Took about a year of small insertions into his mind, and it has paid off!!
I was starting to lose hope and almost stopped trying.
Hes gone from "No, dude. I went to Auschwitz I saw the chambers", to "We wouldn't have a nigger problem if it wasn't for (((them)))."
If you're in a similar situation, keep at it.
capicua ago
of course they have chambers...chambers they put in after
Hesperian ago
What? Why would jews hate that whites have fallen for a jewish trick?
It's clear why I mentioned other Christians.
boekanier ago
Continue the good work.
friendshipistragic ago
Asking people the question “hey how do we know the number is 6 million?” And watching their brain melt is great
Call_Of_Goat ago
Hey. I have a friend who is not awake yet
What is a simple way I can wake them up about (((them)))
VitGet ago
Before saying some of what I did remember this, something I learned from a salesman:
For someone to make a decision they need to think for themself. Simply telling someone something over and over again doesn't usually make it true in their mind until they come to the decision on their own. By asking them logical questions about things forces them to think about it, making it much easier to get them to see the truth.
Show to him/her that jews are seperate from whites. Jews are always telling whites what to do and how to act which is socially acceptable all day, but the reverse will not be tolerated. Also talking about how whites are the only race that is socially acceptable to discriminate against will make everything else a little easier. Jews love calling themselves white when its convenient but will denounce it when it might make them look bad. Examples of the "for me but not for thee", the border issue is a very obvious one. Comparing the 6,000,000 figure (even with it being bullshit) to other genocides in history followed by questions as to why only the holocaust is so talked about is another good way to get someone thinking.
Call_Of_Goat ago
I was able to get her to realize this. She now officially hates jews. Also we watched Europa the last battle
She texted me saying Jews are like parisites a few minutes ago so this proves the sleeping people can be work up
We gotta step up our game
VitGet ago
FriedChicken ago
I just drop comments that sound ridiculous. "Jews have infiltrated our politics, judicial system, media, society, culture, academic institutions, and education". "Well OK then".
Then just leave it at that.
awildbanannaphone ago
Thank you for your work
BoomerHater1488er ago
I think the guy who he replied to meant to say (((They))), implying I'm the Jew. They put the echoes around my account age but didn't follow up afterwards.
Otherwise you're spot on.
bb22 ago
Oh then I should congratulate him. GREAT JOB BUDDY
TrialsAndTribulation ago
Posted. See my reply to myself.
CalibanFresco ago
I keep trying with my father, but it's like part of his brain keeps locking down, to the point where he'll admit that he's saying two contradicting things within the same sentence, but still holding fast to them. It saddens me.
ianadba ago
Doglegwarrior ago
nice work. they are like born again christians when they first find out the truth they cant stop tslking about it. shit they openly talk about it in public even old school guys like me look around when talking about jews really loud in public and think hey hey we might want to calm down.
AlabamaNigger ago
It becomes obsessive though
Doglegwarrior ago
umm ya once u start to see it you cant u see it then you start to see it fucking every where... they are the used carsalesmen of humanity that is a parasite virus hybride that just doesnt go away. you might enjoy this. it is a good redpill analogy for the jew for a normie. show this to your friend see what he says
Make up a historical time period, during this time period this scenario takes place. Try to make it sound believble and use the correct stats but always a little lower.
The Irish during the potatoe famin sent some of its citizens to Nigeria. When they got there they were considered outsiders but not treated horribly.. they were hard working and smart and good story tellers and dancers. One of the leaders was a banker in Ireland. Well after a 100 years the Irish in Nigeria really did well even though they were roughly 2 percent of the Nigerian population they ended up being the people running alot of major institutions. For the last 50 years they ran the Nigerian central bank, they developed the movie industry and the 8 studios are owned by Irish. They really valued education and 25 percent of Nigerias top 8 schools are Irish. They really excelled in journalism of the top news out lets 50 percent are owned and ran by Irish. Before the Irish, there was almost no porn industry, over 80 percent of the porn industry is ran by the Irish. The Irish were great readers so a big percentage of the lawyers in Nigeria are Irish. With so many lawyers 3 out of 9 of nigerias supreme court are Irish. The Nigerians didnt think much of the Irish until somehow their millitary ended up in Britain fighting the British because they were trying to destroy ireland.. the Nigerians never had a problem with Britain and now thousands of Nigerians were dying in Ireland and only there seemed to be no Irish in the army? Well the Nigerians had had enough but some how nothing was done because the masses of people thought the Irish where the Nigerians strongest ally.
This could be made into a poster, a short cartoon etc.. I think it is a great anology. I have posted here before and had zero positive response... I really dont know why I did this in real life and the person didnt understand my story until I told them if you replace jew with Irish and usa with Nigerian every thing I just said is really happening.. they didnt believe me, I said look up the stats your self.. I purposely made the stats lower. My friend came back kinda shocked a day later and said hey your stats are kinda wrong x amount of Jews are in that field etc etc.. I just laughed.
AlabamaNigger ago
JohnnyLaRue ago
Ah Fuck
Lurkylurklurk ago
Took me 3 solid years to open my families eyes. Worth it. They now go into the world suspecting of foul play even before me speaking on it. EZ PZ LMN SQZ
fightknightHERO ago
Good on ya mate
Naming them is half the battle
NoBS ago
I can top that.
I converted a hardened White Supremacist into paying top dollar for a Half Jewish half Black crack whore.
Poor kid has his own next of kin put a hit on him. Those are the breaks. Never mess with the FBI family. (Shiver)
Those fuckers are crazy.
Fabricwelder ago
I remember when I was red pilled. Congratulations.
nobslob ago
What really woke me up was the twitter shit, especially the "fellow white people" posts with their accompanying shapeshifter posts of in their own words "proud JEWISH blah blah blah"
That and pedowood going nuts the past few years and not even trying to hide their agendas anymore. Wokeness is a disease.
Paul_Stamets ago
I've been in a similar situation. Except my friend still clings onto the pornos despite being in a relationship for 2 years with a girl 4 years younger than him. I feel bad for the lady....
UKD ago
I've had similar experiences. The facts are plain for those who are willing to hear them.
ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago
I've been working on my wife recently. We had an argument about (((pop))) music yesterday. She's coming around but this is a slow process.
con77 ago
well done Sir!
1anddone ago
I took a friend of mine from Hillary voter to liberal hater but can’t get him to budge on the Jews. Been at it for three years. Im sure most of us have a similar ongoing project.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
try uss liberty and lavon affair
kammmmak ago
Means he's somewhat intelligent and you are too.
WNwoman ago
Good job. I think we underestimate how powerful the brainwashing has been, especially for those raised in conservative religious homes. We were taught early to never criticize the chosen people and that if you were against Israel you are against God. That is very powerful and the conditioning sticks even when you think you’re a grown up smart atheist.
AlphaOmega ago
I got my brother to wake up. It’s becoming more common. Jews can’t post on Twitter without people openly calling them out for their subversive behavior
CmdrRockwell ago
anywhere there remains a somewhat "wild west" of opinion submissions, like even a JewTube comment section, you'll consistently see people calling them out left and right.
AlphaOmega ago
Even where it’s not a Wild West you can still pick up the code.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
jews and free speech cannot coexist
RaptorJesus ago
To all those who are jewpilling friends, tell them the importance of informing others.
shitface9000 ago
I was in brainwashed denial for decades. Then gradually started accepting ideas previously rejected. Then I tolerated the silly nazi fetish on chan/voat. It picked up steam from there.
MrDarkWater ago
I'm flipping my whole department one by one. My family is more dug in, but in the youngest. Flipped my brother though.
Cheers, buddy. Good work.
lanre ago
The (((every single time))) thing is an easy way to get it done I think, because people start noticing for themselves that every tweet, every* politicians, everyone that attacks white people is a Jew or their pet.
*About 90-99% anyway.
ados ago
good luck bro. I had a campaign to get rid of me when I told a ugly girl in my department I like Mel Gibson.
Phantom42 ago
Christ I hate that mentality...
America was formed by a bunch of 20 and 30 year olds.
neuschwabia ago
By the time they were 20-30 they had family, a farm or plantation to run. None of the Founding Fathers would have expected that in 10 generations Americans would have descended in to such perversions and slavery.
MrDarkWater ago
Excellent point
Phantom42 ago
It's one that fucking floors older folks too.
They thought ol Georgie actually had white hair when he was President...
ZKX ago
I always make sure to point out when it's a jew and not a European person. They'll start to see it themselves.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
you develop jewdar and gain the ability to spot them in a crowd.
nathanrosegoldberg ago
I've redpilled at least dozen people in the past year. It would be great if everyone could redpill one other person.
HelpAcct123 ago
I like to drop subtle hints like "who wrote that article/book/episode?" "Oh it was shalom shekelstein, is that a Jewish name?" Or lead questions e.g., "Are jews white?.. I was just wondering because I've been seeing a lot of anti-white social media posted by Jewish people."
midnightblue1335 ago
"Why are so many members of congress jews, when jews are supposed to be only 2% of the population?" The answer is "nepotism", but don't say that- make them find it for themselves.
steven_feelsperg ago
Every person I've asked leading questions about jews have bullshit answers that require layers of unraveling until the conversation ends with them playing the "agree/disagree" card. They are narcissistic (((college))) trained, (((culturally))) reinforced idiots that fear disruption of their ego and worldview. Reason is supplanted by money or power as a source of authority.
PraiseIPU ago
Elected officials
Ok then
LightestHour ago
except he's exactly correct: where do you think your candidate pools come from?
HillBoulder ago
I hope he gives you some fucking credit.
totes_magotes ago
It only took me a couple of weeks to change the mind of a friend of mine. Just kept sending him news links, tweets, articles and pointing out the similarities between them. He was pretty much floored that he had never noticed it before and wonders if there's any hope of the rest of the US waking up to the problem.
voatusernamevoat ago
TheSeer ago
"my fellow white people"
favoritecoloriswhite ago
GenderPronoun ago
What was the most contributing thing that you did? We need to start writing a manual on this shit or we're gonna be fucked soon.
smokratez ago
It's different for everyone. That's what makes it hard. You can't tell what part of jew brainwashing affected a child more.
GenderPronoun ago
I think you're right for sure. It would be awesome to get a list of anecdotes going. Maybe there'll be a common thread. My guess is we'll find that crisis is the joining key, like in the Paradigm Shift.
smokratez ago
That could be productive.
bbylon ago
More importantly it's never just the one thing. A lot of people will refute everything you have to say until you've given them enough puzzle pieces for pattern to emerge. That's the point where you no longer have to continue to force the redpills. They'll either come asking for more or, better yet, they'll start doing their own research.
AlabamaNigger ago
The worst is when you have to tell someone "are you saying that because you believe it or trying to make fun of me" big difference.
smokratez ago
There is no telling what will work, or how much you have to do before they turn. It's like a puzzle without a set solution.
TrialsAndTribulation ago
True. For me it was learning of the 1948 Red Cross report on internment camps. They gave a summary of populations and conditions and reported no gas chambers, no crematoria working night and day, and in the end a loss of population of about half a million due to disease and harsh conditions from typhus and starvation, all a result of the allies bombing the railroads to prevent food and medicine from reaching the camps.
When I read the highlights of that, my head was spinning, not hyperbole, from the implications of what that meant. Turned me around that very moment.
uvulectomy ago
"So this means...... we were the baddies....?"
TrialsAndTribulation ago
I know, right? I really had to do a re-examination of everything I thought I knew. A few years before I learned about that, I read "Day of Deceit" by Robert Stinnott, who, using his superpowers of research and FOIA requests, found the smoking gun that proved that FDR was well aware of the planned bombing of Pearl Harbor and likely set events into motion that provoked the Japanese to do it. It's a must read. He made the case the FDR wanted an entry to the European theater to fight Germany, and this would give him the pretext.
So, yes, we were the baddies, alas.
TrialsAndTribulation ago
By request. The first link is the actual three-volume report. I only read summaries, but it's clear enough even reading and abstract. The second is Stormfront, of which I'm not really a fan, but the information is true an accurate. The last is just good information, more of a summary of what it means. I hope this information makes your head explode the way it did mine.
The_Ram_of_the_Sheep ago
Do you have a link to the report? I’d like to read it for myself
TrialsAndTribulation ago
Posted. See my comment.
smokratez ago
I like using that one on people. It's hard to argue against.
Ihatesports ago
Okay, now you both know the truth. Now what?
tratakat ago
Now spread the truth further and further. Truth will set us free.
Hey_Sunshine ago
6'o clock rule
Sit on your porch around 6 pm and clean your guns. If you see your neighbor doing the same, greet one another and discuss the days problem. Keep doing this until you got a posse.
After you got a posse: congratulations! You can now tar and feather the local government officials with minimal danger to your property. See United States V Shipp for legal precedent or look to the Bundy ranch standoff in Oregon St that happened a couple years ago
dan_k ago
People are waking up in droves, it lovely to see.
FriedChicken ago
It really is glorious.
Don't underestimate how deeply the pro-jewish mindset is seeded in the American psyche though. It's really deep.
Derpfroot ago
YT comments have been particularly nice. It's definitely a turning point, I'd say.
PraiseIPU ago
Bastion of thought
You people are idiots
bb22 ago
No, idiot. He didn’t say they were philosophers. He’s noticing changing sentiments in the comments. Come on man you’re keeping the White race down with your stupidity.
jerry ago
The white race isn’t held back by voat comments.. the redditor fags really took over
bb22 ago
jerry ago
No real response just a react gif. You really only proved my point
bb22 ago
You’re trying too hard faggot. Nobody gives a fuck what you’re talking about.
jerry ago
I’ll keep trying
BoomerHater1488er ago
The final redpill for most people is coming to terms with the fact that Christianity is not European in origin. It is Judaism for Gullible Goyim.
BearDolphin1488 ago
Says the non Christian who's never killed anyone. Imagine worshipping thor but never having engaged in battle
BoomerHater1488er ago
Why do you make the assumption that I've never killed? I was an 0351 in the USMC from 2007 to 2011 and deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Never killed anyone in Iraq, but did in Afghanistan.
I don't worship Thor. No gods are real. But I value the spirituality of my ethnic ancestors over the spirituality of a bunch of sandniggers.
Grizzible ago
If you read Matthew, in the new testament, you wouldn't be saying that. The new testament was written by the Greeks. Jesus calls out the Jews so much, as hypocrites, the children of Satan, and more. These are the words of Jesus, directly from the Bible.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees (Jews), hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. (Matthew 23:15)
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (Jews), you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. (Matthew 23:23)
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (Jews), you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. (Matthew 23:25)
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (Jews), you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. (Matthew 23:27)
Just read the book of Matthew. it is 28 relatively short chapters.
BoomerHater1488er ago
All Yeshua ben Yosef did was call out corrupt leadership. Imagine a Catholic priest who sperged out and started touring the world exposing the corruption of senior church leadership - you wouldn't say he hates all Catholics, would you?
I've read the entire Bible. Did you read the part, also in Matthew (somewhere) and again in Mark, where Yeshua says he hates Europeans and that he came only to save the lost sheep of the "House of Israel."
And you realize that his name was not Jesus Christ? Jesus is the name Yeshua translated into Greek. Christ is just an honorific, like Lord or Messiah. His Aramaic name is Yeshua ben Yosef - anglicized it would translate as Joshua son of Joseph.
A bunch of sandniggers.
Grizzible ago
I know exactly what you are talking about. A woman came to Jesus and was pleading that he remove a demon from her daughter. He responded with something like, "I came to heal my people. a master does not waste food on the dogs." the woman responded with "but even the dogs get the scraps that fall off of the table." Then Jesus said, "your faith is strong" and healed her daughter. Later, he says he came to save all of humanity and then even later in revelation he says "beware of those that call themselves Jews but are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
I think you are caught up on a common lie, that the Jews are Gods chosen people. The truth is, the people of "Israel" (the person) are the original people that received the blessing, until Jesus extended it to everyone. Israel had 12 sons, one of which was Judah (the father of the Jews). All of the other 11 tribes are also Israelites, not just the Jews (from Judah). The Jews, the true Jews, are only 1/12th the chosen people by old testament standards. If I was to guess I would say the other 11 tribes are the originators of all the western nations. However, by new testament standards, anyone who believes in God can be saved.
BoomerHater1488er ago
He called her a dog. In the context of that culture, he called her subhuman.
Earlier in the chapter is says Rabbi Yeshua was tried from arguing with Pharisees all day and tried to sneak away to rest. That's when this Greek woman found him and started kvetching for miracles. He healed her to get her to stop nagging.
You're literally retarded, aren't you? Europeans don't descend from sandniggers.
Grizzible ago
Not to mention, Noah's ark landed in the Caucus mountains on Mt Ararat.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Seriously. Hang yourself. You're stupid enough that you don't deserve to live. You can't possibly believe all of humanity descended from one family, and that all life on Earth descends from one breeding pair. Or that somehow enough water magically came out of nowhere to cover the ENTIRE planet and then magically poofed away.
Fuck, you probably believe there was a literal tree that had fruit that contained knowledge of good and evil.
I wish we could meet in person so I could spit on you.
Grizzible ago
Also, the common scientific consensus is that millions, or billions, or maybe even trillions of meteors are what created the oceans. Do you realize how dumb that sounds too? Where are the oceans on the moon and Mars? did the meteors travel around those obstacles?
Grizzible ago
If I believed that God created the entire universe, wouldn't a flood on one of the countless number of planets be pretty insignificant. Not to mention, nearly every culture that spans the globe has a flood story.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Because every super early civilization started in river deltas. Rivers flood. And your only logical explanation is that the entire fucking planet flooded? And that all terrestrial life is descended from one breeding pair?
It's obviously nonsense. Why do you believe in nonsense?
Grizzible ago
No, there are two creation stories, Gen 1 and Gen 2. The common Christian consensus is that it is referring to the same event. However, I take it differently, realizing that I could be wrong. In Gen 1 God created the heavens and the earth, animals, man, water, day and night. It does not mention Adam and Eve. This could be the very beginning, when the earth was formed and lines up with the scientific idea that humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.
In Gen 2, it says, "then God looked down on the earth and realized he had no man to till the earth so he created Adam" followed by Eve. It is possible that God created humans in Gen 1. they would be the hunter gatherer traveling aboriginal type. The ones that do nothing as far as civilization. God then looked down and decided to make a family to govern, to til the ground, and made Adam and Eve (roughly 6,000 years ago).
Even scientists agree, mankind went from a hunter gatherer species to a governed civilized people in what seems to be a snap of a finger. Humanity went from hunter gatherers in the Ubaid period to civilized in the Uruk period which started around 3800 BC. This is exactly when God would have created Adam and Eve and walked with them, teaching them and their children farming, government, mathematics, time, etc.
Adam and Eves children would have then either married the women from the gen 1 creation, the uncivilized can't work people, or God created wives for them as well.
BoomerHater1488er ago
You're trying to adjust your observations to match your beliefs instead of the other way around as is proper.
And you really think there was a magic, one of a kind tree, with fruit that contained knowledge of morality?
Grizzible ago
My christian faith came later in life. I read the Bible as it is written and in doing so recognized two creation stories. I didn't change anything. I knew the scientific communities view on the origins of humanity first. After reading Genesis I separated the two creation stories. It is how it is written. God said, after the Gen 1 creation of man, that he looked down and realized no man could till the ground. then he made Adam and Eve and placed them in a garden. This could have been any piece of fertile land somewhere in the black sea region. as far as the tree of knowledge. I can't explain that. The talking snake is easy, Jesus refers to those that he was pissed at as a den of vipers. were they literally vipers? No. A physical person from Satan could have tricked Eve to break Gods commandant, not to eat from the specific tree.
Why does Mars not have oceans?
Grizzible ago
You know the Caucasian race originates from the caucus mountains, don't you? You know the Egyptians, at least some of the pharaohs were blonde, don't you? You know scientists have even made the argument, I assume not knowingly, that the first blue eyed person originated six to ten thousand years ago near the black sea Caucus region, don't you?
BoomerHater1488er ago are retarded.
Yes, Semites and Hamites (North Africans) are Caucasians - that does not make them European. It just means they're not Mongoloids or Negroids.
Grizzible ago
The Hamites, Semites, and Japhites (Ham, Shem, and Japeth) came from here
The Hamites migrated to northern Africa. The Shemites/Semites inhabited the middle east. And, the Japhites migrated to the European areas. All of them were Caucasian, from the Caucus Mountain region. They too were the three sons of Noah. None of them were "sand niggers."
The term Caucasian predates European. The "out of Africa" theory is nonsense.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Again, you're confusing cause with effect. Those three races long predate Semitic religions. There is simply nowhere near enough time for one family to have evolved into such distinct races.
And yes, all of them were sandniggers because Noah's Ark is fake news. It didn't fucking land in the Caucasus Mountains and spawn civilization as we know it.
You're desperately trying to tailor reality to your beliefs instead of the other way around.
Grizzible ago
Take a quick look at this guys wikipedia. look at the "racial anthropology" section
BoomerHater1488er ago
Yep, and then people expanded on his ideas and sorted human being into three larger races, the Caucasoids, the Mongoloids, and the Negroids. Each of those is further subdivided. American Indians, for example, are a subset of Mongoloid. Australian Aboriginals are Negroids.
Why are you trying so hard to insist that sandniggers and Europeans are the same race? Because you want to believe in their fairy tales? Your own people's fairy tales aren't good enough for you?
SkullPenny ago
If you're going to lampoon Christianity, then you've got to offer a better alternative. So what's it going to be? Atheism?
All the societal ails you see today - the rise of MGTOW, TRP, incels, Thottery can be attributed to the decline of Christianity. The church was the biggest pusher of stable monogamous relationships. Like it or not, it's the backbone of Western Civilization and the best answer we've got. It's also been culturally appropriated by Europeans over the past millennia and effectively become their thing, which is why the Jews and Muslims hate it so much.
Even if Richard Dawkins has expressed regret at shrinking Christianity (link)
BoomerHater1488er ago
I consider myself an ethnospiritualist. You're right that the absolute Moral Nihilism of (((atheism))) is destructive to a race.
I love my family. All else being equal, I'd love a second cousin that I've never met over a third cousin that I've never met. That is what your race is; your extended family.
I might not have an immortal soul, but that just makes the life I do have that much more precious and valuable. Right now, I am the sum of my experiences and genetics, and it's my job to impart everything I've learned to my children. They've already got my genetics which puts them above 95% of the world; maybe higher. I view it as my life's work to make them the best that they can be and to also impart to them the importance of teaching and guiding the next generation. Like passing on the torch.
I agree that Christcuckery has been appropriated; just not enough. If you must be a "Christian" then I would at least recommend Positive Christianity.
6MAmZPaZ ago
It's always disheartening to see otherwise based, intelligent people denounce Christianity. It's as if people just do not realize that the reason the Europeans were ever great was because of Christian culture and that the reason we are in this messed up situation now is because men have forgotten and despised God. Even Sodom and Gomorrha would have repented if Jesus had been taught to them. Today, modern people mock Jesus and embrace degeneracy.
Infearmal ago
Don't believe anything he spits. They wouldn't hate christians if it wasn't their anti-religion.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Says the nine month account. First I was u/Thought_Police, then I was u/Hate_Monger, then u/NoMoreMrNiceGoy, then u/GetWithThePogrom. Now I'm u/BoomerHater1488er. In another year, I'll delete and reincarnate again.
Fuck you, you like loving cuck.
Hesperian ago
They don't hate Christians. They hate Europeans. They don't hate black Christians, Latino Christians, Asian Christians. They hate whites, Christian or otherwise. Acting like they hate Christianity is a smokescreen.
bb22 ago
Half true. Much of Christianity is legitimately European. That’s why Jews and Muslims consider the trinity to be polytheism, etc. etc.
FriedChicken ago
No, true true.
bb22 ago
Then show me the origins of the trinity doctrine. I’ll wait.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Oh? What part of Christianity is European?
bb22 ago
I just told you the trinity for one, dumbass.
Ever heard of Hésus? Gaulish deity? Human incarnation of a tripartite Sun god? Any of this sound vaguely familiar?
BlutUndEhre ago
Not to mention every holiday.
bb22 ago
Yep. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and virtually all the Catholic saints' days still observed in Europe, have pagan origins. Catholics just painted over it.
BoomerHater1488er ago
So I walk into your house and kill you and take your place and start adopting things like your birthday as my own, and that makes me you?
A foreign ethnicity's spirituality that spread to our lands does not magically become European - even if it steals some of our traditions.
You cuck.
bb22 ago
They didn't and couldn't kill the indigenous Europeans and replace them all. That was the whole problem. The Muslims/kikes/Khazarians/etc. won some battles and interbred with the Iberians and southern Italians and a few others, but that was about it. The rest was just a mindfuck and rewriting history and theology through slow infiltration just like the Jews are doing to us today.
BoomerHater1488er ago
The biggest Jewish infiltration is erasing and replacing our native spirituality with Christianity.
ARsandOutdoors ago
True, but the jews fear Christian - Antisemitism more than anything else. Pastor Rick Wiles of TruNews is routinely covered in Israeli newspapers, and most of you have never even heard of him.
If u have boomer Christ cucks and need help converting, he's one of my go too’s.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Jews fear whites; they're glad so many of us our cucks for their false Messiah.
ARsandOutdoors ago
Christianity became cucked. It was based at one point in time. Is it perfect, no. But it is one of the cornerstones to the pillars western civilization.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Christianity is literally exactly Judaism that believes that Yeshua ben Yosef was the prophesied Jewish Messiah. Judaism believes that Yeshua ben Yosef was not Messiah.
Christianity isn't based at all. It's Seimitic trash.
eongoat ago
I think that's a red pill a lot on here will find hard to swallow because they don't want to.
slumbermachine ago
Or they have considered and studied it and know that Lucifer cannot create, but rather manipulate, copy, and destroy EVERYTHING, including all religions, especially Christianity. The greatest trick... You are falling for a trick.
eongoat ago
Much worse than that, they believe a god named Lucifer exists. They may not say he's god or a god, but here again, they've attributed to this being, abilities/powers. Star Gate SG-1 nailed it without realizing it, I think. S3E12 "of all the gods he chose to impersonate, he chose the devil"
slumbermachine ago
The sun god, earth, black cube, saturn worshipping talmudjews/freemasons/elites/deep state all worship the god of many names. Lucifer. Even if he doesn’t exist, the people who bring evil to this word do worship him, if at the very least by Their love of the riches of this world. So therefore, he exists and he is the devil and the only way to fight him is spiritually through logos (truth, the word of God, Yeshua). don’t be tricked.
BjornIronside ago
yeshua bin yosef was a rabbi.
bb22 ago
Now do the Gaulish deity Hésus, human incarnation of the tripartite Sun god.
Was he a rabbi too?