boekanier ago

Gang raped and tortured? That's not so good, but it's their culture. But racism is far worse...

generate ago

Look at Singapore and Hong Kong - there dozens of thousands of Philippino maids and they don't rape anyone. There are also a bunch of Indian construction workers who get $500 per month, work for few months and fuck off to their shithole. And these cities (esp Singapre) are examples of cleanness, order, safety and good healthcare. You don't have to clean your streets and wash your pants yourself or hire another white semi-god. But what EU did is beyond stupid. Invite a bunch of lazy syrian muzzies in the hope of what?? That they integrate into Europe? This will never happen. What they should have done is a systme of working visas and suck the best workers from the world instead and may be give residency to the best of the best like also Singapore does but less and less recent years.

Your working visa is finished, your university doesn't need you? Fuck off home

New-World-Ebola ago

there's very little freedom in singapore... the laws are strict as hell... and it's so small, the government has it totally covered.

almost everyone there is also ASIAN. They don't have niggers everywhere.

the (((EU))) is intentionally trying to deracinated Europe... allowing mass migration as a covert proxy war.

generate ago

Becuase Singapore government has not sold out and is doing what is needed for the people not for jews. But this is a very good example to study because I often see people here saying we need to live in a 100% white community. This is not gonna happen and I don't mind Philippino cleaning my house. But what I do mind if I spit on some shitskin he doesn't spit on me back and stab me with a knife

New-World-Ebola ago

singapore is still very "multicultural" with different types of asians. why the fuck do you need a filipino cleaning your house? are you that much of a lazy cunt? you're sounding like a true boomer.

generate ago

why would I clean my house myself when I can do better things. I love all these movies about southerners with beautiful houses and a bunch of slaves. Why not

Barbarian ago

What’s the worst story involving shitskins or immigrants killing white children you can think of? We need to martyr that kid and push the story whenever kikes push the kids in cages narrative.

New-World-Ebola ago

the story about the niggers that kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered the innocent white couple in USA is bad enough.... i think it was on glenn beck some years ago.

stray502 ago

No one is preoccupied with football There has been no sports for almost a month.

New-World-Ebola ago

you obviously haven't seen news or newspapers in Australia then... apart from the royal fambly, islam and faggotry... it's all they talk about.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Pay attention to what shills like this post, they always push division.

New-World-Ebola ago

and faggots like you push for unity with niggers, jihadis and mudsharks... you're a good goy i mean kike.

whatisbestinlife ago


Drstrangebeard ago

the folks in Babylon thought that all cultures getting together in a melting pot was a pretty good idea, too. I cant quite look at the statue of liberty in the same light anymore. her brass is quite tarnished. luring people has to ask "why" and then you learn why. and then you say "that's really stupid. stop doing that. god will not be mocked."

New-World-Ebola ago

the statue of degeneracy

ShadowHelp ago

If they haven't woke up by now, they won't

deokid ago

if they prefer the trinketry to protecting their future generations, or indeed community from rape, murder and mutilation, etc, well they have themselves to blame for that and suffer for it in their old age when they are roughed up in some nursing home, I say die w dignity go out w a bang.

Draco777 ago

What is Hell? Where is it? You can sure find Hell on Earth if you look for it. Kids around the world locked in cages being sold for rape, torture, and murder sounds Hellish to me.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Holy shit! Four lines? Punctuation and grammar? You've outdone yourself this time. Have a well-deserved upvote, since you don't look like the semi-literate nigger you usually do.

GoatJoints ago

Why do you think people are being told to stop having kids? It's much easier to ignore children if they're not yours. If you're never going to have kids you don't need to concern yourself with the environment they will be raised in. Leftists routinely tell me they don't get upset about problems like this because it won't or doesn't affect them directly.

NicotinicAcid ago

It's actually done on purpose. British commonwealth countries especially encourage this. Wish it wasn't true. Imagine having to live in a neighbourhood dedicated to this behaviour. You think life is hell? Heh.

Aerofox ago

"It is better to not be racist than to survive" -extinct faggot

slapstick2 ago

The Jews have planned this for millennium

englishwebster ago

At no time in history has multiculturalism ever actually worked. The best outcome is one of three things:

1) balkanization ie what happened in yugoslavia in the 1990s

2) Dictatorship to keep it together like what we saw in Iraq under saddam, or

3) destruction from within like the roman empire.

MissingEgo1 ago

The roman empire empire is an empirical piece of evidence for me as to what happens when you bring in hordes of outsiders.

Phantom42 ago

Don't forget the Austro-Hungarians.

In WWI they had to print recruitment docs in like 15 languages. Fucking insane.

Edit: In WWI*

ALIENS2222 ago

They will wake up when the black dick passes into their bodily orifice... Some will wake up when their blood runs out... A moment of clarity before death.

lovehate123 ago

Learn White History and teach it to people. Be Proactive.

ALIENS2222 ago


Merlynn ago

When you can name (((who))) the politicians,bankers,and media are,then you'll be ready to fight.

New-World-Ebola ago

i do everyday. sometimes you gotta just point in the right direction and let people look for themselves.

Merlynn ago

They don't want to. It means acknowledging how much they've taken us for a ride and how much we've bent over for them.

needadiffbuzz ago

they would suck jew or muz cock all day long, if that's what there into then let the fuckwit bastards, just blame a bitch instead that's how they are.

New-World-Ebola ago

it's not going to last.

as the ship begins to sink, people will be looking for a solution.

Merlynn ago

They'll be looking for an excuse for their bullshit eating. They don't care about solutions. I've told these people tons of solutions on any number of problems and they don't want solutions. They want pity. Fuck 'em.

notYOURfriend ago

need to be executed

Sure, but nobody is going to do anything. If anyone does something, it will be with some local politician or some lowlife muslims in a local mosque. The globalists will remain untouchable in their gated fortresses out of the reach of the common man.

ALIENS2222 ago

All we have to do is stop... And it all ends. We are doing it to ourselves. Go read "I am rofschild axe me a question" archive. It's easy to find. Honestly I feel that in many ways they are right. We are doing it to ourselves.. All we have to do is STOP.

But we won't.

tadorno ago

Exactly. As bad as it is, the ones who continue deserve it. They welcome their suffering

WhiteChickens ago

That's a lot of self aggrandizing hot air and the rationalizations of a psychopath.

They are doing it to us.

Derpfroot ago

Multikulti has probably killed more people than the flu. We definitely pay in hard dollars, already. and we all know the cost in lives due to the FBI stats.

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RunOverByASchoolBus ago

While you are right this sounds like a Fed post.

WhiteChickens ago

They don't need to bother, you idiots police each other. lol

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

You right.

ALIENS2222 ago

Naw dawg... This is based.

New-World-Ebola ago

that's retarded