Lavender7 ago

No thanks, you go ahead and put your dick in first.

lovehate123 ago

oy vey关闭了

spaceman84 ago

Fuck Chinks but not because of any virus, just because they are Asian niggers ruled by Asian kikes. Going to need to be dealt with eventually.

JohnnyLaRue ago

both. ahhh fuck

anticlutch ago


Fuck off Moshe. China had NOTHING to do with jewflu aside from being a location for jews to expose from.

Wolfspider ago

All countries must unite to kick China out of Tibet!

Outstretched_Bill ago

If Tibet is the planet, then yes.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

It seems that we fought on the wrong side in the Pacific Theatre also.

con77 ago

right in da troat

Jakedog166 ago

They are responsible for causing virus after virus, FUCK China. They should be held accountable for all these fucking deaths and economic destruction.

Adrianmc ago

Spot the shill.

gosso920 ago

China is asshoe!

ScientiaPotentia ago

The Chinese are actually a really wonderful people if you get to know them on an individual basis. I love the Chinese. As individuals, Chinese have every quality I value in White people; beauty, intelligence, industriousness, etc. The problem is that they are controlled collectively by (((Communism))); created and controlled by High Level Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankist Magi, who deeply understand psychology and have programmed the Chinese to a degree that most of them are unable to understand their own uncivilized behaviour. The CCP is completely controlled by Illuminists and so is the US. The Russians are still recovering from the psychological trauma of the Soviets. It will take generations for the Chinese to fully recovery if ever.

EnsignPossible ago

Bullshit. I used to work with one. Fucking worm. I even got him discount for furniture for his (and wife) apartment. He STILL fucked me over later (ex parte comms with BOSS). YOU are a traitor, and may be a horse.

ScientiaPotentia ago

1.3 billion Chinese = your asshole coworker

Are you retarded?

What do you mean by "a horse"?

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

How much personal experience do you have with Chinese people? Some of the younger (read: Americanized) ones are alright but if you could understand the kind of shit that the older ones say you wouldn't think they're so wonderful.

gazillions ago

Hahahah Fuck me! You just said the chinese are good people If you get to know them on an individual basis. They can't all be good people if you get to know them on an individual basis. There are more shitty chinese than there are shitty Whites.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Lo Fun Gow See. Means White people are dog shit.

Good. They are calling us out on our dog shit society. Our society used to be great. I look out on our weak pathetic civilization; cucked and groveling to our literal enemies and I don't blame the Chinese at all for it. They are right. White individuals are worshiped in Chinese if they aren't disgustingly fat or tattooed degenerates. I know first hand.

I look at many Western people with shame. Covered in tattoos and piercings which willfully destroy their beauty. Dressed the same way since they were 10 years old in gross coloured t-shirts and sweat pants or shorts all emblazoned with products or stupid sayings touting their "individuality". They all look the same to me. Western music sucks now; it's either nigger noise or "White" loud annoying, offensive, degenerate, crude, irritating, callous, cruel, obscene, etc. I can't stand our Jewy niggrified culture.

gazillions ago

They've been calling you dog shit all all along. It isn't anew thing based on your shitty society. It's an old thing based on you being a piece of shit because you are White.

ScientiaPotentia ago

I mean worshiped as in all the girls wanted to date me. All the men wanted to be friends and looked up to me. I'm tall, muscular and good looking. I get that at home too. Newsflash, Asian all know that White invented everything and respect us for it. Sure there are some moronic ones with personality issues, but in general they are great to work with.

On Muslims: I was a SJW in that I used to hate Muslims because of the horrible way they treated Jews, Gays, Blacks, and Women, now that I am a little older I love Muslims for the same reasons.

gazillions ago

I give up. Your delusions are really fucked up.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Which one of us is really delusional? You are conjuring up paper dragons to hate and fear. I'm actually dealing with real people on a daily basis and guess what? They really aren't so bad. In fact, they are respectful, helpful, kind, intelligent, etc. You know, like almost ALL people.

gazillions ago

If you love people so much why are you on the fucking internet where they only exist in the abstract? Even at that you're having trouble dealing.

Ovid wrote about Narcissus, a nymph that loved himself so much he fell into a pool he was using as a mirror and drowned.

ScientiaPotentia ago

why are you on the internet?

You are right. I hate the internet. I need a long break.'re having trouble dealing.

Um, dealing with what? A debate? Oh no! Please don't have a difference of opinion! I can't handle it!

I happen to like Chinese. You happen to hate them. Agree to disagree. I don't think any less of you.

whatisbestinlife ago

yea yea. ive met some nice ones and had some friends. but their loyalties are their own. and my loss/gain is not in their favor

slickleg64 ago

You only met the ones who left China, likely woke up from the Maoist propaganda.

Mainland Chinese are scum

tratakat ago

Why? Do you think that if the virus had started in any other country they'd have handled it better?

Outstretched_Bill ago

Yes. Anyone would have handled it better. Seriously, FUCK CHINA.

magameme ago

Most other countries wouldn't have tried to cover it up as it spread. China is a piece of shit for trying to do that.

Adrianmc ago

No, J.E.W.S.

Phantom42 ago

Well, I must have ascended to a higher plane of thojght because while you people squabble over who to hate, I just hate them both.

Timur9000 ago

You're an Ascended Super Racist -

slickleg64 ago

Maoism is based of the fucking Talmud, yellow glownigger

whatisbestinlife ago

what you dont fucking get is that jews and chinks are related. they both draw lineage from a mongolian warlard named khan who made a deal with the devil as to be able to turn x% percent of the population into him. and why do you think that without jews china is not a threat? they will forever be a jealous enemy combatant

philmchawk ago


Shotinthedark ago


whatisbestinlife ago

well you can point to all the historically documented relations but i like to point at the original which gives context to why

philmchawk ago

I don't give a fuck about any of that, what matters is the system over ME is jewish as fucked up, so those are the direct enemy. China wouldn't be a problem WITHOUT the western kikes. Stop being a retarded sheep and taking the China bait.

whatisbestinlife ago

all true but without china they cant build against the west. if they need factories and laboratories they are left with few choices without china. china has the millions of nameless and faceless foot soldiers. they need to be isolated and quarantined for infinity

philmchawk ago

They owned the west when America was still a manufacturing giant lmao. They sent those factories away and now are sending them to India.

whatisbestinlife ago

well are YOU trusting the plan phil? what would you do about it? what are you doing about it?

philmchawk ago

Tell people to not give a shit about the jewish owned western world and not fight a retard war with China. It is time us white people need to prove we are fucking cattle and not fight a jewish proxy war for the first time in the last 100 years.

whatisbestinlife ago

we will have to fight both. how so? i dont know

philmchawk ago

Even if you believe we have to fight both all of your focus should be the yids. The fucking kikes are in your house actively destroying it and you while the Chink is just down the street and maybe stole your dog.

whatisbestinlife ago

how do you feel about kushner?

philmchawk ago

Should be having a military tribunal along with everyone else involved with blackrock.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Fuck Jews as well

TheRealJPeterman ago


SexyAmy ago

Ping Pong Players!

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acmecoyote ago


Inaminit ago

Where is all the chink porn??

New-World-Ebola ago

instant thumbs up

ludwigvon ago

say it while u still can i guess

whatisbestinlife ago

it does look good in caps

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Ching Chong. Bing bang. Fried rice. Egg noodle.

Fuck China just nuke those fucking insects.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Chink shills downvoating.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Globalist shills promoting war with China.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

At least you admit your a shill for the insect chinks.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

lol wut? You admit to sucking eggs fool.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

I hate China. Maybe I misunderstood you? They are not our friend. And they deserve to pay for starting this epidemic.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

You think this is China's fault when Bill Gates ran a simulation of it months before and has this elaborate plan already layed out to vaccinate and implant the entire planet with micro chips?

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Fuck Bill Gates. But the blame with this one lies with China. Their disgusting eating habits and unsanitary conditions. Many of the nasty virus outbreaks have started in China. We can both believe what we want. No matter what we do to China with sanctions or whatever it is not gonna start any war.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

The way they eat has nothing to do with a bioweapon "escaping" a lab... I know this is voat but don't beat around the bush by using the virus as an excuse to hate Chinese.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Can you send me some reading material on the gates thing. I openly hate chinks. The virus just made it more accepting publicly to do so, which is fine with me.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Thanks. I’ll take a look.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Lastly forgot this one. There's plenty to be pissed at China for, but I think this is a whole lot bigger than that.