binrobinro ago

Probably not single-color kids then.

mehwah ago

That would be nice to think... but I heard on freakanomics about how white rural folks are basicly taking up the non-married lifestyle

FoundingUncle ago

We can fix this with one law. Any father who spends 3 nights away from his minor children should be castrated.

mehwah ago

shit dude... YOU gonna cut the nuts off the marines on deployment? LOL JK

FoundingUncle ago

That is something I thought about. I would stop accepting married men into our military, then transition it to all drone ASAP.

mehwah ago

yeah... but have you seen 'Terminator' ???

Lol... maybe...

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

"Single parent tragedies"

mehwah ago

Yup... they pay, the kids pay, the rest of us pay....

binrobinro ago

Women can't commit to a relationship. They think they deserve "more".

mehwah ago

True, but they always did...welfare means they can get the state to play baby daddy

Boyakasha ago

Welfare and shitty divorce laws enable women to fuck around without consequence. When women are gel socially and financially liable for promiscuity, they start closing those legs quickly. Our media indoctrination of women isn’t helping shit either.

It’s all a coordinated effort to destroy families and to not hold women accountable for anything.

mehwah ago

It’s all a coordinated effort to destroy families

So true. But women do end up paying for their bad behavior- it just takes so long that , like a judas goat at the slaughter house, the others think they will be ok if they follow

james780 ago

well europe did empty its prisons into the usa to there will be alot of runts there

mehwah ago

They sent the convicts to Australia....the USA was settled by people who paid passage for the most part, while Canada did import poor UK people who came across at reduced rate

New-World-Ebola ago

if you think all the first Brits and Irish to Australia were convicts you know fuck all about history.

mehwah ago

I did not say they were ALL convicts... I am sorry you have issues with the written word.

Go back to your closet and pray for wisdom

New-World-Ebola ago

go pray for a deep fried cockroach with sweet and sour sauce you gook kike

mehwah ago

hahaha... You know they actually DO have yellow Jews in China?

You like the sweet and sour on your face?

New-World-Ebola ago

no shit, you are one.

mehwah ago

hahaha.. but how can a fag who cant communicate properly tell that from text?

New-World-Ebola ago

only you can answer these questions by looking into your own gay arsehole

mehwah ago

We are not ALL that flexible... I am sorry your dad bent you so far your hips went like that, but at least you can do tricks in the freakshow....

New-World-Ebola ago

filthy kike

mehwah ago

I know you are.... but you can change if you really want.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're a do nothing shitposting faggot.

mehwah ago

And your nothing but a shit eating fagot... but you could be so much more.

Seriously shit for brains.... I asked you to clarify what you were saying and your so fucking stupid you take it as a personal insult and start on my dad? Are you a fucking incel or an incest fag or what?

Dieboomer ago

That’s what happens when society decides whores are great

calfahul ago

"Single parent", eh? So, they're probably including a few widows and widowers in there, who are a completely different story. But, besides those cases, "single parent" means "single mother". There is essentially no such thing as a "single father".

mehwah ago

There are a few- kids raised by single fathers have, statistically speaking, better life outcomes

wgtt911 ago

78% of blacks are born to single mothers...

mehwah ago

True... and look what it did to THEM..... how long before those levels are across the board?

SexMachine ago

Planned parenthood was originally designed to prevent this. Needs to get back to its roots. This is why I'm not anti-abortion.

everef ago

Abortion is a great tool. Giving women the choice to abort or not is absolute madness.

hang_em_high ago

Wonder how many of those are nigger kids across the board. These numbers are an absolute joke though.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Actually, the single moms are married to the state. The public welfare system takes care of the kids, feeding them with pure behavioral programming, without any guidance, in public schools

SearchVoatBot ago

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mehwah ago

True... its kinda like Spartans....the first state-ists to actually create a state powerful enough to fuck up human nature to the point the men were violent fags who couldn't impregnate their wives unless the women dressed up like little boys

When the economy tanks and nature reasserts itself the scum and the weak will just die off naturally

Titanbikes4ever ago

I don't think the Spartans did any of that gay shit.

The jews liked to make everyone out to be as degenerate as they are and they love shit talking successful white civilizations/countries

Rottenmonkey ago

mehwah ago

You might be onto something about (((someone))) pushing degeneracy ... however the Spartans were unable to breed as a rate sufficient to stay strong... any people who have competitive boy flogging as a sport are somewhere on the ick scale IMO. They DID save Europe, but they also invented Socialism/fascism

People tend to fetishize the Spartans because of their power and bravery , but forget that they really were utter state-slaves. The athenians did the same thing... yet athens was just about as powerful with a crazy direct democracy that was always going wrong.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I would love to see sources on that.

I don't know sometimes how to separate the wheat from the chaff with historical records. It hasn't been a long time (3 or 4 years) since I discovered the extent of the misdirection, muddling of truth, and out right lies of jews and I'm definitely not that studied in Spartan history to really argue with you.

I just figure that anything to do with successful white culture that is painted with sick sexual fetishes and degeneracy is usually a lie made up by jews to make whites look as sick as they are.

mehwah ago

You may be right, but the classical world was pedo fag paradise because buggering a poor person or a slave made THEM fags and only being on the receiving end was looked down on.

Its been a while since I read that kind of thing, but really best way is to get books from the time.

You cant preserve western civ unless you know it and greeks n romans are the basement of our civilization- I'm just really glad we build some shit ontop of the slavery, killing people for Prime time entertainment, and faggotry

Plutarch's paralleled lives is a pretty fun book as I recall. free texts FREE Audio book version for your long drive.... some readers are better then others :)

I recall my surprise when I realized Platos republic was the first plan for a totalitarian shithole state run by Tecnocrats

Titanbikes4ever ago

I would prefer properly cited sources. But thanks for the book recomendations, I guess.

mehwah ago

Sorry.... I was talking generally on those.

My source on the simulated buggery on a spartans wedding day was a TV doc, done by a university proff, so as I said you could be right that its exaggerated. They were without doubt into buggery (as long as THEY were doing it) though, see it mentioned often if you read their books

Titanbikes4ever ago

Are you thinking of Caligula?

See, this is why it's bad to get your historical awareness from TV/movies. Lol, thats what my thesis was on (the historical inaccuracies in film that distort our history)

mehwah ago

NO, but TBH that movie (which was basic porn....) was all based on stuff that he reportedly DID DO he really was a sick turd who raped a woman on her wedding day and killed her husband, and Tiberius is reported in the sources to have abused babies ... you can read in the 12 ceasars about his acts- and Nero allegedly used to (in that book) bite peoples genitals disguised as a dog.

The distortion of reality via movies is very real- your right that they insert their version right into your brain via the screen because when you see you dont question like you would with a page of text

Titanbikes4ever ago

Yet you still believe it all...

mehwah ago

There is a world of difference between a documentry on a subject you know something about and a (((holy-wood))) movie..... that said I have read books written BY ROMANS about caligula and THEY would have made a movie like "caligula" about him.

There is plenty of sources from that time talking about the butt sex romans got up to, and they were not in any way anti pedo either- as long as the abuser was abusing a lower status person.

The doc about spartans was by the BBC I think but it was pretty on with everything else that I have read (true its not my main focus of study)

Oh... and best History Podcast on Romans begining to end of the western empire, is 'History of Rome' by mike Duncan.

His 'revolutions' podcast is much inferior but still interesting.

Climhazzard ago

Yep. They even tried to claim the NSDAP were all gay faggots.

Take a look at some of early anti-NSDAP propaganda. A little after the 1:00 mark the singer implies Nazis are gay with his falsetto voice.

Now they claim Nazis hated fags because fags are good now.

mehwah ago

The leader of the SA WAS a fag... Hitler killed him for political, not 'poking' reasons on night of the long knives

biscuitrage ago

Australia has 25 million people, and 900.000 single parent families. It's tragic.

New-World-Ebola ago

single cunts are the norm in Australia... society has been destroyed.

angryspin ago

The country needs a complete overhaul, I could fix it in 4 years.

New-World-Ebola ago

i could fix it in 6 months with lead

PaulNeriAustralia ago

we need a womb buy-back scheme. Money achieves mostly anything so why not use it as a behaviour-modification tool? The net savings would be enormous I would imagine. Just think of the social costs caused by one bad egg.

mehwah ago

Its the destruction of society... no society can stand when the % of thugs or whores get too high and nothing makes a thug or whore like a single mom

New-World-Ebola ago

if they have a dash of coon, nigger, sandnigger, kike, gook, curry or wetback... they're not White.

mehwah ago

By definition of the survey they are not mixed race... white people can get just as fked as niggers by single moms

New-World-Ebola ago

that's not the point i was making

mehwah ago

What was your point then?

New-World-Ebola ago

do you have the reading comprehension of an infant?

it's self explanatory.

mehwah ago

No, its not.

If a person does not understand what you are saying it is mostly your fault for not being clear

New-World-Ebola ago

that's some nigger logic you got there.

mehwah ago

Very leftist to project yourself onto others.... it was in no way clear if you were questioning the study or if you are going off on a tangent or whatever.

Sorry, but if your not clear in expressing yourself that is your failure

New-World-Ebola ago

i can't increase your IQ.

mehwah ago

True, but you should spend time working on your communication skills anyway

New-World-Ebola ago

spend time not sucking your dad's cock for once

mehwah ago

There you go projecting again.... I know its hard to believe that not everyone is an incest fag but its true.

Was being locked in your fathers closet the reason you never learned to communicate properly?

New-World-Ebola ago

you're the one with reading comprehension issues, shlomo.

magaloid ago

Are these actually white kids or are these 'white kids'?

fuckyourownface ago

My kids unfortunately are in this situation.

ruck_feddit ago

Came here to ask the same thing. We'll know once the little bastards start taking mug shots.

mehwah ago

I doubt they are (((White))) but it doesn't say mixed race

magaloid ago

I ask because Latinos pretty much always get counted as white in crime statistics even though they have their own designation.

mehwah ago

Hispanics have a section

magaloid ago

Which is why they should use it, but they seldom ever do.

mehwah ago

Shrugs... some hispanics look white because their mostly kraut genes, others look like paki's because their so brown. But I can only go off the chart

fightknightHERO ago

Single Mothers are the niggers of the white race

Literally-Oppressed ago

I heard that was Russians

fightknightHERO ago


AntiMason ago

Its the men.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Irish are the niggers, single mothers are cancer

BlowjaySimpson ago

How tall do we have to be to ride the ethnostate?

Zee Pure Bavarian Phenotype?

Titanbikes4ever ago

You must not know any Irish. Lol

Rottenmonkey ago

Do you like anybody?

Titanbikes4ever ago

"Like or hate" doesn't have anything to do with it.

Rottenmonkey ago

I want to prescribe to your doctrine.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I hate jews.

Niggers, asians, and people that are degenerate...well I know to stay away from them because I know statistically it won't add up to a fun time.

As for saying I hate someone or a group, it's usually just a visceral reaction, hyperbole, or frustration.

It's weird you used so many qualifiers. Is that what you think of those groups mentioned?

The Irish are the niggers of white people, but they're still white people. I've dated Irish men.

I don't hate whites, I want us to continue elevating civilization. There are no people from Mars.

Cannibalism is disgusting. I really only like to eat cows and chickens.

I would rather read Joyce TBH.

I don't like anyone that doesn't bath. But I don't hate them.

I hate jews.

Rottenmonkey ago

Bath is a noun

bathe is a verb


Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, that typo really threw you for a loop. I'm glad I'm not that shallow. Your link is broken, but I wouldn't click it anyway.

mehwah ago

So true...and they often breed more of their own kind

Rottenmonkey ago

Nice lady who eats Irish babies.

dekrak_pype ago

The fact that she's a single mother tells you everything you need to know about her decision making ability.

Fuhrer1488 ago

That is why I love having pattern recognition.

mehwah ago
