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observation1 ago

makes sense with the blue lips

rabbishekelwitz1488 ago

sooo i am not a qlarp tard but does anyone remember covfefe? could it be COVID-19 & FE2? probably just a (((coincidence))), right guys? šŸ¤”

FTA: "When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere. Hereā€™s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is ā€œdisassociatedā€ (released). Itā€™s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own."

ussliberty ago

Every flu season, I dose vitamin C + Zinc + elderberry twice and sometimes 3 times a day. Eat lots of garlic too.

I have upped my dosages during this time for sure.

SuperToes845 ago

I liked this article and think he's onto something but:

Whatever, I donā€™t know the full breadth and scope because Iā€™m not a physician.

OK. He wrote that in the #2 section toward the bottom of the article. I'm not killing the messenger. It gave me pause is all.

phoenix883 ago

Excellent article. It is written sometimes in too memey form, so people who want to discount it will easily find a scapegoat reason to do so. But anyway, it sounds plausible.

And it explains the blood test results we have often been reported: low hemoglobin, high ferritin (because it absorbs the free iron ions, if we believe the article), low oxygen saturation, patients collapsing from lack of oxygen with perfectly self ventilating lungs.

It seems to be transpiring that ventilators are more harmful than expected, as 80% of people put on them never recover.

If Trump hadn't personally forced the medical community to include hydroxychloroquine in their research, against their wishes, against their recommendations, many thousands more would already be dead. There must be a reason behind the who and others wanting to exclude that drug from research and it is a deeply sinister motive, because the medication itself is known for a while and with appropriate dosage well tolerable for most. There is no credible reason why one would leave this out of trials and suppress the information. Why would anyone not want to research further? Why would Coronavirus experts discount it quickly, while claiming to know far too little about the new strain?

If we wanted conspiracy theories, we should look into what this all does with the blood. The main conspiracy theory today concerns consumption of human blood for ritual and longevity reasons by the elite, eerily resembling old vampire tales and the old blood libel that 109 countries mysteriously reinvented 109 times to lobby against the poor Hebrews. If that conspiracy theory had merit, it would be yet another coincidence that the virus heavily interacts with the main function of the blood. Maybe chloroquine does something irreversible with the blood supply, or reverses some effects already established through the modern food supply. As the theory focuses on the bright redness of fresh arterial blood, this coincidence is a bit too much when sickness and deep state suppressed cure all focus on what's making the blood bright red in the first place.

lanre ago

Science has proven over and over again to progress at the rate that old people die. If you spent your life's work researching something incorrectly, but you're considered and expert on that subject, someone coming along and proving you to be an idiot is too much for some people to handle. So they do sneaky shit like this to protect their ego, grant money, and livelihood.

brandnewset ago

COVFEFE Stable Genius with a looking glass on yhe loose

Doglegwarrior ago

boris johnson was put on oxygen today. read this archive thing then turn around and read he is put on oxygen treatment. weird

SpottyMatt ago

a mountain of anecdotal evidence

areyoumygaffer ago

This was a fantastic read. Thanks for the link.

Doglegwarrior ago

who wrote this? is he an expert? did he get this information from reliable sources?

Doglegwarrior ago

so I sent this to a pharmist friend. who I didnt know was a jew apparently.

just responded where are the sources? thats typical jew response by the way. i asked does it sound reasonable? i said the goverment had thousands of experts and sources saying wtc7 fell from office fires that didnt make it true

yewotm8 ago

Problem is that hospital admins want to go through with the status quo holy rites for breathing problems and don't want to do new stuff since then they lose power.

And FDA didn't want to approve the drug because it's not patented. Then all these other cunts didn't want to use it because Trump mentioned it. They'd prefer people die.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Why NO2 and other inhaled oxidants are accelerants:

All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress

Bye bye, pulmonary GSH.

Steinmacher ago

on a side note...

All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs.

This is why you probably shouldn't take mega vit C - since it oxidizes iron. Leave the mega C for the common cold - stick with zinc and l-lysine for viruses like corona.

BjornIronside ago

What? No, you have that exactly backward.

Steinmacher ago

I actually don't. I'm all for mega C (ascorbic acid) in many instances - but iron levels have to be known and only short term use. This was well known among nutritionists back in the 80's and 90's. nothing builds arterial plaques quicker than oxidized iron (except maybe hydrogenated oils) - which is attracted to the epithelial surface (artery lining). Those cells can deal with a certain amount of iron ions, but not a shit ton.

observation1 ago

who cares about arterial plaques right now?

BjornIronside ago

That's why you need high doses of ascorbic acid to bind with free radical iron.

threesevens ago

Whats weird about this is the similarity to what 5g does to the body. 60GHz 5g is absorbed by Oxygen. Telecom companies admit this. This causes Oxygen to not bind well to blood hemoglobin causing the body to become Oxygen starved. This is from studies in Magnetobiology, which is a suppressed science.

Coincidentally, Wuhan was one of the pilot cites for 5G. Combined with a virus which attacks the lungs this the death rate much higher.

So, the symptoms of the virus and 5g match, the O2 effect on the body matches (causes hypoxia), the cure may be the same, and Wuhan is swimming in 5g. What does this mean?

The virus could have been made to work WITH 5g. Maybe the DS thought 5g would be much more widespread by now, but Trump was elected instead and stopped 5g. So the virus is weaker than it would have been if 5g more widespread. But it is deadly in places like Wuhan..

ussliberty ago

Anyone have a map that shows 5g tower locations that we can cross reference death rates map from china virus?

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Trump didnā€™t stop 5G you fucking dipshit. Trump even said we need 5G and he canā€™t wait for 6G. Canā€™t you MAGAtards just drink your turpentine and die already?

threesevens ago

5G can run on different fequencies.

Trump blocked Huewei, which is the bad 60GHz 5G. The GHz he would support is in the 37 GHz and 47 GHz bands, which is different than the harmful 60GHz from Huawei.

Try knowing wtf you are talking about before making a fool of yourself.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Good work man. Don't give up, and archive your citations.

CowWithBeef ago

The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially ā€˜game changingā€™ treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.

If true this pandemic is basically over.

geekpuk2 ago

Let us trust this random Medium blogpost rather than the Lancet or the New England Journal of Medicine

Russian trolls need to step their game up since their shithole country suffers from covid19, pneumonia and vodka poisoning resulting in declining lifespan

kammmmak ago

What Lancet of the New England Journal of Medicine paper are you talking about Frank? And why do you make it sound it is oh so not like OP's link?

RoBatten ago

Let's trust the mouthpieces of Big Pharma, who's mission is to make profits. Ignore those who are researching and finding truth. In fact, why don't you wait for Bill Gates' vaccine? That should feature prominently in NEJoM . . .

aaronC ago

Fuck off chink troll

IsaacJan ago

Yeah, letā€™s.

You have 1k -1k ccp, what exactly is wrong with you shill

Deshy ago

Voat Post sharing this information and Mediums deletion of this page and authors content.

A further update on information from the author relating to the deletion of his account etc.

tallestsoapstory ago

Go out and get it so blue pill china willy popping cunt, oh do you still wear those chinky lenses? HAH!

Mr_big ago

Thats why i fad the dry cough and felt like i was not getting enough air I was taking vit c and antibiotics. I bet it was the vit c that kept me from croaking

Tzitzimitl ago

why use an antibiotic on a virus? it anythig that would make the virus' job easier.

QualityControl ago

Did you try reading the article? It mentions this very question.

SpottyMatt ago

Azithromycin is used because the mechanism of its antibacterial action is hypothesized to also touch one of the pathways the virus uses to infect. It doesn't have any direct action against the virus, but the thinking is that it may make it harder for the virus to infect cells.

I can't link you to any studies because there have not been any studies investigating this; only people hypothesizing that that could happen based on what is already known about the virus and azithromycin.

Steinmacher ago

it causes a secondary bacterial infection...

but, zinc will clear up both infections. those antibiotics kill everything in the body and have long term side effects...

facepaint ago

The idea behind that is to eliminate all of the other bacteria in your system to free up your white blood cells to target a single target, the virus.

qwop ago

I bet it was the vit c that kept me from croaking.

Your bet is correct. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), is absolutely essential in this equation:

RoBatten ago

There is no ā€˜pneumoniaā€™ nor ARDS.

Read the article. This is why ventilators are useless. Blood is not absorbing oxygen. Pumping in more air or treating it like ARDS does not work. Zinc is much more useful. Big likely had regular flu . . .

SpottyMatt ago

Totally wrong.

Pumping more air and more oxygen-rich air is a successful treatment for when the lungs are not exchanging enough oxygen on their own.

If the "mountain of anecdotal evidence" turns in the real evidence, then of course there's probably better treatments. But giving more air with a higher oxygen content to people struggling to get oxygen is not an ineffective treatment.

LightestHour ago

Source completely debunks it having anything to do with the lungs

And yet here you are

Damage control is intensifying, that's a good sign.

dan_k ago

Boris ain't gonna get none though, he's on the list.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I believe the pedos have been poisoned with something different but similar in symptoms. They get the scarf.

American-Patriot ago

I read the whole thing and this makes a lot of sense. One thing that they did not mention is that it more than likely proves it was engineered. What kind of sicko develops a virus to make it so their red blood cells can't carry OXYGEN anymore. Well, one that wants to create a biological weapon to kill billions of people or even have a continental wipe. China was literally trying to kill us by suffocation. These fuckers must pay in blood.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

These fuckers must pay in blood.

Nope. China can do whatever the fuck it wants within its own borders.

Who must pay in blood are the people who opened OUR borders. Fuck globalism and fuck you if you try to protect traitors by focusing exclusively on some far away enemy.

American-Patriot ago

I agree. All traitors must be put to death. NO DEALS!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

There is good evidence to show that certain 5G bandwidths will also fuck with your oxygen. I've been making several comments about it EMF, would only take some side avenues of research to prove that thee are scientific papers and patents on the subject...

generate ago

hello russian troll

American-Patriot ago

Sorry I am an American Troll ;)

generate ago

Š“Š Š£

American-Patriot ago

down burned?

yewotm8 ago

If China was trying to kill us why would they infect themselves first? All conspiracy retards never make any sense on stuff like this.

username2245 ago

we can discredit conspiracy theories all day but the idea that china wouldnā€™t do this as you claim is simply fucking retarded.

American-Patriot ago

deep state in China. Not the Chinese

Tzitzimitl ago

the virus was created by a canadian lab the chinks just stole it from them and dropped the samples, in classic chinkese incompetent fashion

note: neat how a "fact checker" that conveniently "disproves" the claim is the only locatable source left on this matter.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

pay in blood

Well, you know where China is. Go grab yourself an AK, hop a boat to China, and go nuts when you get there. Please come back and let us know how it goes.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

No worries there. As hard as they're pushing, it could go in that direction soon anyway.

knightwarrior41 ago

One thing that they did not mention is that it more than likely proves it was engineered.

yes its a bioweapon,i wonder if those that get it but are asymptomatic doesnt develop some sort of weakness later on because the virus never goes away because it hides in the body tissues.among other peculiarities

Attac ago

If only they didn't have nuclear bombs, I would be all for it.

Doglegwarrior ago

Fight china go to war goyim increase debt ... but never name the jew.

this anti china shit is insane

BjornIronside ago

Nukes are not real.

o0shad0o ago

Very interesting. There was a video a friend forwarded me which had a video with a doctor talking about how COVID doesn't make sense as a pneumonia. The video continued on to place the blame on 5G. This makes much more sense.

knightwarrior41 ago

its not 5g dude

o0shad0o ago

You know that, and I know that, but my friend...

Gimmedat ago

I think you were down voted because when you said "this makes much more sense" we thought you meant, what your friend said, it being because of 5g. I see now that you were refrenecomg this post as making sense

o0shad0o ago
