Majorfatboy ago

American here... don't shit on England or Sweden. In the end these are our only allies. We must help each other.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why is it the entire fucking world can shit all over the U.S. of A and everyone goes along with it, but whenever Americans start shitting back it suddenly becomes uncool? I'm an American as well, and I've had internet access for a loooooooooong time now, and for the entirety of that time You want to know what I've had to put up with on the internet? The entire rest of the planet lying, belittling, insulting, and being complete fucknuggets to Me and My countrymen. and whenever an American protests, they get accused of "not handling the banter".

FUCK the rest of the planet.

You want Me, as an American, to stop shitting on everyone else? Tell everyone else to stop too. Especially the fucking british, which are easily the worse race of whites out there. I'd take germans over the fucking brits at this point, and germans are neurotic, autistic blockheads. I'd probably drop fucking dead if I ever heard a brit actually defend America on any subject, those snaggle-toothed jackasses hate Americans with a burning passion. Which is a shame, because I was pretty much raised on English television and used to hold the English as the gold standard for comedy writing. While other kids were watching Barney and friends, I was watching Dr. Who (the real one), Red Dwarf, Benny Hill, Etc. That's all gone now.

It's Britain and Sweden that caused this shit. In the past, it was Britain and Sweden and the rest who would accuse Americans of being "prudes" and "old-fashioned" because We didn't want degeneracy. Now that their poison has finally take hold in the U.S. they dare accuse us of being the corrupt degenerate ones. Fuck them, and fuck You.

Anonz55z ago

Internet Shills and IRL Shills aka Infiltrators are the main reason behind all infighting.

big guide:

CowboyXero ago

Sorry to tell you but, though I agree with you, look where you are.

Like Reddit, it's instant experts...just add internets...with different dresses on

GrizzlyDark ago

Thing with whites is we can call each other faggots and cucks and anti-semites in exposing the truth, we can do it back as we accept "yeah, we fucked ourselves didn't we". We can call each other names without chimping out, even finding the humor in our own misfortune. That's the beauty of us.

Sadly though, we are unoffended for centuries at a time - always thinking, "FUCK quit being annoying or stupid I just want to be left alone and earn mine". That's how we sit there and watch our country be over run by nigger invaders and by literally brain damaged democrats AND conservatives, while we just shake our head and hope somebody ends it all so we don't have to do the dirty work in the end.

ados ago

admit you're a filthy kike

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

There are too many of us who are weak and a liability, I'm not going to keep white people exempt from criticisms and hate because it's white people who are pro-cuckold, who are vegan, who are consumerist. Say what you will about niggers, they don't do that shit, and we should regard those of us who are weak as the constant reminder that even we can fall.

Places like England and Sweden seem like they're beyond redemption, but I assure you they're not. England is beginning to wake up and who knows what will be the straw that breaks the camels back for Sweden? I heard Germany is talking about leaving the EU.

Bhavv ago

Silly Mayo's, you let inbred shitskin wastes of oxygen like me in and give me free money to live on and a free house to live in kekekekekekekek!!!!

ReAwakened ago

You're not white. You're a jew.

Broseefus_ ago

ever heard of tough love faggot?

SubtleDissonance ago

I'm not your stepdad.

auchtung ago

Support them when they do right trash them when they do wrong.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago


Doglegwarrior ago

when fighting a war what is the most important thing? find the traitors amongst your ranks and remove them from positions of power and influence? so that white swede who showed up at welcome syrian refugee rallies who is the problem the real problem??? the jew that organized and paid for the ralley and the white usefull idiot dumb enough to show up and welcome in the invaders? think of it this way the syrians are snakes the snake that killed your son was just being a snake the jew that paid the white use full idiot to put the snake in your house??? well who is the problem in this picture? root problem the jew and his money... then the usefull idiot who does what the jew says then the snake? snake least of the problems.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Shame is the precursor to righteousness

Empathy is the reason we are in this mess

Whites must be held accountable THE MOST out of all races

Pussies need to grow up and understand that we’re in a big problem, not some round table HOA meeting about the neighborhood nigger

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I agree with Worf. The last thing we need to do is keep lying. We lie more than any other group of people I've ever seen(okay, maybe there is one that lies more). We talk at each other. We act like experts. When I was really sick a few years ago, I quickly hit my max co-pay. Then the different specialists I was seeing, the insurance would only cover X amount of every visit. What that means is you're left with the rest and once you get so much behind they just won't see you. You work. You have insurance. They'll roll your ass outside and leave you for dead. Almost every family member that would ask me about this, due to my losing 40lbs at the time, would tell me it wasn't true. They would make up a story about them or someone else that had the EXACT SAME THING happened. They would do all this shit, bring it up, just to be that way. They'd lie their asses off. Then when you called them on it, they'd get mad at you. Then when you weren't afraid of them after they raised their voice, they'd scamper off and campaign against you on social media. Everyone of them I got out of my life.. best fucking decision I've ever made. That's what we do. We fucking lie all the time. You see it in millenials that run around being snarky, every day hen pecking, treating everyone like shit.. zero or almost no friends.. pretending they have a lot of friends.. can't get a date.. pretending they have dating opportunities or a made up gf.. I remember when I had my 4th kid I was working in this office and everyone found out then was against me doing this for the environment. I just laughed and said 'hey man when you die your genetic line dies if you don't have kids. If you don't want any then good for you but I've never heard of anyone on their deathbed wishing they had less. ' Not a month later several guys are lying saying they have kids.. none of them had kids. None of them even brushed their goddamn teeth half the time and they certainly didn't exercise.. these are guys that made 40-80k a year. It's just like the old boomers that raise their voice, pretend they scare people, talk about how tough they are. You see it as their lives get more fucked, they just become pathological with it. They can't fucking stop.. lying about their veteran status, fights they were in, childhood traumuas.. all fucking day and the stories only grow into jack and the beanstalk type tales. A lot of them can't stop themselves from bitching or just talking all the time... like they cannot quit talking and lying. That is the biggest fucking problem.. stopping someone from lying to themselves. That's the biggest hump that we can't get over. Whether you're talking about diversity, Israel, the stolen valor I see in the workplaces, the snarky, condescending, bitch-like attitudes of whites, the way most of us gossip like little whores, how we love to bark like we're going to fuck someone up then tell on someone, how some of us set around angry or stay on the road angry looking just to kill someone we don't know.. and we usually target other whites with our aggression because we're scared of everyone else. .. I could go on.. lying to ourselves about our reproductivity rates, our own happiness, our place in the world etc. Fuck all that. People need to be called out on shit like this. Sweden and the UK need to be called out. We need to call ourselves on this shit.

BTW, if you think lying to avoid being put on lists, not get jobs, etc is going to help you.. it won't. The only way it will is if you are a goddamn good actor and can fit in convincingly with leftists and agree with them enthusiastically. It's getting to the point in most places where if you don't do that, regardless of whether or not you say a goddamn work about politics, you're the enemy. So either don't say shit, keep notes and get a lawyer or speak your truth but either way, keeping your mouth shut won't do a bit of good in most places now.

noob_tube ago

Stop infighting entirely. Until kikes are dealt with, quit focusing on niggers, femenists, muslims, etc. Finish kikes, then worry about everything else.

AgentSakura ago

Yes a lot have been brainwashed and victimized thanks to the progressive agenda.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Fuck England, fuck Sweden. Those cucks can put as many barrels in their mouths as they want. I'll support my country and my countrymen. It's about behavior and culture. Such a fagpost.

OutlawCountry ago

White women, and their cuck orbiters, are mostly the problem, without them, things would of never have gotten this bad.

Please, prove me wrong.

boekanier ago

No. You don't take into account the discrepancy between the left and the right. And what divide us is unbridgeable. The left is waging a cultural war against the right. They want to destroy everything that is sacred to the right. No man, no compromises with the white idiots on the left.

hhhappy ago

You've obviously never lived among WHITE TRASH. You fucking clueless simpleton.

SubtleDissonance ago

Grew up in Arkansas.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Mostly you need to tell the truth. And know what you are talking about. That's about it.

But Americans have no call to talk shit about England or Sweden. This joint is a mulatto studfarm. An absolute apocalypse. American cities are hazardous gene dumps. May they go to hell - where they came from!

SubtleDissonance ago

Those countries are just examples. We shouldn't be talking shit about or fighting with any whites.

goatsandbros ago

Not going to work, rabbi.

GeneralDisposition ago

It's not on our power to save the corrupt and the degenerates. You choose heaven or you choose hell. One has NOTHING to do with the other. You don't either. Can't make another persons choice for them. Ah, you'll learn the hard way.

SubtleDissonance ago

You talk about heaven and hell but Jesus would want you to try to help your brothers.

GeneralDisposition ago

Brothers in Christ. Others are given over to a reprobate mind because they hate GOD. We can't allow them to influence or change us.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

We only shit on white libtards who destroy their own nations.

SubtleDissonance ago

Help them instead.

Fuckyounigger ago

Bruh, you think the shit you are reading thats negative about white people is coming from whites? Its coming from (((whites))). Our team is mostly silent about what we do and will speak up when the jew tries to blend in trust me. But whenever you see this shit happening call the jew out who said it.

SubtleDissonance ago

I hope you're right.

Fuckyounigger ago

Just act yourself and don’t rely on me or anyone just do what you feel is correct

SubtleDissonance ago

Thanks, Fuckyounigger.

con77 ago

No. sweden dies

anoncastillo ago

Sometimes you need to give people shit to make them realize what they're doing is wrong.

SubtleDissonance ago

Shame can work. At the end of the day though we will need to help our European brothers. Their countries may be gone.

crazy_eyes ago

Shame is a great motivator

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Never allow nigger lovers back in. They are outcasts.

Gorillion ago


White men in charge.

End of story.

That's the deal.

Go live with niggers if you don't like it.

Also, this doesn't give degenerate, opportunistic and criminal white men a free pass either.

fightknightHERO ago

Pay the toll motherfucker

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You couldn't be more wrong. Socialization is one the biggest driving factors in people. To control/change someone's behavior you push their shame/praise buttons. The people in these countries need to be shamed so severely that they quit being cucks and take action against the cucks who refuse to change. Moreover, they need to take power away from the vagina lizards and kikes running things.

Being "nice' and "tolerant" is what got us into this mess. This must change now!

Phantom42 ago

Stop White infighting

Yeah guyz! Stahp! Just stahp LOL!

As if that's going to do shit. Welcome to your world! Please, enjoy it. I hope you fucking enjoy it.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

I think a good place for us all to start practicing this would be right here on voat.

crazy_eyes ago

we already are

El_Syd ago

Our allies don't change our immigration policy to bring in low IQ shitskins and take money away from our families to pay for their existence.

stromble ago

the only way to help sweden and england is to arm ourselves, sail over, storm the beaches, and rid them of the pedophile worshipers.

ALIENS2222 ago

Ok... So are spaniards white? How about someone who is native of Arizona named Juan Valdez? I'm a 'paper bag' test guy myself.

crazy_eyes ago

Do you mean hispanics? If so, then no

New-World-Ebola ago

Whites who breed with non-Whites are most definitely not our allies.

The whole point of the attacks is to shame and make people question what they're doing.

People aren't speaking to each other as much as they used to before the internet... and they're being CONSTANTLY bombarded with race mixing propaganda online and on tv. It's a fucking disgusting judaised world.

ratsmack ago

Wrong... white people that are traitors to their heritage and culture should be disparaged and shamed relentlessly.

Jujubean ago

Only if you prove through DNA that you're white and not crypto

Saltyhymen ago

You're not wrong but they need to be shamed.

Vrblpollushin ago

No. I appreciate your compassion, but in this case, its misguided. White women created this mess. With the help of the chosen people. If the men of those countries wint stand up, they DESERVE to fall. Forgiveness and empathy have been used to create this situation, anger and strength is the only way to fix it.

Paranoiaattack ago

Men had to hold a vote to give women the right to vote....right?

How the fuck did we lose that one???

Men of the past failed and gave power over to women. They need a strong reminder of their place in society but they're not completely at fault.

Vrblpollushin ago

Was it Anglo men that gave them the right to vote? Or was it fellow anglos? I'm not being a smart ass, I genuinely dont know.

Creggieb ago

The voting makeup of Congress or the Senate or whoever votes on amendments in the US was likely very white.

How many guys do you know who do whatever they are told by their woman, because they wont get sex without subservience. That guy, the sjw, and the "doesnt matter, had sex" guy are the likely culprits.

crazy_eyes ago

How many jews were in congress at the time?

Ocelot ago

Probably plenty of Shabbos goyim anyways. Remember that corruption always starts from the top; long before it was commonplace for shabbos goyim to walk among us, the houses of govt. were already stacked with them.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

You can't help them.

They will fight you to the death to protect their paradigm of white guilt and the oppressed people of color.

Save your self and be prepared.

klobos ago

If we didn't shit on them they wouldn't even know their countries are on the brink of destruction. Sometimes bullying works.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Do you really think the broken little boys on here give a fuck?

MBB ago

"on here".. you get that from reddit?

Titanbikes4ever ago

You must be one of them. Do you go on reddit?

Saltyhymen ago

Ok fag

Titanbikes4ever ago

I have never pretended to be man. This isn't an example of me being defensive. Leave it to some idiot kid to try and start a fight in the post that pleads for the fighting to stop. You're proving my point.

HillBoulder ago

Did one break you 💔

Titanbikes4ever ago

One what? I'm a woman searching for some elevated discourse but heaven ain't close in a place like this, too many edgelord idiots like you that offer nothing

HillBoulder ago

Wow, she's dumb too. Searching for elevated discourse, thinks voat is full of 'broken little boys, yet continues to frequent while bitching about it the whole time. You didn't need to tell me you're a woman, only women think in such a ridiculous, illogical manner.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, it is dumb to expect anything more from you, you're incapable

HillBoulder ago

Holy fuck 6 days later and that's the best you can do... I hope you are better at sucking cock than you are at whatever stupid game you're playing

DasReich ago

Fuck that. I'm supposed to ignore cucks and let them infest the rest of society?

spaceman84 ago

They're not our allies until they pull their heads out of their asses. They are dead weight and a liability.

gazillions ago

They aren't just dead weight, they're the fucking cause. These are the tax payer employees working with drug addicts and making a life of drug abuse more than possible, but comfortable for your kids, while they bank a life time career. They're the ones that keep voting for more homelessness and none of those homeless are chinese or muslim. They stand on those people and demand more immigrants to displace more Whites. "White people don't want those jobs" is all they have to hear to keep at their sickness, driving the wages down. They suicide rate of White men and boys is no joke, but they won't ever say one word about that. They've given themselves the ability to have new born babies killed on a whim because they're fanatical narcissists. It's global ethnic cleansing of Whites and the leftist voter is the enemy making it happen for the one percent - UN - oligarch talmud driven assholes at the top. They couldn't do it without the narcissism of the left supporting their plans.

People that are ethnically cleansing me are due for more than a punch in the head, white or not..


WRONG. You couldn't possibly be more wrong.

Whites need to hyper-focus on places like Sweden to expose the honest truth of what happens when a country follows the path that the marxists want to send all of us down. We need to identify and condemn their behavior, their policies, and their foolishness.

They did it to themselves. Saying we shouldn't talk about it because they're white is like saying "Oh no our brother committed suicide. We shouldn't talk about how or why he did it. We shouldn't talk about what the warning signs were and be on the look out for similar warning signs in the rest of our family. We shouldn't help each other to ensure our collective well being and mental health. These things would be disrespectful to our brother who killed himself."

Maybe they can fix it, maybe they can't. Either way, they are a warning to all the rest of us of what to avoid.

Zizara42 ago

Good point. Jewish subversion is only one part of the problem - they only have influence over us because there are those amongst us who have given them it. Part of brotherhood is being able to have that honest conversation about those failings.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

100% We can't pretend everything is hunky dory, that's how Swedistan and the caliphate of London have gotten as bad as they are. We have the gift of knowing where the train is heading, we've seen what has happened to these places and we can't squander it. Too many people think Europe is a paradise of fine chocolate, wine, canals, castles, efficient transit, free medical, prison conditions better than a wagies life in NYC.... They don't see the crippling tax, the death of property ownership, the nanny state and the bureaucrats lurking behind it all. So if we have to mock some sensitive Swedes than goddammit we will! We mock dems and Californians just the same, those fucks might as well be Eurocucks. Maybe if we keep teasing them they will do something about it even! Don't like it? poke Do viking things. poke Come on! poke

Grunge ago

IMO, they all must be ridiculed until the end of time, so it never happens again.

ALIENS2222 ago

I agree...

AnthraxAlex ago

England and Sweden are lost. If whites decide to fight back in America they will be in a decades long guerrilla style revolutionary war. The last thing we are going to care about is trying to help England or Sweden. Those two will probably be sending over ship loads of african soldiers to fight our revolutionaries.

crazy_eyes ago

Cut off power and transportation to the cities and it wont take decades, more like months

AnthraxAlex ago

Banker Jews will supply them through globalists strongholds like china, Europe, and the middle east. Unless Europe revolts at the same time Europe will most likely be an enemy even if their people are only quasi willing and i suspect with their wokeness levels they will think they are doing the right thing.

gazillions ago

As much as the snottery of the average leftist is destroying people and they do deserve a hell of a kick in the ass, the one percent are the ultimate target to put an end to the communist killings for the next hundred years.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont believe they can pull it off, as I expect most of the competent soldiers to be on the right side. the logistics would be too much of a hurdle. cut off transportation into and out of major cities and people will be killing others for food within a week

AnthraxAlex ago

Most of their cities are ports they'll use the nigger navy to supply them. Unless we figure out how to do blockades with drones or some shit it will be hard to stop.

crazy_eyes ago

I am not saying it will be quick or painless, I just dont think it will get to the decade mark.

zombiecmh ago

They divided us in all sorts of fucked up groups, left/right, sexual orientations, sjw, etc. People joke about a cleansing, but it’s gonna take some fucked up shit like that for the survivors to band together

tokui ago

That's how we got here, you kike.

philmchawk ago

1000% agree except on coalburners. They get lined up against the wall in minecraft when we win.

Coronaputero ago

White Christians don't win. They perpetuate this Judeo-Christian cycle.

Even Hitler couldn't ban the old testament.

SpiritExpedition ago

I think they need their heads shaved as a mark of perpetual shame and to be assigned as slaves to the white women who were loyal when niggers still existed. Let them act as a warning to the next generations. "Mommy why is she like that? I don't want to wind up like her."

BearDolphin1488 ago

The grisly forms hang..