CrackerSlant ago

It belongs in a circus museum!

Flirp ago

Is it going to fuck up it's fake penis by chewing it up to give birth like a hyena?

observation1 ago

Double mastectomy scars

tourgen ago

nice link to cuckchan, faggot.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Dude, nsfl warning next time.

I only have so much sanity left to me and that chipped away some of it.

areyoumygaffer ago

gross. news story on yougay if anyone wants to read.

at least it won't breed anymore. but yes, apparently some other 'man' fucked this 'man'.


PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Shoot it !!!!!!! Hahahahahehehewhoa

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

What an absolute abomination.

This thing should be burned at the stake.

fartbubbles ago


BrokenVoat ago

Why would you want to be a pegnant woman with a beard? Who likes women with beards?

terminator7 ago

So... a disfigured woman is pregnant.

superspathi ago

Hans get ze flammenwerfer.

GeneralDisposition ago

This person hates what i love. GOD and the females he gave us. I used to think this was a human.

boekanier ago

He should change his drinking habits.

poopscooppp ago


AlaskaMountain ago

So this is a pregnant trans man (meaning a woman larping a man?)

psilocyb ago


jonnyquest ago

WTF is it?

psilocyb ago


MrBateman ago

damn that's sad got rid of it's tits and going to have a kid. Now it'll have to grow up on formula.

gosso920 ago

No, she'll hire a wet nurse for that.

Ocelot ago

I can't laugh at this shit. I just itch to shoot its shrunken soul to hell.

PraiseIPU ago

Dont link directly to 5chins dumbass

fartbubbles ago

Explain why for all the dumbasses.

Tallest_Skil ago

explain why not to link to a jew-run honeypot that bans pro-white speech

Can’t imagine.

PraiseIPU ago

The pictures go away and you have to prove yer human just to look at a oicture

borderline7 ago

mental illness is fucking wide spread.

HiJoker ago

WTFF is that? That's not ..nope. I'm out.

FellowMan ago

What the fuck is that?

One_out_of_many ago

Turns out it wasn't pregnancy but liver failure from the cocktail of sex change drugs that it consumed

ALIENS2222 ago


JustGuessing ago

A goat with a boat looks like.

Sterling-M-Archer ago

Looks like those starving children in africa.

slwsnowman40 ago

This is why LGHBMR)O$)@#(@+_RIJHFI@ shouldn't be allowed to have or be near children. That kids is going to get abused to Hell then Hades and then to I don't know other places, so we'll go to Venus or the sun before it can kill itself.

antiliberalsociety ago

Hard to laugh at what we let this country become...

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

The true hero this post needed, but didn't deserve.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Fuck this gay talmudic earth.

anotherdream ago

We’re taking it back

4841400209 ago

I remember that from about five years ago. Wonder what the poor kid looked like.

CouldBeTrump ago

The pregnancy was in 2018. Wyley Simpson is the mother, Stephan Gaeth is the father, and their son is Rowan Fox.

watitdew ago

I saw this and just shaved my beard off.

Reverse-Flash ago

Did all the hair end up on your belly?

watitdew ago

No I did it over a trash can.

Reverse-Flash ago

That's no way to talk about your belly. Now apologize.

watitdew ago

no faggot

Reverse-Flash ago

Get some Relacore, faggot.

watitdew ago


HiJoker ago

The sink, mostly. After it rolled off my belly.

allahead ago

This is how you make conservatives donate to Planned Parenthood.

anticlutch ago

linking to (((cuckchan)))

going to (((cuckchan)))

Kill yourself.

JohnGoodman ago

It’s no worse than this other shill sotenwe are on is it?

J3wsername ago

Better to use altchans anyway, they don't block VPNs or Tor and don't have annoying captchas per post.

PraiseIPU ago

The site isnt the problem

Its that your one hour old pic has already gone to the great anonymous in the sky

Voat waits at least a week before its image host of the moment goes offline

Reckoning67 ago

Poor kid doesn’t stand a chance

11hrr ago


Logansrun ago

Those hormones must be fucking up that poor baby

CoverGirl ago

In utero transgenderism (intersex) is a thing. A female fetus blasted with T in utero may come out with a penis. Freemartin.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Is that what happened to you?

Logansrun ago

You’ll never have children. So sad

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, your kid goes to public school and is fat. Lol, you abuse your kid. You're not even married to the fat bitch

Logansrun ago

Your apartment reeks of cat piss

J_Darnley ago

It'll come out with an excellent beard.

malachai ago

already has more testosterone than you, you low-t cuck

PagingDrBenway ago

Hey malachi. Fuck off...

(Just for fun: mal: word-forming element of Latin origin meaning "bad, badly, ill, poorly, wrong, wrongly," chi (n): vital energy that is held to animate the body internally and is of central importance in some Eastern systems of medical treatment (such as acupuncture) and of exercise or self-defense (such as tai chi))

Your name is literally bad energy. Who knew jews could be so honest? xD

J_Darnley ago

LOL. What did I do to trigger him?

bfriend13 ago

The bearded lady from the circus freak show got pregnant.

Helena73 ago

What a disdpgusting piece of shit.

PagingDrBenway ago

Kill the abomination

SearchVoatBot ago

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robot7247 ago

Something had to climb on it too.

Helena73 ago

100 bucks it was a turkey baster. That particular brand of crazy never fucks men.

J_Darnley ago

Maybe it was the more common kind of tranny, the kind with a penis.

Helena73 ago

Im telling you this bearded gal does not accept the deli-style kosher dill. They are alllergic.

robot7247 ago

Yeah, agreed.

Granite_Pill ago

Incineration is the only cure.