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CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm seeing plenty of white men with sheboons

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

90% of the time it's a rail thin beta whigger with a sheboon

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Young white woman need to be shamed for fucking dirty low life niggers who have zero respect for them

Tupaco ago

They love that big long dick

Lord0Trade ago

Oddly enough many of the mixed couples I see are either well adjusted white women and black men (usually immigrants from the Caribbean) or black women and white guys. But granted that's just me.

projection ago

I recall in London in the 80's, the only women who went with niggers were fat, repulsive pigs with scabs on their legs.

BentAxel ago

For the life of me, I can't figure out why they don't show a White man with a black woman? I got banned off 4Chan for asking that same question.

whitesilk ago

Only 0.3 % of white men marry sheeboons, thats why.

BentAxel ago

Pisses niggers and jews off something fierce.

neuschwabia ago

Mixed blood causes a 20 point IQ drop typically.

SpecialtyPizza ago

Its like mixing a little bit of shit into your stew.

Conspirologist ago

Mixed race couples are only race blind, or desperate assholes. The funny thing is that the jews believe that these biowastes become mixed race families because of their demented propaganda.

VandalayIndustries ago

Pretty much.

Most mixed race couples i see where white woman is with a black man, the woman is driving the car.

The ‘man’, may as well be in back sitting on a booster seat.

It is what it is.

Fuhrer1488 ago

niggers will take all of our fat, mentally ill, retarded women so we will be left with the good ones. Jews are accidentally making our race stronger.

thatguyiam ago

How that rib removal workin out for ya, glofag?

19810708321b ago

Races are not meant to mix. You can't blend a carrot and an apple and call the new thing "fruit".

Doglegwarrior ago

fat white women unless it is a pro athlete then it is a coal burner with soulless dead eyes who thought the money was worth it.

Granite_Pill ago

Why is it always a ginger? Why are nearly all mixed-race couples a ginger and something else?

WD_Pelley ago

Red hair is a very rare and beautiful trait, so of course it has to be shat on.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

If it's the WORST white women mixing with browns in effect they are exporting the lowest genetic tier to the other races. This will create a finer white person on average.

NakeFews ago

“Mixed couple” = welfare degenerates, drug users, and child abusers.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

maybe reconsider where you are spending your time

NakeFews ago

They are mostly beefy white women who work three jobs in the service industry. The white beasts get upset, the niggers get comfortable not working and beating the family. Public assistance is next.

chirogonemd ago

I think it was Newton that proved this theorem.

New-World-Ebola ago

all mudsharks should get to witness their nigger pets being nigger dragged along with their apefro satan spawns.

then dumped out at sea attached to an anchor.

Buzzzard ago

Whenever you see a white woman with a nigger male, you know that nigger is in some bad company.

thebearfromstartrack ago

But it does seem to be changing. Still here in NC it's USUALLY an OBESE white hog with NO alternative, and a nigger parasite LOSER, who probably doesn't work.

Eddy261153 ago

Every Advert on TV in the UK shows a mixed Marrige, a white women with three or four half-chats and a Nigger husband out on Parole, I think it is to try make it appear normal.

whitesilk ago

I 'contact us' these companies that show mixed race couples like that is normal and explain the very high percentage of viewers that are instantly turned off. You have to get them in the bank accounts.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Adolf Hitler, My Struggle

"Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood."

gabara ago


fightknightHERO ago

I remember this by heart thanks to this lovely piece

nukeclear ago

and we've fell victim. gg.

Draco777 ago

Only if you're mixed

Hesperian ago

A turd in a bucket of water is a bucket of shit.

blackzetsu ago


holaymackal ago

Take a bowl of vanilla ice cream and bowl of dog shit. Mix the two together. It improves the dog shit but destroys the ice cream.

great_white_saxon ago

Take a bowl of ice cream and add a single drop of dog shit to it and you ruin the whole bowl. Add 1 part ice cream to 1 part dog shit and you are still left with a bowl of inedible shit.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

I don't think there is any improving the dog shit

Merlynn ago

How has the dog shit been "improved"? You can't eat the ice cream because it has shit in it and you don't want to eat the shit. So in what way was the shit "improved"?

Anti-Stupid ago

By means of flavor alone. Which is a metaphor for them looking better.

Merlynn ago

I'll take your word for it because I ain't eating it.

Blehblehbleh73 ago


Floppyhorsecock ago

They need to keep pushing it, people are starting to notice. Trump is the first of many victories to come because of their arrogance.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Incorrect, its not a black retard its your every day normal NIGGER.

ShiftForBrains ago

Dont forget @tallest_skil AKA smallest shill. He just hangs around trying to suck some nigger cum out of his sister's twat so he can say he isnt 100% israeli...

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you denounce all judaism

you’re a jew because you don’t worship the ZOG emperor

you’re a jew because you exposed Trump as a race traitor and it hurt my feelings so instead of accepting facts I don’t like I’m going to scream like a child

Okay, cry harder. Fuck off, kiddo.

Northri ago

Natural eugenics doing its best in a time when modern medicine prevents those with bad genes from being eliminated.

fukkkyou ago

Every white woman who is with a black guy was rejected by her own people. Most are overweight/obease, the rest look like drug addicts.

whitesilk ago


WD_Pelley ago

Can confirm. My cousin is fat and obnoxious and has always hooked up with niggers, even has a mongrel with one. Of course he's a spoiled brat who pouts all the time.

Granite_Pill ago

Unfortunately, I've seen quite a few very attractive white women with niggers.

voatuser1128 ago

Same here. The stereotype of only fat ugly white women with niggers is not true. I once saw a blonde white woman in her 20s I think with a banging body with a nigger who was playing nigger ball with his nigger friends.

Intrixina ago

I bet she was batshit fucking crazy though.

No self respecting female will have anything to do with a nigger. That being said, there are a lot of degenerate trash white females out there too.

Brawndosaurus ago

look closely. something off with them. uncanny.

HighEnergyLife ago

Mixed couples think they're going to birth the next supermodel, but they end up with the ugliest deformed creatures not even imaginable

Reverse-Flash ago

They try for supermodel, but settle for supermongoloid.

Smokybubbles ago

That's the deep state's ideal family unit for the future. Ignorant, controllable, and government dependent.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vitolo69 ago

Well ideally the black guy then runs off and a white woman is raising 3 black chdren on government handouts.

StandswithanAR ago

My ideal outcome of the above scenario is a quadruple murder then a suicide.

Aceishigh ago

They sure as hell aren't counted as white when it comes to diversity hires and scholarships.

holaymackal ago

But are typically counted as 'White' in crime statistics, jail populations, marriage/birth rates.

Aceishigh ago

Archie harrison Mountbatten-Windsor will definitely be a non white when it suits his parents.

Jock_Sniffer ago

True. Barack Obama is still billed as "black" even though he's half white.

wokeasfook ago

And half Arab

125227 ago

Being white isn't like purity in gold. If you're not 100% white, you're 0% white.

New-World-Ebola ago

i thought that nigger was half kike

Smallest_Skil ago

obummer is a nigger. If you throw a cup of diarrhea in a cup of milk, you dont have milk anymore you have a cup of shit.

CulturalImperialist ago

Half white half Nigerian from the stock that sold the slaves rather than the slaves.

Aceishigh ago

Niggers get uppity when you state that he is the first half white president. If he was 100 nigger, he'd be in Kenya stealing copper with Malik.

PagingDrBenway ago

Whores always cast their eyes downward/away from white men too because they know they are race traitor trash.

freshmeat ago

Shit not the one's I see. You think they have a single morsel of shame dude? maybe 5-10% if you want to be real but those whores just post on facebook all day long

PagingDrBenway ago

Maybe because I am a very large, young, in-shape white man. They always act like that in public. I don't doubt they are whore who promote race-mixing to their mindless friends and on social media too.

PhilKDick ago

And the fattest

Attac ago

And single mothers.

BjornIronside ago

You probably don't even notice the White man/Asian woman couples.

They're the ones with well behaved children.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Okay race mixer

uvulectomy ago

"Chinese People" died out with the "Great Leap Forward."

What's left are the uneducated, likely inbred, boot-licking bug people.

BjornIronside ago

And 50 million ethnic Chinese who have nothing to do with any of it.

lanre ago

The other thing to remember is that current mainland Chinese destroyed their culture and murdered all of their smart people. They're completely different than the Chinese that immigrated here over a hundred years ago and helped build the railroads. Those ones were at least productive.

Granite_Pill ago

There are also based Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Filipinos. All have had to escape communism to some extent. Thai too. I used to split this Thai waitress's poon tang and her family had a portrait of the King of Thailand hanging up in their home. Very ultranationalist.

BearDolphin1488 ago

No asian is really an American.. same way no american is really Chinese

BjornIronside ago

No, that's retarded.

Inatehiggers ago

The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were "free white person[s] ... of good character".

BjornIronside ago

So? I never said they should vote.

Smallest_Skil ago

The chineese can be fine people. I have known a few that were raised over here, mostly good people. The shitheads are the ones raised in china and eating dogs.....Fucking savage cunts.

Inatehiggers ago

Send them back.

Smallest_Skil ago

yea well the chinese that are raised here I find are just like us except for slanty eyes lol.

Dont get me wrong, I prefer whites over all other lessor races. But the chinks are the least objectionable

obvious-throwaway- ago

Yeah, great idea white man, fuck your ancestors and heritage, upgrade to a bug person. No problem, bug women always prefer white men over bug men. Have some offspring, sure your son will be rejected by bug people who stick to their own kind and no white woman would want anything to do with a bug man. But I'm sure your son will adjust.

BjornIronside ago

Cool story, useless faggot with zero children.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I have children, I'll tell you what their names are and what schools they go to and... almost got me glownigger. Sorry you were tricked into marrying a bug person, I'm sure your children won't be outcasts *rolls eyes*

BjornIronside ago

You're retarded, and I give no fucks what any of you "race purity" morons has to say about anything.

You low IQ fucks are the sort that are going to starve to death anyhow.

Good luck.

obvious-throwaway- ago

You fucked up, no amount of downvoats will change that. I don't even understand how a white man could even get it up for anything but a white women. All other races look like gargoyles to me. White women are the literal epitome of beauty.

BjornIronside ago

And I give zero fucks what you think.

obvious-throwaway- ago

One can only hope we face our ancestors when we die. Since the beginning of time they kept the family line strong and pure, then you came along.

BjornIronside ago

I'm 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Scottish. Should be a good time.

anticlutch ago

Chinese people helped build our nations.





It's so transparent how jewish (((you))) are.

BjornIronside ago

Kill yourself, retard.

I've state my opinion clearly, no need for your jew paraphrasing.

anticlutch ago

It's a jewish lie. So if it's your opinion then you are admitting to allowing your mind to be controlled by jews.

Also it's quite cohencidental in the current jewflu false flag that you're pushing for Chink interests - which are jew's interests.

BjornIronside ago

No. You're just too stupid to discern jews from not jews.

Are you American? You have niggers, thanks to jews.

Canada has hard working Westernized Chinese. They are more conservative than the average White, these days.

Niggers are a jew plot.

Ethnic Chinese are an integral part of Canadian culture, and history.

I'm not talking about commie bug people, and you are too stupid to know the difference.

VeryToughMan ago

Germans and French helped design Chinese infrastructure after wwii. I'm sure we'd do the same for Africa if they would maintain it. Oh wait...

Hesperian ago

No Chinese family has been here longer than mine. My family has been here since the French colonized Maine.

Chinks have to go back.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Most of them have at least one autistic child.

BjornIronside ago

Yeah, well, don't vaccinate your children.

cyclops1771 ago

Many of their families have been here longer than yours.

Damn, there were Chinks here in 1606?

BjornIronside ago

Cool story, bro.

cyclops1771 ago

15th generation from Mom's side (security officer for Jamestown), 13th from dad's (one of founders of Nantucket), you fucking immigrant piece of trash. We were COLONISTS, never immigrants.

BjornIronside ago

Bullshit. LARPer.

cyclops1771 ago

Die, kike. Go kill a Palestinian child or whatever you sick fucks do on weekends..

SaxonWolfcock ago

How the fuck did this race mixing shit get upvoted here??? You guys going to let kikes drop a duece right in your livingroom???

0rion ago

You fuckers are absolutely batshit fanatical. Takes the fun out of being here: EVERYTHING comes back to race or religion somehow.

You people are just like the SJWs you rage against: obsessed and letting it affect your logic and judgement.

SaxonWolfcock ago

You speak of logic and judgement yet ignore the following

1. Reality outside your door

2. Statistics and scientific data

3. Literally all of recorded history

Who told you race was not important????

hels ago

If you've ever been to Korea you would be amazed at the number of American, white, male, ex-pats who ringed a Korean woman. Why? Because the women there no their rolls.

I'm not saying this to argue, I am merely stating facts.

voatuser1128 ago

If you've ever been to Korea you would be amazed at the number of American, white, male, ex-pats who ringed a Korean woman. Why? Because the women there no their rolls.

No its because asian women are easy pussy for white men who can't get a white woman because of feminism and how feminism ruined and turned them into fat bitchy man hating women. Asian women don't know their roles, my uncle in law married an asian woman from Taiwan and she was super bitchy, angry, controlling, nagging, always causing a scene in public, and abusive towards him and their children (my cousins, they needed therapy due to how crappy their childhoods were and they were also super bullied for being half asian in their white suburb neighborhoods even though they don't look too asian, surprisingly white passing). Really I don't think we should let in any more asians or non-whites even as brides.

meowmix56 ago

Because you don't have to be a white nationalist or even a racist to hate jews and niggers, you just have to be paying attention. People around the world from numerous walks of life have realized how awful these two groups are. But beyond that there is plenty of room for disagreement.

BjornIronside ago

Oy vey, goyim. You must breed with your ruined females!

Divorce lawyers are suffering from your based Asian female pairing!

Brawndosaurus ago

The kids end up asian. might as well fuck a sex doll

BjornIronside ago

Another aspiring geneticist with a double digit IQ.


Brawndosaurus ago

The child of a China woman won't be Chinese? Wow, you know something that the rest of the world doesn't!

BjornIronside ago

Must be the electrolytes.

Brawndosaurus ago

Durr dat movie. Hurr durr it funny

BjornIronside ago

Hurrr username, durrr

You're a fucking retard.

Brawndosaurus ago

Upvoated for persistence. U mad?

BjornIronside ago

I'm homicidal, fren.

Brawndosaurus ago

You seem homosexual

BjornIronside ago

Everything looks like a nail, to a hammer.

Brawndosaurus ago

I will not hammer you, faggot.

smokratez ago

Member for: 13 days

It's a jewish miracle!

SaxonWolfcock ago

Damn. You sure got me.

smokratez ago

Bjorn. Not you.

nukeclear ago

Are you retarded or something? He was clearly talking about the guy who made the original racemixing comment. You know, the guy with the 13 day old account.

Devils_Advocate ago

bunch of faggot weebs with anime pillows LARPing as nationalists. When the time comes they will be first in line for the gallows.

Northri ago

Here's the weird thing about nationalism: it has a cultural aspect to it. The people who push Asians mixing with Whites are probably the same people who talk about women in terms of "breeding;" in other words, they are either degenerates or Jews.

Gethsemane ago

Humans breed. What's the harm in using the correct word for a situation?

Northri ago

Because humans are not farm animals. A human mother is more than some cum dumpster sow that exists to take dick and pop children out. That kind of attitude might score you some points with beta "chads," but it does not create healthy families.

Gethsemane ago

I'm not suggesting calling women "good breeding stock" to their faces, but why shouldn't it be said? Men can be good breeding stock. Why the stigma?

"Good stock" seems to insinuate a dehumanization to you. We're not drugging and extracting ovum....it's an observation of genetic strength and compatibility.

SaxonWolfcock ago

I hope so

Throwawayx123 ago

You're limiting your own ideals and that's lame.

Queerosexual ago

Because mom will sneeze on them if they act out of line.

BjornIronside ago

Don't correlate mainland, commie chinese bug people with civilized Western Chinese.

andrew_white_forever ago

That's cuckoldry too

BjornIronside ago

You don't know what words mean.

andrew_white_forever ago

White man settles for Asian woman, someone else gets the white woman, white race disappears. This ground had been covered on voat before...

BjornIronside ago

White men let their White daughters run riot resulting in 80% of White females being absolute whores.

I'll take my polite, intelligent, demure, still beautiful after 40, happy to stay home and raise children Asian wife over any of the White whores I endured.

You enjoy your race purity horseshit.

nukeclear ago

Enjoy your future incel hapa son who will end up resenting you.

BjornIronside ago

Incel? No, fren.

If I didn't discourage degenerate behaviour, he'd be drowning in pussy.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Throwawayx123 ago

You'll be happy to know that historically mixed people are accepted by neither parent race. You have abdicated your say in any white matters and boast in your betrayal. Whites are missing one less faggot without you.

BjornIronside ago


Sure thing, buddy.

Did I lose my White privilege too?

derstoyvsky ago

There are also studies showing that mixed race children are far worse off psychologically leading to ill fates.

tratakat ago

Funny that ads and porn don't push any of these couples. It's as if there's a pattern.

Brawndosaurus ago

how can people find asians attractive? They look so alien.

BjornIronside ago


"Muh race puruty"

You are such a try-hard.

Brawndosaurus ago

I wouldn't reproduce with an Asian. Just my preference.

Devils_Advocate ago

they push those couples in asia. you see white guys in ads everywhere.

tratakat ago

Unfortunately you may be right judging by my experience with China and Thailand (probably 1/3 of all ads featured a White person even though you couldn't see almost any White people on the streets except obvious tourists). Fortunately there aren't many Whites in Asian countries at all (at least compared to Blacks in the USA).

EyeOfHorus ago

Just saw a Geico advert with mixed chinese wife, white husband. Chinese wife is well groomed with positive body language while being polite to lizard whereas white husband is a rude slob.

Next commercial was two white guys, each with their own infant in the park. One at a bench changing diapers, the other with a chest carrier "walking" his baby and toddler age daughter. No wives or women anywhere. One gives the other a Loves brand diaper.

What is this shit. Once you see it its so obvious.

RustyEquipment ago

my wife doesnt watch tv with me anymore cause she hates me pointing these things out...

of course she is asian, and when i start talking race mixing ads and all, she says why dont you go get a white girl... i only respond with - as soon as you divorce me!

Smallest_Skil ago

Jews. They make the commercials. Remember the Jillette commercials shitting on white men. I still have not purchased a Jillette product and if I notice P&G (jillettes parent company) I put that shit back also.

El_Syd ago

Did you notice how jewey the "on top of it" dad is?

EyeOfHorus ago

Yes I did. I was red pilling my wife and didnt go into jew angle as she is already aware I see jews everywhere.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Yeah because it creates a super race. High iq, superior credit score, and driving abilities.

tratakat ago

You mean like the the Kazakhs? Yeah some of them are smart and such. But I don't measure diversity in intelligence only. White people have qualities distinct from others just like others have some other qualities distinc from Whites. I am not saying any is superior or inferior, it's just we're different.

Between dogs and wolves DNA differences are less than 0.2%. Yet they are very different, but still they can mix to create a wolf-dog. That doesn't mean we should mix them.

475677 ago

Whites were already good enough, we dont need admixture.