THSenior ago

Sounds like you’re a retarded pussy letting Jews and the jewtube raise your faggot of a kid.

SparklingWiggle ago

Sounds like you didn't read much of the post, troll. Go back to your containment pod.

MightoScrub ago

As a red head I am deeply bothered by it and point it out all the time. Its hard to argue against replacement theory when this example is so clear.

Cat_anon ago

Annie, Little Mermaid, what else?

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

I just watched a Winnie the Pooh movie last night with my son and thought it amazing that that hadn't replaced Christopher Robin, and how long it had been since I saw a white boy as a lead in any kids show.

I'm thinking when Disney signed the rights, there must have been some stipulation in there that they couldn't fuck with the characters.

kenzokenny ago

Pippi Longrapsheet.

lord_nougat ago

Gingers is an anagram for niggers

CaesarisAstrum ago

Paddys are pretty much the niggers of Europe. Unless you count maybe the Scandinavians cause their cultural golden age was just raping and pillaging n’ sheeiiittt

Tzitzimitl ago

not gypsies

oh no, its retarded

CaesarisAstrum ago

Ah you’re probably right. I try and drink just enough to keep the existence of gypsies perpetually outside of my train of conscious thought.

lord_nougat ago

They're worse because they are clever and cooperative with one another.

Tzitzimitl ago

then obviously they cant be niggers

J_Darnley ago

I wish to find myself in a position where I can use a line like "the casting director was dyslexic and misread the ginger character".

lord_nougat ago

I eagerly await this!


Please breed your white children with my white children thank you

TopTierCIAShill ago

Damn dude that's pretty autistic


I don't think you know what autism is

boekanier ago

Good boy!

Vc83 ago

Look at animated kids movies, then start counting how many villans are white or redheaded

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

There was another one somewhere of just redheads.

waringi ago

Holy shit, #15 is La luz extuinguzado

CaesarisAstrum ago

Not real fond of this one tbh. The fact that you have to scroll 1/2 at a time doesn’t give the impact of the collage type ones. Also I think insinuating Morgan freeman was blackwashng god as the second example is pretty flimsy.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

As far as I'm concerned, God is White.

CaesarisAstrum ago

I like to think god is well and above something as nominal as race relations. I would earnestly be embarrassed to waste allfathers time with such subtly unimportant things from a etymological perspective.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

God (capital G) does not have a gender, of course, but he is anthropomorphized in the Bible as our father so that he is more relatable to men. And in any representation of God, he must be White, not black. Jesus was White, and so is his Father. And Morgan Freeman ain't it.

FellowMan ago

Just outa curiosity, which movies did your kid notice the redheads being replaced in?

SparklingWiggle ago

The latest Spiderman.

KLDB ago

Hey man. want to do a remake of some Jewish holocaust movies with me and cast all of the Jewish camp attendees a POCS?

Gorillion ago

Man, they don't even allow movie camps to include faggots and gypsies, though it's well established they were all rounded up together.

The Holocaust is Jewish Turf. Other oppressed groups have to get their own Holocaust. That's why fags cling to the AIDS identity so hard, and even bug chase. The more AIDSy you are, the more untouchable your social status. It's their Foundation Myth to the Jew's Muh Masturbation Camps. Same playbook. Same algorithm, with the variables redefined.

jackfraser ago

You can try and get your own; it doesn’t work. Holodomor, Armenian genocide, etc - not recognized or at least certainly not taught in schools. No museums, no Remembrance Day, save maybe for the work a small group of Ukrainians are doing in Canada where they are working towards the above.

Still, having a victim/oppressor narrative be the founding mythos of your civilization is probably a fundamentally flawed approach towards building upward.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Other oppressed groups have to get their own

Nope. These groups are designed by the same group who designed the so called jewish identity as a cover for organized crime. They stick to whatever works for as long as it works and then cycle it over the span of generations. This crime enterprise is been going on for millennia; it's all fronts by now. One after another utilizing the tricks that worked to establish stronger fronts. Their lies are based on simple long as it sticks to the majority, the non-believers can be drown out or deceived into conflict with each other.

SparklingWiggle ago

Sounds like a plan. They should be American Indians just to fuck the jews a bit more.

maaaxheadroom ago

Do you have any reservations?

ShitLady_Sith ago


KLDB ago

Indian 1: hey chief, where is your cousin?

Chief: my cousin is in the oven...

anticlutch ago

full voat on them

It bugs me how people think voat is this redpilled placed. It's full of jews, libertarians, race-cucks, reddit faggots, trannyfaggots, Qkikes and glows. It's no more redpilled than anywhere else.

GhostCow ago

Try talking about the shit we talk about here using the language we use here anywhere other than RPG Codex or the chans then come back and tell us how quickly you got banned

smokratez ago

Whites would be colonizing the Moon in 2 decades and Mars in 7 decades.

But yes, eat broccoli and cauliflower.

It's not like you are a source of good information yourself.

anticlutch ago

rofl (((you))) dug for irrelevant bullshit to reply to me with? Terrible pilpul

Whites would be fucked without niggers.

The nose shows.

indole-3-carbinol is bad for you goy

Except it helps lose estrogen in males.

smokratez ago

Terrible pilpul

Where are you speaking jewish?

The nose shows.

I'm a white nationalist from Poland. No jew blood here.

Except it helps lose estrogen in males.

According to whom? Green tea has estrogen.

anticlutch ago

according to whom

Basic biology.

green tea has estrogen

Thus why anyone who drinks tea like a new hot fad is a faggot.

smokratez ago

You're a low iq inbred mongoloid.

mf1776 ago

Where else can you post this shit without getting banned?

anticlutch ago

implying that makes it redpilled

There are cities in CA that have banned 5g. Does that mean those cities/CA are redpilled?

mf1776 ago

Your incapability of logical though indicates are a nigger.

95% a faggot over 300lbs too.

SparklingWiggle ago

"Fatfaggotnigger" We may have a new greeting.

Vc83 ago

Shut up kike faggot, go say that on your kikebook or faggit

anticlutch ago

implying I have a kikebook

I see I've offended you. This place is near plebbit tier. I've been downvoted for letting people know Assange has been dead for years. Which is odd considering this place considers itself redpilled. I've been downvoted for mentioning how republicans are antiWhite, antiGun, antiAmerica etc. Which is odd for the same reason.

This is a containment website, and that's it. It's not redpilled in the slightest. There may be redpilled users here, but the website is owned, operated and contained by jewish interests.

Vc83 ago

Downvoted? Why are you caring about fake internet points

anticlutch ago

I don't give a fuck. It's something to point out and is an obvious pulse of the "community".

Derpfroot ago

There's dumb niggers everywhere. That doesn't mean it sucks here. Plus, some of those groups you'd want to have here so we can make them see the light and fully red-pill them.

SparklingWiggle ago

There's plenty of real valid information here. Jews are exposed. Niggers are called out for being niggers. The truth can be spoken.

The holocaust is a hoax.

wigson ago

The holocaust is a hoax.

And the holohoax has cost us.

New-World-Ebola ago

forget gold, invest in lead

Gorillion ago

Lol. Perhaps the true alchemy is that you can turn gold into "lead".

waringi ago

You can turn lead into gold too, niggers do it all of the time....

SpiritExpedition ago

Ah, that's what the alchemists meant: insert base metal(lead) into base race (nigger)=golden people and golden riches.

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm going to go throw some down range tomorrow.

New-World-Ebola ago

i'll say a prayer to Saint Tarrant for 0.5 moa

DamonAxemaker ago

All the redheads in the DC universe were replaced

Mary Jane in Spiderman- replaced

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

Not just that, DC's Starfire is another redhead.

But then Heimdall and Valkyrie were replaced by blacks too.

DamonAxemaker ago

I know, Starfire's one of the ones that was replaced. Wally West and I think another one from Flash were both blackwashed.

Did you notice how heavily altered Man-Ape was in the Black Panther movie?

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

While not a redhead (I think) Iris from the Flash as well.

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Titanbikes4ever ago

Why are you letting them watch that shit? It's behavioral programming

SparklingWiggle ago

They are old enough that the word "let" is not relevant.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Is everyone on here over 60?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I tell people I'm 72 so they can tell me I look good for my age.

blit416 ago

~ 2/3rds that

Phantom42 ago

No. A third that.

anticlutch ago

You're a shitty father.

dassaer ago

You re-shit farther ?? ...

SparklingWiggle ago

They're adults. And though I've noticed things for a few years, I was prettty much a regular mainstream person until about 5 years or so.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

When you say "children" and "kids" do you mean adult sons and daughters?

SparklingWiggle ago


toobaditworks ago

Spank them anyways.