dontmindthemess ago

Their god is satan/lucifer. They are their god’s chosen people. Their god is not the same as Yahweh. Our Christian God. They do not believe in Jesus Christ. Right there denies them into the Kingdom of God. So, we at least have that going for us! The rules they follow that allow rape, theft, and lies just prove that they are not of God. Look at the teachings of Jesus and those of Judaism. Tell me which seem to come from God. Christians are told to love thy neighbor. Jews treat non-jews like garbage, cheat them, lie to them, rape their own children, and all of this is okay. These rules for jews seems to be written by a man’s hand to allow for disgusting behavior, lust for material goods, and bearing false witness. Again, these are not people of God. They are lucifer’s chosen people.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Don't you just want to kill them all? All of them? Every last fucking one?

realmonster ago

i dont think this person has any malicious intent, i think they are truly blinded by satans mark and influence. this is a lost soul and in war time its not worth saving

Olivia_UUj ago

Hello Users!! For those who prefer pretty Girls without complexes💋..more information On Platform...Don`t doubt... good luck

(copy the link )➤

MrBateman ago

"And I Say this as a Nigger" -

Not sure how that would have changed anything?

Catfishbelly ago

It was real easy to find where this guy lives

GucciBalaclava ago

Hans, get the Zyklon.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Jews seemingly jump on either side of "white" at will. Add that to the dual citizenship shit, and what you have is a WORM.

recon_johnny ago

Blue the fucking jew.

ConantheLibrarian ago

Blue the jew is fun to play. There are so many of them and they are easy to spot if you know how.

bdmthrfkr ago

Keep it up kike, in the future a plague may end up putting millions of White men out of work and they might remember your words.

2 pics related

ArmourFou ago

White is two things, a race and a status. Jews are white when referring to their race, but they don't always have the status of whites. Anti-semitism makes them non white.

Thereunto ago

I think that "white" becomes a meaningless term in the end because everyone uses it differently. The term is a propagandist's plaything used to inspire division and animosity between unsuspecting people.

ArmourFou ago

You just have to consider who is communicating, the targeted audience, and the context of the message. There's a lot of miscommunication between different political ideologies because people try to interpret messages from where they are at, as opposed to where the speaker is at. Some people even get offended when you suggest they should try to see something from another person's perspective.

Sackajahweeda ago

Maybe SHAPESHIFTER should become the new Nword too?!

Le_Redditeur ago

As a fellow Voat user, I think we should stop being such reactionary bigots.

Just imagine the advertising opportunities if we started cracking down on all the racism, antisemitism and hate speech. Imagine the capital investment! The eventual IPO!

That would certainly show those redditors!

Rellik88 ago

Semites are not white.

Thereunto ago

Aren't they? Who decides?

ManchesterT ago

White means European genetic descent. Logic decides.

Thereunto ago

Tiger Woods is European descent. Obama is European descent. Many people have mixed ancestry which includes European genetics. What counts as "white"?

ManchesterT ago

If you have black or brown skin, you're not European. Think of the biological reason for white skin: cold winters mean less exposed skin, less opportunity to generate vitamin D. Thats why black people are at higher risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder in Poland, than Poles do.

Thereunto ago

Is Meghan Markle "non-white"? Is Keanu Reeves "non-white"? Are Italians white? Are Ashkenazim white? Are Spaniards white? Greeks? Do we follow the "one-drop of blood" rule to determine "whites" from "non-whites"? What if someone doesn't know their ancestry? Where do you draw the line? What makes you think everyone is going to agree where that line is?

Why lump Slavs with Nords? Why lump Celts with Greeks? Why call anyone "white" when it is being used as a tool to erase your awareness of your own heritage?

If someone has an Irish parent and a Trinidadian parent, why can't they take pride in both sides of their heritage? Surely they too can claim to be "white" by virtue of their Irish blood. Give me a convincing argument to the contrary.

ManchesterT ago

Whiteness is measured by inexpensive colorimetric equipment called the human eyeball. If unexposed skin of the person is pink, white, or peach, they are "white". It is literally common sense.

Why lump Celts with Greeks? Why call anyone "white"

Bingo. The term "white people" was coined by Jews in order to obfuscate European heritage, and facilitate Jews' infiltration of European society.

Thereunto ago

Whiteness is measured by inexpensive colorimetric equipment called the human eyeball. If unexposed skin of the person is pink, white, or peach, they are "white". It is literally common sense.

Are all albinos now considered "white"?

And what about Jews that claim to be "non-white" despite having skin that is "pink, white, or peach"?

ManchesterT ago

Are all albinos now considered "white"?

Your autism is showing

What about Jews that claim to be "non-white" despite having skin that is white

They say when someone warns you about themselves, you should believe them.

Thereunto ago

Your usage of "white" is nebulous.

ManchesterT ago

So is your mam's sexual history, Trebek.

Gunk ago

Kikes need to be removed from white countries.

Fuhrer1488 ago

not removed, killed.

dontmindthemess ago

They can be relocated via airdrop into another country. Offer them a $20 bill to sign a relocation contract, and put lots of obvious mistakes on it. This way they’ll automatically think they can weasel their way out of it later, greedily take the money, and laugh as they sign it. Push them out of the plane, screaming, “Enjoy your trip!”. On page 1,287 of their contract: parachute not included.


It won't take a $20.00 bill to motivate them...the promise of

" free bread and icecream " will get them down to the train station.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BentAxel ago

bdmthrfkr ago

1: Why the fuck would you know that this even exists

2: Why did I watch the whole thing

3: Jews did 911

BentAxel ago

  1. That little white bar where the URL lives. Type into it, Hit enter. "Shape Shifting Song"
  2. Me too.
  3. Preponderance of evidence.

jewsbadnews ago

Of course the comments are turned off. Lmao!

RM-Goetbbels ago

If I controlled twitter each and every jew would get a yellow star. Just so that we could recognize their lies a little easier. Someone else did that a while back.......

pgd7 ago

Blue the jew needs to come back hard

uvulectomy ago

Here's a few to get the ball rolling. You may or may not have seen them already.

jewsbadnews ago

They already do that, its blue though.

Muh-Shugana ago

So they blued the jew?

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Wait til China becomes the world's super power. These fucks will have nowhere to hide.

bfriend13 ago

That tweet needs a "Every. Single. Time." response so bad.