Wowbagger ago

@puttitout now, follow it up with replacing @cynabun or hiring someone as a staff community admin. C'mon, now. prod do a responsible

Ocelot ago

Why don't you suck his cock while you're at it? God you types are humongous faggots.

Talc ago

the owners and leaders of a business can go to jail.. which essentially is the same thing as "a business going to jail."

no it isn't, not at all. A business can carry on being managed on behalf of the owner whilst the owner serves a sentence, in most countries anyway. I used to rent a business premise off a guy that was nearing the end of a 5? year sentence, his mother ran his affairs until he got out.

jewsbadnews ago

What was it about?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ihatesports ago

You guys are such ass kissers

0011000100100111101 ago


Mustard_Monkey ago

Add I dot reddit dot com and not dot org please.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Description: I was told by at least two people to do this.


TrialsAndTribulation ago

Thanks, Putt. Now, can you do something about Joe McCarthy while you're at it? Having even one kike pornographer on the site is too many.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Meanwhile on reddit: "Now can we do something about [some Trump supporter]? Having one racist on the site is too many."

albatrosv15 ago

At least have courtesy to ping him correctly, even if we all know he is a jewgood goyboy. @joe_mccarthy

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Sometimes you don't want to telecast the event.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That was intentional.

PraiseIPU ago

I say we ban the people calling for bans

SearchVoatBot ago

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TrialsAndTribulation ago

I didn't say ban him. You can't ban people from a site because they'll always find a way log in, so it's useless. He's a pornographer and a vile human who has shown he hates the board and the people on it. He shouldn't have any mod or admin powers.

PraiseIPU ago

Ok what does "do something" mean if not a ban?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I think I just said it.

Talc ago

no, they're entities created by people, giving your businesses free speech is equivalent to giving your hamsters free speech.

Great power brings great responsibility. If you abuse your free speech by shouting fire in a crowded theater, you can go to jail for it. Ever heard of a business going to jail?

magaloid ago

Great power brings great responsibility.

Thanks Spiderman.

DirtPipeMilkshake ago


Macska ago

Ah well that does not sound too bad. Just remembered seeing it posted a lot at certain times.

BordelonLoop ago

no, it was bad.

Macska ago

I was expecting gore porn.

weezkitty ago

It was spam. So it should be banned.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Im just glad it wasnt gore spam

Or fastjacks favorite, scat spam.

Bloodofsanguinius00 ago

One day we'll get Spam spam.

Macska ago

What was on it? Gore porn? I never checked... wasn't brave.

blumen4alles ago

duh I could have check that page instead of finding a link and trying to post it

ElvisP ago

I was told by at least two people to do this.


pshawman ago


BjornIronside ago

Oh, yes. Thank fuck.

VoatorPoal ago

Posting links is free speech.

If you disagree, then you have no right to complain when platforms like Reddit and Twitter do their job by taking out the trash.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Your free speech ends once you're making money from it; then it falls under the banner of free commerce, which is much more restrictive.

BjornIronside ago

Kill yourself.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

My pouring sand in your engine block is free speech. If you disagree, fuck off etc.

Shut up, faggot.


You ever consider you might have a slight case of "da' jew brain?"

Talc ago

only people have free speech, not businesses.

Rellik88 ago

They posted 807 links in one fucking week.

Jock_Sniffer ago

Worse yet, their target audience was elementary and middle schoolers -- none of which hang around here. If you're going to post spam, at least try to appeal to your target audience.

Nobody here cares about 99 Ultracool DIY Hacks To Make Edible School Supplies or some bullshit like that. Thank God they're gone now.

tastelessinvective ago

They're posting the same over and over for commercial purposes. If you allow that, all forums would just be 99% ads.

I ran a forum once and I tried to leave the spammers alone. It just doesn't work. They'll get more and more aggressive until they destroy the site.