Phantom42 ago

Except I'm not, lol.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, no. I actually hate that "guy".

Phantom42 ago

Your sides will rupture and burst, killing you. Ending your worthless life, as was always meant to happen.

Tallest_Skil ago

The idea of “we being our own gods” is a wholly jewish construction. I reject wholeheartedly any conception which is jewish in nature.

“The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races… and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel… will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…” ~ ✡Baruch Levy✡; Review de Paris, p. 574; June 1, 1928

Phantom42 ago

Oh yeah, I know that. Read that same quote and everything a long time ago on cuckchan.

MrPim ago

I take it you believe in the Christian God?

Phantom42 ago

What does it matter what I believe anymore? Nobody gives a fuck. Not a single soul.

And therein lies the problem, but I repeat myself.

MrPim ago

Well I guess you ought to kill yourself then. You've given up. You'ce convinced yourself that no one cares and so now in a pissy little rant you've decided you dont care either. You think someone ought to be doing something but you yourself arent doing anything (like someone else I wont mention). So since you arent going to do anything and you've totally given up, kill yourself. You'll be at peace and I wont have to look at retarded threads like this.

And Tallest_Skil is a pseudo-logical faggot. He and you make a great couple of bitchy little homos who will never do a fucking thing except bitch that SOMEONE ELSE isn't doing something.

Prove me wrong.

Phantom42 ago

Sounds great to me! Not like any of you are more alive than I am.


HulkJizz ago

You had me for a second and then lost me at "Other (actually) good users like @Tallest_Skil...".

That dude is crazy.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Someone like you that calls me an "obvious Jew shill" does not get to call anyone "crazy".

You just don't have the intellectual capital to expend there my boy.

HulkJizz ago

Sure I do.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Sanity is not making baseless accusations as if they just go without saying. The surest telltale sign of a nutter around here is calling non-Jews Jews. Though @Tallest_Skil does it too.

You're both idiots if that's any consolation.

HulkJizz ago

I am now with Tallest. Thank you for bringing us together.

Phantom42 ago

Wise decision.

HulkJizz ago

I still don't l Iike you though.

Phantom42 ago

I literally couldn't give less of a shit what any "man" thinks of me.

HulkJizz ago

Of course not. That is why you felt you needed to tell me.

Phantom42 ago

I'm merely enlightening you, so you don't get any delusions.

HulkJizz ago

That is very nice of you. I'm glad you care.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your unity is in stupidity.

HulkJizz ago

Stupid like a fox.

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop acting like a jew and you’ll stop being called out as one.

Tallest_Skil ago

Who are you and what did I prove you wrong about.

HulkJizz ago

Crensch level rant. Somehow this is the major problem Voat has right now.

Tallest_Skil ago

Are you an impersonation account? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post? Do you not want the site to be overrun with spam, libel, hoaxes, and people pretending to be others to craft a narrative and sow dissent? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post? Do you not want the rules of the site to be followed? If not, why the fuck do you care about the post?

HulkJizz ago

I haven't see any damage done. I think it's an ego thing. Do you seriously think people confuse smallest and tallest? That being said, if you are a @Joe_McCarthy enemy the that makes you my friend. Funny how that works.

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you seriously think people don’t confuse Tallest_Skil and Tallest_Skill? Do you seriously think people don’t confuse Joe_McCarthy and Joe_McCarthy_? Come on, man.

HulkJizz ago

The first one maybe but I know for a fact the Joe_McCarthy_ account has done no wrong. Except for maybe deliberately pissing off you and joe. :)

Phantom42 ago

Then you haven't been paying attention.

Edit: Which is part of the fucking problem.

HulkJizz ago

He reminds me of @Crensch.

Tallest_Skil ago

Ooh, ow. An insult actually worth dignifying with a rebuttal.

The answer is no.

Phantom42 ago

😂 Nononononono... He is nothing like Crensch. One is a traitor and imbecile, the other just tells things how they are.

People hate that though, the Truth.



Your jimmies sure got rustled good didn't they

Phantom42 ago

To add, you are actually the perfect example. You're part of the problem.

It's okay though! All you have to do is keep being you. You're just helping accelerate us to the end.


Wow now I've rustled your jimmies and I wasn't even trying!

Phantom42 ago

Great! That's AWESOME man! You feel joy from it? You feel really good about it, deep down? Or is it just humor or amusement?

Kill those emotions if you want to make it.


Are you autistic? Wow is an expression of surprise.

Phantom42 ago

Not at all, I'm simply done with worthless cunts like yourself.

And you are correct, "wow" is an expression of surprise. Congratulations! You understand English. I'm so fucking proud of you.


With an attitude like that you're never gonna get your jimmies unrustled.

Phantom42 ago

So? It doesn't fucking matter.


You might as well just cut your jimmies right off

Phantom42 ago

You first friend!

Phantom42 ago

Another example.

Further justification.