Negro_Nazi ago

She can go in the chamber with them after that bigger dance at the end.

Gimmedat ago

It was great till she did the nigger dance

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Yeah seriously, it's a slippery slope to burning the coal.

MassTooter ago

...and then they would put furry costumes on us and masturbate us to death! It was horrible!

MemeWar2020 ago

We should be promoting furry rights. When people see how ridiculous the furry stuff is they will have realize how ridiculous the whole lgbqt movement is.

oneunderall ago


toobaditworks ago

Gases the furries.

Proceeds to dance like chimp.

FederalShill ago

The Furry Solution

magameme ago

It would have been funnier if the sign said "bar mitzvah."

anticlutch ago

I was curious at first. That girl was "dolled down" but you can tell she's cute. Cute girls don't hang out with furniggers seriously.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Nice touch with the wooden door

ianadba ago

It's a shame she has a jew nose. Just another head fake from the jews.

JJNova ago

uh.. ok.

They might winning if you see them everywhere.

Rottenmonkey ago

Dumbest thing I have seen. Yahhhh TikTok. Chinese government spy tool.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I love this new generation:)

Plant_Boy ago

It's a bit late to use the coat hanger for furries...

dirt_reynolds ago

That's a kid a dad can be proud of.

JJNova ago

This thing has layers. The second sign says "No Gamers. Furries Only"

psilocyb ago

doing the lords work

PraiseIPU ago

Haha circlejerks!

We are so much better than those people that go outside and have loives!!!!!

I luv u 5chinz you are so new and originally in 2009.

Dauphin ago

Now THAT was funny.

killkillkill ago

Do you guys actually believe that if she did pump poison gas in there, the wooden door would save their lives?

NoBS ago

That is part of the joke. One of many.

This was an adult doing a production with very adult oriented subject matter.

Or you over 21? Or what ever the drinking age is in your neck of the woods?

killkillkill ago

Wtf are you talking about? People on VOAT cite "wooden doors" as evidence against the Holocaust all the time...

NoBS ago

Dam child. You really are too stupid to get the fucking joke.

And then brag about why you are too ignorant to understand the adult nature of said joke. Ouch!

This site should require adult only access. Children should not be subject to ridicule and mockery like sitting ducks.

Now get your mother on this site to explain while we have to baby sit her idiot child.

killkillkill ago

Get the joke? You really gonna pretend this is some kind of really smart joke going on here that I don't understand? God, you guys are fucking funny.

NoBS ago

Ouch. Poor child of ignorance. I almost feel sorry for you.

Now get your mother on here to apologize for her idiot child. Or I'll have to send you to bed with no dinner! If mommy can't bail you out this time then the next desert you eat will be when mommy dearest kicks you out of the basement. Idiot child.

killkillkill ago

Gosh, your autism is on full charge, eh?

turtlesareNotevil ago

I hope my sons future wife is just like her.

NoBS ago

Do you know for certain that was a loving father or mother behind the camera directing?

Or the "more" common probability that no adult is in the frame because a Pedophile is advertising a child sex slave?

Seriously, how do we know? What kind of father exposes their daughter to the perverts around the globe? Or mother. Care to guess how many child super stars have a mother or father for a pimp? If you said most, if not all then you are close to the 80% reality. Higher recently. 100% on some "kiddy" shows. For the stars at least.

I wish to be a lying dog-faced pony soldier, but the reality is worse. Much worse.

steven_feelsperg ago

What kind of father exposes their daughter to the perverts around the globe?

Who are the Brothers Grimm?

What is Hansel and Gretyl?

What is the troll under the bridge?

ant_earth ago

how nice of her to delouse those furries. typhus is a big problem in those conventions

RM-Goetbbels ago

It's a wooden door!

goatboy ago

Making fun of furries, Holocaust, and zoomers at the same time! The future looks bright indeed!

NoBS ago

That was manipulative parents living precociously through their children.

Hope the parent is not a control freak, because if not then they have an awesome sense of humor. Hoping it is the former but would bet the legal guardian/parent is a big wig to get it viral. Dam I'm a cynic.

Broc_Lia ago

I dunno dude, I've met plenty of zoomers who do this kind of thing on their own.

Silver_Sky ago

Funny enough there was a furry convention where they had to evacuate because of a gas leak.

Rival67 ago

There was an attempt you know.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Remember when 4chan got the furries to gas themselves

LowBrowsing ago

CCP app

ssaa6oo ago

The wooden door is a nice tuch.


And it ain't even me that you're gonna have to's Generation Z.

0011000100100111101 ago

AHHAHA wood door love it.

user9713 ago

Never forget the 6 million furries

CuntReckTheRecord ago

Huh, maybe tick-tock ain't so bad :P

MrDarkWater ago

A bunch of the younger generation is able to utilize it to bypass pozzed platforms and see and spread stuff without getting banhammared like on other platforms. Of course I'm not saying that it isn't mostly degenerate shit.

squiremarcus ago

looks like the account was banned. i cant find it on tictok

gazillions ago

Oh My God. They're thinking!!

UsedToCuck ago

Damnnn we must be getting to the next genz

anticlutch ago


What? If gen Zyklon were gotten to by the vast majority of voat users they'd be race cucks.

What happened was EXACTLY what happened to Bane in TDK. They were born in forced AntiWhite bullshit. Forced coddling of subhumans. Force chop your dick off goyim!!! etc. etc. etc.

They embody the truest form of red pill.

The only thing they lack - and this is no fault of their own - is the knowledge to connect it all. Some still don't understand the JQ but they are FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR more redpilled than voat is.

Though that implies voat is redpilled. At all. Voat is just edgy.


Generation Zyklon B

ALIENS2222 ago

Wooden door... I like the realistic set up here.

dadudemon1 ago

Funny vid but it's tiktok...

Also she's tall if going by the door frame is correct. Almost as tall as I am.

H3r0n ago

yeah but she also looks to be ~16, she may not grow any taller at this point.

Video was great, love the humor

clamhurt_legbeard ago


cyclops1771 ago

Poor @Native!!! He'll be missed!


Native ago

That's just mean!

Turns out that only water came out of the shower heads, the water was cold but the masturbation machine of death was very calming.

blumen4alles ago

Gas chamber even has a wooden door.

Based zoomers!

Commiefornication ago

those look like stupid jews larping even dumber goys. typical yid tricks.

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