capnflummox ago

$100 he has a podcast that advertises for a places like "bet on line a g"...

Gunk ago

Charlie Kike.

Smokybubbles ago

But niggers bouncing balls!

BalfourYourFace ago

I just hope they cancel Coachella. PLEASE CANCEL IT!!!!!!

19810708321b ago

Kirks face is an overreaction.

phillyjoe ago

Oh I get it

He is a sock puppet like that over the top SJW girl.


Gitmo_money ago


ScottMAGA ago

"robbed thousands of students of their dreams"

Students? There is nothing scholastic about niggerball.

itssomatic ago

Does he subcontract out to Pajeet or Pedro for his punctuation?

Buff_Awesome ago

God, that guy is such a tool.

GlowWorm ago

Charlie Kike ✅

Doglegwarrior ago

i agree they shouldnt have cancelled anything the economic damage is going to be the worst aspect of this entire thing and some one needs to be held accountable I see some massive lawsuits in the futute. fuck these over reacting dimwits

123456788 ago

The more I see and hear Charlie Kirk, the more I realize how fucking jewish he is.

Candace Owens also said that she thinks Charlie Kirk is the most intelligent person she's ever met.

I was a disbeliever for so long, but I'm really starting to think any well known conservative is controlled opposition. Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro. Fuck man, this black pill hurts.

shillaccount3344 ago

Anyone getting media attention is paid.. paid = money = you know who.

ScottMAGA ago

any well known conservative is controlled opposition

Well yeah, or genuine but not functionally different.

Rockfish1000 ago

What will we do without our African Tree Hockey?

whipcracker ago

Im sure he could get a group of nogs over for some in person cock sucking.

ratsmack ago

This is the guy that wants to flood the US with 60 million migrants... the guy should kill himself.

NiggadermCQ ago

Not muh niggerball

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Most zionists are avid sports fans. Cohencidence?

edgydude69 ago

Just robbed a bunch of bike thieves of their only chance at a legitimate career.

New-World-Ebola ago

charlie kike*

SparklingWiggle ago

Is that sarcasm?

tanukihat ago

First they cancel Shemale Story Time, and now my precious apehoop? We're truly in the end times!

scoopadoop ago

Isn't Charlie Kirk a faggot?

Lamp_shade ago

Why do kikes love niggerball so much?

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

Maybe it’s not diverse enough? Not enough transbixenosexualez or whatever new term they’ve come up with today

Cat_anon ago

Serious question, Is he being sarcastic?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I hate that fucking cucked faggot

Reverse-Flash ago

You have just robbed thousands of students of their dreams. How dare you!

deportshitskin ago


You mean niggers.

Reverse-Flash ago

Actually I meant coalburners.

NotaQjackass ago

This means you will now be hearing "what a shame no Bball" from the Q davidians, Charlie Kirk is their leader and hero and they parrot whatever he says.

VeryToughMan ago

Boo hoo. Shit happens.

PraiseIPU ago

Cancelling of sports shows this is real and not a false flag

You can fool the masse. But you start fucking with the billionaires sports teams you know shits getting real.

The billionaires would not just go along with it if it were a conspiracy.

TemetNosce ago

I heard an actual quote from Marc Cuban today 3-13-2020 "Cancelled? The games? We have Insurance for that, right?"

Lamp_shade ago

Why would they care? The kike owners of these teams will still be getting paid.

gazillions ago

They'll be getting subsidies from your tax contributions for the time off. Their fans were drifting away because of their communist political bullshit, and what better way to get the numbers up than to take something away for a week or two and then give it back like a present just for you, because you're so special

It just isn't a determining factor in whether virus hype is being used to manipulate or not.

NotaQjackass ago

Agree call me shocked that they shut spectator sports down. I am open to any theories to what is going on here can these (((owners))) print the money anyways so losses will eventualy be made whole?

PraiseIPU ago

Though the Dow did go up 10% today.

$100,000 profit on every million dollars invested

Maybe that's why they are ok with shutting down sports

blackguard19 ago

I mean..... it is an absurd overreaction.

Sackajahweeda ago

I guess this twat waffle hasnt heard the news coming from the last nay sayer in the NBA that likes to touch mics...yeah he infected a team mate with his corona is a conspiracy touching. So yeah cut the fucking run wit da ball hyjinx for a while it wont kill you America in fact it might do the exact opposite.

englishwebster ago

more and more this person displays himself as the enemy

1Sorry_SOB ago

I wouldn't expect less from Charlie Kirk. Anyone know if its real?

cyclops1771 ago

Let's hold the event in Israel.

HST ago

The ultimate Blacked Jewess meme

BigFatDaddy ago

Could coronavirus actually be the death of Niggerball?

Are my prayers finally being answered?

Firevine ago


Throwing a ball into a ring.

Charilko ago

Our rodeo got cancelled. Biggest FFA and 4H event in the state. Kids in livestock projects depend on the auction revenue from their shows to pay off the expense of keeping that animal for 1-2 years, not to mention funding college. A lot of families got fucked by this.

Personally, I’m more concerned about my kiddos, but yes, let’s whine about college athletes who already have secure scholarships.

tokui ago

College system is a tuition racket. It needs to be booged.

Charilko ago

True. But these kids are still out 8-10 grand on a steer. That’s a lot of money for most of these families.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Tuition prices have sky rocketed for no reason other than to make children slaves to debt before their 21st birthday.

neuschwabia ago

Charlie (((Kirk))), pathetic.

gazillions ago

The creepy wikipedia "editors" have a page on Turning Point USA, Kirk's group, where they want readers to clearly understand they are to hate Charlie Kirk's guts for being an evil Republican, and they hate Turning Point and everything and everyone Republican. Fine but, they have NO page on Charlie Kirk himself, (who is supposed to be so important for their hatred and scorn) that page for the individual where one would expect to find the early life paragraph; facts that can be followed to find out whom exactly Kirk is.

invisiblephrend ago

hockey is still on because we're not a bunch of faggots.

CowWithBeef ago

I doubt that lasts another week.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Can't conserve borders or communities or cultures. Must conserve sportsball.

chirogonemd ago

I think his priorities are out of order, for sure. Basketball isn't high on my list. But he isn't wrong either. We're talking about a billion dollar event. But you could substitute other things, say all of the event centers in a state cancelling every event through mid-April. Or let's forget event cancellations, and just discuss the robotic paroxysm that seized every fucking retard in my local area and caused them to empty all of the grocery store shelves of paper products.

It's not just about basketball, it's about the domino effect of fear and how it moves through society. Less and less rational as it goes.

For the record, I fucking hate Charlie Kirk.

NPCGator ago

It just shows how easily people are fooled into panic mode.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Of all the things to be upset about....

Reverse-Flash ago

This is one of the most special sports events in the entire world. How dare you!

theHare ago

This is complete and utter faggotry.

TheSeer ago

Apparently the strategy (by 'us') is to let Charlie Kirk be the face of 'Young Republicans' for the next year or so, while we distance ourselves and try to create a separate brand for nationalism/conservatism.

This guy is an embarrassment.

Lavender7 ago

fuck off you fake

Reinhart ago

What a faggot


The circuses are going away. Is the bread soon to follow?

gosso920 ago

Let them eat cake.

ChiCom ago

Wait until he hears about drag queens being banned from proselytizing children. Reeeee!

Reinhart ago

B...but what if xe was based and loves Israel and America? MAGA has no gender reeeeeee!

Jaegerjaques ago

Can't be long now. Soon, our moment will come.

Reinhart ago

May we seize the moment when it does.

MrDarkWater ago

We are absolute fools if we don't.

What's the opposite of heroes?

noob_tube ago

Cowards, probably.

Reinhart ago

Works for me

MrDarkWater ago


fusir ago

Teach people that secession is natural. Perhaps in the chaos something new will be able to get its foot in the door. Back to monarchy perhaps? Psuedo-ancap monarchy? One that's woke on immigration?

If we're all cheering the same tune, in a crisis we might get it.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

You know exactly what is coming. The 1920s are coming again

fusir ago

And we failed to get a secession movement during that. Lets start pushing from the beginning.

Some of these states could be inside of a country without a federal reserve as we speak.

noob_tube ago

God I hope so. Nothing would make me happier than a real boogaloo.

uvulectomy ago

Be careful what you wish for. In a real boogaloo, pedo fucks like you would be among the first against the wall.

tokui ago

You're oddly anti-white.

noob_tube ago

I'd be worried except that boomers like you are all 60 and don't have any children to do your bidding, mostly because you waited to get married to a 40 year old fatty who fucked 100 niggers by the time you had met.

EyeOfHorus ago

At least he doesn't have any children you'd try to rape. Even if it were possible for a child to consent. Which it's not, you'd still be a pedophile. Easy target because absolutely nobody would care if you died.

noob_tube ago


This is why you're going extinct.

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EyeOfHorus ago

Except it's not sex. Its rape.

Reinhart ago

A real shot at resetting this broken country?

A man can dream...

Xmarduk ago

How dramatic. The irony.