tratakat ago

This is the main reason I despise most of them really. They believe they have a God-given mandate to say how the World should run. And everything they create they infuse with their views about how others should behave. The narcissism is really extreme.

Sanpa33 ago

Once they turn whites into faggots,cucks, and coal burners, there will be no one left to oppose them.

ShoeShineJoey ago

The nose-gang at it again

Rand01 ago

I have resisted......I grow weak

ScottMAGA ago

Where was this published? I would like to see the original source and context. Is this just some no-name jewess, or does she have a paying audience?

bfriend13 ago

In the New Yorker. Her name is Emily C Bernstein.

ScottMAGA ago

Thanks. I can't find a clean copy (without the red circles). I want to use it for homeschooling.

FantasticHamplanet ago

Ew :[

sneaksnek ago

you misspelled goys

voatuser1128 ago

Surprised she didn't get the standard nose job at 16 like most Jewish girls.

voats4goats ago

JESUS H CHRIST! (Hoses down phone with purell)

Animals9 ago

And big broad shoulders. That is not a woman, but is certainly a jew.

MaunaLoona ago

Can't hide the adam's apple.

Drunkenst ago

⭕️ K dog’s?

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Not any more.... I'll only set my black friends up with jewish girls from now on.

RockmanRaiden ago

Agreed. Imagine not treating these kikes as bioterrorists


Bernstein, lol, its everywhere, all jews must be exterminated as fast as possible

ComfortablyCaucasian ago

White lady buying buns and a black guy buying pornos.

This is more like something posted here.

biscuitrage ago


wuzizname ago


Heathcliff ago

Make the woman black

Make the man white

Change the hot dogs to kosher salami

Then see what kind of reaction it gets.

fightknightHERO ago

Only a kike would be low enough to breed a nigress

ALIENS2222 ago


illuminalto2 ago

fucking fantastic

rabbi_yitzhak ago

Aww. poor little limp dick white boy feeling insecure that your women prefer more virile men?

Go back to jerking off to My Little Pony and japanese cartoons kek

bfriend13 ago

You're a rabbi Tiny Duck?

maaaxheadroom ago

Hey rabbi, you got some forskin stuck in your teeth

StandswithanAR ago

name checks out.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

This is the weirdest larp ever. What are you doing?

boystosoys ago

getting the goat boomers all stirred up

letsgoallthewhey ago


Chuga ago

People are way horney right now. Eve. Level 4 could easily get some right now. Dont let the madness take you.

ZKX ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Every last jew is an evil demon from hell here to pervert Gods white chosen people.

Slipstream ago

They can't help themselves.

NakeFews ago

He will rape and murder her. Just ape things.

SearchVoatBot ago

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gerberlyfe2 ago

Jews are getting pogrom'd soon.

New-World-Ebola ago

this anti-white race mixing shit by the jews is so relentless and so pervasive, i think it's more than fair if we just call it open season on the cunts.

PlatosCaveman ago

I swear I remember this one being inked by BernSTAIN. Miscegenation Mandela Effect is a fucking bitch, man.

Chad88 ago

Hola mr fed how are you today?

New-World-Ebola ago

bye shlomo

HatefulSaxon ago

Any anti-white race mixing billboards you see should be sprayed over or put a sticker on there saying 'This is the Kalergi Plan' or 'Google the Kalergi plan.'

Or like other people have said, put one saying Jews love black guys on it and watch the kvetching on social media take place.

KLDB ago

This Message is Kalergi Plan Approved

Trust the Kalergi Plan.

New-World-Ebola ago

or a big star of david with $ signs

KLDB ago

They stole that star like they stole everything else.

Splooge ago

We all know what the (((author))) is trying to do here, but in terms of countering the propaganda, there are options. For instance, LARP as a normie, post it and praise it for '"breaking down barriers to jewish/african relationships." There's nothing explicitly telling us that's a white female, so just insist that the author is promoting nigger-fucking for the yentas.

clubberlang ago

All I noticed were the sheboons fighting in the backround

gosso920 ago

How do you know that's not a Black Jew, you anti-Semite??!!

Splooge ago

Oh shit!! Ya got me!

Time to release a PSA: Hey niggers, if you convert to judaism, you can have all the hot yenta action you want! If you're a kike, kikesses can't turn you down! All of the hot heeb action you want with none of the annoying struggle snuggling!

moarzor ago

This is too good. I need to memorize comebacks like this to really throw off the NPCs.

voatusernamevoat ago

could follow up with:

Bhavv ago

This is epic.

fightknightHERO ago


they're literally THIS untermenschen that they just fully exposed their hypocrisy

for all to see

bless you for this huge redpill anon

kammmmak ago

Taste the salt jew

jimibulgin ago

Always accuse your enemies of what you are doing.

Splooge ago

Precisely. Maybe start a trend, like "JLBM" for "Jews Love Black Men." Something like that, turn the tables on them. The goal isn't necessarily set in concrete, but I think it's worth showing normies the dissonance in position. Far too many still fall for the shapeshifting.

Skipberry ago

I don't get the meaning of this picture.

gosso920 ago

The Black man likes looking at the White woman's buns.

The White woman craves the Black man's hot dog.

murface ago

The white girl's got buns, and the nigger's got hot dogs.

One step further: the white women's about to have her vagina be ravaged by the black dick.

One step further: Interracial is the way to be goy

voatusernamevoat ago

Ah, I had given up trying figure out that is was hot dogs.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That little burnt hotdog animal nigger dick and got shit on my big white coffee table cock.

BrmBrm_ ago

You know size of the dick is correlated with IQ right?

Compare iq's of Niggers and Chinks/Japs and everything will be clear to you

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Horse shit. Lemme guess: A jew made up this study??

ChiCom ago

One step further - another government dependent single mother with goblin children with self esteem issues.

Slipstream ago

Concurrent step : baby daddy is in prison.

streetlyte ago

One step further - it was written by a Jew because of course it would be.

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

One step further: she's going to end up with 3 black eyes and get beaten for years until she ultimately gets killed by the jungle monkey

Broc_Lia ago

It's implying a white woman and a black man find love in the midst of chaos. Not pictured: he beats her and leaves her alone with a niglet and no child support.

voatuser1128 ago

leaves her alone with a niglet and no child support

Wrong. Welfare programs for single mothers will take money from men she spurned to give to women like her to raise more niglets and then once this niglet grows up and goes to jail will get free housing and food for the rest of its life.

New-World-Ebola ago

there's something i hate more than niggers.... whites who think race mixing is normal.

there's nothing worse than a fucking traitor.

Broc_Lia ago

I find it hard to blame them when it's normalised constantly in the media.

Honestly I was surprised to discover that the US isn't mostly mixed race judging by the output of pedowood.

New-World-Ebola ago

so if the media shows paedophilia and murder all the time then that would be normal too? cool story.

Broc_Lia ago

It probably would, yes. That's what they're pushing for.

HKob ago

I have a 25 year old cousin with a black mixed guy and she had two babies with him and says her daughter looks exactly like her. I don’t know how she thinks that because they don’t look anything alike. And she says racism causes her extreme offense because she has beautiful mixed children. They broke up for awhile, then she got pregnant again and they ended up back together. Then my cousin, 23, is with an Asian looking mix and feels the same. Says if anyone says anything racist about the corona virus in front of them, she will “punch them straight in the face.” I’ve got one girl cousin left. She’s got a white boyfriend but she’s 16, so we’ll see how she turns out. I have hope for her though because, unlike the other two, she didn’t grow up in a single mother home. Crossing my fingers she doesn’t become another tattooed race mixer.

New-World-Ebola ago

sounds like a target rich environment for eugenics

Splooge ago

The problem lies not just in whites who think coal burning is normal, but the average goy who simply accepts whatever propaganda tells them. Nigger-fucking is merely one of the most prominent effects of this susceptibility, but it's not the only area of life affected.

For instance, there are far too many goys who believe that every modern long gun is fully automatic and extremely easy to handle based on what they're (((shown))) in movies. Oh and it's easy to get them, they're everywhere.

con77 ago

you got that right

dirt_reynolds ago

Would you expect anything less? I'd be more surprised if it was two whites.

sane ago


Almost 90% of my TV commercials with a couple not fighting, are a white woman and loving black man, occasionally the reverse.

The TV ads are all promoting race mixing , constantly!

Who is behind this?!

puggy ago

Looks like a cartoon from the New Yorker magazine which is the ultimate NY liberal rag