dassaer ago

Voat is my only daily social-media go to. I'm a simple straight forward nigger faggot ...

HappyMealBullshit ago

Christ was this really necessary? Its already so difficult to parse through voat with all the spam and reposts but then people like you want to just add a little more shit to the dump.

I just wish you would think before acting if youre going to do something like this again.

SoOutraged ago

I love you ❤

mudbear ago

Fuck a cactus nigger. i bet you would blow a bus load of jews just to eat a bagel.

Jews did 9/11, the holocaust never happened, jews starved 16 million christians to death in the holodomor

SoOutraged ago

I support you and your right to be who you want

TwistedSista ago

the truth doesn't need your support. Why not delete this slide and make voat the better place you claim to love?

SoOutraged ago

Because I post what I want to post when I want to post it. If you don't like my post than just ignore them, this is a free speech website and I can literally post whatever I want. I love you.

blindwebster ago

Between the Qtards and the my-hospital-in-east-bumfuck-has-few-Corona-patients-so-therefore-its-fake people I'm not sure any more.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Coronavirus: Santa Clara County has had 50 to 85 times more cases than we knew about, Stanford estimates

The research also implies that the death rate is far lower than believed. At the time of research, 39 county residents had died — a fatality rate, based on estimated infections, of only 0.12 to 0.2%.

Several other teams worldwide also have started testing population samples. Like Stanford, they’ve found that there’s a large underestimate of infections.


It's starting to look like it's just the flu bro.

blindwebster ago

Yes, I know that. And there was another study in Boston I believe of a homeless shelter population showing very high infection rates. I also know what's happening at my local hospitals because I know trustworthy people who work there

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

No one is saying that some places don't suck, but the virus itself is not a big deal. Even less of a deal than the regular flu, in fact. The numbers in my "not-bumfuck" tourist mecca tell the same story.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yet after a weekend of attacks on the paper, a study announced Monday out of the University of Southern California on a sampling of residents in Los Angeles reached a very similar conclusion: It found hundreds of thousands of adults there may have already been infected. As of Monday, Los Angeles County had recorded fewer than 13,000 cases.

Maybe that study in May will settle the issue.

anticlutch ago

(((3 months)))

(((this))) is a post slide

SoOutraged ago

I've been here over 4 years. I'm @TheAmerican and probably the most well-known user on this website. Nice to finally make your acquaintance friend

fuckinghell ago

Never heard of you.

SoOutraged ago

Not cool bro.

boekanier ago

'Bro' I don't know, since I have no blacks around me, but isn't that nigger language?

SoOutraged ago

Yes bro

fuckinghell ago

Show bobs

anticlutch ago

-164 sub points

57 comment points

1.7 years

most well known voat user


HbMcNutt ago

Is this an alt acct?

SoOutraged ago

YES, I have at least 20 I use.

HbMcNutt ago

Damn! I notice alot of oldfags here do too. Is there a strategy to this? Why have alts?

SoOutraged ago

I just do it as a joke because my accounts get shut down pretty quickly because I like to shitpost

spaceman84 ago

Or because your posts are shit

SoOutraged ago

That mainly

armday2day ago

Because he either isn't the other accounts he claims to be, or because he's afraid to share how he really feels without losing points.

I have one alt, and I hardly use it.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Feel free to post on /v/epiphany whenever you want to archive some thoughts.

ArielQflip ago

Of course you do!

fightknightHERO ago

Full of GlowNigs/Mossads though

all the (((trumptards))) and "it's the Muslims goy" flood the frontpage with their incessant shilling

mudbear ago

"Have you heard about the chinese menace! we need to declare war my fellow white man!"

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

The Chinese are straight up a danger to freedom. They my not be actively threatening westerners freedom, but they are developing the bleeding edge of dystopian constant surveillance full control technology that can be adopted by governments around the world so that they can do to their people what the Chinese do to the uyghurs.

Chinese also steal the riches of the west by stealing intellectual property and manufacturing.

The Han Chinese is the jew of Asia.

mudbear ago

I dont give a fuck what the chinks are doing to chinks, and whites wont do that to whites, only the jews. Jews are priority #1 always, in fact they are the only priority, anything else is wasted resources.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Whites won't do that to Whites.... Yeah they will. You think at least 1 white guy wouldn't fuck you over? White is not the singular requirement for trustworthiness. There are many. Do not be naive.

mudbear ago

Jews saturate positions of influence, there is no dissent because of jewish consensus.

If whites saturated positions of influence in white nations again dissenters would be able to reverse corruption.

Its not a silver bullet but its a start, there are plenty of kike worshipping faggots willing to betray their people

itssomatic ago

Five Eyes Tech > Slant Eyes Tech

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Find a subverse a slay the trolls. Why be afraid? Let the light of truth destroy their faggot ideas.

fightknightHERO ago

You don't understand, they use bots to instantly upvote their blatant hasbara posts

look at (((Fanabba))) and (((USAconservative))) with their Kosher "it's the Muslims goy" posts

the entire news section is ridden by bots, i've been automatically downvoted whenever i spoken against Trumpstein

the system is being manipulated just like reddit these kikes are clearly using bots to boost their content

and i've been noticing somethings... threads on /news being silently deleted

such as the one which was posted like 6-7 months back detailing a Christian Cemetery in Israel being "vandalized" with swastikas and some graves were smashed

I've bookmarked the thread and when i later came back to it after a month it was gone

sneaky little kikes...

i suggest to you to backup everything locally, for the rats will eventually pull a gab on us sooner or later...

Voatering4life ago

Go through your comment history and see how many posters are now deleted. When the ranters scream about all the ‘Nazi’s’ they are raging against the ‘free speech’ moderators.

Signs are pointing to the most obvious fact if voat was once free speech, it no longer is and if there is some really good information posted (and subsequent discussion) it will probably disappear. The user wil disappear the thread will disappear.

It has become amusing and depressing that you can be any kind of racist or post videos of people getting killed but you cannot post anything anti president or anti our greatest ally for very long—-it gets memory-holed. Who’s running this operation? Don’t think the auto archive bots are working, nope false sense of security. Trust no one.

Granite_Pill ago

That's funny. I'm automatically downvoted any time I speak against Hitler.

Voatering4life ago

Sure you are.

Void0101010101 ago

Everything good is banned.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SpreeFeech ago

I keep hearing this but I don't get it. What is being banned or censored on Voat?

Void0101010101 ago

I never said anything was banned on Voat.

It's more like Voat is banned in real life. It takes a long time to redpill someone and get them on Voat. And if you go fast and aren't successful then you become scary to them.

itssomatic ago

New subverses can't be created and you have to have an account to lurk.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

I want to know too

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Alot of people glowing here. Take care. People are registering everything.

Lagmonster ago

Vote for Bob!

fuckinghell ago

bobs and vagen? Pls show