Bill_Williamson ago

Jews live in a sick mirror-world where everything is the opposite of what it actually is.

Stingsbutplug ago

Jews are the girlfriend who was dumped for the prom queen.

Computergeek01 ago

It wasn't crystal meth, it was desoxyn. There are small but majorly important differences.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters,

and all liars,

shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Revelation 21:8 King James Version (KJV)

massiveprivilege ago

Jews were slandering Hitler for a long time so you stop liking him and making Hitler memes.

Much of the slander is tailored toward ebil nazis (Hitler was "something you dont like") Hitler had one testicle, no testicles, Hitler had no toes, Hitler was atheist, Hitler was muslim, had alzheimers disease, parkinsons disease, was gay, was into bestiality, was a jew... its just tiresome.

Varlet ago

They're prepping for when the hallofcost finally falls apart so they can make the "not all jews are bad" arguement.

starrychloe ago

You mean socialists are obsessed...

Proudarmygal1 ago

I’m sorry I really hate them!

dassaer ago

Oh gaddamnit man, how many times with this shit ??.. Look his actual legit/ verified genealogyAdolf's fake jewish grandfather has been public domain for at least 40+ yrs (and therefore available to all msm talking head mouthpieces). Its also simple to refute by looking to which 'group' continually promote and propagate these deceptions ...

Uncle_Slob ago

You literally bought meth over the counter. How do you think blitzkrieg worked? SPEED BABY!

Saulspergmin ago

You'd think if he really was a mass-murdering psychopath that would be enough of a condemnation. But nah, have to keep coming up with new accusations. Kind of reminds me of how Trotsky was gradually vilified under Stalin's regime until he was eventually the soul enemy of the Soviet Union, responsible for every failure of communism.

Drain0 ago

They're also obsessed with cocks.

Floppyhorsecock ago

They certainly like a lot of dick stuff.

ranch-othelioma ago

"New evidence shows Hitler was college roommate of Batboy"

PsyOp ago

No, the jews are obsessed with controlling the world...controlling history is a part of that goal.

Not_C ago

Whenever I read or hear stuff like that, or anything about the Germans, that the Germans had crappy military equipment; that their leaders were psychos who were out of touch with reality, that they were led by idiots who were completely incompetent. - If that were true, then how did they accomplish what they did?

Seriously, when people talk trash about WW2 Germany; its military equipment; its leaders - If any bit of that trash talk is true, then how were they able to do what they did?

The answer is that it all comes down to the Germans themselves. The German race, the Aryan race.

Hitler himself wasn't a military mastermind. He just wasn't. He didn't listen enough to his Generals. He made countless mistakes. Much of Germany's military equipment was inferior to what was being used by the Allies. Germany didn't have the needed resources. This is all 100% true.

The reason the Germans were able to achieve so much, despite being at a disadvantage in so many ways, was the Germans themselves. They were more intelligent, inventive, creative. They were stronger; not only physically, but mentally. Even during the Battle of Berlin, the Hitler Youth (who were conscripting 12 year olds into battle) they were part of the last line of defence. And the Hitler Youth were reported to be the fiercest fighters in that battle.

Any time I hear anything negative about the Third Reich, it leaders and military, all I can think about is how superior the Aryan race is.

chirogonemd ago

Synthetic fuels, baby. Nothing like that sort of pressure to cause an intelligent race to innovate. Changed the world. Jet propulsion as well. Hence, NASA and paperclip. They were really the intellectual powerhouse of Europe.

Not_C ago

It's true, war does accelerate innovation.

But what is also true is that Hitler believed the war would end quickly and stopped nearly all R&D in order to put all resources into production. This was one of Germany's biggest mistakes. They were on the verge of producing jet aircraft, and would have had far better rockets, maybe even nukes to go with them.

And despite this huge mistake, Germany achieved far, far more than than they should have. And that was because of the superiority of the German soldiers themselves.

ShootinSpics ago

Look how they slander my boy

mememeyou ago

audiastrat ago

Funny this got posted, a few weeks ago a qtard started grinding up against a few of these angry claims and I listed off the rest of them to head him off, and here they all are.

People get so mad when they hate someone and cant find any dirt on them

Titanbikes4ever ago

You can always tell what is good and right because the Jews always shit on it in the media

SpiritExpedition ago

suggests Hitler had Jewish ancestors -Cohen

How badass do you have to be to have even Jews wishing you were part of their tribe?

SigniferLux ago

Jesus Christ levels.

LuciusAM ago

Their assumption that Hitler being straight, not doing drugs, being purely German, and having a massive wang are all things that those who like him like him for is humorous. Like honestly, is there a single person who likes Hitler who would suddenly stop liking him if they found out he liked a little meth or didn't have a huge wang?

Jiggggg ago

Agreed. I like Hitler because he fought for preserving European culture and values. He fought for REAL diversity - that is, cultures around the world keeping to themselves within their communities and preserving their traditions.

Modern "diversity" is mixing every culture together to the point that there is NO diversity. It's like mixing paint. Keep the colors separate, look at all the pretty colors! Mix them all together? Doo doo brown

jthun2 ago

Given that cocaine was being pushed on everyone back in the early 20th century, it's hardly a stigma. Freud recommended it, Jewish doctors pushed it, etc etc.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I don't think he was a jew. But he wasn't Arayan. His forehead is sloped. That could be why he didn't have children, especially with Eva since she was Arayan.

The rest of that stuff is just made up in order to keep Hitler on people's minds.

Adonwars ago

Up until a few years ago I believed most if not all those things like an idiot because I would mearly read the headline and move on. Amazing what happens when you start to question one aspect of the supposed "reality" we live in, because soon after everything that you think you knew falls apart.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, I heard a lot of stories about him as a kid, not just headlines, whole documentaries. I assumed he was a generally screwed up guy, but they've been caught lying so much I'm inclined to think none of it is true.

AttackHelicopter ago

I made the mistake of trying to prove /pol/ wrong years ago. When you try that and fail a few hundred times while actually verifying that Jews really are at the root most things screwing up our world, you kinda become a Nazi. Things like the holocoaster and the cage for Jews with the bear and the eagle just make you feel like a dumbass for never having checked on it before.

Broc_Lia ago

I've tried to debate hardcore polacks before but I don't have much respect for them since it's 90% insults and bandwaggoning and maybe 10% argument.

That isn't to say I don't enjoy talking with nazis, just that particular forum tends to bring out the worst.

Adonwars ago

I've found the issue with many people is the fear of research when it comes to an ideal that contradicts their own belief (not that its breaking news). My family would cringe everytime I brought up the jews, until I became more subtle when discussing it. After about a year they are at least aware that jews run the world. Since people are slow learners

mitoriomyt ago

It's difficult to break the "you're anti-semitic" programming that's seeped into culture at every angle - in school, the workplace and Christian churches.

wanderingblade ago

I'm a Christian and I despise Israel and elite Jews. Nothing irks me more than people who act as if biblical Jews are anything to do with the ashkenazi scourge

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mitoriomyt ago

Good to know you're not what I call a cuckChristian. When I talk to Christians who say meaningless phrases like, "The jews are God's chosen people." I respond with, "Chosen for what, exactly?"

jthun2 ago

'it's the juiiice'

actually it usually is. When you run all the banks, the media, the universities, the hedge funds (etc), you are going to be featured more than others.

theBreadSultan ago

He did a fuck tonne of speed tho.

Back in those days it was considered to be aderal

Titanbikes4ever ago

No he didn't

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Hitler never existed! He's a made-up boogieman that jews parade around to make money! The "Holocaust" was nothing but actors and Hollywood sets!

anticlutch ago

Hitler died in South America, likely Brazil. Decades after WW2 ended.

AttackHelicopter ago

Yep, but the propaganda value of saying he killed himself was better to (((the Allies))) than putting him on trial and hearing his reasons for what he did.

gosso920 ago

I hear he paints bunkers.

Gorillion ago

Only if that's what they called your grandmother's insides.

gosso920 ago

Hitler's nickname was "Needledick, the bug fucker."

bfriend13 ago

Could be. The Simpsons put it that way

Fuhrer1488 ago

jews are obsessed with lying

TheDonaldTrump ago


Dubs check out!

jingler ago

Is why they are called israe-lies.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I wish it were that trivial.

The reality is far worse.

They are obsessed with retconning. Psyoping history.

Congratulations goys, we're witnessing history being memory holed, and rewritten.

And it's something the jews have been doing at global scales for centuries, and local scales for millennia.

Hussite ago

Have you ever considered that calling everything a jew phsyop like for example pizzagate/pedogate may actually be in itself a phsyop so that when potential damaging info comes out it won't be scrutinized? jews don't care if you scream from the mountain top that it's them causing all the shit in the world because they hide behind the holohoax and know that the sheep will ignore you.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Yes, I have considered it.

And not everything is a jewish psyop.

It's not even just jews causing all the shit in the world, but it's irrefutable they have a lion share.

Jews fear nothing more than their holohoax being exposed, for that exact reason.

And the rates at which the fire is rising, we will be mainstream, despite their best ADL/SPLC/B'nai terror campaigns.

Power and control comes from conquering the norman sheep. How do you think we do that?

alele-opathic ago

They are obsessed with retconning. Psyoping history. [...] And it's something the jews have been doing at global scales for centuries, and local scales for millennia.

I can verify this to be true, but holy hell dude, supply at least one link or cite when you say stuff like this. It is the equivalent of saying 'bigfoot exists' to the uninitiated, and we have plenty of people still learning amongst our ranks, not to mention those who already have studied these topics but like finding new information they may have missed the first time (like yours truly).

I know citing is a pain in the ass, but it is the literal burden of knowledge - it must be shared. You can't take it with you, as they say.