Thisismyvoatusername ago

Pretending every psychological addiction (as opposed to physical addictions) is a separate disorder seems kind of retarded to me. Whether you are addicted to porn, gambling, videogames, eating, long distance running, or being a terminal undergrad, the underlying issue is the same. Only the focus of the disorder is different.

AnotherGrayman ago

Whether you are addicted to porn, gambling, videogames, eating, long distance running, or being a terminal undergrad, the underlying issue is the same.

That's like saying there's no difference between a car accident and drowning because the issue is that you're dead.

Being addicted to sexual violence because you were abused as a kid, versus say, being addicted to video games because they give you a sense of accomplishment, are the not the same underlying issue. The underlying issue isn't "addiction," the issue is whatever's causing the person to become lost to the addiction. There are different psychological mechanisms at play.

You don't treat a veteran who's addicted to first-person shooters the same way you'd treat someone who's addicted to being pissed on.

Different shit is driving the addiction. That's why they're different disorders; they are different disruptions enabling behavior loops.

The loop isn't the problem, it's a symptom.

Pretending every psychological addiction (as opposed to physical addictions) is a separate disorder seems kind of retarded to me.

Pretending you know enough about psychology to make this statement seems equally retarded to me.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I think being addicted to sexual violence probably is in a different category. My point was that most addictions (that aren't physical addictions) are really a matter of obsessive behavior. It doesn't much matter what you are obsessing over, the treatment of how to change your thinking is essentially the same.

AnotherGrayman ago

It's really not, though, and that's why they're considered different disorders, because differently disordered psychological profiles require different understandings to treat.

You can't stop somebody from obsessing over something just because you understand "obsession" as a concept, you have to understand how their obsession works and why.

You're doing that Dunning-Kruger Effect thing where you're overconfident in your presumed understanding because you aren't seeing the nuance you're missing, so you don't think there's any nuance and that the professionals are just dumb.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

That means that it is entirely elective, and not associated with mental health anymore.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Too be fair, there's an amazing amount of overlap.

TreeMan32 ago

Anything that has "World" in it can't be trusted.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Gaming is simply an escape from reality, which if you're even barely aware, is pretty much hell on Earth. I can't really blame the gamers; they aren't men, they're manginas, but at least they're trying to cope rather than putting a bullet into their brain-pans, or hanging themselves in their garages. I mean, I wish they were shooting up synagogues and mosques, but if these assholes can last long enough to stand up and be real men when the civil war comes, I'm okay with that.....


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I play games because life is boring and fails in providing entertainment. The only way to spice things up without breaking any laws is through gaming.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Some jew shills are downvoating everything I say, because somewhere along the line I pissed off some fucking kike cunts. I don't care; let them downvoat me. It only makes everything else I say mean that much more.....

antiracistMetal ago

That = 0.002

i_hate_sodomites ago

I love it; on reddit I'd be lost in the sea of downvoats, but on Voat, people actually pay attention to the guy who attracted kike outrage. It's even more fun now; my old 4.5 year account had something like 8,000 CCP, but my new account has only something like 130 CCP, so the kikes actually have a chance of shutting me up. Makes me laugh myself silly six ways to Sunday to see if they'll actually succeed.....

toobaditworks ago

Same guy watches TV all day for years... claims gamers are unproductive. Calls gamers woman "manginas". Repeats leftist propaganda to hate on men and boys and take away their culture.

You might be a boomer but you're on board with feminists. You might as well wear a dress next time your watching the golden girls.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Fuck you, jew shill. You wear the star of david on your sleeve and laugh at white men...can't wait to put you up against a wall and shoot you in the face.....

Nonymous608 ago

Gaming is entertainment, much like watching television. Addiction can be applied to anything someone does in excess. I believe gamers can become addicted, much like anyone can become addicted to anything they do in excess.

Transgender folk are entirely different...

NoBS ago

Gaming is the key to cheap subliminal hypnosis to manipulate emotionally triggered targets into a radical paradigm shift.

All one needs is fast refresh with two way feedback for the voluntary victim to be hijacked mentally/emotionally.

You really think this is not being exploited at local hot spots? Dam, wish I was that naïve.

valleysunshine ago

Hshshshshshshshshsh you are noticing a pattern in my typing, you are feeling very sleepy


Hshshshshhssh ur gay hshshshshsh



Now wake up

Nonymous608 ago

I absolutely DO think it's being exploited, but not the same way you do obviously.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

The triumph of Fashion over Science.

NoBS ago

Gamers and fags are just barely better off than a Pedophile/Rapist. Except I don't wish to lock up gamers or kill fags out right.

toobaditworks ago

You're telling people to stop playing games because it's filled with propaganda and brainwashing yet your profile says you live in CALIFORNIA; the main source of propaganda and brainwashing in the USA. And you're spreading the same shit feminists spread: hate about games because they hate boys and men and try to destroy anything that helps them become men. Like learning about guns, learning strategy, gaining quick reflexes, logic and reason.


NoBS ago

I've been to California. Hell, the fuckers took over our Urban blight in this part of the Continental States.

But if I was in California I'd still be idiot box free.

Destination ago

Gaming leads to three paths.

Weekend gamer


Gamer that becomes aware

If you gaming and become the 3rd, this is done by rejecting the new for the old. Old games lead to questions and preferences, which lead to digging. To dig is to question and learn. Learning of the past is bad. Questioning the narrative is bad.

This is why Gamergate was such an issue for them before it fizzled out.


"Gamer who becomes aware" doesn't become aware through playing old games, he becomes aware when browsing red pill packed memes while his steam or lol client is updating.

NoBS ago

The only aware gamer is an ex-gamer. Vapid consumers are NEVER aware because they are the problem.

GhostCow ago

You've obviously never been to RPG Codex

toobaditworks ago

You're the fucking problem. Fuck off.

Libtardscum ago

Gamers have always been the most oppressed people in the world

NoBS ago

Gamers are programmed to become leeches and self-centered assholes. It is what feeds the need to stay in control, be it in life or a fucking game.

They are also easy to manipulate with emotional triggers.

i_hate_sodomites ago

You're a kike. Please go back to Israel, where sub-human filth like you belong.

NoBS ago

I believe the Jews run the new and improved Gender Broken gamming industry, but I digress.

As a Jew I must be pissing off my Jewish Master's who carry US National Security paper work.

You sure rock that emotional trigger reply, Hearts and Minds much?

Your such a sweet heart, wink.

Papa_Stattikk ago

Gamers rise up

NoBS ago

And hurl insults at the screen?

Walk. The. Fuck. Away.

WithoutaDoubt ago

I have always been a gamer, IO know it has had negative effects on my life, but I can't shake it.

Phantom42 ago

Strength through joy.

Remember Prora? Massive luxury hotel the Reich built.

The fuckers saying "vidya bad find yer roots wyte mayn!" probably have no clue what they are saying, and likely have their own little distractions they spend time on. My dad for example, he'll act all annoyed and shit because I'll play vidya, but you know what he does?

Comes home, eats, sits down, and gets on Facebook after turning on ESPN, some Hollyjew singing show, and so on. I'm sitting there thinking... I'm at least applying myself and learning. You ever played R6: Siege? Not an easy game. At all. Hearts of Iron IV? Hell, even Battlefield is a thinking game when you do it right and don't get caught up in the lemmings all bumrushing a flag.

The whole "vidya bad" bullshit is pushed by the older folks who see a TV and flashing lights and scream "Electric jew!" at the top of their lungs.

Allow me to remind you the Germans had a lot of televisions annnnd, here's a kicker...

Fun stuff for kids and adults alike.

Fucking insane, I know. Guess the apex of White society was just jewish after all. I mean, come on, didn't they know to be a fucking Alpha White man you have to chop 3 trees down, eat iron bars for breakfast, sleep 2 hours each night, bench press your vehicle, have 600 kids each, and so on every day? There ain't no tyme fer them there vidya GAYmz! YE GAWT TER WERK! ERN YER KEEP! PAY YER BILLZ AND TAXEZ SO YOU TOO CAN FEED THE NIGGERS AND SPICS!

Yeah... Not buying it. I'll stick with what I know works and is right.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You sound defensive.

313337 ago

honk honk

NoBS ago

Gamers make the Clown World more deadly. Ahhh-Ou-gha

toobaditworks ago

You're a brainwashed commie whether you know it or not. Repeating commie ideology.

NoBS ago

Triggered needs to be less obvious dear child.

toobaditworks ago

Look at that obvious old account that just started posting... another liberal commie infiltrator.

toobaditworks ago

Fuck off feminist commie boomer. You're on a computer right now playing games on voat but you're too fucking stupid to see it. You're a mentally ill gamer. Go outside boomer. Go eat a squirrel or something.

HarryPFlashman ago

When politics infects medicine, it becomes harder to take medical advice seriously.

gazillions ago

The World Health Organization doesn't have anything to do with science. They're just another mafia like cartel of parasites that have had way too much money and control handed to them. Their ending is long overdue.

HarryPFlashman ago

The problem is this shit finds its way into the DSM and eventually into the way mental illness is treated on a professional level. I agree it needs to end.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Veghead ago

I think cigarette smoking is now a disorder in the DSMV.

drhitler ago

and system shock 3 is now dead thanks to trannys, they had one on their team, head graphics programmer, anyway you just know the whole project collapsed because of the drama and ideology he would of been pushing to be put in the game.

how can you be smart enough to learn coding and then think you can change into a girl

GrandmasterAssassin ago

You've got a source to back up these claims?

toobaditworks ago

Trust me they aren't that good at programming. Graphics programmer could mean anything. Could have been in charge of making shaders.

GhostCow ago

I dunno man. The guy who made mgba is one of the best out there and he's a transfag

toobaditworks ago

People have been making those gba emu's for a long time. He probably stole the code.

GhostCow ago

Absolutely not. I'm not one to defend a faggot but you have no idea what you're talking about. All of that shit is open source and the mgba code is his alone. He's also solved some of the hardest problems that no one else has been able to solve for decades. Here's the most recent example

toobaditworks ago

He made a long drawn out post for fixing a bug. Wow. You'd think I was genius if you saw the code I've had to debug over the years. I am genius though. So you would be right. Of course I don't make blog posts about them.

GhostCow ago

Reverse engineering undocumented hardware is not just "fixing a bug". Come on man. If you are really a genius coder you know how hard that is. You're just being a dismissive ass because he's a faggot. I hate faggots too but credit where credit is due

toobaditworks ago

Too bad he couldn't emulate a normal person.

Destination ago

System Shock 3 is a myth. There is only 1 and 2.

smokratez ago

how can you be smart enough to learn coding and then think you can change into a girl

Vegan diet, sweating into plastic, masturbation addiction combined turn you into a tranny due to the estrogen.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Both are mental illnesses, but transgenderism is obviously much worse. You can recover from gaming addiction, but with trans disease you'll have permanent mutilation for the rest of your life.

toobaditworks ago

Playing chess is the same as being retarded.

ok boomer. Gaming is not a mental illness.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Read my comment again, I said "gaming addiction"

NoBS ago

The same behavior modification that grooms Children into sex slaves for life is the same emotional paradigm shift that the gaming community is manipulated under.

Gaming modifies the brain to use emotional based problem solving which how child sex grooming gangs operate to recruit future enslaved idiots.


Whatever dope you're smoking, I want it too

toobaditworks ago

That's the dumbest shit I've read on this thread so far... fucking retarded ass boomers comparing gaming to child sex grooming. You're a damn moron.

Yuke ago

Gaming (and other things that we have) are just extensions of the 'Skinner box' to keep you pecking at a lever for reinforcement. If you can raise kids right they shouldn't be sitting there for hours on end every single day playing these things anyway, but hey, it's 2020 and most parents just want their kids to not bother them.

HeebSlayer ago

I'm over 40 and still occasionally play games, but no where near the amount of time I spent on them in my 20s. It's usually an hour or less now and not even every day.

AnotherGrayman ago

What do you do now to fill out your free time? Do you read, hunt, fish, carve wood, collect crusty socks, what?

Eualos ago

I disagree that some games aren't useful. You ever play total war? You can learn tactics and strategy weapon types and history. These things aren't useless

Yuke ago

Well, a Skinner box isn't useless, you get a reward out of it otherwise you wouldn't play along. So yeah, there has to be that element to it. What I'm saying is that I don't believe addictions like this are actual mental illnesses, they're just cases where someone has been allowed to keep hitting the lever for too long unchecked.

I think substance abuse disorder opened the gates for other 'disorders' and that's one I disagree with as well. Most people that abuse drink or drugs do so because they can't deal with an underlying issue, be it an actual mental illness like Bipolar disorder etc, or other issues that haven't been resolved, grief etc. Self-medication is pretty rife but that shouldn't mean the professionals should then say "Oh, this in itself is also a disorder!"

Eualos ago

A skinner box is useless and unproductive. Playing quality games as children isn't. They can learn a lot from useful games. It isn't just a constant supply of happy from pressing one button

NoBS ago

All games are a vehicle for subliminal hypnosis to manipulate emotionally triggered targets into a radical paradigm shift.

Neuro-linguistic programming is child's play with digital games updated with "upgrade packs" for any malicious targeting. Fucking idiots are paying for their own behavior modification.

Eualos ago

Do you think all games are the same?

NoBS ago

All games are compromised. Before that patch or shinny new bling upgrade was ever released.

So yes, a sucker is born ever micro-second. Globally at least.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Seeing as I only really play the souls series, I don't find any subversive elements in it. I view it as a step above sitting infront of the boomer box, but below a true hobby.

NoBS ago

Subliminal messaging was mastered at 30 frames per second. These inserts where easy to prove with analogue. Digital inserts are called patches and upgrades. Yet now these same slaves give the programmers psychological feed back. Like rapid eye movement under stress with a camera and mic for breathing AND heart beat!

Dam, talk about stupid. Why do you think bloody smart phones all have WIDE OPEN front and rear cameras? Wide open microphones are a clue.

Voluntary servitude must only be adults, leave the kids out of it!

Zhizavr ago

Modern games are a great way to get rid of gaming addiction. There are too much niggers, faggots and feminazis in the gaming industry now.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

BattlefieldV cured gaming addiction kek

Phantom42 ago

Battlefield Vagina.

I fucking hate DICE/EA for what they did. It had a good run.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I will never forgive those cucks. I loved all former Battlefield games. I enjoyed watching them get slaughtered and their stocks hit the bottom. The thing is, right after all of that they didn't learn a damn thing and had a convention and pushed leftist feminism there, as well. They must be destroyed along with The Last Of Us 2.

Phantom42 ago

All in agreement.

Good news though, remember Söderlund? Head guy on DICE Stockholm? He and one other (or maybe a few) folks just left DICE. I don't know if they were "gracefully fired" or what, but this can either be really good or really bad. Next BF game is coming around when the new consoles are out, so it's going to be interdoosting to see the change...

BF2143... Still waiting.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The new dev's may try and save the company and make the BF we all want. If so, then great! I wouldn't hold my breath, though.

Phantom42 ago

I wouldn't either.

However I've heard DICE LA may be involved, and they're the ones that pretty much resurrected Battlefield 4. I like those guys.

PewterKey ago

It's actually really amusing watching how big name game companies abuse gambling addiction and other psychological conditions to make addicts, but are failing to make the base game as enjoyable as possible to mask that. I know some company accidentally taught a phone game how to profit from menstrual cycles, which they suddenly decided was too far in their leaked powerpoint. Literally giving kids slot machines is just good business. But prompting bleeding women to buy candy crush power-ups for a sense of satisfaction is over the line. (I don't think they deactivated the menstrual cycle profiteering)

acheron2012 ago

The state of science in current year.

In COMPLETELY RELATED NEWS THIS is why the 737 Max crashed and killed 346 people; why seemingly normal people believe in global warming; and why anyone would support the death cult of Marxism.

You can lump them all together under the heading:

Cognitive Dissonance aka “If I created the universe it would run on different rules. Oh! And there would be unicorns”.

They are a cancer that is destroying their host organism — US!

Vyasa ago

All satanism and inversion/perversion. They doing good.

NoBS ago

Inversion/perversion is real. Grooming children through pop culture is how.