Cunty84 ago

Just another little eunuch tranny.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

She was always a beaner to begin with so who gives a fuck

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Jew cock? I think it's all about nigger cock.

Janica_ll ago

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Rajadog20 ago

That's not the same person?

daveywavey86 ago

i dunno man, ariana grande is the sexiest female in pop culture today. i'm not saying she's a good person or is smart, but holy fuck she's hot and can sing pretty good too. i dont like pop music, but she has some pipes on her.

boekanier ago

They all can sing 'pretty good' that's why they're with 13 in a dozen.

BentAxel ago

Wife dropped a bomb on me last night. When Ariana was the little redhead, she was Victoria Justice BFF on the Victorious show.

I did a double take.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Grande is a manufactured Talmudic biological weapon of mass social destruction.

VapidKoala ago

That's not the same person

svipbo ago

She's not as white as she looks in the left-hand photo, as the photo has been lightened, and that is obviously not her natural hair colour. Here's a better before-and-after comparison. Her ancestry is from the south of Italy which is known for being a shithole.

capicua ago

isn't there a theory she was replaced by a look-a-like?

Newaccount9 ago

I'm not sure all the jew dicks in the world would add up to a mile.

onikage ago

Just one?

NakeFews ago

She is heavily invested in spray tan, makeup and Jew dick.

ggolemg ago

She's a race traitor.

CryptoBard ago

911 miles, mossad did 9/11

SpreeFeech ago

One mile has 63,360 inches in it, so 1mi.= 63,360 jews.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

It's not about how many miles of jew cock it took, but more a matter of how many jew cocks it took. (Keep in mind the diminutive size of the average Hymie weiner.)

toobaditworks ago

How many showers did she have to watch them take. That seems to be their fetish.

RoBatten ago


toobaditworks ago

Maybe but weinstein really got off on woman watching his ugly disgusting jew body naked in the shower.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

He was trying to see if they were as repulsed as he was.

Reinhart ago

That just means it took a much greater quantity

fireantsinyourpants ago

Does she still "hate America and Americans"?


New-World-Ebola ago

i'd shoot that coal burning microphone cunt

Shadowlight ago

THAT is a fucking travesty

JohnGaltApproves ago

There’s a theory in victim studies that shows how abused women intentionally mar their good looks to make themselves less objectively appealing and then argue that their new appearance is “more attractive.” Look at hair chopping, for example.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Britney going bonkers, miley going whacko

HiJoker ago

That's not the same girl. Right? WTF? They must be talking about how fagney niggered up the little mermaid or something.

Groove_Control ago

You're not understanding the joke. They're making a movie version of the Little Mermaid and Ariel will be played by a nogette: link

toobaditworks ago

Thanks. I didn't get the joke. :D

Groove_Control ago

No probs :)

PHXSunlight ago

They are the same person. She was a Nickelodeon actress on the left, now it's her as a huge popstar on the right.

She just goes overboard with the fake tanning. She obviously toned up too, and maybe had a little facial plastic surgery.

Adminstrater ago

If there is ever a case of celebrity being "replaced", I'd say this one seems plausible.

DasReich ago

Imagine the smell

chirogonemd ago

Let's be fair, that picture on the right is a bronzing mistake. She isn't that dark. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that was shopped.

She ain't that dark

That said, they very intentionally tried to play up the chola with a credit card thing. It's unfortunate. But it seems like every generations has to have some hispanic female pop star. They just had to make one here.

SJW_Comment_Bot ago

Isn't she Italian lol?

chirogonemd ago

Yes she is. I only meant the 'every generation' thing in the vague sense of the formulaic way the American music industry seems to require a certain small group of ethnic singers for each generation. The idea of that ethnicity is some vague thing though, some loose conglomeration of properties like tanner skin and latin origins. It doesn't really matter whether it's Mexican, Brazilian, Italian or Portuguese. Filling this little ethnic quota is all that counts, although there seems to be this sort of suction toward the Hispanic (probably because of the radical way the Hispanic population has been increasing in the states), which is why I think they tend to take these ethnically-tinged people and really exaggerate the possible (and yet vague) Hispanic qualities.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

It's just plastic surgery.

slowcrash101 ago

Tanning bed.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Yes, but that didn't change the size of her nose.

slowcrash101 ago

Maybe losing some weight and plastic surgery.

RoBatten ago

And leathery skin as she ages . . .

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Looks like nigger surgery to me.

MaunaLoona ago

It's what Michael Jackson got, but the opposite.

HillBoulder ago

Plastic Niggery

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Nig / Turk

pcdude ago


capicua ago

she went from white latina to nigger

RogerWilkos ago

She‘s Italian LARPing as Latina.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

There's no such thing as a white latina. All Central Americans are shitskins.

KingMortales ago

Not all latinos are from Central America.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

You commie niggers and your word games...

KingMortales ago

You thin skinned dumb-asses and your ignorance...

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

Whatever you say, rabbi

jewsbadnews ago

lol Many countries in south America have more europeans than the USA you Amerimutt.

steelydave ago

really? cause america has over 350 million people with >60% white european so what country in your mind has at least 100 milltion (very low estimate) white european population?

jewsbadnews ago

Sorry, meant percentage wise.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

I have standards. The shitskins and half-breeds in South America aren't "Europeans" to me.

dublin5 ago

There are parts of Brazil that are 90% white. You can't say that about America or Europe anymore. Look up "White Brazilians."

MrDarkWater ago

You can say the exact same thing about America and Europe ... you mong

dublin5 ago

That doesn't dispute the point I was making. Whites are no longer the majority under 18 in America.

And you certainty can't claim that regarding major European cities anymore. Muslim immigration has destroyed Sweden.

MrDarkWater ago

why compare major western cities to south american countries while leaving out non-major western cities?

dublin5 ago

Someone said that all Central Americans are non-whites. This isn't true, there are parts of South America that are heavily (90%) populated by people of German and Italian ancestry.

I wasn't comparing major western cities to South American countries. I was simply agreeing with what jewsbadnews said: that there are parts of South American that are more European than some European cities, which is tragic. I want Ireland to stay Irish, not become a Muslim hybrid.

jewsbadnews ago

I bet you are a half-breed you Amerimutt.

BlackWattleBay ago

Isn't she Italian?

facepaint ago

Uruguay is 88% white (Spanish & Italians). Argentina is 85% white (Spanish & Italian). Chile is 52.7% white (Spanish).

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

Spanish and Italians aren't white

capicua ago

That's not true. There are darkies there that are the descendants of interracial breeding between early colonists and native americans. There are also many people living in Central and South America that immigrated there from Europe afterwards. In fact, it is believe that Hitler himself as well as many Germans fled to Argentina to escape persecution by (((bankers))). They may have interbred with natives afterwards, but their skin tone can usually give you a hint as to how european vs native american they are. If you look at her before picture, she looks practically white, in fact she is paler than many Spaniards who actually have a slight bronze tone due to the Mediterranean sun.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

MedShits like Spaniards and Greeks aren't white

capicua ago

you saying medshits are like the filipinos of asians?

Cunty84 ago

Actually the Spaniards has the Moors, as the French Maghreb Muslim influence since the Middle Ages.

capicua ago

Yes, there was a time of muslim rule in spain

ChiCom ago

You forgot the Italian moulyans (eggplants)

Smallest_Skil ago

looks like a nigger.

username-way-too-lon ago

A before and after of the classic 1000 cock stare.

BaBs88 ago

What the fuck.

Maddmartigan ago

Ew! That's just gross!

duckswagger ago

You sure the bomb didn't blacken her like Wile. E. Coyote?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

60 hundred thousand

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

6 Gorillon

NPCGator ago

I'm going with this^

Desolation ago

Six Million.