Diversity? Nazism? The front page is full of day one faggots. Where have you been? (whatever)
submitted 5 years ago by whatisbestinlife
whatisbestinlife 5 years ago
front page article one: https://voat.co/v/politics/3691530
front page article two: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3691600
anoncastillo 5 years ago
Eh, someone's gotta redpill the r/the_donald rapefugees.
when is level one over? when does voat go to level 2 where this beginner shit is common knowledge? it has to be soon
As long as there are newcomers some entry level shit will need to exist.
albatrosv15 5 years ago
What are you talking about?
whatisbestinlife ago
front page article one: https://voat.co/v/politics/3691530
front page article two: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3691600
anoncastillo ago
Eh, someone's gotta redpill the r/the_donald rapefugees.
whatisbestinlife ago
when is level one over? when does voat go to level 2 where this beginner shit is common knowledge? it has to be soon
anoncastillo ago
As long as there are newcomers some entry level shit will need to exist.
albatrosv15 ago
What are you talking about?