Helena73 ago

A lot of these guys are high IQ. If some one had a kid with Bundy they would probably have a high IQ and probably not be a serial killer.

Zipline32 ago

How can people expect white women to go for decent guys when their biology drives them to go for savages?

Helena73 ago

Haha we are not driven to go for savages.

Warnos44 ago

I'm sure none of that is propaganda.

Not_C ago

Testosterone is becoming so rare in our society that women forgot how to identify it. They confuse aggression and lack of emotional control for testosterone.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Devil’s Advocate: I would rather be like a couple of these guys than someone who watches a Black guy fuck my wife from the bedroom closet and stands fearfully on a demoralizing Communist grocery line with the intent to hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

HighEnergyLife ago

Only female led cultures that are actually sustainable are monkey tribes in Africa. If it worked in complex societies, we'd already have them. The West is doomed

Helena73 ago

Matrilineal society works well when there is no wealth to pass on from father to son. Hunter gatherers or commie proletariat on gov stipends.

Agriculturalists or societies with a lot of specialized skill sets a patriarchal but they depend on ensuring female faithfulness/paternity.

Communism is subsidizing the matriarchy.

ssaa6oo ago

It works for Hayenas too.

jthun2 ago

The hindus and muslims have us beat on that one. They don't allow their daughters to choose mates, which is incredibly goddamned wise.

The English back in the Victorian era were much smarter about that.

neuschwabia ago

Allowing women to vote was a huge mistake, it is killing America.

SilverAirplane ago

The same thing happened with OJ Simpson. I guy I met described how he was interning at NBC when the OJ Simpson murder trial was going on, and lovesick women would send letters to OJ care of NBC. It was this intern's job to screen the mail. He told me that he saw many marriage proposals and love letters to OJ. Some of the women even acknowledged OJ murdered his wife, but told him in their letters that they understood and that they would make a much better wife than Nichole ever was.

TheLesserApes ago

Yeah men and especially women are aroused by stuff that might work in Hunter gather societies but is incompatible for stable and prosperous societies. Thanks for spreading the blackpill brother.

voatuser1128 ago

Thanks for spreading the blackpill brother.

Thanks for understanding bro. Sometimes people here won't accept blackpills about women. Maybe its the white knight in them. I think men are generally more genetically predisposed to helping and protecting women but women now are taking advantage of that. I came across one twitter profile that was a high price prostitute who was bragging about how she got over 10k in donations in 24 hours for her Hawaii trip. These men who donated won't even be going with her (and she makes plenty of money selling her pussy all by herself) and they still sent money. Imagine that money going to somebody who actually needs it.

Intrixina ago

I think if those simps realised that sending money to an attention whoring cunt got them nothing, and they stopped doing it, many of these problems would disappear almost overnight.

dassaer ago

IKR. To be honest, i've wondered the worth of setting up a shits and giggles 'gimme page', just to see if i could get some 'for reasons money' ...

tratakat ago

Goys, develop your manliness, but keep your intelligence. Women want a manly man. Some women go to extremes like hybristophilia, but they are a minority. Just be an intelligent masculine man.

The average White male is very demasculinized in the West. Needs more oomph.

dassaer ago

Needs more oomph.- equates to needs less soy ...

John22 ago

Get a surrogate if you want kids. #MGTOW

Helena73 ago

Who’s going to raise your kid? The public school system or consuela? You can’t fool mother nature, why is that still not clear to people? You’re as bad as the feminists.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Your surrogate can run off with the kid and you can't do a thing about it.

remainselusive ago

Attraction to dangerous and violent sexual practices is a hallmark of toxoplasmosa gondii infection in women. A bacteria spread mostly through cat feces. Don't let your daughters get kitties.

Intrixina ago

It's why I'm wary of anyone who says they own cats, because of that.

Damnpasswords ago

I didn't believe it had that much of an impact (P.S. it's a parasite) until I lost my affection for cats after a course of a med that sometimes clears it

offender ago

What medicine caused that?

BearDolphin1488 ago

interesting. got any sauce for my to research>?

Othmar_Regin ago

Fathers have an Instinctual desire to find a husband for their daughters who is equal yet prefferably better than them selves.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Additionaly fathers being men know how to judge another man whereas a young girl has no clue how men can be.

Oh man, so much this. A young woman dating without a father or at least a brother close to her age is walking around with a giant bullseye on her butt and a sign above her head saying "FRESH MEAT".

jthun2 ago

a father or brother who is left wing and open minded isn't going to keep her away from Tyrone or Muhammed.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Hey I never said it was an infallible system. Just that it's preferable to letting a young lady traipse out into the wild unguarded.

An uncaring parent can let their kid jump off the top of the swingset, but a kid with no parents is practically guaranteed to run off the playground, into traffic and become a meaty bumper sticker.

voatuser1128 ago

With the increasing rate of single motherhood and the generous government welfare benefits for single mothers. Fathers that help raise daughters will be a thing of the past. I know several degenerate women who want to get pregnant in the next few years and teach their children their degeneracy is normal. One of them is a prostitute.

neuschwabia ago

All those are prostitutes.

New-World-Ebola ago

seeing how rampant race mixing and dysgenics is.... absolute fascism and ethnonationalism is the only hope.

oneinchterror ago

The sooner the better.

bezzy ago

Mostly men choosing for their daughters but also often with the mothers input and usually for their sons as well.

On the evolutionary benefit of arranged marriages, and the consequences of moving away:


Helena73 ago

In the rohingya, dads marry their daughters off as soon as they get their period, sometimes earlier. Husband are usually older men who own a lot of goats, and they typically will purchase two or three or four teenage wives. Younger men are shit out of luck and have to fuck goats or each other or they can rape a burmese girl.

How much fun is it to fuck a 45 yr old when you are 15? Its not any more appealing to those girls than it would be for you guys. Hell you dont even want to fuck 45 year olds when youre 45. Is this optimal? Only if you are a dirty old man. The rohingya are a degenerate parasitic society who breed recklessly and the burmese smartly kicked them out.

Our current society is a tyrranical matriarchy that is failing wildly, so stupidly you think literally the worst kind of patriarchy is preferable, but it is’nt. Fathers are often mercenary about these arrangements and prospective husbands are often dirty old men. Young women have to fuck old dudes, young men have to fuck goats. Less than ideal male controlled scenario. There is a reason you haven’t moved to chittagong hill tracts yet.

bezzy ago

You are a retard and you didn’t watch the video.

Helena73 ago

No I didnt it. It was a half an hour. Ive seen that guy once or twice, he’s okay.

My point was that sometimes when men are put in control of that decision the result is tyrranical matches. The magic bullet is not “let’s let hi IQ dads decide who their daughters have to fuck”. It’s simplistic. It assumes the only societal problems stem from “women’s lib”, if that were true bangladesh would be paradise.

Yes there were a lot of arranged marriages in the upperclasses in Victorian England for example, but that wasn’t a bed of roses, people were miserable in a lot of horrible matches, I read all those books. Literally an entire genre devoted to how shitty and arbitrary match-making in the English middle-class really was.

Men/Dads will make matches in their own interest. Daughters will make matches in their interests. Young women are often fools—being young— and make bad choices. That has to be weighed against the fact that parents will tend to act selfishly— they don’t have to fuck the guy. They don’t have to live with him.

bezzy ago

Not gonna read this comment, it’s three pages long. I’ve seen some of your other comments, they’re alright.

Helena73 ago


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Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Came here to post this. A ~18 year old young woman, 90% of the time, has nowhere near the wisdom or self control to choose a lifemate all by herself. And that's not to slam women. Just facts. She NEEDS mature input - and more specifically she needs input from an older male who knows how to screen her suitors.

Because life is not a Hallmark movie and if she runs off with the dashing young scamp she's "in love with", odds are that she will end up as a single parent of a bastard with a truckload of emotional/mental issues and the SMV of a rusty garbage pail.

AttackHelicopter ago

The future spouse was usually chosen well before 18. In fact, for centuries, the average age for marriage was 12 to 14 in the western world. Old roasties (i.e. feminists) keep trying to push that age of consent higher and higher to try and tip the supply/demand in their favor. I read something a while back about "second adolescence" that goes until you're 25.

Rotteuxx ago

It was 12-14 for nobility, not for the common folk.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

My grandparents married at 16.

Rotteuxx ago

Was that the norm or are you stating an exception to the norm as an example?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Glad to see another goat listen to Dr. Dutton.

Social Epistasis from Non-Darwinian Industrialization


Spiteful Mutants seize the reigns of power through groupthink.

noob_tube ago

Make children property again

DeathThroesofVoat ago

Agreed except Breivik. He killed a bunch of muzzies in an attempt to preserve the white nationality of his country. He actually acted, where most people here just talk and ridicule each other for not "doing something".

oneinchterror ago

He killed a bunch of muzzies

Are you confusing Breivik with Tarrant? Breivik almost exclusively killed White people. Only like 3 or 4 out of 76 were non-White.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Well done,how was such a false comment not downvoted?What's going on Voat?

Intrixina ago

He killed leftists.

DeathThroesofVoat ago

I guess you're right. He blamed Europe's problems on Islam/Muslims, and feminism. I assumed he struck at them but it appears his target was the "workers youth league". Yes I know Tarrant killed Muslims. I've watched the vid several times.

jthun2 ago

Yep, he killed young white people active in left wing politics.

AttackHelicopter ago

Close, but communists aren't people. Breivik didn't kill any actual people.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Humans; communists aren't humans. A human is a self-actualizing entity that seeks to be totally independent and self-sufficient. Subhumans seek to control humans for their own benefit, and as such, are most readily defined as non-beneficial parasites.

BearDolphin1488 ago

didnt he kill politicians children on an island, like 72 of them i think

Guy_Justsome ago

Norway's entire next generation of elite hereditary oligarchs wiped out in one afternoon.

BalfourYourFace ago

They were socialist youth. Pretty much exactly the hitler youth programs.

BearDolphin1488 ago

What was wrong with the Hitler youth?

dassaer ago

It was destroyed and purposely eradicated before achieving an international dominance in the war against world jewry .

AttackHelicopter ago

National Socialism isn't the socialism that you've come to know.

oneinchterror ago


just like the Hitler Youth


New-World-Ebola ago

the aim of the game is to bring about conditions where everyone can begin acting.... because one person cannot save a nation alone.

oneinchterror ago

See also: Sub-Saharan Africa