Saulspergmin ago

Okay, but Emperor's New Groove is one of the best Disney movies of all time.

mattsixteen24 ago

Disney was a mason.

Helena73 ago

Every disney kid has turned out to be this insane whore, like miley, amanda bynes, christina aguillera, britney spears, off the top of my head. Cuz they’re fucking grooming them.

Can someone explain to me why Hollywood CA. is the only industry allowed to work children? All child acting should be banned. I really dont care that they need their baby prostitutes to make money.

Helena73 ago

I didn’t see “song of the south” there. Probably because it doesnt fit the narrative. But it is interesting to notice that that movie never gets any play because the blacks love the whites they work for in that movie, and the whites are not ruthlessly beating the blacks while twirling their mustaches.

Lokester ago

Walt was a Mason so he was working for the jews without knowing it.

christophoros ago

how can you not hate all these groups for their disgusting prejudice while they call you prejudice

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Little mermaid is a crappy movie. The girl disobeys her father to run to a villian who wishes to enslave her to blackmail him, just to have a chance to chase after her crush. Everything goes horribly wrong as it should, but then somehow works itself out. The life lesson that girls can take away from it is, disobey your father, make horrible life decisions and everything will still work out for the best. Fuck that movie.

Chuga ago

You know they made cyrus fuck that black guy.

chemlord11 ago

There was still the subliminal messages in alice in wonderland, little mermaid, and lady and the tramp pushing sex to kids. How are those any different then the ones you labeled on the bottom as bad? They are still pushing the same agenda to the kids it just wasn't as in our face.

CapinBoredface ago

Wait, whats wrong with Tarzan and Hercules?

Helena73 ago

Hercules: they replaced the greek chorus with Destiny’s Child for starters.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

There used to be a video on youtube about disney showing all the subliminal messages. Even some artist drawing characters that start off as dicks and balls would end up as like one of the dwarf's nose and stuff like that. A lot of those disney classics was always about some kid running away from their nuclear families. Might not be a jew, but definitely acted like one.

Granite_Pill ago

Ever seen the creepy stuff they hide in Disney movies? Weird sick stuff, man. Look into it sometime.

Tzitzimitl ago

whats wrong with hercules? is it just the muses being depicted as caterwauling negresses?

CapinBoredface ago

I want to know whats wrong with Tarzan. The monkeys are all blacks... And Tarzan is a white man that protects them because they cant help themselves.. and he saves the beautiful white woman from a hook nosed man.

1HepCat ago

Tarzan and it's author, Borroughs, have been criticised as racist e.g., by Turgovnick via the wikipedia entry:

His climbing of the social hierarchy proves that the European white male is the most dominant of all races/sexes, no matter what the circumstance. Furthermore, Turgovnick writes that when Tarzan first meets Jane, she is slightly repulsed but also fascinated by his animal-like actions. As the story progresses, Tarzan surrenders his knife to Jane in an oddly chivalrous gesture, which makes Jane fall for Tarzan despite his odd circumstances. Turgovnick believes that this displays an instinctual, civilized chivalry that Burrough believes is common in white men.

Basically, take away a white man's "privelge" and stick him in the jungle and he'll still come out ruling everything around him.

Helena73 ago

His climbing of the social hierarchy proves that the European white male is the most dominant of all races/sexes, no matter what the circumstance

More than that, he is a white noble, Lord Greystoke. Breeding. He literally teaches himself to read never having seen or heard another human in his life. And he is physically superior as well.

The tarzan books are a hoot if you just want to indulge in a little pulpy period fiction. The movies resemble those stories minimally as Tarzan is usually kind of monosyllabic. But I loved the Johnny Weismuller pics.

I dont really remember the disney one , I’m sure it was shit.

CapinBoredface ago

It’s not reversed. He defends the apes but also realizes that he is smarter than them and doesn’t belong with them.

The shitty straight to VHS sequel reverses it though.

Broc_Lia ago

OP! You left out the best one

Merlynn ago

I still don't see how this is racist. It's a poor nigger living his life and trying to enjoy it as much as possible and help others out. If anything,it's positive.

Broc_Lia ago

It's because it presents life in the south as positive and doesn't mention racism or evil (((white))) slavers.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

What happened to Walt Disney's creation at the hands of the perfidious Jew is a microcosm of what has happened to the USA and the entire Western world.

Merlynn ago

You mean turning wholesome family oriented entertainment into a crappy mask for pure greed and child trafficking?

LightestHour ago

what is all of television

Merlynn ago

Well,not all of them were dedicated to family entertainment at the start.

jiews ago

Some of 90s animation is quite 👌

CheeBooga ago

Once jews got control they started drawing dicks in the background just like a jew

geovoat ago

I you have any experience at top levels in small to medium size companies you know that if one Jewish person gets hired the first thing they do is try to stuff the whole top management with Jews.

They will take over the whole place in a couple of years.

Same with gays now.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Pajeets are well known for that too. Hire an Indian manager and with 2 years everyone in the department will be Indian.

justregtoasku ago

Witnessed this multiple times, same with the gay mafia.

NPCGator ago

You are correct, gays and jews operate exactly the same.

RoundWheel ago

Jews are disproportionately gay.

RandomFurryDude ago

And cannibal (or I guess vampiric) pedos.

DFW ago

Hence the "Synagogue of Stan?"

puggy ago

I worked at a place where one lesbo became a manager and she hired all lesbos. Oddly, she later decided she wanted a baby and switched back and got married (to a cuck type guy).

geovoat ago

I knew so many lesbos who were radical and then they found a man who asked them to marry them and they dropped all that so fast it made their friends heads spin

Used to be a bar in west Hollywood that was often lesbians drinking and comiserating whenever it happened. Lol

Helena73 ago

The truth is about half of the women who claim to be gay really aren’t. I’ve known several women who I know were totally straight and suddenly decided to have a lesbian relationship. They will tell you they are bi.

Usually they are trying to proove something, like they don’t need men, or they are so cosmopolitan or whatever. Sometimes they can get more attention from a lesbian. Some actual lesbians are real “eager beavers” to please a woman, so to speak. Real dykes secretly want a really femme woman, a straight woman, and they will do anything to keep one.

But I think a lot of women are more flexible than men, shall we say. So if it suits them to play at gay, they will.

geovoat ago

I agree. And lot of comes from drinking a LOT. or the pretty girl uses the other girl who wants to prove to her "she doesn't need a man".

Helena73 ago

Fair enough. I think a lot of the sexual degeneracy wouldnt happen if people were not all binge drinkers.

White people need to quit drinking if we’re gonna get better. It will be hard, but not that hard.

RoundWheel ago

All women want a man's cock and his sperm. There are two types of women. Those that lie about it and those who don't.

Helena73 ago


justregtoasku ago

an endorsement i presume..

Ocelot ago


Women all want babies deep down.

Ken_bingo2 ago

So do men.

BaBs88 ago

Dude. I noticed this with the facilities crew at my job. 1 jew was there and now like half of them are jews. Fucking kikes.

geovoat ago

It's a guarantee. And it's very hard to get rid of them when they get in. And they will destroy the company and put it in a position that it will need to be bought out by a Jewish owner.

Ocelot ago

And you can't do a damn thing about it without getting railed by the Jew media.

HiJoker ago

It'd be a damn shame if something happened to them, like a car wreck, home invasion robbery that left them dead, a deadly fire thanks to a faulty coffee pot. Bad things happen sometimes to bad people. Just sayin'.

Merlynn ago

Jewish Lightning?

justregtoasku ago

only the chosenites have the support structure in place to pull off jewish lightening

So sick of it all

Merlynn ago

You don't need a support structure,just have to be good at making it look like an accident. Things happen.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I think I first became interested in the Third Reich as a child watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Such snappy uniforms.

Helena73 ago

That was a great one.

HitlerDinduNufin ago


Rooster88 ago

Little mermaid came out in 1989 during Michael Eisner's time as head of the company.

RoundWheel ago

With subliminal penises

KingMortales ago

Tarzan is Anglo. The rest is pretty bad though. I grew up on and loved the 90's movies but beauty and the beast always bothered me. It does seem really obvious though as an adult.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

I think it puts Tarzan there because he and Jane are nearly naked throughout the movie

Ocelot ago

Tarzan is still "lovely white woman rebels against evil white man and incompetent white father to be with jungle man and swing on vines."

Also, "white people hate and destroy nature" propaganda when we are the only race left that cares.

CapinBoredface ago

White man has to help all the gorillas because they are helpless idiots that cant communicate.

The villain is hook nosed.

waringi ago

I saw a video yesterday about Disneys Dumbo racist crow stereotypes. I had a hunch and guess (((who))) wrote them into the story? Yup

Ocelot ago

Even "racist" stereotypes were a foot in the door for pro-nigger propaganda in media. Disney wouldn't have bothered including niggers at all.

kingssman1 ago

Check the credits. Remember seeing some absolute racist animation productions and sure enough (jewberg) is either the producer or (jewstien) the writer

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