Cucky_Sanders ago

why would anyone rent to nigger(s)

mmabouncer ago

To be fair, those " lots of 100 " were being sold for just a few thousand dollars. That's not big money.

jimibulgin ago

you're assuming that niggers pay rent not. the only peple who rent to niggers are jews with section 8 housing and a property manager,

Cumin ago

Rental properties destroy neighborhoods. Nice to see landlords get fucked.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Don't rent to niggers.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

nigs stop paying rent.


Dontpanic ago

You're a shit landlord if you don't have at least a year of mortgage payments saved up for every property.

It_was_the_juice ago

The only people who rent to nignogs and stay in business for longer than a year are getting paid through Government subsidies. Small landlords discriminate all the time against minorities or else they go under quick. However, it's all the white tenants that are losing their jobs right now and won't be paying.


Niggers are already mostly "renting" from the govt. No one wants to rent their home to niggers.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Don't be jealous just because you're getting $1,200 and Hymie got $12,000,000. (It's only 4 more zeros after all.)

watts2db ago

I think alot of us are calling that but yes that's exactly what is happening

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Bankers are not a protected class, by law.

vanievilgenius ago

I predict if this happens a lot of dead people in government.

A9DickFur ago

Dude there is a nog I work with who evidently was having strippers over to his place last night and was texting people to bring their singles. Regardless what you think about this virus that is a completely reckless behavior and these niggers to be wiped out.

ALIENS2222 ago

Not a jew and I'm counting on this happening.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

renting to niggers

Pointyball ago

You think there are any little guy slum lords left?

WyattMale ago

  • Cops stop prosecuting "petty" crimes
  • niggers start looting
  • looting niggers get shot
  • riots
  • boogaloo!

Soyboy69 ago

Cops stop prosecuting "petty" crimes (already happening)

niggers start looting

looting niggers get shot

And then the cops use their freed up resources to go after anyone defending their property.

Cucky_Sanders ago

niggers start looting and riots

not sure how this hasn't been more of a thing yet

WyattMale ago

Because the average american negro is a coward, unless he can attack from behind, or in overwhelming numbers.

Given the cover of a large protest/riot, they'll undoubtedly seize the opportunity.

Phonygoy ago

Except most of the people chanting boogaloo think diversity is strength. Thats why boogaloo is toothless, cuckservatives have been jewd to the point of impotence.

GrizzlyDark ago

nigs not affected, already on welfare

blumen4alles ago

The jews created this situation to benefit from it. They control the media, they are the puppeteers for the mass hysteria. People going into hospital waiting rooms and ripping the hand sanitizer off the wall. People clearing out stores of toilet paper.

This is their PLANdemic.

GothsInksTattoo ago

How about not saying "nigs". That's fucking racist as hell bro.

mf1776 ago

He should definitely say "niggers". Shortening it just isn't as clear. That coon niggers all deserve to hang next to their kike owners.

dan_east ago

Title makes it seem like the poster is a boasting kike. Could be wrong, but....

Drstrangebeard ago

nailed it. its all about the land and properties. but its not the fucking jews, you idiots. its those who say they are jews but are not. revelation 2:9

DexterM1776 ago

If you're smart you don't rent to niggers.

watitdew ago

The trick is pulling that off without getting slapped with a crippling disability lawsuit. Also don't rent to fats they rock back and forth to gather the momentum to stand up from the toilet and cause massively destructive plumbing issues.

DexterM1776 ago

I good way is to rent to people with high credit scores. You have to jew up your application.

watitdew ago

There's plenty of shit you can do besides that. "Yeah I want to know your previous or current address," then do a drive-by to check out the condition and look up the owner and give them a call. There was also a guy who built a fantastic section 8 empire by telling people who applied "Yeah, cool, I'll let you move in but first I want to go to where you live right now and see what its current condition is." Anyone who says 'no' is an easy dismissal, anyone who says 'yes' is probably a clean and responsible person and you can then confirm this.

vastrightwing ago

Come on. This like saying the sun is going to come tomorrow: easy to predict. Every disaster is opportunity to steal from taxpayers.

fritz_maurentod ago

Adidas just stopped paying rent in Germany even though they made billions in profit last year...

GreenSlug ago

If you are still trying to collect rent while everyone is mandated off work, you deserve to die.

mf1776 ago

Yeah! So you own a few rental properties. Just go get another couple jobs to cover those mortgages, you fucking inbred! Those poor renters! Lose your entire portfolio to the banks, loser! Die faggot! Also banks should be protected. They should collect mortgages. Renters should definitely not pay. I see nothing wrong here.

GreenSlug ago

Mortgage is just rent for retards that overextended themselves. So go fuck yourself you kike

mf1776 ago

You are financially illiterate. Likely a nigger considering the stupidity of your comments.

  • You're promoting rent-nonpayment, getting nigger renters to allow jew banks to take property for free.
  • You believe people should be paying cash for homes, causing them to waste money paying rent for years while collecting enough to pay for a house.

Only a true nigger would be so dumb.

Guess it's not a problem when the gubbamint is paying your rent. Right, nigger?

GreenSlug ago

You expect you (an obvious butthurt kike landlord) to have a guaranteed by the government source of income during a state of emergency when American workers, whom you make your money off of, are mandated out of work through no fault of their own. I would have said your fellow citizens, but a kike fuck like yourself has no place in America.

If you as a landlord cant have the understanding that we all must collectively tell them that no one is collecting anything right now, no ones getting a pay check, so no ones gonna collect rent, or collect bills. Period. Dont like that, then everyone gets back to work.

But noooooo, you fuckin slimy kikes just GOTTA keep sucking the blood of the workers you survive off of. Never mind everyone else has no choice but to be unemployed for the moment, you've gotta get yours, and everyone else be damned.

Go fuckin gas yourself you waste of fuckin flesh

mf1776 ago

Poor assumptions. I'm not a jew, just a dude with a massive cock.

If you want to make that argument you start at the top with the banks who hold the mortgage notes. If banks are still requiring payment, landlords have no choice. Only a retarded nigger thinks it begins & ends with the "big strong landlord".

GreenSlug ago

A massive clit maybe. You want to be a sellout piece of shit, go for it. Youll just be another corpse at the end of the reformation.

Youve decided to be on the side of the banks, and against the average person. You are a disgusting kike

philmchawk ago

Stop being a dumb nigger you already can 10k as a small business if you aren't retarded. Stop spreading misinformation shlomo..

PhilKDick ago

Aren't most slum lords jews?

GreenSlug ago

And hence the downvotes and the kvetching over people saying you shouldnt charge rent when everyone is mandated off work. Fuck the renters though is the kike state of mind, they should have saved money so they could keep payin! What!? The landlords should have saved their money so they could keep payin their mortgages then also by that logic!? No way! Those poor defenseless slum lords!

Fuck landlord kikes. Renting out property should be outlawed anyways, it damages society. Hope they all starve and die

kingssman1 ago

i wouldnt want a bunch of homeless niggers running around.

it be like that india city that was overrun by monkies looking for handouts

Drunkenmoba ago

No, the nigs now have places they cant get evicted from. This sets up a homebase for the looting.

Chimp out coming.

totallynotFBI ago


Drunkenmoba ago


watitdew ago


Broc_Lia ago

Antifa useful idiots cheer the evil landlords getting stomped. Rental gets more corporate and less personal, big companies don't give a shit about you and have no meaningful relationship with you.

"Capitalism has failed!"

metricisokay ago

Real estate is a special case related directly to banks. Banks are almost entirely backed by real estate that's why the market always grows until it crashes hard, then the government bails out the banks. This has happened over and over and over again. Real estate is not a free market, it's heavily socialised.

This bailout isn't related to the banks, so it isn't just the same thing at all. Nor real estate. People are still expected to pay rent, including rental properties owned by businesses.

The wording of the bailout (at least the first 2 trillion) is distributed equally across businesses of all sizes small and large. Large businesses get more because they're larger but it's proportional. I don't think it could be more fairly or simply structured.

The rest of that 4 trillion of the bailout I don't know what's going on with it. Some enormous amount of it is going to the airlines I think? I fucking hate airlines.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

One of the most blatant ponzi schemes out there is how the entire banking system (including pensions, 401k's, and other "investments") is run through loans for houses, cars, etc. It's blatant, because an incredibly small percentage of the American population has the ability to grasp even the fundamentals of finance and economics, let alone something so complicated as this:

Let’s begin with the mortgage process. A borrower goes to a Mortgage Originator to obtain a mortgage. Once closed, the loan is handled by a Servicer, which may or may not be the same company that originated the loan. The borrower submits payments to the Servicer, however, the Servicer does not own the loan, they are simply maintaining the loan. This means collecting payments and forwarding them to the investor, paying taxes and insurance, answering questions, etc. While they maintain or “service” the loan, the asset itself is sold to an aggregator or directly to a government agency like Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FHLMC), or Ginnie Mae (GNMA). The loan then gets placed inside a large bundle, which is put in the hands of an Investment Banker. That Investment Banker converts those loans into a Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) that can be sold to the public. This shows up in different investments like Mutual Funds, Insurance Plans, and Retirement Accounts.

Basically, the "banks" just push papers and collect fees for a loan that is packaged and then passed on to a Government controlled investment holding company, REIT, etc. Cars and houses are almost all done this way.

It's all a house of cards, which is why any small disruption has huge tidal waves of effect.

zxcvbnasdf ago

There's a reason that the jews hid Alan Greenspans thesis from the public. It's because the entire thesis was on how the FED could create a bubble in the housing market to crash the economy.

Not that anyone gives a shit..

agitatedwhiteguy ago

It's not that nobody gives a shit, it's that Americans are completely ignorant of the complex systems that make their world work, and allow them to buy shit delivered within 2 hours from Amazon, their next iCrap, their ObamaFlix subscription, etc.

American's may not be stupid, but their laziness and lives of luxury devoid of most threats have allowed them to become fat, lazy, and complacent enough that they no longer care as long as their luxury continues.

Luxury always continues.. until it doesn't. You are now here.

zxcvbnasdf ago

The fact that I've been mercilessly attacked for pointing this out for decades now has my patience worn completely through.

The fact that POTUS spouts the exact same talking points as the Democrats, except he actually does it (look at how much I love jews, blacks, asians, and hispanics! they're doing so much better! Ignore that white people are failing and dying, they don't matter, blacks are the future! Fuck women staying at home! Look at how good I did getting them into the work force! Happy passover to jews! Oy vey Christians look how good the economy is on Easter, pray for it!) literally has me not giving a shit what happens.

It's all so fucking evil and disgusting.

This is the world we live in. Magical spells have been cast, and no one wants to actually address them head on, because it's "hard" and you'll be called bad names. And people are just now realizing we live in clown world?

Honk honk.

GrizzlyDark ago

That and it's like a never-ending pummeling. Even when trying, its very hard to keep up with every way we are being fucked, let alone do anything about it. Then they hit the "Normie" blackpill of, "Ah fuck it it's all rigged anyway what the hell can I do about it" and just go on living life relatively comfortably.

Draco777 ago

"Normie" blackpill of, "Ah fuck it it's all rigged anyway what the hell can I do about it" and just go on living life relatively comfortably.

UN, EU, World Bank, IMF, NATO, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc. Welcome to the Matrix. Where we are traded commodities for whatever you want to call the Lord of This World.

Gimmedat ago

If no one is paying rent on rentals, why would anyone, even jews, buy them up? Why would you invest into something with a guaranteed 0 return?

Sitting on them for 6 months with no rent should not break you. If it does, you would have failed eventually anyway.

undertheshills ago

It's not permanent they're canceling evictions for one month and the rent is due later. Anyone teetering on the edge is going to fail. I could take off 18 months without a problem if I wanted. But I'm not a nigger or a sheep so I'm working through the shut down until someone forces me to stop working at gun point.

mmabouncer ago

You have no idea how real-estate investing works.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Your supposed to put 15-20 percent away to cap ex and vacancy for this exact reason. Maybe it's you who doesn't know how it works.

mmabouncer ago

You watch an infomercial?

Gimmedat ago

why don't you go back to watching men get sweaty while touching each other. faggot.

cosMICjester ago

Thank the stars my father in law owns a store front that has a Miracle Ear & a state affiliated job finding/career builder outfit. Two businesses that are guaranteed to be paying the rent.

cosMICjester ago

Someone downvoted my comment??? Friggen AHOLE doesn't want my kin collecting rent from property they own. Heck the poor sap was already crowbarred into closing the banquet hall he owns on threat of losing his liquor license by the state of PA. Hey downvoter get the kung-flu FUCK OFF & DIE!!!!!

Gimmedat ago

people here like to pretend they're better than redditors. It was at one time, but the last couple years it has slid downhill as more redditors migrate here and bring their petty behavior with them aka downvoting because someone has a beef with you or disagrees with you.

cosMICjester ago

I never down vote cuz that just shows the troll u read their BS. I'd rather them take a goose egg cuz they're pining for attention. I was actually just kidding around & don't care about the dopey points. Never did the reddit bit was a LiveLeak guy till the heeb rat Hayden went full censor stormtrooper & froze my account after I had cultivated a crew of like minded individuals over almost a decade of commenting. Like I said I was being facetious. The real joy of these sites is finding a witty smartass who can come up w/ a hilarious retort based on whatever the topic so we all get a laugh. I generally try my damnedest to do this but usually fail miserably. Ta-ta

DanaNordic ago

This scheme has been played out repeatedly in large urban centers decade after decade.

Gimmedat ago

Thanks for re-emphasizing my point that there is no excuse.

DanaNordic ago

Can't say it is emphasizing your point, only that it is a recurring pattern. A much smarter person than I can explain how it becomes economically advantageous to buy up these properties.

Gimmedat ago

What I'm saying is that those people ought to be able to learn from history, and have some kind of savings to endure hardship without having to sell all of your assets. What you said is that this has happened before, if people are too dumb to realize this, then like I said, they would have failed eventually anyway.

DanaNordic ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

Just like what Jews did to Germans in Weimar.

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Rottenmonkey ago

The rest of us are just unfortunate plebs!

8_billion_eaters ago

Are you suggesting that the Jewish Cabal community that controls our government is trying to harm White people? You do know that's anti-Semitic, right?

Smallest_Skil ago

rent to nogs get cooned.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Even funnier in all the deep blue States where you're often forced to.

Smallest_Skil ago

yea those places suck.

KLDB ago

Are you ready for it?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This is what appears is happening. I would imagine it is what sparks the revolution. all politicians are scum.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Ain't the Fed loaning money to (((other bankers))) at zero percent interest? Meaning they can take out a loan, buy up all the property they want, and not have to worry about any hold backs.

privacy_first ago

Yeah, likely

Since Europe enacted "banks bail-in" it was absolutely and totally clear that current politics is against the people

Sadly, normie, do not understand, but they will be screwed anyway.

Doglegwarrior ago

I hope you are wrong i am about as small time as it gets as a land lord. I have 7 total units. 5 in 4 plex that has one all bills paid effciency thats off the grid kinda. and a duplex. i just bought a warehouse gonna make it into 3 units with a 4th unit that is all bills paid as well could be an air bnb. only thing saving me is my main house is really nice great area and renters have jobs that they keep getting paid. my duplex has one crappy side and one fixed up side but renter just moved out so renting it during this time might be more difficult then usual.

I should be ok but if 2 people freaked out and moved out id be pretty fucked unless the bank didnt force me to make payments.

i would never sell though id go to the grave fighting and i think worse case i could get renters in by loweing rent as much as possible and paying the difference out of pocket. also plan B for me i could divide my big houze into condos and sell one to get enough money to survive

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

No offense, but if you've leveraged yourself out that far with only 1 or 2 houses, then you deserve to lose it.

maaaxheadroom ago

Well you’re talking about most property owners

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

I know. I honestly have no sympathy. If your brain can't imagine a worst case scenario and plan for it at least for half a year then what good are you?

ichlibejuice ago

That's a risk in itself. If you keep a high overhead, you're not investing as much as you could in growth which is more profitable over the long-term than being safer.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Until you lose it all. If we could see the future I feel like that'd be great advice. The older I get, the more peace of mind I like to have.

I'd rather have a couple years of fuck you money on hand than a high risk investment at a peak market. After everything bottoms out I'll definitely be picking more things up.

hang_em_high ago

That seems pretty reasonable to me. It could be a new HVAC, roof, or anything.

Kesagiri ago

Wouldn't you have to be extremely conservative to plan for a black swan even like this one?

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

With my rental I put away 20 percent of what I take to savings. Something is always fucking breaking so I save for those moments. Someday I imagine the tenets will move out and who knows when I'll get a new one. The 20 percent over the 8 years I've been renting has left me with what looks like a fat chunk of cash, but in another 10 when the roof is due, it won't look like shit.

If you're not planning conservatively with unknowns (like people who rent) then you're gonna get fucked by the smallest disruption.

maaaxheadroom ago

You’re not wrong, it’s just they’ll drag the rest of us down with them when this motherfucker burns. Part of me is looking forward to it.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

The SBA loans direct from the treasury are already only applicable to public companies and/or private companies willing to dilute their ownership as collateral to the loan.

This essentially turns the US Treasury into the same parasitic vampire as the Peoples Bank of China - where the Central Bank has ownership of small business, and thus gives more money than would otherwise be acceptable from a traditional risk analysis perspective, because if the business fails the Government collects the assets, meaning the Government now has a vested interest in the business failing in the first place since they get the assets when the business goes under.

This is all pretty nightmare dystopian, all things considered.

Computergeek01 ago

That's a bit too idiotic even for the US government. The amount of micromanagement it takes to make one of these small rental businesses run is insane. Most of them aren't even making minimum wage at least a few months a year. Meanwhile the Feds can't even keep HUD above water and they know it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh well.

DeltaBravoTango ago

If they didn’t get a stake then there is a moral hazard involved. The government shouldn’t just hand out free money, there should be strings attached. That encourages behavior that requires bailouts. I never thought about the incentive for the government hoping the businesses fail, though.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

It's even more troubling since all of these programs are run by jews.

VoataoV ago

Where did you read that the SBA Covid-19 loans and grants require dilution of ownership as collateral vs the usual asset collateral? I reached out to my local SBA office and the information on the process is different than what you're proposing.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Can you provide the details? I've done the SBA process for two companies already.

VoataoV ago

No collateral under $25,000 and above $25,000 to $2M, the usual 15% of assets to cover the 15% portion of the loan not guaranteed by the SBA

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Does the sub $25k not still require a personal guarantee? That's collateral without calling it collateral.

VoataoV ago

No it's unsecured.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

How many (proportionately) do you believe will actually need less than $25k in working capital? I haven't seen any that low.

VoataoV ago

Most small business. From:

Small businesses with no employees have an average annual revenue of $46,978.

The average small business owner makes $71,813 a year.

86.3% of small business owners make less than $100,000 a year in income.

Small business owners who are self-employed by their own incorporated businesses made a median income of $50,347 in 2016.

awildbanannaphone ago

I'm sure those assets will be used inefficiently.

Side note were either been saved or supremely fucked. Guess we'll find out soon enough

slowcrash101 ago

It means state enforced price controls.

ALIENS2222 ago

You will know when we are returned to a literal interpretation of the original constitution including a gold standard, allodial title land ownership, tiny federal government existing ONLY in DC. All federal lands and property returned to the states or to the people. Stand down and breakup of the. Military and its assets returning them to the people and a stand up of citizens militias. That are local.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

You're dreaming

ALIENS2222 ago

The alternative is the utter darkness of communism. A nightmarish existence. I don't think there is another road. There could be but I don't see it. Where we are at now leaves us looking at extremes. There will be no middle-ground. Never again. Pick a side because we are going all the way to one side or another. I have made my choice.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

As have I, and what you say, sounds like a dream. I highly doubt anything like that happens, but I can dream.

The global military-industrial complex will make the Earth a glowing orb of magma before they give up power.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

If I'm a Government "bank" you come to for money, and instead of being obligated to make sure you have a sound business plan so I get paid back, I'm instead motivated by giving you more money than you need (or that the risk justifies), while at the same time hoping you spend it unwisely and the business fails so that I can collect the business assets, and whatever assets you personally have that were used as collateral for the business in the first place.. well, that, sir, is tyranny.

Even if I virtue signal that I'm doing it to save the economy, if both the structure and the inevitable outcome are in my interest and completely fuck you over, then that is still tyranny.

Draco777 ago

You mean "Government" bank*. The Federal Reserve is in not a Governmental body but a private bank.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Trump's recent actions appear to have (at least functionally) merged The Federal Reserve Bank and the US Treasury.

Who's going to win out that power struggle? Probably the jews, on either end.