anticlutch ago

jewflu IS event 201

Event 201's goal IS ID2020

Bill Gates, the jew; IS ID2020

Charles Leiber, the jew; IS jewflu.

jewflu = event 201 = jewish

ID2020 = global tracking and vaccination = jewish


is jewish D&C as well.

menstreusel ago

What if the goal is to identify illegals? They can't stay 18 to a house forever...

AllInAllNo ago

Worse, they just lied about it, moved deaths around and everyone fucking fell for it.

Justasinner ago

yes, you are right, virus is not so lethal as they wanted it, who knows why? so (((they))) propagate lies and manipulations everywhere to induce more fear and polarize views

slowcrash101 ago

Because viruses mutate and if the host dies too quickly that viral line dies with it. The virus mutates and survives in the ones that don't kill their host and can spread to others. Perhaps the original strain was extremely virulent but nature neutered that plan. I'm glad that sad little faggot Bill Gates can't do shit about nature. Godless jews will all eventually get put in their place by nature/god.

AllInAllNo ago

CDC and Dr Birx outright state anyone who dies and tests positive is added to covid deaths. Late stage cancer? Covid. Pneumonia? Covid

Tuberculosis? Heart attack? Covid.

Justasinner ago

First in america then europe followed, states give money to hospitals if they declare cause of death: covid. its in the news!

AllInAllNo ago

It's also just policy. But I'm sure they get money too

This is such a scam.

eyeswim ago

Look , it was engineered. This is a multi pronged attack with many possible outcomes. I’m not so sure it was China who released this however. Very , very suspicious of American intelligence of those the deep staters who desire a certain outcome

Justasinner ago

From what clear factual docs we have our only valid assumption about "who" released it is all of them, meaning: USA, Israel, China, they all worked together even Russian labs at some point. Why? NWO can only be real if all old countries/systems collapse so it can be built from their ashes