CrudOMatic ago


garbage187 ago

Congratulations. Make sure you provide the resources and protection to the cave. And make sure your wife takes care of the cave and those in it. Stick to your roles and enjoy a life that plays to your strengths just as nature intended.

jimibulgin ago


Now start a garden. And have more children!

TheBookWasBetter ago

Working on the garden too! :) last year it was awful but maybe this year it will turn into something.

New-World-Ebola ago

223 or 308 are the most sensible calibers.

standardisation matters.

New-World-Ebola ago

30-30 with open sights or even a red dot is a good choice. i wouldn't put a scope on a lever action... if you do keep it well under 6x

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

I cant say anything about a scope. But point the dangerous end towards the thing you wanna kill.

But. A rifle is very bad for home defending though. Once theyre in you rly gonna need a handgun with a smol calibre that wont punch through walls.

Ive been told :3.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Nikon are pretty good, under-rated and reasonably priced. Vortex makes good scopes but some are very pricey. Most of the stuff from Leopold and Nightforce is great, but really expensive, and forget about Swarovski unless you just robbed a bank.

WhiteMale335 ago

Seems like BS. No one is on Voat unless they're already in these circles. You'd be on Reddit otherwise upvoating the newest FunkoPop.

beefartist ago

30-30 or 30-06 are much better for deer than 45-70 and even with a nice heavy henry 45-70 probably isn't fun or cost effective to shoot much. My brother has a .17 henry with a scope and can easily pop a golfball at a hundred recommendation is to also buy a .22 or .357 lever, they are a blast to shoot. Scopes shouldn't be any trouble other than you may have to buy some fairly expensive mounts

my_goyim ago

Don't vaccinate unless you want a drooling invalid attached to your hip for the rest of your life. Look at what they're piling on the vaccines for, then look at the outcomes and prognoses. Its not worth the risk.

capnflummox ago

I wouldn't belong here if I didn't say, "Let's not celebrate until we see the little tyke's skin color."

MyNameIsMud ago

Just wanted to clarify on my previous comment about not putting a scope on the Henry. I own two lever guns (well I used to, lost them when my boat sank last summer), a Henry big boy 357 and a savage model 99 30-30. Both are beautiful guns with iron sights. The savage was my great grand fathers and he shot all his deer with it with the iron sights, is for that reason I could never desecrate his firearm with a scope. The Henry is a piece of art in itself and I think a scope would take away from that classic lever gun look. My preference is to use the iron sights on my levers and use the scope on my bolt action. Now, all that being said, do what you want to do but when your gun is eventually passed down to your great grand child there is a kind of magic in having it unaltered and original just like grand pap did.

TheBookWasBetter ago

That reminds me of an anecdote about Hemingway and one of his favorite guns. He had oiled the gun so much that oil would leak through the cracks when it was fired.

MyNameIsMud ago

We used to oil my pellet guns so they would sound like a 22 lol wd-40 is good for alot of things

stray502 ago

Good for you take care of the wife and the baby when he/she arrives.

Lavender7 ago

red? you commie

Logansrun ago

Boy or girl?

MegaBrain ago


Leveraction ago

Bravo sir!!!

Now, please raise your kid OUT of public gubbermint schools.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Congratulations on not being a faggot anymore but sucks you were a faggot for so long. You're lucky to even have a wife stick around with you.

Tzitzimitl ago


Jpvhranch ago


nathanrosegoldberg ago

Get 2+ ARs/AKs

Fuck boomer guns

TomTheGeek ago

Don't scope it. Buy these instead -

1John_Doe ago

The 30-06 is my personal favorite. If it was good enough for our brave G.I.s to pierce the tiny diseased hearts of Nazi mother fuckers in WWII, it's good enough for me.

Bukefalos ago

No Dude, YOU won..!

asdf23 ago

Realize that you want the gun to not be the solution to your problems, take a safety class.


BadMonk ago

Nice looking rifle that Henry. I think my first rifle (eons ago) was a lever action in.357 Mag. Fun gun. If you're new to firearms, get yourself some knowledge about how to safely handle the weapon. Congrats on the kid and welcome to the gun owners' club.

ChickenExterminator ago


MyNameIsMud ago

Don't you dare put a scope on that Henry

Haywood ago

Why the antique cartridge sizes? Just curious...

Also Marlin makes a descent Lever gun that works well with a scope.

TheBookWasBetter ago

They have to have flat tips so they can go in a tube style magazine. Some of the modern rounds have plastic tips so they have better accuracy.

dirt_reynolds ago

Just buy something on the AR15 platform. Lever guns are cool & fun but not an optimal choice for defense. If I only had the option of a single firearm it would be a short 10" to 12" barrel AR15 or a semiautomatic 12g. If you're concerned about larger game, go up to an AR10. The AR platform is very simple to operate and maintain, it's cheap and parts & ammo are everywhere. I won't find many lever gun parts locally. I can go right now and buy parts in my local LGS to build an AR from scratch.

I'd never even consider a lever action rifle as my sole firearm.

Merlynn ago

Sounds like you're the one who's winning.

Sosacms ago

Ha Ha made you improve your life. sucker

NoApologyTour ago

You’re welcome! All the best to you and the family.

valleysunshine ago

Easiest way to get to the front page

randomfuckingidiot ago

30-30 is a fine round. Wont be blasting bambi at a mile, but anything close is schwacked

MrDarkWater ago

I like open sights on 30-30 leverguns

XxGetRektNiggerxX ago

Never owned a lever action, but I believe they make kits to put a standard pic rail on and whatever sight you are comfortable with. I would probably go with a low power scope, 4x or so.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago


I always get the minty fresh classic and that blue bottle of blast whatever.

SexMachine ago

Plot Twist: OP is a nigger

FoundingUncle ago

I'm happy for you!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Your welcome

Deshy ago

This is but a tool, so learn to use it. Also realize that your time spent with your kid is just as important to instill a sharp mind and to be responsive to your instructions for safety but also secure in your love.

Visit v/thegunclub if you need further advice, encouragement or just want to hang out.

SixTeaNine ago

30-30s are fantastic deer rifles, particularly in dense woods. My first deer rifle was one, in lever action.

You definitely don't need a 45-70 for deer. Maybe grizzlies/moose/elk/buffalo.

Maddmartigan ago

The real winner is YOU!

Titanbikes4ever ago

You're still pretty fucking stupid, though. You think being red or blue is a distinction or that it matters and you're telling strangers what kind of resources you have (gun, in this case).

TheBookWasBetter ago

I'm gonna steal yo titan bike.

Titanbikes4ever ago

You would have to, only way you could ever afford one.

TheBookWasBetter ago

What are they, motorcycles or bicycles? I see titan USA bicycles. If they are bikes - I ride lugged columbus and campy. Wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Titanbikes4ever ago

Titan racing bicycle seen here but you're too fat and out of shape to ride with me.

everlastingphelps ago

.30-30 is a better choice also for availability. I have a .30-30 lever with a scout scope, and I like it. I don't think I would want to run it with anything more powerful than 4x though.

Shotinthedark ago

Go vortex on scopes 2x7 should be fine for 3030

Logansrun ago

Congrats, what was the one thing that changed your mind?

Thelegend27tons ago

Get some chickens for eggs

TheBookWasBetter ago

I have 30. :) Have an order of specked sussex on the way too.

spaceman84 ago

Get the 190gr Buffalo Bore cartridges and have fun. Lever guns are cool but not super accurate. I'd put a red dot and maybe a magnifier on it since they're only good for a couple hundred yards. If you really want glass, you don't need more than a 4x.

slumbermachine ago

Great rifle. I would just go with iron sights on it. Everyone always makes the mistake of pulling the rifle down from the shooting position to pull the lever, instead, practice pulling the lever with the gun in the shooting position so you stay on target and can shoot faster.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Thats real good advice.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

  1. Range time and 2. for fucksake if it’s your first gun take a range safety/firearm familiarity class...bring the family. Be safe and take care of yourself and your clan. What kind of optics have you been looking at running? have some good options..2.5x10 should be alright if you’re just starting out. Volquartsen has some good parts for 597s (action kit, target hammer etc.) and even some optics though a little expensive for my taste. Can get an optic for around $30...Aim optics are cheap Chinese shit, so beware. They’re everywhere and some people swear by them..I’ve had nothing but returns with Aim optics. Could just be me though.

BjornIronside ago

CHeap scopes/sights are a waste of money.

VORTEX makes some great, reasonably priced (~$300CAD) scopes. They have lifetime, no questions asked warranty. Which is fucking incredible.

THe low range models are very well built, I Crossfire II's on a couple of my .22's and an SKS.

Great scope.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Ever try any of the vertex optics?

BjornIronside ago

Nope. I'm a Vortex guy. That warranty is insane.

You could drop your rifle off a cliff, and they would replace the scope. No questions asked.

BAAC ago

I have a scope on my 30-30, but not other levers. Up to you. I like it on that one.

Henry? Good choice...!

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Glad that you've seen the light in time for all your sakes. Everyone we flip red is another less person caught flat-footed and helpless.

SIayfire122 ago

Learn to shoot without a scope first. If you really want, put a scope on it later.

Your major limitation with leverage at extremely long range is the fact the tip of the one round presses against the primer on the round in front of it. For this reason, the rounds are either round or flat tipped. The notable exception is Hornady's Leverevolution.

For this reason, single shot or bottom fed rifles (bolt action/semiauto/etc) will always be about to achieve a flatter and longer trajectory. That doesn't mean it's bad. More deer have fallen to the 30-30 than any other round, and continues to be one of the top rounds.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Agreed. The 30-30 seemed pretty accessible and more affordable than the others that I looked at. I was looking at the Leverevolution for boar/bear. I will have to try them.

SIayfire122 ago

It's with noting, I don't have experience with Leverevolution. I just know the theory and charts behind it.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Thats fine for defending yourself from niggers. We have a military for the big crazy shit. Lever guns are so cool looking, dont let the tacticool crowd make you think that gun isnt good for stopping an attacker.

Later you can get a badass AR with all the fixins. Lots of good options around 600$ price point.

Not to sound like joe biden but you can get a pump action shotgun from Mossberg for 180 bucks that holds 8 3" shells and will literally blow a chunk off meat the size of a bowling ball off your attacker.

Enjoy your gun man. Their just fun to hold sometimes. Larp around your house like an Operator...we all do it.

con77 ago

If you have to shoot that from within the house you will be permanently deaf

slwsnowman40 ago

The weapon isn't just for hunting, but that makes for good practice.

0011000100100111101 ago

make sure she washes that blue hair color out and get down to the kitchen to start learning how to cook

TheBookWasBetter ago

She wouldn't have made it this far if she had blue hair.

SpottyMatt ago

Lever guns with scopes are dope.

Source: levergun fanboy.

Henry will not disappoint you; they are finely-made. Enjoy!

videocodec ago

Get ammo and practice. No practice and it's not going to do you or anyone else any good.

Crikes ago

Congratulations on the family (including the lever)!

Consider some NATO round guns. Also, if you're having a son, please buy him "Modules for Manhood" by Kenneth Royce, read it, and teach him it his whole life.

We are going to need many good men.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Man I still want a lever action. I just picked up 2 guns. Why didn't I grab one lol

anticlutch ago

for deer hunting

No one owns guns for deer hunting.

Guns are owned for ZOG hunting.

Sniperrbbeck ago

The AR-15 is without a doubt the best firearm ever made, inless you live in a shitty state get one. They'll be easier for your wife as well

Maker_Wolf ago

There are only 2 flaws in the ar15 design that I can think of.

  1. The direct gas impingement means the bolt carrier gets filthy when you shoot it (compared to piston guns).
  2. You can't separate the upper and lower if the bolt is jammed partway open.

Otherwise, agreed. It's an amazing gun. I own 2.

The 5.56 is also a great cartridge. So much so that the Russians basically had to ditch 7.62x39 and copy it with the 5.45.

Rival67 ago

Huge congrats to you and your wife for the baby!

metricisokay ago

Consider cutting soy out of your diet too. It contains shit loads of estrogen which is why you have tits.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Already there partner. Flax seed also gives you bitch tits.

flashrucker ago

Consider having a homebirth. Highly recommend. Let me know if you have any questions

user9713 ago

Edit in a bit of your backstory

Battlefat ago

Here are some iron sight/scope mount options in the event you try the irons and find that they are inadequate for you.

I’m a big fan of slapping a scope on just about anything but that’s only after thoroughly vetting the existing iron sights and concluding you are not reaching your full potential.

Undoubtedly, given enough training any rifleman will eventually come to a crossroads with their equipment and either upgrade or replace. My singular advice is to get intimately familiar with your rifle, shoot a lot, and then make the decision.

Kind of like what you did before you decided to marry your wife...


bambou1991 ago

Would be a shame if you lost it in a boating accident right after getting it.

jimibulgin ago

What? the child?

ManchesterT ago

That's so clever.

I'm sure the police detectives will never figure out that you're full of shit.

Better to build your own, completely off the record, and keep the Fudd guns around as bait.

bambou1991 ago

No idea what you're talking about. The only thing that's full of shit is the lake where I keep loosing all my guns.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Lever actions are fun but there are better options for home defense, not saying you're using the lever for that but if its the first gun that means you have shit for defense pal.

I prefer a pistol carbine for home defense as 556/223 will over penetrate for my situation. Loads of fun little pistol carbines out there these days, mine is in .40.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Which carbines do you have experience with? I’m looking at one for a home defense gun myself. The Ruger PC looks fantastic but it’s hard to tear my eyes away from the hi-point’s price tag, ugliness be damned.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You want to go with a <5" barrel for home defense. You are not going to be using this past 30 yards in your house let alone 10.

I have the most experience with the $250 MCK conversion kit (micro roni) by CAA and the $1300-1600 CMMG Banshee 300 MkGs in .40 cal.

I recommend the later.

Another good platform is the CZ USA scorpion evo 3 S2 MICRO

AmericanBannedStand ago

Ok Micro Roni is fuckin cool. I really wish it took single stack mag handguns but I understand why it doesn’t. May have to upgrade in the near future.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

.40's are cheap because of retards switching out to 9. If you are a single stack user the .40 may appeal more to you then the 9. That said the SMMG banshee MkGS is worth the price.

If you get the MCK get a dry lubricant like graphite for the MCK2 slide on the inside, the swing swivel is proprietary but you can sand down the swing swivel reciever on the MCK until it shows metal on the entire connective surface and then your standard PBSS will fit in there. My M&P fits surprisingly snug inside this conversion, however due to the fact that its not a solid frame and is a conversion kit i noticed FTE issues on FMJ rounds but no issue on HP. Lower grain, higher load, greater recoil on the slide is what i think the issue is. I couldn't trust myself using it and eventually just bought a real micro platform FYI.

AmericanBannedStand ago

I definitely don’t have the kind of money where I could drop $1k+ on a new gun. Do you have recommendations between the so-cheap-it’s-not-a-complete-gun-on-its-own, and the thousand dollar guns?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

None that appealed to me for their form and quality more than those two options. The 250 for a conversion and the 300-400 for the gun (since you have single stack) brings you to around ~700 tax and shipping plus anything fun you want on the rail.

Which you will want fun things on the rail. Light and sights.

Holosun reflex sights and a nice light are ideal. So on a budget what you do is look around at all the brownells specials and compare them to cabelas, what you'll find is a common base is manufactured among them. Now the knockoffs very greatly in internals but for simple things you can find one that is reasonable. I use Fyland and order my shit off amazon for cheap durable gear like lights and reflex sights. $30 vs $140 for the exact same thing. They are nowhere near holosun but it will get the job done inside your house.

Considering you can get the Banshee/Scorpion for $1300 and you are looking at $700 for the MCK+newgun (takes away the advantage of the MCK for you IMO) you are well past halfway to it.

At that price range (700) i would recommend going with an 556 "pistol" from your preferred manufacture. I like the Ruger 556 pistol personally. Yeah you'll over penetrate but at least the 700 will be worth something more than getting a new pistol for the sake of converting it into something. In terms of function and multi function the 556 "pistols" are better IMO for you specific purchasing situation.

AmericanBannedStand ago

I’m set on 556. I really would prefer something in a pistol caliber for home defense. It’s complicated to do it, but selling a single stack Glock could cut into the price of a new gun that the conversion kit would fit on. I’d need a new holster shell too.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I have the MCK gen one and the MCK gen two is out so you'll be getting a better product than what i own currently. If you can sell one the o'l boys for a new one the glocks near me go for 200-250 used if they are in .40 The 9's are around the same but everyone has too many .40's in stock so they like to get rid of them.

Bobtheviolent ago

Peep sights are great on a lever gun. Faster than a scope and better than mule ears. If you go scope spend money on a good one

ninjajunkie ago

Practice shooting until you get gud then practice more. Practice loading/reloading/unjamming until you can do it in the dark, then teach your family.

Aim small, miss small.


Children are terrifying initially, the responsibility is huge. As time goes on, and if you invest time into guiding them properly, they become a source of joy seeing them grow and succeed.

Void0101010101 ago

Unless they become purple haired trans faggots

pby1000 ago

Learn to reload.

MPreg ago

Nobody cares

BoomerHater1488er ago

Tell the father congratulations.

beefartist ago

You talk a lot of shit for a pathetic weakling...not everyone is a man jerking semi closeted homo like yours. Probably a fucking professor

capnflummox ago

Heh heehhh...

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Tyrone has no need of congratulations because it has no concern for its offspring; much like a virus or bacteria.

SearchVoatBot ago

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indoctrophobe ago

Imagine still thinking in red vs blue categories.

Ihatesports ago

Don't get any poo poo on your lips

BakedMofoBread ago

Just get a 16.5 inch, .223 Wylde AR-15. Lever guns are for game of all sizes, not for defending your family or your liberty.

Lever guns aren’t as easy to maintain compared to an AR-15. Lever guns may be more accurate and more powerful, but you put a 5.56 boat tail through a guy, he ain’t gettin’ back up. That 30-30 is gonna travel right through your target, potentially harming people behind it (through many layers of wall). The 5.56 boat tail round from a 16 inch rifle will break apart when it enters your target in a process known as “spalling.”

Think about your backstop. If you’re using a lever gun, consider what’s BEHIND your backstop.

ManchesterT ago

you put a 5.56 boat tail through a guy, he ain’t gettin’ back up

That's not what happened in the Gulf War. Our MP's would riddle a suicide bomber with M4's from different angles and he'd still be able to maneuver the truck. Probably because 5.56 penetrates hard surfaces about as well as warm dog turds, especially through short barrels.

An AR-47, real AK, or M1A would be a much safer bet if you want your targets to fall asleep right away.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

All guns go through walls. Even 5-7, 9mm, 22, buckshot, large birdshot, etc. They will all go through multiple walls and continue to be lethal. The only thing that doesn't go through walls is small birdshot, which would be a pretty shitty home defense choice. Paul Harrel (sp?) has extreme levels of detail on his youtube.

Smokybubbles ago

12 gauge pump with buckshot defends a home. Rifles are for killing at range.

spaceman84 ago

30-30 is only about 30% more powerful than 223. It ain't 308 Win. Also, that's not spalling. Spalling is when material comes off the back side of a target. Bullet splash, spalling and frangible projectiles are not the same thing and shouldn't be used interchangeably.

ketoll ago

Guy bought his first gun, baby steps.


No shit dude LMFAO... I love how gun lovers pounce on everyone who buys their first gun, saying it was the WRONG gun to buy.

This guy will own 20 soon enough.

I've been told all 9 times I bought a gun that it was the wrong gun. So now I have a variety of wrong guns for all the right situations.

It's a hard addiction to cure once you take that first hit.

ketoll ago

I've been told all 9 times I bought a gun that it was the wrong gun.

Exactly! Happens every time. Especially the Glock and S&W people, they are so picky. I'll shoot whatever is reasonable, I'm not trying to become the next Wyatt Earp.

TheBookWasBetter ago

My wife doesn't care to have a lot of them around so I have to make each purchase count(low quantity, high quality). I figured that is a classic of sorts and will stick with me a long time. I looked at the Remington 870 but I liked the idea of having a fast second shot. I know I could go the tactical route but this was enough for right now. I may revisit for an AR down the line.

ketoll ago

Beautiful to hang on the wall, made in the USA, functional, reliable, accurate, highly available ammo, and fun. I think you made a great choice! I have the Henry .22, but have been eyeing the 30-30


My first gun was a simple Remington 870 standard boom stick.

It really wasn't until the Great Obama Gun Scare of 2014 before I started to get more into "collecting."

Something about the government telling me I'm not supposed to have something always seems like a good reason to have it.

lanre ago

AR-15 availability seems bad right now. Same with ammo.

noob_tube ago

Order parts and build it. It helps you learn about your tools.

steven_feelsperg ago

BakedMofoBread ago

All good points to consider.

Rellik88 ago

45-70 is the tits. Also you can hand load new rounds. No need for a press. 30-30 maybe as well not familiar with it.

Broc_Lia ago

Funny how kids change a guy's priorities.

Get one for your wife too.

cantaloupe6 ago

And the baby, jk

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Op had sex. Lol. He so nasty.

FPSFairy ago

Perhaps another for the kid, while you're out.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Oh Gawd their breeding Schlomo! The goys are having children and providing for them, all the feminism and the globohomo and the single parent welfare state and the free porn couldn't shut it down!

Next they are gunna start with the Henry Ford and the culture of critique and the Volk this and Volk that! What do we do?!

FellowMan ago

A gun or a kid? ;)

Spaghetti_Forgetti ago

hah I was wondering that too

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Why not both?

WhiteChickens ago

So you plan on shooting someone 100 yards out, maybe even 300? Seems unlikely.

Unless it's for CQB, in that case, you're not getting very quick follow up shots.

Not that it probably won't work but against an AK with a red dot, it probably won't work.

Even against a pistol at close range, it's going to be rough.

Better work with that gun weekly.

AR47 ago

Now you need to learn how to use it.

ggolemg ago

Wait till you pass the red point if you're not already there.

TheBookWasBetter ago

What is the red point? Baby thing or gun thing?

ggolemg ago

"flipped me red"... There's quite a bit past that point, as much as between blue and red.

goatsandbros ago

Not supporting random countries in the Middle East whose citizens are in Congress for some reasons.

bb22 ago

Well goddamn, if that's the "red point" then what color point is Jews eating foreskins and ritually murdering babies?

noob_tube ago

Its just more saturated.

VitGet ago

Get a picatinny rail mount and quick disconnect rings so you can easily enjoy both worlds.

clamhurt_legbeard ago




70times7 ago

Guns only save your body. Bibles save your soul.

AyoAyoAyo ago

Amen. This clown word is not forever.

bb22 ago

We needed you during the Revolution.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I've hunted with a Savage Arms .300 Savage model 99 my Grandfather gave me sinse I was a kid. Never had and issue with the scope.

TheBookWasBetter ago

So, yes scope or no scope? I think the biggest argument for the Henry is that it messes with the aesthetics.

BjornIronside ago

Fuck aesthetics. The stock sights on low-mid range Henry lever guns are garbage.

It needs a scope.

ACOG with reflex sight would be a good choice. It's not exactly a long range weapon.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Or a good fiber optic sight with maybe a handguard to mount a light on. 597s are a blast to shoot I think.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I can't speak for the Henry, but I don't see why you couldn't scope it. Screw what it looks like. Function over form. Need @clamhurt_legbeard's expertise on this.

Wowbagger ago

The thing with the brass Henry guns is that they're pretty. So pretty I'd hate to mar them by tapping for a scope mount. They're meant to be shot with those buckhorn sights. Personally, if I were him I'd use the Henry to learn to shoot well without a sight and buy another gun later on more suited to a sight for deer hunting.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Good points. I am going to use the buckhorn sights for a while and see how it goes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Honestly, the buckhorn sights shoot as far as the cartridge. You're not old enough to have eyesight so poor that you need a scope for 100 yards.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I agree. But it is still a Henry and from what I understand it is a very reliable gun. No reason it can't look good hanging over the mantle.

If I were in his position I'd have gone with a 30-06. Used. We should be trying to convince him to buy an AR.

Argumentative ago

just flipped? you've been here years lad :^)

TheBookWasBetter ago

Oh, I flipped 2 months in. That was the first thing to happen.

bb22 ago

Why you'd come here in the first place? Keeping tabs for Reddit?

TheBookWasBetter ago

I couldn't stand the censorship. There were plug-ins that would show you all of the deleted content on reddit. I think undeleted was the name of one of them. This was back when they banned FPH.

FPSFairy ago

I realized the site was a shit hole when it occurred to me that the majority of reddit plugins were designed to work against the website's "features," and not to enhance them'

KingMortales ago

That's my story.

Helena73 ago

Honestly, they banned everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders, and called them Nazis.

All those people went to 4chan and Voat and Gab and started talking to actual Nazis. What did they think would happen?

logos_ethos ago

The sheep do not think for themselves. Their sheepherders are megalomaniacal narcissists who would fail the marshmallow test. So by definition, they do not think ahead. They make good useful idiot herders. But their ideology was likely groomed by more subversive people with different long term objectives in mind.

watts2db ago

I found this place via gab

Hey_Sunshine ago

Well aren't you the odd one of the bunch?

watts2db ago

yeah I never was a redditor, or a twitterer or a facebooker

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah, I lurked around reddit for a couple months before I made an account to participate. Made it less than a week before I got downvoted to hell for having an unpopular opinion.

It was around the time of that asian woman ceo that I read about voat and jumped ship.

I tried Twitter but it seemed less about communication and more about shilling products. Said no thanks. I don't have the time nor do I care enough

bb22 ago

So you came here because of Reddit censorship and became acclimated to everyone calling each other niggerfaggots and exposing the Jew.

Not as entertaining as the stories about leftists coming here and being shocked and never coming back, but still interesting.

Usernamenameuser ago

That's what I did, but I'm seriously disappointed in the amount of people calling each other "retard."

I got banned from a sub for calling some commie a retard.

SexMachine ago

I miss the niggergoats

Argumentative ago

implying that's not how 80% of people with accounts that old came here

SparklingWiggle ago

He's the redditor at the end of the comic that rips his antenna out.

CowWithBeef ago

I would estimate the majority of users got here that way until Q invaded.

SparklingWiggle ago

I came over the FPH and coontown. I was so happy to have found home.

CowWithBeef ago

Fat people hate was my wake-up call too. I didn't even use any of the subs they banned, I just saw it as the death of free thought on the platform. In retrospect I should have quit when Aaron Shwartz was killed, but I didn't realize what that was at the time.

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm not familiar with him. Who is that? What did it have to do with Reddit?

CowWithBeef ago

He was a cofounder of reddit. Genius coder. He organized the protests that stopped the Stop Online Piracy Act and attempted to make all of the scientific articles that are behind a paywall into publicly avaliable science. The FBI threw the book at him and suicided him shortly thereafter.

SparklingWiggle ago

Holy shit.

fartyshorts ago

I was part of the pizzagate swarm

PuttitoutIsGone ago


zack_morris ago

Lets run a train on his pregnant wife.

bb22 ago

Doesn't look like you sized the crowd up very well.

zack_morris ago

Haha snowflakes start crying over onlne jokes so I deleted. I figured he would have tougher skin. stick and stones bro.

bb22 ago

Me reading your comment and me downvoting your comment meant about as much to me as farting on the drive to work. I wouldn't take it too personally.

zack_morris ago

I didn't take it personally but OP seemed to be offended like a those Qtard types so I deleted

bb22 ago

Shit I didn't like what you said either but fuck the OP's feelings.

zack_morris ago

Very possibly some liberal trying to infitrate but could be real.

bb22 ago

Well to be honest perverted sex jokes aren't high on the conservatism index, though I know there's a subclass of blue collar types who fit the bill. And then of course you have the whole culture of shitposters, which seems to be where you come in.

zack_morris ago

I am far right but at same time love shitposting and laughing. I only been on this site short time but i like it. The Qtards are very annoying is only bad part i found so far.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Why would you say such a terrible thing? You must be in a lot of pain right now.