ConantheLibrarian ago

Thank the jew slave traders.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

and the milquetoast white customers.

if all blacks are responsible for the criminal niggers, then whites are, in the least, partially responsible for the slave trade.

Buzzzard ago

D W Griffin in the prologue to his movie "Birth of a Nation" said that bringing kneegrows to America was the worst thing that ever happened to white people here.

tratakat ago

Doesn't matter. They are here now. The important thing now is for European Americans to develop their own identity and to attain political representation.

LuciusAM ago

That I am not so sure about. Without chatel slavery the large plantations would not have been able to function and without those large plantations a lot of our early industry just wouldn't have been there. We would have been like Canada, not a significant world player and still beholden to the british crown.

Now if after the war of 1812 we deported all of them, then yeah we probably would have been better orr.

Gorillion ago

Stop being so antisemitic, OP.


The worst thing to burden the mind with is " regret " or the " if only " that comes with something that is or was beyond one's control...hind sight is always 20/20 and's also a state of fatal delusion. Thinking about the bad decisions of the past will drive one nuts, in the same way thinking about the origin of God. As for the curse of the jew, it's vexed us for two thousand years and it seems as though there's no letting up. Yeah the filthy Abramovich should have been wiped out by the Roman Empire but it never happened and anything I do won't mean shit either, I fume inside when I think about the horrors my relatives faced in Old Russia during the days of Trotsky, Lenin, Drzhinski etc and the damage the Frankfurt Jew has done to Western fundamentals...the battle with the fucking jew is very complex.

Fancy451 ago

And these niggers were selected to be docile.

biscuitrage ago

Of course.

New-World-Ebola ago

nothing in life is guaranteed except death and taxes.

it's not to late to send niggers back to apefrica.

we just need to do it.

bcboncs ago

Dwell on the past instead of the present. Good distraction goy. Shekels for you

bourbonexpert ago

I have been saying this since I was a kid.

Blacks are total cancer.

However I will say the majority of nigger behavior can be pinpointed to desegregation and the most evil man to have ever lived, LBJ.

If you look at the stats for monkeys pre civil rights, marriage, employment etc.... where about the same as humans.

In other words, separate but equal worked.

Replacing the black father with a welfare check, combined with Jewish psyops like “roots” and other constant messages that nigggers are victims by whites is what makes nigger America uniquely entitled and openly racist against their white saviors.

LBJ was far worse than Marx or other dictators.... think about civil rights and the sheer amount of deaths at the hands of the monkey. They kill themselves hourly, kill humans daily and the jew liberal media won’t cover it.

LBJ is the most evil killer to have ever lived.

6 million Jews?(bullshit) think about how many have died and ruined from blacks in America.

Civil rights, leaving a legacy of bullet proof glass at fast food places.

ex-redd ago

no shit

popsikle ago

most africans would be extinct by now

lanre ago

This is what I wish people would realize. Even if you recognize that niggers are sub-human and need guidance and help, you should also recognize that having them anywhere near whites is a detriment, and even using them as cheap labor is worse than just having whites do the job. Whites might cost a fraction more in labor costs, but they won't rape your women and murder you in the middle of the night nearly as much.

GrizzlyDark ago

wow thanks, captain obvious!

ThinkTank ago

And the US only got 3% of all the slaves shipped.

The rest went to South America and the Caribbean where they were mostly worked to death.

MartinTimothy ago

Bullsh*t ..

The African populations in the Americas are ungrateful sods whose ancestors were granted refuge from cannibalism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, all a ship had to do was anchor anywhere in the Congo delta and they would swarm aboard, a situation that continues to this day.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves, urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields where life expectancy was no more than two years.

Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock. White Cargo.

"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people, it is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery." Gezo, King of Dahomey from 1818 until 1858.

Witness the testimony of King Adandozan who acceded to the throne upon his brother Gezo's death who similarly ruled much of the Congo, the only interview he ever granted was to Henry Morton Stanley in 1870, he assured Stanley every person over four years of age within the entire Congo Basin regularly ate human flesh.

Under his tutelage social infractions of any kind hooliganism or indeed casting one's eyes upon the King guaranteed a one way trip to the town butcher, the victims were auctioned in the market places a piece at a time, thus a customer would purchase a leg for instance..

Or a hand or the liver and would receive a token, then when the whole body was sold the victim would be dispatched and the tokens exchanged for his body parts .. when a fancy was to hit the block foreigners attended the auctions.

For in an act of mercy the King had decreed should a foreign purchaser outbid everyone else, and guarantee the felon was definitely, under pain of immediate death going to be leaving the country permanently, those who wanted to could go to the butchers market and bid.

Jews ran the transatlantic slave trade as well they financed the invasion and settlement of the New World, and sponsored European immigration by way of white slavery during the period of colonial expansion. White slaves in the Americas.

DougMesserschmitt ago

I will stick my neck out and say that as far as the indigenous populations of the Americas are concerned it would have been a "massive positive" if all European, Asian, African and Islander ppl had never left their own shores. Colonial Expansion Was Financed by Jews

TauCeti ago

Yes, and never shared any of their scientific, medical or technological discoveries. Europe should have walled itself up and told the rest of the world to go fuck off to the stone age.

VandalayIndustries ago

White mans burden hasnt changed in forever.

Boogaloo? Target Jews till done. It will be amazing how once that entire group is gone, the remainder will say holy fuck. We’ve lost.

VandalayIndustries ago

Sherlock did not even need to take a shit for OP to live.

Blackops21 ago

I think about this a lot. Our punishment for slavery is having to deal with the niggers now.

DanaNordic ago

Can you explain what you mean? The White nations are not Jesus.

Blackops21 ago

They cry all the fucking time about slavery. I'm just as upset that slavery happened because now they're in my country. They want reparations? Our payment is having to deal with them and support their welfare abuse.

DanaNordic ago

As long as you are aware the White people in White nations did not enslave them and we do not need to suffer the wash away the sins of the world.

Blackops21 ago

No, I really think we should either have kept them as slaves or shipped them all back. They could've saved this country so much money and saved hundreds of thousands of lives by shipping them all back as soon as slavery ended.

Granite_Pill ago

Thomas Jefferson came to the same conclusion.

Doglegwarrior ago

or if we had out lawed judiasm and banned jews in 1859 then the north and south could have worked together to ship every jew and black back to africa instead of killing 400k of our best. fucking worst war in history and destroyed america. I have heard many times this was the jews first attempt at their jew bank it happend in 1913 with woodrow wilson the biggest traitor in american history selling us all out.

CalibanFresco ago

We should have gelded them.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I think WHITE reparations are in order from whomever was responsible for inflicting the slave trade like a CANCER onto us. ALL we have to do is get the names and follow their descendents/associates (the money) to today! Then BLAMO!. Also get rid of the niggers (back to Africa) and FORCE it to be a global nigger preserve (that means NO china interference either).

borderline7 ago

it will increase the sales of hard working after market wheel manufactures

ALIENS2222 ago

Come back to Africa black people! Mother Africa is calling you! Throw off the chains of the white devils and return to your homeland. Tired of white man laws? White man jails and white man racism? Tired of building massive cities for the white man only to have your family tossed into the ghetto by evil white police? Tired of being denied jobs that you are OBVIOUSLY smart and qualified for? Come home to Africa! THERE ARE NO WHITE PEOPLE IN AFRICA!

I encourage you to all spread this message far and wide. It is powerful and worthwhile. Just include some stuff about how they should give up that citizenship so that they can avoid income taxes that support evil white babies.

vastrightwing ago

There's a safe space!

mesada ago

They tried this once. It's called Liberia.

iDontShift ago

those that you hate were brought here by those that you revere.

fucking hiliarious, sad and pathetic.

poor white folks blaming poor black folks for all there problems right here.

demonlord100 ago

I don't hate them.

AntiMason ago

We would have no blues. Or a civil war.

tastelessinvective ago

So we're all agreed then? When we leave for Epsilon Eridani on the Space Ark we're leaving certain folks behind?

wigson ago

That cotton wasn't going to pick itself, though.

MaunaLoona ago

They need to pay us reparations.

vastrightwing ago

I demand our $38 billion back.

borderline7 ago

yea i'm all for reparations the people who brought the slaves here need to pay. the jews need to pay the blacks, period.

Logansrun ago

Europe was free of African slaves, look at it now. As long as the indigenous population doesn’t object to mass immigration the outcome will be few whites

9NaughtZ ago

Why are you bringing this up right now? This is the most interesting thing you got?

This country was build on slave labor. Just deal with it. We reaped the benefits of it.

dekrak_pype ago

Slave labor must have been real shitty considering how backwards the South is compared to the North.

9NaughtZ ago

Then or now? They focused on agriculture not industry. Doesn't make them backwards.

Not sure what point you are trying to make.

dekrak_pype ago

Both. I live in Virginia. I know how it is here. It was backwards, is backwards, and, barring some sort of economic miracle, always will be backwards. Then, as now, Virginia has always exploited the fruits of other's labor. First, via slavery. Then, via taxation through gratuitous Federal spending, without which Virginia would be even more backwards than it is now. The turd on the shit sundae that is Virginia is the Democrats are in control of the state and have started raising taxes. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay Northern taxes for Southern results. Virginia was tolerable, shitty as it is, because the taxes were low. Didn't pay for much, didn't expect much. Jack my taxes up and I might start expecting things like properly maintained roads.

9NaughtZ ago

Poor Virginia. One of the most beautiful places in the country. I would not want to live there due to the shit stains that moved in and ruined it. I have had some pretty bad experiences out there. It's a shame. I honestly hope the people of VA burn it down and start over from the beginning.

TauCeti ago

What fucking bullshit. There hasn't been a slave in the USA for 130 years, but all that was built and discovered in that time is the product of slavery? Get real.

9NaughtZ ago

You are a little light on your history.

I bet you think our "exceptionalism" is why we surged ahead so much after WW2. We have been a lagger in many things. Our biggest benefit for economic growth unhindered was because we were protected on both sides by massive water and then our infrastructure wasn't bombed into rubble in the world wars. Massive untapped natural resources and free land that we could just strip and go. That's kind of just winning the lottery.

TauCeti ago

Yeah, sure, that's why a country like Australia, over 95% desert, is a first world nation too! It must have been all of the slaves there (zero).

ShakklezthaKlown ago

There hasn't been a slave in the USA for 130 years


ALIENS2222 ago

Come back to Africa black people! Mother Africa is calling you! Throw off the chains of the white devils and return to your homeland. Tired of white man laws? White man jails and white man racism? Tired of building massive cities for the white man only to have your family tossed into the ghetto by evil white police? Tired of being denied jobs that you are OBVIOUSLY smart and qualified for? Come home to Africa! THERE ARE NO WHITE PEOPLE IN AFRICA!

Certainly white people will die out in short order without blacks to completely and utterly support them in every way.

PsyOp ago

No shit?! Wow! Tell us more, Captain Obvious!

ReAwakened ago

It will be a massive positive for everyone when they're sent back.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

That's a nice T-shirt slogan. Lefties cannot argue against it or say it is racist.

PoopityScoopy ago

The slave boat owners were jews. It's always the jews

lovehate123 ago

Every single black slave was purchased by a jew transported by a jew sold by a jew and 3/4ths of the time sold to a jew.

PagingDrBenway ago

They also owned many of the sugar plantations in the Caribbean. places like Jamaica and Haiti learned their hatred of the white man largely from jews, and that same hatred stains our civilisation to this very day.

gazillions ago

They don't need the jews to come up with hatred. Every time Whites feed them, they turn around and kill them. The South Africans made the mistake of trying to find jobs for the Bantus when they arrived. Mandela admitted the jews were instrumental in the ANC's killing machine, but the blacks never should have been there in such numbers. Border control is all we ever have, and everyone will find that out for themselves.

PagingDrBenway ago

I agree. I am Irish and the amount of niggers from Africa and other thrash from the third world that we are importing is making all sorts of DANGER signals go off in my head since it has been happening. We are literally importing a bunch of feral animals who history has shown will turn on us at the drop of a hat given the opportunity. Try telling that to another local, though: immediate life ruined socially for the rest of your life. Doesn't matter how many facts you have. My fellow native Irish are a bunch of masochistic idiots with levels of complacency and naiveté I will never be able to comprehend.

Ihatesports ago

Well we never should have let them come either

Busty_Neckbeard ago

They were bought though so still some white people's fault.

PoopityScoopy ago

Less than 1% of Americans had slaves. 99% of all slaves went to South america

ShakklezthaKlown ago

that doesn't negate his claim whatsoever. still some white people's fault

PoopityScoopy ago

Jews sold slaves to jews in America and that's white peoples fault? Fucking shill better lol

Busty_Neckbeard ago

So the minority's fault :)

vastrightwing ago

Think about it: jews sold slaves, fake news, miscegenation, porn, dangerous drugs, propaganda disguised as entertainment, teach our children that gender is fluid, funded both sides of war, run our government, take our wealth to Israel, send our children to war, wrote the Hall of cost parable and then call us antisemitic.

Chimaira92 ago

Need to stop treating the Jews as fools and recognize them as the formidable foe that they really are.

The holohoax is the most vital component to the Jews to remain in control too.

Think of it this way.

Theres a locked door and behind this door reveals plentiful white homogeneous, happy societies across many of our nations. That door is locked and the key to that door is the complete extinction of Jews. Well because of the holohoax if any nation on Earth were to try to use the key they would be wiped out faster than Germany in WW2.

The Jews propaganda machine is very strong.

vastrightwing ago

I agree. They are excellent at illusion, deception, deflection and mental gymnastics. The problem whites have is they appear to be one of us without close inspection. Then using their mental gymnastics, they convince people of lies.

Brawndosaurus ago

Liars and murderers, like their father, the devil.

wigson ago

What a strange cohencidence.

bourbonexpert ago

And the wahhite man pays!

redsfan277 ago

think of it this way....if the niggers werent brought back then the whites living here would've been just like Europe (no niggers for them to learn) so sooner or later the fellow white liberals would have signed up to bring in as many niggers as the world can see.

Thankfully we can see straight from the horses mouths niggers are bad hombres

LibertarianForChrist ago

The most racist cities in the country are the ones with the most black people. Europe is jist now learning that our cultural centers (inner cities) being no-go zones is not the reason America is greater than them.

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BearDolphin1488 ago

Good point

Shotinthedark ago

No niggers

pby1000 ago

I was thinking that is why (((they))) did it.

PagingDrBenway ago

90% of their success is achieved by spreading hate, lies, and division under the banner of fairness.

RM-Goetbbels ago

By all accounts, no more than 388,000 niggers were imported as slaves into the US. If only we had nutted 3/4 of them we wouldn't be having the issues we are today.

TauCeti ago

That's what the Arabs did for many centuries with black slaves bought from Jewish slavers operating out of Africa, and black Kings quite happy to sell slaves (e.g. conquered enemies) to the Jews.

Attac ago

Or we could have done it, like the Arabs and their slavetrade. Cutting of their balls.

RM-Goetbbels ago

If only we had nutted 3/4 of them

Attac ago

Ah that's the meaning of it ...

ShakklezthaKlown ago

we is smarter than niggers

Doglegwarrior ago

ya where our fucking forefathers retarded? they should have castrated them. never mind should have never brought them

lanre ago

A lot of blacks in America are mixed of course. It was like having your own personal harem of niggers. Too irresistible I guess.

anamazonslittle ago

Uhg. That's like a farmer looking out over his field and thinking "maybe I'll fuck the sheep today."

Blackops21 ago

More niggers equaled more work done (or more nigger babies to sell)

ReAwakened ago

It's never too late.

RM-Goetbbels ago


demonlord100 ago

All of them, no slaves were needed at all.

aloha_snackbar ago

even Irish?

RM-Goetbbels ago

That's not historically correct.

PagingDrBenway ago

What is not historically correct?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

no slaves were needed at all.

try reading what he was responding to you fucking retard.

slaves were essential to the growth of the US economy, they still are essential.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Looking at the down votes tells me that explaining it is a waste of time. Good luck.

PagingDrBenway ago

If you have a point be a man and elaborate. Maybe you got downvoted because you posted some bullshit vague allusion of a half-sentence.

RM-Goetbbels ago

If you have a point be a man and elaborate.

  • anytime someone tells you "be a man" they want something from you that they are not entitled to so they use this weak technique to try and aquire it.

You're a nigger and now I know.

The down votes are an indicator that an honest discussion is not achievable. You've basically closed off all possibility of accepting any position other than the one you've already taken. Besides, it shouldn't be that difficult to figure out what I'm talking about.

PagingDrBenway ago


Nice cop out, faggot with no point. Kindly fuck off now.

RM-Goetbbels ago

You sure told me after "be a man" didn't work. I hate when I'm being a nigger and have to face it too.

PagingDrBenway ago

Fuck off, troll.

Inaminit ago

Yeah, tell that to Lincoln.