This isn’t quite a smoking gun that this is bio-engineered, but it’s pretty damn close.
Start with the first study,
Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin.
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In this study they conducted in 2007, they took CoronaVirus from bats SL-CoV S and mixed it with the 2003 SARS that was human transmissible, chimerically (mix genetic material from 2 different species) to see if they could make the SL-CoV S bind to the human ACE2 receptor. With some success. They also took HIV and packaged it with these viruses to see if it would bind. Also, with some success. Involved with this study was Zhengli Shi of the State Key Laboratory of Virology in Wuhan China.
In 2013 another study was performed.
Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that use ACE2 receptor.
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The conundrum in this paper, was they know that 2003 SARS must have come from bats. However they couldn’t find the direct link between the 2.
Part of the study they’re surprised on the overall diversity of SARS-CoVs in general. It states that even in one sample, they were able to extract 7 different strains. But in the final paragraph on the second page, check this out…
“Finally, this study demonstrates the public health importance of pathogen discovery programs targeting wildlife that aim to identify the “known unknowns”—previously unknown viral strains closely related to known pathogens. These programs, focused on specific high-risk wildlife groups and hotspots of disease emergence, may be a critical part of future global strategies to predict, prepare for, and prevent pandemic emergence.”
Two of the people who participated in authoring this study worked for EcoHealth Alliance, which is an NGO that focuses on preventing pandemics worldwide, I’ll get to that later but they were major contributors to a program called PREDICT USAID. Another one of them is Xingyi Ge, who in this paper is associated with the College of Biology in China. But…
Our next study,
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses show potential for human emergence.
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Which is a study from 2015, where they examine a virus from horseshoe bats called SHCO14-COV. Which, they admit when using what’s called a SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, that they generated a chimeric virus that would affect mice. That expressed the virus through the ACE2 RECEPTOR!!! And replicated efficiently in human airway cells in vitro (in a test tube.)
“The emergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission of Severe Respiratory Illness with globalization leading to rapid spread around the world and massive economic impact.”
This article is just creepy. This article gives a good synopsis. Guess who were co-authors on this? Xing-Yi Ge and Zhengli-Li Shi. Both of whom work at the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan China.
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So obviously this was a global issue right? You bet it was, at least it was to those in the “know.” As illustrated by Event 201, but wait there’s more!
This was so serious that in fact the DOD here in the United States through the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) on the CBD192-006 were looking for companies to develop some kind of countermeasures to Corona Viruses among other things.
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So back to that PREDICT USAID program. Predict was a government program that spanned from 2009 to 2019. Which was all about collecting biological samples from various animals around the planet. To find new and upcoming diseases. In other words, they were building a database of diseases that could be upcoming illnesses. By itself not a bad idea. However, couple this with the 3 studies I showed you, where they were taking these samples and chimerically screwing with them to make them bind to a Human ACE2 receptor, and you have something near monstrous.
So, there’s an international version of this PREDICT USAID program. It’s called Disease X. Headed by guess WHO? So much that our good old buddy, Anthony Fauci stated “that the concept of Disease X would encourage WHO projects to focus their research efforts on entire classes of various viruses, instead of just individual strains so as to improve WHO capability to expand into unforeseen strains.” What does that mean? Collect samples!
So with the shutdown of the PREDICT program there were some angry Senators, such as King and Elizabeth Warren. Where on January 30th, they penned a letter to Mark Green of the U.S. Agency for International Development, asking for the program to receive funding. Funding that would no doubt go to NGO’s and expand U.S. funding to the WHO. Of course, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have their grubby little mitts in every little bit of this.
What does this all mean? I pose this question to you. Is it possible that the environmentalists, and activist types in this world released this virus, because they knew it would cause a ton of damage. To try to teach our governments a lesson, that we wouldn’t soon forget? It’s become increasingly clear to me, that these Corona Viruses were well known.
Develop the virus in China where there aren’t the same ethical standards, and people are discouraged from asking questions. Take the nastiest bat virus you can, play around with it in a laboratory until it can infect humans. Intentionally undermine all of the systems that were in place to prevent this thing from happening to begin with. Have China in the months before the release to the West gobble up all the medical supplies out of the supply chain. Release it, create the problem. Control the reaction through fear and panic, and just when it becomes too much for anyone to bear. Release the solution, and that’s more funding for projects that collect more viruses around the world. Blame the people for not washing their hands, or wearing face masks. Rinse, repeat…
China gobbling up medical supplies from Australia, I’m 99% this happened in other places too. We just didn’t hear about it.
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The last thing I would like to make you aware of, is something that was published in the Lancet by the WHO.
Disease X: accelerating the development of countermeasures for the next pandemic.
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This came out March 17th of this year. Of course, this comes straight from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Talking about preparedness of an unknown enemy they call Pathogen X. The most interesting paragraph in the entire article is this.
“Consequently, we can hypothesize that the advent of a catastrophic outbreak involving Disease X is likely to result from zoonotic transmission of a highly virulent RNA virus (YA THINK? Ya released the thing) from an area where a convergence of risk factors and population dynamics will result in sustained person-to-person transmission. This premise does not negate the need for measures against other types of pathogens of pandemic importance, but the work on Disease X that we have done is modelled on the development of medical countermeasures against this particular pathogen archetype. However, the development of medical countermeasures does not demand the epidemiology of Disease X is known, and many conserved elements of product development remain that do not vary on the basis of established pathophysiology or epidemiology. In the first instance, development of medical countermeasures for Disease X will inevitably include plans to detect cases and mobilize the movement of samples and data to developers.”
In other words, mass surveillance and data collection of all “samples.” Soylent Green is people!
anticlutch ago
jewflu IS event 201
Event 201's goal IS ID2020
Bill Gates, the jew; IS ID2020
Charles Leiber, the jew; IS jewflu.
jewflu = event 201 = jewish
ID2020 = global tracking and vaccination = jewish
is jewish D&C as well.
menstreusel ago
What if the goal is to identify illegals? They can't stay 18 to a house forever...
AllInAllNo ago
Worse, they just lied about it, moved deaths around and everyone fucking fell for it.
Justasinner ago
yes, you are right, virus is not so lethal as they wanted it, who knows why? so (((they))) propagate lies and manipulations everywhere to induce more fear and polarize views
slowcrash101 ago
Because viruses mutate and if the host dies too quickly that viral line dies with it. The virus mutates and survives in the ones that don't kill their host and can spread to others. Perhaps the original strain was extremely virulent but nature neutered that plan. I'm glad that sad little faggot Bill Gates can't do shit about nature. Godless jews will all eventually get put in their place by nature/god.
AllInAllNo ago
CDC and Dr Birx outright state anyone who dies and tests positive is added to covid deaths. Late stage cancer? Covid. Pneumonia? Covid
Tuberculosis? Heart attack? Covid.
Justasinner ago
First in america then europe followed, states give money to hospitals if they declare cause of death: covid. its in the news!
AllInAllNo ago
It's also just policy. But I'm sure they get money too
This is such a scam.
eyeswim ago
Look , it was engineered. This is a multi pronged attack with many possible outcomes. I’m not so sure it was China who released this however. Very , very suspicious of American intelligence of those the deep staters who desire a certain outcome
Justasinner ago
From what clear factual docs we have our only valid assumption about "who" released it is all of them, meaning: USA, Israel, China, they all worked together even Russian labs at some point. Why? NWO can only be real if all old countries/systems collapse so it can be built from their ashes