .. you .. whoever are knocking on the door of the Pantheon - in the European context that means Zeus, Jove, Diana, Athena, mars et al, however researchers must be aware there are just as many pantheons as there are races and tribes, the Hindu Pantheon encompassing as it does Shiva and Kali et al, no less than the American Pantheon with the Feathered Serpent and a similar log of claimants .. ok we don't persecute the Pantheists and recognize that God endorses prophets from every nation and tribe as per the information in the Koran.

Ok the Pantheons have absorbed Jesus, Moses and Lucifer no less than Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great, none of which reduces the majesty of God himself or if y'all prefer Allah, Jehova, Yaweh or according to Canadian Trucker Ray Yeshua.

He told me he does it all on his own the Pantheons have absorbed all Earthly religions Hell.

allahead ago

The jews were from a satanic sect of judaism called the Sabattean-Frankists. They have infiltrated all of judaism, Catholocism, many Protestant organizations, all of academia and government.

TheSeer ago

Armenians were also really prosperous merchants, with outposts and trade connections all across the Middle East/world. So naturally, that made them the enemies of the Jews, who wanted to move in on that territory.

Draco777 ago

(((They))) really do take over the native merchant class of any host country.

darkpiecez ago

The last two links are broken otherwise, great post

Derpfroot ago

I found an archive of the Churchill page.

Fried-Laptop ago

jews doing what jews do.