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HulkJizz ago

You had me for a second and then lost me at "Other (actually) good users like @Tallest_Skil...".

That dude is crazy.

Tallest_Skil ago

Who are you and what did I prove you wrong about.

HulkJizz ago

Crensch level rant. Somehow this is the major problem Voat has right now.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you an impersonation account? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post? Do you not want the site to be overrun with spam, libel, hoaxes, and people pretending to be others to craft a narrative and sow dissent? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post? Do you not want the rules of the site to be followed? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post?

HulkJizz ago

I haven't see any damage done. I think it's an ego thing. Do you seriously think people confuse smallest and tallest? That being said, if you are a @Joe_McCarthy enemy the that makes you my friend. Funny how that works.

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you seriously think people don’t confuse Tallest_Skil and Tallest_Skill? Do you seriously think people don’t confuse Joe_McCarthy and Joe_McCarthy_? Come on, man.

HulkJizz ago

The first one maybe but I know for a fact the Joe_McCarthy_ account has done no wrong. Except for maybe deliberately pissing off you and joe. :)