areyoumygaffer ago

anyone remember the news broadcast from the UK saying the tower had fallen while they were broadcasting live with a correspondent in NY and the tower still up behind him?

WeekOne ago

Jews were kicked out of Egypt, they did not escape as their book claims. They settled there and over time began to subvert and corrupt Egyptians, Pharoah got tired of it and kicked them out. They wandered the desert for 40 years because word spread to the surrounding areas and no one else would let them in. After 40 years of roaming the desert, they decided to attack Jericho unprevoked, killing every man, woman, and child. They took their land and city for themselves.

ManchesterT ago

Where is that video, where the normie newscaster actually plays the 911 emergency call and police radio chatter, about the Urban Moving Systems van?

hambcinco ago

What is crazy to me is that the story of israeli operatives using construction front companies to rig explosives in closed parts of the towers. And then either remotely controlling air liners or having legit trained muslims, who they covertly trained, fly planes into the buildings is more plausible to me then a bunch of cave dwelling Taliban strategically learn and fly and conduct this attack themselves.

Voatering4life ago

I can never forget this and within 24 hours the remaining Bin Laden family was flown out of the US bc Bush was fearful they would be retaliated against.

5B3854C ago

It's really old news.......It's like taking a refresher course to piss me off.

Fodder01 ago

This does not prove that they did it, only that they knew about it ahead of time.

slapstick2 ago

Israelis owned the building and had the security contract.

MarauderShields ago

"WTC explosions" third line from bottom. I didn't think there were explosions in the regular narrative of events. Did I miss something?

PraiseIPU ago

It seems like a mixed document with the '91 bombing and the '01 planeing

2012ronpaul2012 ago

Don't forget the Saudis and Bush/Cheney cabal.

The New Pearl Harbor (full Documentary)

theBreadSultan ago

Someone old and. Wise once told me,

That the world trade centre was basically sticking two fingers up at the Arab world, and that it was a symbol all about promoting zionism.

I didn't pay much attention to it, until the came down.

Not all Jews support Israel

Shadowlight ago

Which ones dont?

theBreadSultan ago

It's the ultra religious orthodox or hesidic ones. The ones that wear the outfits and the big hats.

I lived really close to an area of London where there are a lot of them once, and asked one about that in a pub once. He's answer kinda cracked me up.

He said "we believe that we are God's chosen people, we are all his children, and he loves us all, but we are like the favourite child. So why would God, give us, his favourite and chosen children a land, full of people that want to kill us?, is that something you would give to your favourite child? No"

Check this out, here from the same area they dance around a burning Israeli flag

There is an interesting video, (will probably be on suggested) about how they go to anti Israeli protests, but it's from vice, and I'm not going to post a vice link.

Credit where credits jew though, these guys really take their religious text as cannon. No work on Saturday, means they can't drive... So they walk to the protest, and because carrying something is also work, they wear the signs under their hit coats..

Goats claim to hate Israel, but would any of them walk 5 miles in heat wearing banners and then 5 miles back to protest against zionism?

It's really important to know about these guys, as they are the ultimate panacea to the "if you say anything bad about Israel = anti semitism = nazi = reeeeeeeeeee"

gosso920 ago

Hasidim. They believe Israel should be a theocracy. With themselves in charge, of course.

PraiseIPU ago

And not all iraelis are jews

And not all israelis support israel




theBreadSultan ago

And if memory serves correctly (and I might be wrong)

The 'dancing jews', which this post is about, features a bunch of orthodox Jews dancing about the wtc attack, and this is shown as proof that the Israeli government was behind it.

But the word trade centre was a symbol of Israeli imperialism. It was a big fuck you to the Arab world.

When 9/11 happened, every country that hated Israel had dancing people.

None of those people should have been dancing, that's grim.

But to say, look these people who hate Israel and want it handed back to the Palestinians, are dancing because a symbol of Israeli power and influence has been ripped down, proves that the Israeli government used mossad to do the attacks, is fucking stupid.

Voatering4life ago

No-he talking about the celebrating people from Urban Moving. If you read the document you would know. You are mixing 2 different items of note. Note what you are referring to was later proved that the video was unrelated to 9/11 but was actually their response to a sporting event they were watching on tv. So what you are referring to is a propaganda piece and what the poster is referring to is documentation of ‘witness’ accounts. Big difference. It is kinda like how people keep trying to push the Saudi story for Vegas, doesn’t really fit but nice try.

theBreadSultan ago

Oh OK,

I didn't know that. I don't follow the 9/11 stuff that closely as its somewhat pointless.

There is already enough there to fuel up the outrage bus and plot a destination, but it hasn't happened, and I doubt anything ever will.

I thought the 'dancing jews' and urban mover thing was the same incident

Voatering4life ago

No worries-that is the idea-to mix everything up so you think one thing is another. Corona Virus Covid19 common cold & Flu symptoms. All the same we have not idea. Twin Towers Bldg 7 - terrorists!!!!! Run.

theBreadSultan ago

Or instead of running...

We could just quietly accept total surveillance and a police state

It's for the best you know it is...

And so much of this extreme hate behaviour is passed down from parents. If you ask me, letting literal nazis have or adopt children is problematic

Voatering4life ago

We are past the surveillance stage. Truman show is basically a documentary-the upside was he did figure it out but there was no revolution. Not sure how you are making the leap there about children-that will never change unless people teach deductive reasoning with facts it could shed light on the situation.

BalfourYourFace ago

The video of rhe Israelis talking about it is good evidence as well.

goatsandbros ago

It proves that someone says he saw men being jovial.

Please. We're better than this.

PraiseIPU ago

You arent allowed to be happy hoirs before something bad happems

You are supposed to know the futire and be futurely depressed because of it

AlaskaMountain ago

Source this image?

Voatering4life ago

Thanks op.

webrustler ago

Not OP

Voatering4life ago

This is great! Thank you-original docs way better than the ‘news’

slapstick2 ago

The israeli surveillance van was parked before the first plane even Hit the tower.....

a8c0737b8bdf41eeb4bd ago

There is a video of the first plane hitting taken on tripod from across the river on the jersey side. I saw it long ago.

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superspathi ago

They needed a surveillance van for footage that was broadcast worldwide instantly?

Do you faggots ever think before you speak?


Workingsteel ago

Easy there israeli, we are saying that a surveillance van filled with 5 jews parked to watch a planned action that they were privy to. Not that they were actually doing surveillance. That had obviously already been complete long before that day.