As someone who was apart of mgtow and theredpill for 4-5ish years and no longer considers themselves apart of that community, I want to point a few things out:
1. The pond you fish in: the men of these communities complain about sluts after a night out at the bar... well, of course, you met sluts there, you're AT A BAR. One thing I didn't realize until later is that there are two DISTINCT ponds to fish from. The quality women one is invisible to the men who attend bars for ONE SPECIFIC REASON. They don't go. In fact, you will NEVER meet these women if all your social activities include drinking and searching for women who will go home with you after an hour of conversation. These women DON'T go out (I'll get to how to meet them in a second). Many of the women I now hang out with--some have never had a drop of alcohol in their lives. Yes. You read that right. Whereas many have only been drunk one time at a house party with friends.
2. Where to find the quality pond? I would estimate that the split of women between these two areas is probably about 50/50--maybe 40/60 going one way or the other. I'm not sure. Anyways, you'll find them in the following ways:
* Boardgame nights (many local breweries, coffee shops, and community centers host these)
* Sports leagues
* Church groups
* Community band/orchestra
* Meetup groups (though be sure to pick one that’s introvert-friendly)
* Craft groups (you can find a lot of these on Meetup)
* If you want to use actual "game" then you'll have to approach women during the day. NOT at a club
* The EASIEST way by far is to join social circles through these type of activities, then meet them that way
TL;DR: MGTOW and TRP rely on you believing the ALWALT bullshit, when in fact it's actually "HALF AWALT"--but they refuse to actually go to where the other half resides and then bitch and moan about whores.
My friends, a quality girl will NOT sleep with you unless you're in a serious committed relationship that is basically headed towards marriage. So sorry, you'll have to play the long game. Otherwise, keep bitching about the sluts that fuck you the same night you meet them.
Fuck you MGTOW faggots (they don't deserve to be called nigger faggots). You are a bunch of men who failed your wives and family and still can't admit it was YOUR responsibility. If you are going to go around blaming courts, women, "muh system" for your problems you have given in your man card. If YOU aren't responsable for the outcome of your life you might as well me a single mother welfare niggers. Young men don't listen to these fuckwits; get strong, get moral, find a woman and LEAD her...thet are desperate and if a lawyer can twist your ex wife into destroying your life (the father of her children, often..) that says as much about the MEN as it does the women and system.
MGTOW is a red pill, fucking idiots. The systems in place in America create a lose all environment for men wanting to get married and have children.
Be me. Get married to Mary Jane. Have 2 kids. Mary Jane is bored with marriage. She can have sex with other men, and get rewarded for it when I file for divorce. Mary Jane, who hasn't worked in the past 5 years, gets half of everything I earned in the past 5 years we've been married. She gets the kids, and she gets a paycheck from me for the next 18 years.
There is no penalty for a woman to step outside of the marriage. There is only reward, so why the fuck not? Even if I meet Mary Jane through church, once those dollar signs start floating around her eyes, she will be tempted.
Let's flip the roles. You're a dude. Your wife is lame. You can switch her out for some new pussy, keep the kids, and get fucking paid to do so. It's not the right thing to do, but shit, there's less incentive to work with what you've got.
The systems in place are designed to fuck over men. More specifically, white men.
MGTOW isn't blue pilled. It's red pilled of another flavor.
It's not a black or right issue. The other side of the coin:
"Yes goys, get married to a pozzed slut. Obey her, or get divorced and be a slave to the state for at least 18 years if you are lucky. Maybe no alimony."
Maybe you guys should go out and talk to more men. Half the guys on my work crew are divorced and have nothing at ages where they should have everything.
Until things change with who's able to vote and who's in power, this attitude some men are taking up is going to continue.
And after looking at how Virginia went, I'm already assuming this country is lost. LARPer fags
I hate that for you, but I totally understand why you feel the way you do - and that's a shame. I'm a female and I hate that women can be so fucking devious. But you're right, the courts and laws are ALL set up to destroy the White man today. I wouldn't chance it either, there's no reason to.
Trad cucks gon' cuck. So funny seeing so many of you think MGTOW = Incels.
Incels disguise themselves as MGTOW but they're really still blue pill cucks who believe in romantic love "somewhere" out there still. They like to co-opt it because it validates their inability to attract women. An Incel is the inverse of a PUA, both depend on a woman’s validation at the end of the day
Plenty of successful MGTOW who had a long time career with women. Even successful good looking men that women throw themselves at. They just don't talk about it. You can think what you want though, the beauty is we don't care. We focus on ourselves and our own purpose.
Walking away from women doesn't mean you "can't get laid" but because of gynocentrism and feminist laws they have decided getting divorce raped, getting accused of false domestic violence (Duluth model), rape, or even pedophillia (many women do this to take the kids away) with absolutely no evidence is not worth it. Family court or title 9 kangaroo courts that destroy men's lives on a DAILY basis because basic constitutional rights don't exist for men, isn't worth it. Going to prison or becoming homeless because you can't meet your unreasonable child support payments for a non violent crime isn't worth it. Getting fired from your job just because a women wants to take your position so she lies to management about something you didn't do or say (happens all the time) isn't worth it. A women lying to you that a child is yours when it's really another man's to trick you into raising it (30% paternity fraud in U.S., 48% in the UK, that's just men who actually get the test) - isn't worth it. And it doesn't even have to be a marriage contract that causes all of these to happen.
And I could keep going if you want, or I could just say some men think the juice isn't worth the squeeze, realize feminism won after the second wave and would rather find meaning in their lives other than an overpriced wet hole.
We realize that really the only solution is taking women's rights away.
The feminist cucks destroy their society obviously, and the traditionalist cucks who believe marriage and family can work WITHOUT male authority are just as wrong. You cannot have responsibility without authority over that which you are responsible for. I want you to think about for a moment - just a moment - having responsibility over your child and their actions but no authority to tell them what to do. What do you think would happen? What if they could also vote on top of that?
Women have rights they did not earn and thus will take advantage of everything. It's why the welfare state is what it is and will only get worse. Men are paying for it at a 200% rate while a women by age 50 is a -$150,000 net tax drain on the system.
And why? Because women are majority voters.
Patriarchy is the only way. The West has no country in it that has fertility over replacement, your society is literally dying around you but you refuse to see why. And it doesn't have to be violent Muslim patriarchy. Look at the Amish who have a less than 1% divorce rate and breed like rabbits, it's because they have patriarchy.
Keep deluding yourself men. MGTOW are the only ones who know where this is heading, we're just trying to warn you before history repeats. Best case scenario it will go down Venezuela style and worse case, Mad Max.
But think what you want, again the beauty is we don't care and you can keep wondering why the metoos, the Roy Moores, A CURRENT SUPREME COURT NOMINEE WITH A SPOTLESS RECORD can be destroyed by a lying thot because well ....vagina. You can keep using your self prescribed brainwashed feminist shame tactics like some fags in these comments. You can keep wondering why it seems to keep going to shit and blame everybody but yourselves for ALLOWING it. Be your own jailers, we don't care. We just laugh at you and move on.
When you guys find your balls and are ready to at least repeal the 19th, lemme know, I'm ready.
By the way, when walking away from women will no longer be enough because of feminist laws and cucks like you..don't worry, the hockey mask will come on and BFG Division will start playing.
mgtow is more like mwmp , men with mental problems seek to blame women for their own shortcomings , i laugh at how these guys complain about all women being bitches and how 3 failed marriages has left them bitter and broke after divorce rulings . how much fucking money would a 3rd wife get after the husband loser has been cleaned out twice ? oh cmon face it ...THE COMMON DENOMINATOR IN THE FAILED RELATIONSHIPS WERE THE MAN INVOLVED = ITS NOT THEM ITS YOU
If you're getting married and having kids to "stick it to the jews" that sounds like something they'd be happy with that. That just proves they still control/influence the biggest decisions in your life.
If someone else dictates your decisions (no matter who benefits), they still control you. I'd rather my choices come from my own first-hand experience.
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Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.
Communists are antithetical to truth, and vice versa. Speak the truth!
Communists are at war with individual rights, and individual merit, and collectivism is their poison. They never stop shilling fear. Divide and conquer.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Clean your room. Speak the truth. Be better today than you were yesterday. You deserve your life. The buck stops with you.
they want you to date modern women so jewish lawyers can get pay days when they divorce you and so that shitty american feminist women can create more terrible offspring
I get the "that bitch took my house" MGTOWS, there but for the grace of God go I and all that... The incel ones are often to cringy and autistic to take seriously though.
Yeah but come on man, we're not dumb. We've all seen that vegan who wants you to quit meat because he's jealous of all that delicious protein. The alcoholic who becomes the moralizing religious zealot because being fervent about and obsessing over sobriety as a virtue is easier than having willpower in the moment.
It's not as painful if you pretend you don't want to get laid, even convince yourself it's not worth the trouble, I get it... Except I've been 20-something before and if you aren't getting laid you are going crazy in one way or another.
Don't get me wrong there are things we will agree on. They should hire me to hock peanuts at family court because it's such a circus. That poor kid in TX gets to keep his dick and that's considered a victory instead of disturbing work of fiction. Feminism is gender marxism steeped in lysenkoism and is ultimately societal cancer. Fuck the pussy pass. Fuck the entitled vapid thots, they are poor examples of women.
... It's just that in practice I have no use for whiney hyper autistic bitches that have ducked out of the demographic race war and are proud of it. Dropouts who encourage others to do the same. I get it, life's not fair but if I just laid down to die like a 25 yo MGTOW I'd be less a wife, three kids and a dog today living in some shit hole city going to meetings with my other repressed pals on Friday night and drinking myself to sleep.
The 40 yo MGTOWS ain't having any more kids anyway and they've been fucked by the government, the 20 yo MGTOWS haven't been fucked by anything and there ain't shit we can do about it, sorry. It sucks but it takes work and work numbs the pain too.
Like I said mgtow can get laid if they want to, and there are some that do. They use tinder and the hit it and lose it, but they will never form a relationship with that woman. You should get the idea that it is because they cant get laid, that they are mgtow. It is like saying that Buddhist monks are monks because they cant get laid. They are choosing to forgo carnal pleasure willingly, that is what a MGTOW is. They are choosing not to engage with women, not because they cant, but because they do not like her, and choose not to.
Actually I wish mgtow the best of luck and hope they recruit 90% of men to do the same thing. Then women would have to share men. They would have to be on their best behavior if they want attention.
You somehow fail to mention the jew being the root cause of it all, starting with the women's suffrage movement and later the 19th Amendment. Who makes those chick-flicks they're addicted to, making them believe they will always deserve better?
MGTOW itself is the kike lie, not the representation of the women associated with it. Feminism or evil, the going your own way and being strong is a feminist ideology.
MGTOW is feminism for men, change my mind.
The way the jews designed feminism to destroy families is the same way they are hitting the flank from the other side (the male side)
If you guys cant see this then you probably should be alone and not procreate.
It is a temporary strategy, as I understand it. Send a message to this generation of women. Either they give GOOD advice to the next generation of women, or, embittered, they try to make the next gen as miserable as they are.
"The argument is that women have been ruined by feminism and the courts. Not that they are evil."
Women are fundamentally amoral creatures, so from their point of view, concepts like "Evil" are largely meaningless.
Furthermore, Satan designed women to sniff out and punish WEAKNESS in men [it's a darwinian psychological phenomenon, which serves to strengthen the darwinian fitness of the herd], ergo all women have a non-zero baseline of Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder, and the very worst of women will be so disgusted by the WEAK men in their lives that they will drive those men [both husbands & sons] to suicide via constant relentless vicious baleful scorched-earth Passive Aggressive poisoning of any and all interactions.
Furthermore, I am convinced that the very worst of the PAPD women experience a licentious lascivious thrill when they succeed in driving their husbands or sons to suicide.
Having said all of that, human characteristics come in "Bell Curves", and there are some women, on the Right side of the female bell curve for amorality, who have just a hint of an innate Inner Moral Compass, and those are the chicks whom you want to seek out and impregnate.
It all of them are ruined though. Yes they are adult teenagers that will cheat and blame it on you if you let yourself go but don't let yourself go. The stupid sluts are the lower percentage of them. If you don't want a low quality women then don't be a low quality man.
Women are a losing game dude. They literally cant be loyal to a man and they cant be monogamous unless they are in a society that literally forces by threat of death or total social isolation(like pre-50s America and current Islam). It took me a while to fully swallow the pill that women have been harmed just as much as us in society, and their issue is instead of resisting it and taking steps to go against the programming they go with it completely, or they become mentally ill messes who will just randomly fuck you over because oh, she hates herself and doesnt know why. If you look at the statistics, its actually insane to think about getting into a relationship. 1 in 3 men are raising kids that aren't theirs. I know a lot of people here want to pretend that having a family is still possible in 2020 but its not. You can either accept this fact(or as you put it giving up) or try to find a girl, raised in might I remind you FUCKING CLOWN WORLD which enabled her worst biological instincts and then try to have a family with her.
Lolz. Notice all your downgoats? Your stepping on people's fantasies here.
Rework your Inner Frame to have the personality of a psychopathic Stone Cold Killer.
Do not give a flying phuck about anything anymoar.
And let them know it.
They'll come to you on their hands & knees, begging for your seed.
This is so fucking close to the truth I'm getting tears in my eyes. Of course, the typical retard has no idea what you're talking about because they have their heads so far up Hymie's rectum they can smell the partially digested foreskins.
I was part of the MGTOW community on reddit years ago. The problem is that incels flocked to the community. MGTOW is about living the way you want to live as a man without catering to the wants or needs of women. Incels like to pretend they're MGTOW, but in actuality, they're just repulsive.
How are they cucks? A cuck would stay with an abusive woman, take his licks, and let her cheat on him. MGTOWs walk the fuck away and leave her to her own devices.
False dichotomy. Find a normal woman, you stupid faggot. If you start looking for the in the places they’re found, you’ll do better than looking for them on Chinese anime forums
Quite a few Simps here, but they are all NatSoc, but still believe in spinning ball Earth too. A lot of people have a lot of learning to do. Also, this place is filled to the brim with shills, glows, jews, you name it...
I've been married and divorced...twice. Both times, I was taken to the cleaners. Recently, I've only just been able to get back on my feet. I'm thankful there were no kids in the marriage otherwise, it could have been a shit sight worse. Regardless, I don't hate women, I know two of them that would enjoy my companionship for life but here's the issue. I Attract Psychos. The thing is, I'm not making bank but what I make takes care of me and probably could take care of someone else in the picture. I'm thankful that the psychos I dealt with are out of my fucking life. The fucked-up part is that the last time I was in court, her own family told the court she was manipulative and her only happiness was found in money. Guess what they gave her? It took time to get out from under that shit and more money on top of that. The only ones I'm not done paying are the fucking lawyers. Now my area is completely blue. Moving is financially not a feasable possibility right now. I'm not dating in this area, at all. The reason I'm not dating is because and pay close attention because some of you fuckwits aren't getting a good explanation, I Don't Have That Kind of Legal War Chest.
Some psycho bitch hides it well enough to go "buyer's remorse" later? I'm fucked.
Accusations get thrown around? Guess who's going to jail. For a long fucking time.
Now if any of you have opinions about that, well bring on your downvotes and know that, until you're paying my bills (I have plenty of them, so step up or shut up) Not One Iota About My Decision Will Change. Whether you like it or not, agree with it or not...literally only means Jack and shit and Jack left town.
I got lucky, and I've dodged some serious bullets. Luck runs out. Some bullets don't get dodged.
If and When I get my ass back down South, I may be a little too set in my ways, most of the psychos I've encountered were right there down south so would I? Maybe. Up here? Not A Fucking Chance.
It's not "One bad experience." It's staying the fuck out of prison by not doing stupid shit like getting involved with some of these hysterical fourth-wave types. Some aren't easily recognizeable.
Much like owning guns, saying whatever I like or even deciding what I'm having for dinner, the common thread here is that not one of you will ever be consulted. I know it pisses you off but I don't care if it pisses you off.
Yes, we understand. However, just saying "fuck it, i'm not playing" is not fixing the problem at the source. It means less kids, or broken kids, which is exactly what the jews want
So while I'm not in jail, I'm still rebuilding everything and I'm good where I'm at, perhaps you'll go back, reread the post and show me where I said "Fuck It, I'm Not Playing"
In the end what I'm doing can do nothing about. That's all. Downvote me on a website? Hurl insults? That's all. Still won't change a damn thing.
You care a little too much. You'd ridicule anyone who doesn't toe that line of your worldview and you're far too invested into matters that have fuck all to do with you. Face it, what I posted triggered you and a bunch of others and then you went into your autistic screeching same as the fucktards over at Reddit.
You're not either of my parents (both have passed on), I don't owe you money and we're not fucking so until any of the latter two are happening, perhaps it would be best if you just did you and learn one fact; If I won't let some rainbow haired fuckmonkey micromanage my life, my being here doesn't mean I'm letting you do it either.
When laws are created, court decisions favor, and child custody decisions all favor women in a blatantly obvious way, men will opt out. The laws are exactly set up in a way for men to get the shit end of the stick.
Once these laws get changed and millions of illegals get deported, we're going to see a marriage and baby boom like we haven't seen before.
There's something wrong with you. You're drawing these women to you and you are attracted to this type of women also. What major lessons did you learn and address about your own failings after each marriage, or did you just wash your hands of any blame, learn nothing and eventually give up?
I say "you do you" and you were lucky to dodge the bullet not once but twice. Why put yourself through that garbage for a third time?
It's why I always say that if I ever get married, a pre-nup which is ironclad, and includes a "duress" clause, is a requirement.
This is what happens in a society that glorifies degeneracy and attention whorehery, and attempts to destroy decent, hard working and wholesome types. I probably would stay single if I were a man, because fuck if I could deal with 99% of females these days and their manipulative cuntery.
Sorry to here about your troubles. Don't despair. There are good women out there. And there are some good websites that can help. Some one posted not too long ago a video/website that I thought was pretty good. One of the recommendations was to avoid women who have tattoos. Think about this for a moment. It makes sense to me. You want to find a woman that is accommodating, not one demanding to be the center of attention. Those women are "black holes" where nothing is appreciated and they always want more. To me, they are the ones that ring a loud "psycho" in my mind. Also, avoid women in which television is a dominant past time. It's a good indication their minds are polluted. Once you are able to settle down with someone, keep the TV out of your lives. It's a portal into your living room spreading destruction and lies. And don't ever take a marriage license. in taking a license, you are trading a Right for a permission from the government and it can be revoked at anytime. Not only that, your marriage contract is now between the 2 recipients of the license and a third party, the government acting as the arbitrator.
Don't give up. Do your homework. Believe me, there are good women out there.
-I happen to like TV. Not much new shit. I use mine for movies in my own collection or what I pirate
-I'm not interested in marriage for two very obvious reasons
-Really what is all this reading into my post? I never blamed all women, for fuck's sake I see some people getting that and the rest are on this wild conspiracy theory that I let out some misogynist dog whistle. If I want that I can hang out at the next Women's March and believe me, I want nothing to do with that fucking crowd. You people are holding onto something that isn't there...fuck.
-I will never date HERE. See what I see everyday and you'll understand why.
-I have said if and when I move back...yanno what I'm not going to retype that. If you can't read my post then I say just let it be what it is.
-I'm sure there are good women out there.
-I don't have the legal defense fund to navigate the minefield
-I'm staying out of it.
-Not one letter of my original post is changing.
Some of you have far too much time on your hands to invest so hard into what it is I do. Wow...
for fuck's sake I see some people getting that and the rest are on this wild conspiracy theory that I let out some misogynist dog whistle
Those are your run of the mill attention whores. A decent person isn't going to advertise to the world how great they are with words, they will do so with deeds.
If you are a weak male, women will drive all over you. You have to vet the woman. But as they say men think with their little heads. As for men they are in way too deep. They don't own property. If they do own property they don't put it in a trust BEFORE they get married. I also don't hire lawyers and I am good enough at framing my own legal arguments. I would probably never get married at this point unless I had all my property in a trust. But most women are mentally ill these days from drinking smoking and having Medical dependencies with pharmaceutical drugs which is a guarantee for divorce. There are so many wedges on heterosexual relationships unless you are on top of your game, frankly you don't stand the chance.
You have horrible taste in women and your mentally fucked up. That's why you picked bad wives, that's why they were crazy. It's never all women that are bad, it's you, you're a bad guy
I was born the bad guy what the fuck is your point?
Oh and one more thing, if you think that's going to change my mind then why don't you ask those religious idiots if I stopped listening to metal just because they decided to start calling me a devil worshipper.
Seriously, you shouldn't have let your father breast-feed you.
Right, you're perfect and the all women are crazy. Truth is someone fucked you up and you never healed/learned from it, and now you always seek abusive relationships, this is where the jew comes in your life and validates your feelings with mtgow, it's so obvious it's almost funny.
Do you feel tough telling off people giving you advice while life gets harder for you every day? Does it satisfy your ego?
You're as much as a bitch as the women you've married, you whine but reject any help, you have no self respect, no wonder women and the gov is walking all over you.
You were born the bad guy, like Billie Ellish? Lol, you probably think she's hot. Sigh, gross. You're mentally and physically unstable bad. The fact you cant grasp that concept is proof you're an idiot as well. Women were never the problem. The shitty wives you picked were just a symptom.
Why are you completely changing the subject? No one here (or anywhere) cares what music you listen to. I probably listen to and play harder metal than you. I highly doubt anyone called you a devil worshiper in the last 20 years. If someone did, I still don't care.
Unless you're Jewish, you're not evil, just really broken.
Did your father breast feed you? Is that what fucked you up?
Oh, I hit the bull's-eye. Well now I know I'm right for you to get so butthurt. If you weren't mentally and physically unhinged, you wouldn't even respond, much less resort to calling me names and freaking out.
It sucks, I see someone so stupid and broken they can't even see the forest for the trees and I wish I could give them insight into what's going on, but of course they're so oblivious they keep banging their head on a brick wall and thanking the wall.
I hope you figure it out before you bequeath all your hangups on your poor kids.
Lol, I'm so right about you. Channel that anger into losing weight and making your life not suck so hard :( Now say something else vulgar so Im even more assured.
Why? You seem pretty self-congratulatory yourself. I know multisyllable words are hard for a 12-year-old with an IQ of room temperature below zero but a hyphenated one? Ooh...that's gonna tax what few brain cells you have fighting to make a thought pattern.
The difference between MGTOW and the rest of us is that you don't seem to see this as something you can change. I've attracted psychos too. It ended badly. My response was to figure out what I was doing wrong and start attracting functional women. Magically all the problems you are so afraid of disappeared.
Do I risk some random false accusation? Of course. Do I risk financial ruin? Of course. I risk being killed in a head on every time I drive. I risk being murdered by a jihadi or nigger every time I go into town. I risk being framed by the FBI because I don't hate white people. I risk cancer just by living. I don't cower in fear from any of those things.
We all have to make the calculation of when a risk is worth it and when it isn't. Sometimes holding back is the right move. You're not a coward for declining a suicide mission. But when you give up and refuse to even try, when you stop fighting completely, that's when you lose the respect of men. MGTOW will always been seen as the cowards path. Correctly so. You'll always be laughed at because everyone will see through your excuses and see you for the weakling. You'll be despised because you refuse to take the risk and shift the obligation onto those who are man enough to shoulder the burden.
Raising the next generation is the duty of everyone. You're shirking that duty. If you don't want to be judged harshly for that, then go back to reddit where pedophilia is just a preference and squandering your entire life on xbox is a valid path.
My children are paying for your retirement. You want them to eat your dick? Yeah, fuck off back to /r/chapotraphouse with your pedo commie faggot friends. Voat isn't the place for you.
Your experience and the similar experience of many men is the foundation of mgtow, we here in the goat pen just want you to know that jews have orchestrated this.
Everyone has their particular experiences that might even be diametrically opposed to their principles, which is completely understandable.. So if you’re experiencing antagonism to your mgtowing know that it’s not you personally that is being attacked but rather the general retarded and jewish philosophy that is mgtow.
IMO the foundation of MGTOW should be men building the best version of themselves they can. Sadly, several MGTOW decide to become materialistic faggots. It seems like the best move is to make as much as you can until 36, and marry some foreign chick who knows to follow her husband. Obviously, there are pit falls.
Yes, I recommend rural and homeschooled also.. find one with something wrong with her face, they all end up ugly anyway but it’ll make her insecure and happy to birth you an aryan army. 😆 sort of jk but not really
Only if you let the Jews orchestrate it. Jews are international con artists. Feminization wasn't for women, it was for the boys and men so the ruling Elite would go unopposed when it comes to blows
I’m not so sure about that.. generally speaking in terms of bio control you attack the females. There are many pesticides that use endocrine blocking or estrogen mimickers to kill off pests. A healthy population of women can reproduce genetically viable offspring with a handful of healthy males. I don’t really know what I’m talking about but it’s something I can imagine jews doing..
Mgtow and trp is what lead me here. 3 years of time and money given up to a cheating whore had me questioning life and asking why.
Dating after that train wreck was like living life with my eyes open for the first time.
"Why do women act this way?"
"Why is society promoting this type of lifestyle?"
"I did everything I was supposed to do (career, car, house, "nice girl") why is everything fucked?"
Keep asking and you end up here. Sucks that a majority of the guys here live in some fantasy world where they think you can just hunker down, work hard, and go out and get a working relationship that lasts. Like society isn't already at a breaking point, but whatever. They can gamble their lives away. I was lucky to make it out in one piece
Sucks that a majority of the guys here live in some fantasy world where they think you can just hunker down, work hard, and go out and get a working relationship that lasts.
I was that guy, went through a brutal divorce (one child). Then I learned about women, practiced game, and learned to provide women with what they truly crave: leadership. Now I am married to an excellent woman have have three additional children.
The reality is that about 80% of women are unmarriageable. It is also the true that about 20% of women are marriageable, if you can provide leadership. "AWALT" but some much less than others.
Well I currently live in a very blue area of the country so I would say the percentage is even less here. The local politics and population influx has me gearing up to move away, but I'm trying to set myself up so I can profit with a move. I cringe at the thought of throwing everything I worked for down the drain in a knee-jerk reaction.
Well I currently live in a very blue area of the country so I would say the percentage is even less here.
Again, my experience is the opposite. First wife was from Virginia and lives in Texas now. Second wife is from Massachusetts.
What people (especially women) say and do are two different things. In New England they women have the feminist talking points down, but they silently shun women who aren't conservative in their personal lives. In Southern areas, men will bend over backwards to enable single moms. They are total cucks and the women take advantage of it. That's just my experience, but I'm in my 40s and have lived in 7 states, so it counts for something.
I think that this is more of a class thing than a region thing though. Middle class people are socially conservative in their personal lives (regardless of how they talk and vote) and working class people are usually a mess. Most blue states tend to have more middle class people than Southern states, so that is probably what I am seeing.
I don't really give a good goddamn who started it.
Not until you put them in front of me. Then I'mma thunderpunch that motherfucker in the throat while someone else films that shit. Post that sumbitch to any video site you want.
I guess it's jewish to want to stay out of prison.
No it's not, but what IS Jewish is the wedge that's been driven between the sexes. It's a wonderful deterrent against child rearing and keeping the birthrates of Whites down. At least that's the argument. Personally I think that MGTOW is a natural reaction and it has little to nothing to do with "the Jews." It's self preservation. The only males who wouldn't do this are gluttons for punishment. But not all males have experienced whtat you have, so that's why they won't personally join or feel the way you feel. Having said that the movement is not going to significantly affect the birthrates. I do think it's a great thing that White men have begun putting their proverbial foot down. In reality that's what women want, a MAN. Also understand that not all women are like the ones you unfortunatly ended up with. The pendulum has begun to swing back in the other direction. Women are beginning to see the natural traditional way is the superior way. Our people have done things the way we do them for thousands of years and it's served us well. Alternatively 50 years of feminism has brought our people and our civilization to its knees. This isn't lost on the White female. Not all of them anyways. I'm noticing the younger generations searching for and attempting to do things a more traditional way. They WANT to get married and STAY with the father of their children, they WANT to stay home and raise those children themselves instead of allowing the state and strangers to do it for them. Our biggest problem right now IS the state. I don't have all the answers, but we've got to figure out how to get rid of this tryannical system. It's intentionally designed to discourage marriage and childbirth.
At my job I can tell you there's one thing no one bothers taking into account; the rampant drugging of the population. Xanax, Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta and their generics...Fuck's Sake, I have no doubt that there are some people that probably need that stuff. There are some people that probably can't get along without that shit but the question I have is...this many people? And I'm looking at the timeline here, some of these people have probably been on this shit since they were children in the '90s. Now they're on it as adults and they're neurotic, can't seem to cope with life or with life throwing them a curveball every once in awhile. Lots of women on this and plenty of men as well and they do this same shit to their kids because they never learned parenting from their parents who never learned parenting from their parents before them.
In my area, I'm seeing that, people literally taking a shit in the aisles of stores where people are shopping, even where a public restroom is available, people blowing up public restrooms and not cleaning up after themselves, people completely geeking when there's a back order on their meds or over a price difference of fifty cents and they must, must, must count that change out of their pockets to the penny to the detriment and ire of the growing line behind them...when they're not leaving a hand full of change on top of a garbage can.
...but and I...should not have their "civilized" society.
I don't think civilization has been brought to it's knees. I think it's been driven into absolute irrational hysteria.
American men are not leaders. Women are looking for real leaders. We are so deep into the Jewish shithole you can't climb out even if you get a lawyer that fucks you.
If I was to do it over again I put my property in a trust and I'd never hire a lawyer. Also men wait too long to draw First Blood because they're fucking pussies. Once a woman disrespects me she is shown the door. They never know my wealth or have access to my bank account. Guys think they can still buy women then they wonder why they get dumped when the meal ticket Runs Out.
It's not jewish at all to want to stay out of prison, that's only natural. What is jewish in this entire ordeal is that they've managed to pin the other sex against you (and all men), and calculated that you'd probably won't have that shit.
It's jewish that the 'motherfucker' you want so badly to see before you to 'thunderpunch' isn't a concrete person, rather an abstract entity that the layman would never be able to find out is a jewish construct. If push ever comes to shove, another kike would be the one 'filming that shit', because it would earn them a lot of internetsheckels. They tend to play both sides, 'cause it's profitable and they'd never lose. The individual always loses against a tight-knit community. Hence, the push for individualism.
And of course you 'don't really give a good goddamn who started it'. That's also incalculated. They want you to be angry about it, lose your composure. They want you to be angry at something that can't be easily named. They instead want you to be angry at everything. That only makes you less believable. And besides, who cares, the oppressed class would always win (which isn't you, you fucking straight white male you!).
You say you've been lucky. Taken 'to the cleaners' after been married two times. Could be a lot worse, since you had 'no kids in the marriage otherwise, it could have been a shit sight worse'. You haven't procreated, haven't left some children with the same fire in you to carry that torch of righteousness you possess.
Your abstract enemy is smiling.
This will only be getting worse, my friend. Unless we find a way to say this is the line. And the only way to do that is force. And that is exactly what they're raking from us now, force. Use your fire, and light it in everyone around you.
Only weak men allow wedges by Jews. I stand up to Jews. I also don't go with women who defend Jews. They can take a hike unfortunately this is most women. But if you have game you can override any mindset. Personally I get the women to spend their money on me. Then they get the cock they want
It seems to me you focus on the simple things in life. And by that, I don't mean easy to get, but simple in mindstate. You are led by your bravado. Elevate that state of mind further. Your focus should be beyond the primal urges right in front of you. Focus on surviving, and your spawn surviving, and their spawn surviving.
Don't focus on which body part of a female specimen your semen might end up on any given night. Don't focus on the women, focus on that woman that can help you achieve what I just talked about. Focus on the 14 words.
If it was simple, you would have noticed it. If you think you are going to intellectualize a relationship between a man and a woman. You are doomed for failure. You might as well get the Asian tranny to give you the happy ending.
Many times do women leave because the sex is horrible and that's because men are circumsized. Stop circumcision and your relationships will improve. There is a primitive biological function of the foreskin which is to make sex pleasurable for a woman. That's the bottom line. I have to be careful with women because they like the sex too much and they tend to come back for more because I'm uncircumcised. I also know how to get a woman worked up and wet.
First a man has to own his own property. Two he has to be mostly sober. Three he must have Direction and skills. For starters...
Your later paragraphs make a lot of sense to me, and are things I'm working towards myself. The circumcision stuff is making me immediately spiral into 'conspiracy'-thinking mode, which, while probably on point, isn't something I want to think about right now. As I said, I might've misinterpreted your post, and now I do think I did.
I have been conditioned to think emotionally from a young age, and would like to move on to a more practical way of thinking. It mostly proves to be very difficult, to change ones being. I will succeed though, and posts like yours help me reach that goal. So, thanks for elaborating.
I got tired of getting my teeth kicked in. So I set down to study women's psychology. That was 20 years ago. A common mistake men make is they get 1 itis. Meaning they get stuck on one woman. They obsess over one woman when they should be going out and dancing with many women. One that creates attraction for the other women.
You also have to understand that the Woman's Place in the world is not an enviable position to be in. Since ancient times they were were basically slaves or prostitutes or the housewife that was dictated over. That is their lot in their life. Even if you are a queen you can have your head chopped off. It's not an enviable position to be in. I can see how a woman would become solitary living in the woods as a witch. Just to stay away from society that keeps them dow. Just to stay away from society that keeps them downtrodden. Unfortunately the Catholic church only maintains their slave status. Women really got a bad rap in this world. They've basically been victims of exploitation for millennia. Feminists have done nothing but maintain the slavery to a corporate system instead of to a man who is worthy of her love. Women don't know if theyare going to be raped, kidnapped or somehow subjected to some mai or somehow subjected to some male entity. That's pretty much a woman's existence so I can't blame them for being cranky and unreliable because man basically are unreliable and not protectors. Especially when they drink for one example. You have to understand most men in this country are basically indentured servants. Being married to an indentured servant, isn't sexy. So as a man you want to provide the door to Freedom for her soul. Some women are in too deep until it's too late. I know women who become prostitutes because most men are throwing money at them anyways. They have no game other than a few one-liners that gets stale after a while. There is this guy named Bad Chad he lives in Nova Scotia any builds these beautiful custom cars out of scraps. He has his girlfriend and you know she's totally in love with the guy because he has Direction, skills, confidence and a Swagger about him. He's not a very tall guy either. But he is an incredible person. That's the kind of guy women want.
That's the way I'm dealing with it. Now if you and those like you would like to, I dunno, start a colossal legal defense fund (because I will need it on top of what I'm already paying these ambulance chasers that mostly did fuck all for me in court) then maybe but until then. Not financially feasable. Let's not try turning this into some dramatically noble thing, it's practical. I'm not going to sit here and buy that. It's like the left telling me there are white supremacists and russians all working in collusion and fucking things up and if I don't do X I'm part of the problem. Fuck it, I'm not doing X. I'm not doing YOUR X, or anyone's X for that matter. I've BEEN doing everyone else's X and now I'm doing my X, my A, my B and my C while I'm at it.
At present, I haven't turned on the gaming console in months. Look at how little I fucking post here, how much time do you think I spend on this thing? Right now, I'm working on another raise at work while hitting the gym sometimes six fucking days a week at two hours a day, planning meals and working on sharpening my penetration testing skills for a bigger side hustle to become a full-time hustle so I can get out from under my day job AND writing copy at least two hours a day.
Fucking busy pal. Chasing that paper and paying these bills. Some "abstract enemy" is smiling, please cut the shit. Here's that "they" shit again. What spare I have is going into some precious metal when and where I can get it so no, if I have anyfuckingthing to say about it, my retirement is going to be well in my own hand.
I've run into this kind of approach before. When I lived down south everyone wanted me in their church and if I refused to join, I wasn't saved. I spent years hopping from one foot to the next trying like fuck to figure out which end is up.
This is the same shit. All it is is you figure if I join your cause then maybe your "enemy" doesn't win.
All of you have one thing in common, I'm a means to your end. Maybe you feel more saved.
I don't give a good goddamn about you feeling more saved in your pursuit of your religion and that's just what this is, a religion. I have an invisible enemy and you have all the answers.
I was born a heretic son and let me tell you something and I know, this is a hard pill to swallow but you either do or you don't and I don't give a shit which...I'm in no danger of joining the heavenly ranks any time soon.
You sound like a dumbass that can't or won't see past his own nose. Your posts read like a persecution complex with no intent on finding any solution or even acknowledging advice. There's good women out there, but with your ignorance I can't see you managing it and when it fails, you'll just call them psychos and continue crying online about it.
Don't play a "pick me!" dance for shit which isn't even a prize anyway. You'll always lose by virtue of the other fucker eternally shifting the goalposts.
Serious question here [I'm not trying to bait you or anything]: What was your thinking?
Did you not want kids? Did they not want kids?
Because a marriage without children is simply purposeless.
PS: Consider yourself DAMNED LUCKY that you are free, with no attachments, and no kids to be worrying to death about. [Can you imagine if the jewdiciary had awarded custody of your kids to one of those monsters? You would have gone homicidal.]
The right chick is still out there somewhere, waiting to meet you. You just need to find her and then move immediately to put White Bunz in her White Oven.
That's exactly what I'd wanted initially. With the first wife, I had a great job that was turning into a career but her spending was out of control. The second one...long story short, she went from functional and good to just not even trying and despite every effort it was going nowhere. Needless to say the viability of children with those two...nah.
That second one damn near left me homeless with how little I was able to keep out of what I was making. The one attorney who actually did something managed to get me out from under her financial grip when she demanded, I'm not kidding, MORE money from me. That's one attorney bill I don't mind paying because it's less than what I was paying The Ex-Phile and this one actually put up a fucking fight in court for me and kept me up to date.
Now you take that and right about the time getting out from under was happening, Kavanagh happened. Before that it was the Duke University thing and every day it seemed like there were women in the news falsely accusing men of rape, ruining their lives, then finding out the accusations were false but it didn't matter, the damage had been done. Combine that with my surroundings. The people around me hate Trump, and love socialism, they are completely out there in their thinking and they lean so hard left they're laying on that side 24/7. They're Commiecrats here.
Put all that together. Is the perceived reward really worth that risk?
It's not for me. I'm pulling my shit together to head back down south and when I do, I'll make sure I'm well established and have many many layers of protection before I even THINK about dating or making the attempt at starting a family. I do have siblings and one of them has started a family. The other is working on it. Guess what? My bloodline is not entirely dependent on me.
Makes even less sense to me and they lasted longer than you presume. Any time I asked my attorneys about that all I got was six words "Lifestyle To Which She Is Accustomed." Then I got a shrug and a "Sorry, there's nothing I can do." The last attorney I had no choice but to hire did take it back into court and got me out from under those ridiculous payments.
By all means keep working on yourself. You are doing it for you and that's the best reason. Let all of the faggots here saying you should be doing all that stuff just to try your luck again with some crazy bitch learn the hard way themselves. You played by the rules and got fucked over and for some reason retards here on Voat of all places can't understand why you don't want to keep playing a rigged game. I'd tell you good luck finding a nice woman in the future, but you don't need any luck you're already taking control of your circumstances. Hang in there. But please post more, Voat needs more good commenters like you.
Oh noes! Please don't falconpunch me mr totally hetrosexual internet ninja! I'm sure all your girlfriends and wives will swoon and your uber ninja skills, but I might die from your terrifying might!
Pump the brakes a bit there. You will be enlightened as to the big WHY women are fucked up in America in particular and throughout the west. It's not your fault. There's been evil sons of bitches working on causing you and every other man here problems.
Once you know, you'll be able to adjust you thinking so that you can navigate through the bullshit with a solid understanding and what to look for. You'll come to understand terms like 'Every.Single.Time.'
Buckle up, they fucked up and dumped the entire lot of you in our lovely red pill factory. This place is also a free for all of shills, glow niggers aka feds, JDIF, patriots, trolls, and assorted users, abusers, content providers and it will seem like being an asshole is a prerequisite.
Fuck around too long here and you'll end up 'Gulag Bait' if shit goes sideways and the rat fuck commies get their way. So there's that. At least someone told you.
There's purity spiraling faggot nuthuggers of down voat you ad nauseum nigger doom dildos, but at least its not 'bat country' lest the bug people would breathe on us.
If that was too complicated for you I have some bad news—you are not going to survive what is coming. Enjoy what little time you have left in this world.
I know several guys who've done this. It works to a limited extent if you not only keep the gravy train chugging along, but keep making the train bigger. If for any reason you don't continue to provide them with the increasingly lavish lifestyle they expect from you, then watch out for the knife in the back—literally.
I have heard that some guys are successful. They saved up a bunch of money and moved to Eastern Europe where they live like kings compared to the locals. Their wives are satisfied, everything being relative, but the local men not so much. Won't be too long before these "Wealthy Westerners" wake up with their throats cut.
...or get a taiwanese girl...
Lolz. Young guy I know did this about 10 years ago. He is killing himself trying to provide enough money for his witch wife. He's got his own business and keeps getting further and further into debt to try and appease his loving bitch bride.
But hey, Hymie said love is real and you can't be complete until you are part of a mystical, magical loving relationship. If you don't believe me just look at all the TV shows and movies extolling the wonders of a "loving relationship". Just ignore the fact that you will NEVER find an example of such a couple IRL; but hey, don't stop dreaming.
You’re being downvoted but you’re right on point. The courts and society tell women how to behave while men aren’t taught how to be men. The industrial revolution pulled men from the home and left the women unsupervised as well as leaving boys at home with their mothers. It used to be the case that around the age of 5 or 6, the man took the boy from the home and put him to work with the man. Brought the boy around other men who joked with him and fucked with him a little bit. Toughened up his skin and showed him how to be a man. Now days women and tv are the influence boys have on how to be a man and they are giving boys the wrong story.
"Gamma males" are multiplying rampantly because they are produced in so many different ways but the result is the same; men who neither know how to act like men, or even act AROUND men. My wife is a good woman but I can see that she just isn't capable of understanding how male hierarchies work when I try to explain them; the BEST single mothers STILL can't teach a boy how to become a man and with modern media ,a lack of uncles or trusted male family friends, demonizing of contact sports, etc. there are very few places for them to learn in. The kind of boy that grows up that way isn't likely willing or able to seek out an avenue, thrust himself into it, nor withstand the literal and figurative bruises that come along with earning your spot
You don't understand law. Once you hire a lawyer you are considered a ward of the Court. Most guys would rather watch sports and drink beer. That's why they get divorced. Men just don't have game on top of being circumcised which also breaks attachment between the man and the woman.
Mgtow, end your blood line. Gay, end your blood line. Trans, end your blood line. Multi culti marriage, end your bloodline. Can't afford kids, end your blood line.
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This childless boom period has actually been a huge threat to the elite. Initially, people were just entertaining themselves, but now they're getting burned out and looking into conspiracy theories. I feel like this "end your bloodline" talking point is spammed all over these kinds of boards in order to make sure people go back to having kids and no longer having time to research and engage in activism against the controllers as much as they have the past several years.
This struggle will take decades at least. Anyone not having kids is at most a short term nuisance to the globalist elite. They will just wait for you to die.
He's kinda right though, I just realized the twin towers were atomized by some chemical that decomposes metals, it wasn't just thermite or bombs, it was literally turned into dust. Imagine if all the normies knew that instead of the vague shit that comes out of Alex Jones' mouth.
Don't pay child support? Get your wages garnished, lose your license, lose your job. Have everyone calling you a deadbeat dad. There's a reason certain races are known for this shit, they can get away with it. White guys can't. Or rather most can't. The kinds that I've personally known who can get away with not taking their kids aren't the kinds of guys we need more of. MGTOW is obviously stupid and not the answer, but sadly I don't know what is.
You and your honey can live in a trailer and she can push out six or eight White kids and the bugpeople will be forced to pay for it all via their taxes.
Women in college have reported college men aren't dating them... Can you possibly guess why? The biggest reason given by men is that they don't want to be accused of rape and kicked out of school by a kangaroo court. This is example of MGTOW.
It is funny that you complain about men being cowards, but women are the ones who spread the seran gas on the battlefield because they refuse to take responsibility for their own lives, and then want society or the establishment to baby them. Why call the man a coward if he simply doesn't want to take the chance of getting his life ruined by women? But you want him to take that chance because he should be happy to be disposal trash.
Listen sweety, men will only do that if there is a reward at the end of the tunnel. Pride in his family, respect from his wife and happiness from raising his children. If women refuse to offer that, and refuse to grow up and become adults, then you can't expect men to compensate for your failures as women.
Im not the one who is getting mad at MGTOWs because they won't just thier identitaran philosophy. If I was feminist I wouldnt be on the side of MGTOWs in this argument, I would be insulting them calling them losers that can't get laid, or cowards for not accepting women in the modern era, because they have already done it plenty and have numerous articles stating as such. White supremacists and feminists are no different in their hatred of them.
Regardless of what you think about yourself, the lesson to be learned here is:
Being a condescending fuckwad makes you worse than whatever problem you think you're addressing.
Don't ever say "listen sweetie" if you actually want anyone to listen. Nothing else you say will matter, because all anyone sees if some prissy dickhead jerking off to their own ego, and nobody has time for that shit.
Yeah no I'm not gonna censor myself because you want to complain about "mansplaining" but you won't come out and use that name because you know you would out yourself. Fuck you, you fucking white knight, I'll use whatever God damn language I want you fucking nigger. The only reason I started do this is to bring out cucks like you in the first place. It was strategic you fucking retard and you fucking took the bait like a good little sjw white knight that your are. Lick my ass you commie bastard.
Try harder to get laid you fucking beta freak, just a matter of time til you're in the paper for sexual assault. Nothing more slimy than a male feminist...
swing and a miss. looks like someone had that rant sitting and waiting. well ya jumped the gun. Sweet Cheeks. you might get some use from this. maybe you wont be afraid of women anymore.
I'm not a mgtow although I do refuse to get married. That's the brilliance of the human mind you can understand someone's position without being part of that group. All it takes is a little effort to learn what that person actually believes in.
The only reason I know about mgtow is because i came across them when i was becoming an anti-feminist. Feminists kept doing what youre doing, calling them losers who couldnt get laid, and cowards because they dont want to deal with the feminazi bullshit and I decided to look into it. So I hear you talking but all I hear is those same feminist talking points, and what do you know it is because I'm talking to identitarians. The white nationalists, the mirror image of intersectionality.
you do realize i havent once called them losers that couldnt get laid. you are ranting at the wrong person. youre just so desperate to believe im hostile to them.
So I hear you talking but all I hear is those same feminist talking points
no, you dont. obviously. i havent made any of those talking points. reading comprehension just went completely out the window for you, didnt it? you arent making a strong case for yourself with straight up lies.
That's the female shit test. "Prove to me you'll protect me from myself." Men who don't sculpt women are cowards, but only because they don't realize the nature of women, who is behind the rigged system, how it got there, and what to do about it. They are lost. Only enlightened men will be able to teach these men-in-training. Much trust has been eroded and trust takes time to rebuild. Make Men's Clubs Great Again.
women grow up
This isn't something women can fix. It is a man's job to possess, control, and sculpt a woman into what he wants her to be.
Um fuck you? It isnt my job to raise your daughter right. If you didnt raise the girl to be marriageable, she can die an old maid, I'm not here to fix your fuck up.
exactly. we let them get to this point because we trusted them to not sabotage the people who love them. but they arent going to fix themselves. if we dont do something, they will manipulate us to the destruction of civilization.
I just thought of a wonderful scifi series where future men sexually enslave women.
We can say the war started in 2030. After neckbeards, soyboys, bluehairs, tumblrinas, beta orbiters, and incels became things. Then the military just saw extraordinary volunteer rate of men young as 12. When war is ear against your bitches. Women in uniform readily folded to their male superiors. Now women are chipped and barcodes and rented out like a Blockbuster.
Nothing more female than clucking at your fellow hens to justify your immoral choices. How is "He's not good enough for you, you should cheat on him with Chad. He deserves it because he spent his time working instead of pampering you." any different from "You're too good for modern women, you should go your own way. They deserve it because they spent their time listening to feminist lies instead of settling down with you?"
It's your duty to reproduce and raise the next generation. Those who do not are cowards and failures. I can respect the MRA. He sees a wrong and is working to right it. I can respect the PUA. He understand the reason he can't get laid lies with him and he's trying to improve it... although his method is misguided. I can have some limited respect the incel in so far as he understands and admits he's just a PUA who is unwilling to try to improve himself... at least he admits it.
Blaming others for your failure and tapping out is something I can't respect. Black pilling and giving up have no place in my life. People who expect someone else to do the work for them disgust me. You have a duty to stand up for yourself. You have a duty to fight evil, raise the next generation and educate them. Sure not everything is fair. Sure the deck may be stacked against you. Sure you've had setbacks. But that's something a man takes in stride. It's a part of life it makes real men stronger and stops weak men. Unworthy men.
People say MGTOW is a right wing movement because there is cross over with PUA and MRAs. It's a left wing movement, it's feminism for men. Everyone on voat sees that. If are a man stay a while and learn. If you're a worthless beta cuck then go back to reddit.
Incels are admitted losers, who've more or less accepted their fate in life and want to play video games above all else.
MGTOW is different and more complicated. Based on the cursory research I've done, MGTOW has different levels of 'understanding' about one's role in life. The first level is: "I'm pissed because my retarded fantasies about women didn't materialize. Now I'm going to cry and wail while I keep attempting to make those fantasies a reality!"
The final level is one in which you come to see your place in Universe and don't really care if you have a woman in your life. There are levels in between, but I really don't give enough fucks to get a better understanding.
MGTOW can get laid they choose not to, incels want to get laid but can't.
Alot of MGTOW are made up of men that are tired of being burned by spoiled, entitled women so they simply say enough and live for themselves. Men being falsely accused of rape, or being taken advantage of in divorce court, or just tired of modern day nontraditional attitude and promiscuous behavior of women. Japan has a similar movement, they are called grass eater men. It isn't that they can't find a mate, they just don't see women as candidates to be mates. "Women aren't women anymore" or so they say.
Incel is short for, involuntary celibate, so like the name implies the don't want to be celibate, they are forced to be because no one will mate with them. They dont choose it, this is why they become bitter. I would almost say that incel is more likely to be a leftist too, simply because a person on the right is more likely to be attractive, and more likely to be fit or go to the gym. I would even make a bet to say that most male feminists are incels, which is why they became male feminists to begin with, and why so many of them end up being accused of sexual assault or harrassment.
They do choose it. I've seen some of the biggest fucking losers get laid/get girlfriends/get married. These guys are fat, unkempt, have an average IQ, and are marginally motivated. The only reason they are successful is because they choose to participate and accept what comes along. Incels are afraid to participate and look for excuses not to at least fuck whatever comes along.
Do you know what involuntary means? It being involuntary does not mean it abdicates responsibility in it. Like prison or "involuntary confinement" the person is still responsible for the choices that led them to be there, however do you believe they chose to be there? If they chose it, then it wouldn't be involuntary would it, BY THE VERY DEFINITION OF THE WORD. It would be voluntary.
That is the difference between MGTOW, and incel. A MGTOW chooses not to get laid even though they have the ability to do so. While an incel does not choose it, because they can't get laid even if they choose to do so. A Buddhist monk, or a Catholic priest can be considered a form of MGTOW, because they chose to take themselves out of the dating pool but for very different reasons than what most MGTOWs will say they have.
Let's cut to the chase here: You consider yourself an incel don't you?
The incel movement is nothing more than guys with inferiority complexes wanting to fuck supermodels, but are too afraid to even ask. Oh sure, they could fuck woman rated 1-8, but that's not good enough for them. No sir, if they can't have a Stacey (rated 9-10), despite never even trying, that absolutely means it's involuntary. No wonder the fucking world laughs at the pathetic loser incel community. Not only are they incompetent at life, but they are also retarded.
Maybe there's a correlation?
Regardless, I'm done with this stupid conversation. Believe whatever the fuck you need to believe to justify your pathetic life, but stop pushing your retardation my way. It's not going to work. I am not going to validate your incompetence.
How in the ever living fuck would you get that I am an incel from any of the comments I've made on this thread? I can see calling me a MGTOW as they are the only ones I appear sympathetic to in my comments but I even say that I'm not a MGTOW in one of them. I have a girlfriend so it is very hard for me to remain celibate in that situation.
No I just disagree with you because you don't seem to understand what the word involuntary means. You think involuntary involves a choice which by the very definition of the word CANNOT HAPPEN. This is just me disagreeing on the basic of human language, because you seem to dumb to pick up a dictionary.
Incels do not have the choice to get laid because they do not have the ability to, this is what involuntary celibate means. If the had the choice in the matter then it would no longer be involuntary, it would become voluntary that they remain celibate. Even a fucking 3rd grader would be able to understand this point between involuntary and voluntary, but you seem too stupid to even get that difference.
im mgtow and have had sex with 22 women. It would be 25, but when the undies came off, the smell was a boner destroyer. Some women have quite a nice pleasant smell and taste and others smell like a grease dumpster in summertime.
MGTOW seem to believe they could have a woman if they chose to.
But since they've been hurt or screwed over in the past, they decide to "go their own way" and become voluntarily celibate. A "volcel", if you will.
MGTOW seems to be made up of roughly 1/2 men who were hurt and fucked over by court system or society that favors women in general... bitter, angry men who think that "Taking their ball(s) and going home" is the best way to stick it to the female population of earth as a whole. The implication is kind of amusing- "That's right, women- you blew your chance to be with me, the epitome of an ALPHA MALE, by being shitty women! Take that, you rotten harpies!"
How do you think a typical woman would react to hearing this? "Demeaning laughter" is the right answer.
The other half of MGTOW are virgins or fucking weirdos who have never been able to interact successfully with women. Rather than accept the fact that they must change their behavior/physical appearance/worth to society in order to impress women, they decide "It's the woman's fault that she doesn't like me and want to let me put my dick inside of her. The fault doesn't lie with me- after all, I am the SUPREME GENTLEMAN."
There are a lot of incels in the MGTOW group. It likely appeals to them because an incel, full of bitterness and blaming women for his shortcomings, can have his warped view validated immediately by jumping into a MGTOW group. If a young man approached me and told me "I'm having difficulty speaking to women/closing the deal, I fucking hate women, they're the worst, I wonder why I should even bother".... I would ask him to examine himself and provide advice for moving in the right direction. I would try to teach him to work on his self-esteem and build his confidence through a variety of methods (message me if interested in this advice, incels).
But when he says the same thing to a group of MGTOW guys, they'll say "Hell yeah, preach it brother! Women are no good, we don't need them for anything, we can do this ourselves! All we need is each other! And porn. LOADS of porn. And then we'll be perfectly happy to not have a female companion. It's much easier and more convenient to watch another man fuck a beautiful woman, than to hit the gym and learn how to flirt."
All that being said, there's an element of MGTOW that is mainly focused on the real injustices men face in modern day clown world at the hands of women and fucked up court/federal programs; Men's Rights Activists (MRAs). These guys are absolutely right to be angry, and right to want to unfuck this totally fucked male-female dynamic of 2020. However, I don't think the solution is "taking your balls and going home". This just makes them look silly, and I suspect this was the beginning of the "incel" meme.
I'd never heard the word "incel" until a while after MGTOW popped up. I think these are connected. Most people assume that all MGTOWs are incels. Most of them probably are, but there are a significant portion who are volcels.
MGTOW realize the system is stacked against them and choose not to participate. It's logical and safer than entrusting your future life and finances to the whims of females backed by the laws of the state.
finances for what? nah its men who think whores are top shelf and get surprised when they are whores. Learn to read the fucking packaging.
Find a women that wants kids and doesnt listen to pop music. maybe go to church if you are having trouble. you go to a dairy for milk, you go to a bar for whores.
We have entering an age where the HUMAN race either evolves to the next level or will be exterminated. It will be hell on Earth for those who don't understand; especially those who are too attached to the "modern" world.
Easy. Having a happy family. That's it. You'll never achieve that if you give up and go your own way...and if you do give up, one day you'll look back and realize you were the last link in a chain of family that stretches back to the dawn of time, and you'll regret having gone your own way.
Well, if you ever achieve "having a happy family" you will be the first in the history of mankind and will be lauded throughout the annals of history.
First problem is "happiness". This is jewspeak for avoiding the realization that the purpose of life is to suffer, overcome, learn, and become more powerful. The surest way to be miserable is to seek "happiness".
...and you'll regret having gone your own way.
You have no idea why you are hear and what it means to be human. This is not an attack; just an observation. You have a long, hard road ahead of you that may involve many lifetimes. Good luck—and I mean that sincerely.
Most MGTOW claim to attract women and turn them away. It like a buffet. Mgtow had enough and it made him sick. Incels don't even have a plate to serve on.
They constantly make excuses for why they shouldn't bother to attempt to get laid.
Pretending that you're dealing with an unfortunate circumstance by choice, to save face; a classic move of insecure shitbirds who still want to feel like they're in control.
Like saying you intended to lose a fight because you wanted to know how it felt, instead of just admitting you can't fight and got beaten.... or like saying you have a hundred reasons for why women are worthless instead of admitting all of them you've wanted have been repulsed by you.
I dont really care that you guys are taking yourselves out of the gene pool. Honestly, I hope more of you betas stop producing children and contributing to the problems of watered down half blooded mongrels who arent willing to stand for anything other than short term hedonism.
i can get laid but dont try to hard... not sure what that classifies me as.. well i could get multiple girls but im ok with one now when i used to have 3 or 5 girlfriends... im sepersted at the moment but have side piece.
I don't hate mgtow men, I find them truly pathetic in the most literal sense of the word. I understand how they have reached their conclusions and I pity them. I think they should try harder to win the quality women in the world, but I understand how much easier it is to just not play the game if it doesn't seem worth it.
So that you could be a psycho-sexual entrepreneurial free-lancer who set up his own bidness completely outside the legalistic boundaries of Normie-Psych.
mgtow are exactly the same as feminists , guys dont go out looking for feminists and women wouldnt fuck a mgtow if the got paid , convince yourself its your choice but the fact remains youre just a voluntary wanker
im happily married for over 15 years and have kids , youre an infertile masturbator who blames women for your own insecurities . guys like you add nothing to the gene pool so theres no detriment by you not procreating , modern women wont miss you and if you change your mind they wont trust you either . goodbye incel ,get a tissue and flush your children down the toilet.
look for a woman with old fashioned values and a good father , statistically speaking my wife and i would be the first in each of our families to get a divorce and thats something neither of us want the honor of becoming .we are honest with each other hide no secrets and solve our problems as they arise . we are happy with each other in every aspect of our relationship and laugh at feminists and mgtow as childish losers who cant accept of of the blame for the failure of their relationships and then seek to blame the opposite sex as well as try and convince everyone else of that . own it and move on but if every single relationship of yours fails YOU are the problem.
Being an incel is more or less a myth. They are either not trying at all to play the dating game, or they're a 3/10 believing every 10/10 should bang them, which indicates they have mental health problems for being so god awfully delusional. In both cases, I would call the celibacy voluntary, as they're voluntarily making choices which are counter to getting themselves some pussy.
Also, hookers exist. If getting laid is that important that you need to label yourself as an "incel", buy a fucking hooker. Not getting a hooker just makes yourself, again, voluntarily celibate.
Imagine some literal retard or a handicapped person in a wheelchair. I'd call those guys incels. But people who refuse to wash themselves and prance around smelling like ass, or worse, Axe body spray or wear anime shirts with little girl animal backpacks (containing their Switch naturally) and just expect hot women to want them, I'd definitely call those guys delusional assholes who have deliberately chosen a lifestyle that yields certain results.
There are some mathematical reasons low ranking men can't get laid. Men bang younger women so falling fertility the past 40 years means more available men than women. In increasing fertility even low status males can find mates.
There are low ranking women as well. The issue with men is more in thier own hands, as self betterment can lead to an increase in rank. Women are more born with it, looks and temperament from genetics playing a larger role in thier rank.
Incels are low-ranking men who want top-ranking women, but are unwilling to play the necessary jew games to obtain these womean. There are plenty of low-ranking men that hook up with low-ranking women, on the other hand. Check out your local Walmart, for example.
I'm not saying their aren't some babes in Walmart. I'm just saying there are a lot of low-ranking men hooked up with low-ranking women that frequent that place. In fact, there are plenty of low-ranking couples everywhere—which is my point; you can hookup if you choose.
"Your can live your life how you want without blaming the whole world for your shortcomings"
In fairness, the entirety of the jewish psychological/edumakshunal/financial/jewdicial/political dreadnought has been waging scorched-earth totalitarian warfare against young White males since forever.
Most Betas [and all Gammas] are now so beaten-down psychologically that they're terrified of their own shadows.
We have to teach them how to rework their Inner Frames to the point that they simply DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYTHING ANYMORE.
Then they can be reborn as Stone Cold Killer Psychopathic Shitlords with vast harems of White poontang.
Your can live your life how you want without blaming the whole world for your shortcomings
You think that's what they're up to?
Feminism has turned marriage into a time bomb for men. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but I don't blame the ones who've been burned for wanting to put in a little distance.
"Feminism has turned marriage into a time bomb for men."
That's where Game comes in, along with re-working your Inner Frame to have the personality type of a psychopathic Stone Cold Killer.
You gotta improve & perfect yourself both physically but especially PSYCHOLOGICALLY in order to corral these cunts and make their nether regions dripping wet in anticipation of receiving your Shitlord seed at ovulation time.
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They do not. Their knowledge of identity only goes as far as an IP address. Which might tell you a geographic region, but even that can be misleading with VPNs in the mix.
Imagine avoiding women and the responsibilities of being a man because youre too much of a cowardly loser to wrangle your women and be responsible for having kids.
Thank science this nigger just made an irrelevant ad hominem. The best way to state your case is to attack the person and not the argument. Jesus christ, do boomer cucks really make up most of MGTOW?
i dont think you get it. i have a kid i can keep my women under control but there are some serious psycotic women out there and the courts are 100% staked in the womens favor its risky.
You just have to know how to frame your arguments and move the court. I would never let it get to divorce because the woman would be shown the door before I let it get that bad. If you live with a woman under her roof, you're fucked. If you share an apartment and rent with a woman, you're fucked. The only way to control a woman is to own your property. That way you can tell her to leave. It works like a charm. Guarantee nobody on this thread owns their own property which means you are a slave to the system.
I'm very picky. I don't go with women who like Jews. If they cannot see the threat they are hopeless. They will only ruin their children. There are no traditional women in New York. Maybe 2% of the population of women are viable options. You just need to weed the rest out then create attraction. America is a cursed country. If you cannot overcome the curse you are doomed with lawyers and divorce courts.
Went through divorce - 11k worth of debt due to it - still prospering, still alive, still think MGTOW is a bunch of disgruntled cucks who are angry that a stupid fucking woman tricked them. kek
LUL Cites "anecdotal evidence" as reason to argue and then says "BUT ALL TEH WIMMINZ ARE TEH BAD DEY DICK RIDE AND I CANT GET LAID!" And, again, I'm the woman. lololol You are a moron.
Imagine being so incompetent you can't convince your woman your political beliefs are right, then imagine not being able to raise your kids to not be retarded or impolite. Besides, younger white kids are becoming less and less retarded.
wtf! you are fighting billions of dollars of jew movies commericials advertising books media music and u expect to convince fucking retarded emotion based women of anything.. you are being obtuse or purpusly blind to the realities a younger man faces these days
I'm probably younger than you, anyway I have even younger friends who managed this despite the odds. If you're a zoomer you might be suprised, you may discover younger white women are more based than you imagine. Women follow the example important men in their lives set.
"younger white women are more based than you imagine"
This is also biological - since Griswold [1965] and Roe [1973], White shitlibs have largely ceased making White children.
According to the Pew Hispanic Trust survey [of high skrewl juniors], something like 75% to 80% of all White kids born in 2000 were backing Trump in 2016.
Whereas all the shitlib kids, who should have been born in 2000, ended up in the dempsey dumpster out back behind Planned Murderhood.
And that's been going on for almost THREE GENERATIONS now.
They have one bad experience with a female and are now going to break the chain between each generation of their ancestors spanning over 1000’s of years. It hurts to see white men this brainwashed as we have a duty to continue that flow between our ancestors and the next generation.
Imagine passing down a family heirloom for a few hundred million years only to have your shit stain of a son pawn it to buy a bad Ubisoft game... Only that family heirloom is literally life itself.
You remember that scene from Pulp Fiction about the ring the father kept in his ass through a Vietnamese prison camp?
That ring only became a burden for Bruce Willis.
How useful is a ring anyway?
Why burden your family with such junk?
What's so great about life? Trying to avoid fire and cold and thirst and drowning and hunger and disease and loneliness, all while staring at mortality. Seems less a blessing and more a curse.
Lol just because you took the nihilism pill doesn't mean your kids will. Not to mention that I can't take this argument seriously, seeing as you are still alive to make it. If you really believed all that you wouldn't be here, you'd be ODing on heroine or dead by your own hand.
Evolution has put in psychological restraints that prevent us from killing ourselves. Are you suggesting that evolution has instilled in you such a desire for procreation that you cannot will against it?
If life is suffering then stop bitching and end it. Nihilism might be the way of the universe at a cosmic level but it's no way to live. Human beings do have a purpose a wellspring of meaning and satisfaction waiting for them but apparently you've been so corrupted by post modernism that you refuse to see it.
Why does the subject have to believe an argument to present it?
Is it possible for an argument to be sound even if the one saying it doesn't believe it?
Why do you value the species over the meme?
I don't doubt that there is plenty of meaning in life and kids. But there is also a lot of suffering. Not only do I not see it a duty to make more life, there may even be a duty against it.
Why does the subject have to believe an argument to present it?
That's called playing devil's advocate but usually you openly declare that you don't believe what you are saying instead of trying to convince me otherwise.
Is it possible for an argument to be sound even if the one saying it doesn't believe it?
Yes but Is it right to preach a code you can't abide by?
Why do you value the species over the meme?
What the fuck kind of question is this? You want to hear that "The entire human race has the same objective value as the intangible idea that everything is pointless and objectivity doesn't exist because everything is pointless and objectivity doesn't exist." This is the most unproductive post-modernist shit. You can reduce everything down to 'equally pointless' but that doesn't lead to anything productive or good, just more self contained smug intellectualism. I can reduce a diamond and lump of coal to identical carbon piles, that doesn't negate the value of the diamond.
I'm in a position between devil's advocate and adherent. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. I am not planning on having kids.
This isn't am argument from nihilism. Objectivity and value exist. But life is objectively of negative value, as suffering outweighs pleasure, or something.
Imagine the family heirloom was radioactive. At a time before people knew what radioactivity was.
It would be valuable, given that is a family heirloom. But it would be harmful, because it is dangerous and causes suffering.
If life is the family heirloom, it is valuable. Life has a lot of valuable things in it. But if the family heirloom is radioactive, it can be harmful. Life is filled with harms and disappointments. Suffering. Eventual death.
If a family realizes the heirloom is radioactive and it is harming their family, they might let go of its value as an heirloom, and stop passing it down.
If someone realizes the harm of life, that to create a life is to create a new set of suffering for someone, then maybe they likewise stop passing this heirloom down. They recognize that their family can't enjoy the statue or lamp or whatever the heirloom was. But their family also won't be harmed by it. Someone's hypothetical child wouldn't be able to experience the joys in life, but they also wouldn't be harmed by life's harms. The loving hypothetical parent chooses that the best way to love the hypothetical child is to prevent those harms against it, rather than seeing this as depriving the goods from it.
Imagine one has a daughter who loves life, but will be raped, but then will still love life and say she wishes she had life despite that negative thing that happened to her. Before she was born, if this one knew what would happen, despite the positive outcomes... this one still has to choose to procreate and eventually have this awful thing happen to her. That seems like something morally difficult to sign off on, even though he knows his daughter still wishes or would wish to be born.
But look at it the other way. If one's child were to experience a lot of pleasures, but one chooses not to procreate, this child has those pleasures taken away from them. But since no one was ever born to have those pleasures taken away from, no one is ever harmed.
It seems easier to me to take the moral path where no one is harmed, than to take the path where you have to tacitly approve of some harms coming to a new person.
I believe what the original guy was referring to was the millions of years of evolution in your genes that you would be throwing away. Besides that life comes with risks, but the benefits outweigh them ten fold. Finally, do you plan to actually fix life's risks so others may safely raise families? Judging by the fact you're on Voat and seem to believe you have nothing to lose, I'm going to guess you won't do anything.
Most people don't do anything. Very few people have invented life saving and life extending technology. Compared to people who just were.
I don't know where you get your number that benefits outweigh harms tenfold.
Lots of people who don't procreate can serve general humanity somehow. Gay uncles can raise kids without diddling them. Sterile people can work as scientists or police or soldiers or crossing guards or whatever. Doctors or dentists or politicians. Politicians who make war when war is needed and peace when peace is needed. Or whatever.
I don't see why cranking out a kid is a required ingredient for the recipe of a good life.
Do you think people who are born sterile or whatever can't have a good life? Do they still have this mystical duty to procreate?
Because you will grow old, you need someone to take care of you. Only through a family can you find true happiness as well btw.
What are you? A Jew? The gay uncle is going to rape his nephews bruh, it's how gays reproduce. As for the rest, rarely has a man with nothing to lose acted or done anything worthwhile, men with everything to lose routinely give their lives.
You're twisting my words on the sterile people, that's obviously not who the discussion is about.
People can just kill themselves whenever they want, before they get old. Or people in society can take care of them, in homes and institutions or whatever.
At least be open minded that the kid could be turned gay by his gym coach rather than his uncle.
I immediately thought of Jesus and Newton as men who didn't procreate. You said "rarely." Fine. But the topic isn't, "What heuristic can we use to measure man?" and determine that natalists are generally better people than antinatalists. The question is whether it is moral or not to bring a new person into life. It may the case that natalists are generally better people, but wrong on this moral issue. We can't merely point to their stellar track record as an argument against antinatalism.
I'm not twisting your words by bringing in sterile people. I'm suggesting if you can see the value in a sterile person's life, maybe you can extend antinatalism into being a form of sterility, and then likewise find purpose in the antinatalist's life.
"People can just kill themselves whenever they want, before they get old. Or people in society can take care of them, in homes and institutions or whatever." Okay Juden. People can just kill themselves or have other people's kids take care of them (as well as their own responsible parents). Good plan. Not.
Jesus had everything to lose, he really could have become a King and had endless women following him around. Newton had a bunch of knowledge, I don't know enough about him so I don't believe he was killed, but I'll let you use him as an exception due to my ignorance of him. You're on Voat mate, neither of us are the next Jesus or Newton, sorry but it's true. Since you don't want kids, and neither of us are likely to be important, what will you do about all the problems in the world you addressed earlier? You gonna make it so people CAN have kids? Or just complain it's too hard? You did bring up legitimate problems with having a family though, I'm not saying it's easy. You know the problems, how will you fix them so others don't suffer?
The discussion is about people who can have kids, not people who biologically cannot.
Why is it my job to save anyone if I'm not the next Jesus or Newton? If I'm nobody and I can't help anybody, why are you expecting me to help anybody?
The least I can do is not cause more harm. And to not cause more harm means not having kids. If I have kids, I am creating new lives which can undergo suffering. And this is known. There is not some mystery about whether they will suffer or not. They will. It is known.
I don't know why some difficulties encountered by some people when they get old or are dying should weigh enough to continue to let humanity suffer indefinitely. So some old people have no one to change their bed pan. We should therefore make infinite more generations which will grow old and need someone to change their bed pan? How does that make sense?
Why is it your job to care about other people? You a rabbi? If you aren't, it's because the hordes will inevitably come for you.
Not having kids means more harm, it means the kids of people who do have them will have to suffer more. The alternative is no one has kids but that would mean we've lost.
No, not at all what I said and I'm having a tough time figuring out how you came to that conclusion. No kids means the few there are are burdened with taking care of all the selfish/short sided old people who choose not to think of their futures, mass group suicides is also not an option as it would also mean the white race has failed. With that said there's obviously more reasons to have kids as a group, getting taken care of and loved in your old age is the reward an individual will get.
Hundreds of millions - or even billions - of years ago, there were pond scum amoebae making sacrifices so that their pond scum amoebae descendants could eventually become sentient hominids typing at keyboards [at whacking off to jew pr0n] all night rather than manning up and putting WHITE BUNZ -> WHITE OVENZ.
You scold all women because you picked a bad one? What kind of logic is that.
You have a bad apple within a bag of apples, instead of throwing the bad one away and keeping the rest, with your logic you would throw the whole bag of apples away.
Don't assume anything about me, then you won't be wrong.
It's never about A woman. It's saying the system is fucked up, don't play along. It's saying, breed with young women, ditch the whore single moms. What's to disagree about that?
lecnylep ago
mgtow attracts a lot of betas but alimony should be abolished and child support should be capped
WhiteChickens ago
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the founding fathers left clear instructions.
They didn't tell you to get married or try to breed your way out, did they?
WhiteChickens ago
Here's a thought, fight for your country instead of trying to raise children to live with the problem.
Doctors_Hate_Him ago
As someone who was apart of mgtow and theredpill for 4-5ish years and no longer considers themselves apart of that community, I want to point a few things out:
1. The pond you fish in: the men of these communities complain about sluts after a night out at the bar... well, of course, you met sluts there, you're AT A BAR. One thing I didn't realize until later is that there are two DISTINCT ponds to fish from. The quality women one is invisible to the men who attend bars for ONE SPECIFIC REASON. They don't go. In fact, you will NEVER meet these women if all your social activities include drinking and searching for women who will go home with you after an hour of conversation. These women DON'T go out (I'll get to how to meet them in a second). Many of the women I now hang out with--some have never had a drop of alcohol in their lives. Yes. You read that right. Whereas many have only been drunk one time at a house party with friends.
2. Where to find the quality pond? I would estimate that the split of women between these two areas is probably about 50/50--maybe 40/60 going one way or the other. I'm not sure. Anyways, you'll find them in the following ways:
* Boardgame nights (many local breweries, coffee shops, and community centers host these)
* Sports leagues
* Church groups
* Community band/orchestra
* Meetup groups (though be sure to pick one that’s introvert-friendly)
* In-person classes (cooking, photography, painting, etc.)
* Craft groups (you can find a lot of these on Meetup)
* If you want to use actual "game" then you'll have to approach women during the day. NOT at a club
* The EASIEST way by far is to join social circles through these type of activities, then meet them that way
TL;DR: MGTOW and TRP rely on you believing the ALWALT bullshit, when in fact it's actually "HALF AWALT"--but they refuse to actually go to where the other half resides and then bitch and moan about whores.
My friends, a quality girl will NOT sleep with you unless you're in a serious committed relationship that is basically headed towards marriage. So sorry, you'll have to play the long game. Otherwise, keep bitching about the sluts that fuck you the same night you meet them.
beefartist ago
Fuck you MGTOW faggots (they don't deserve to be called nigger faggots). You are a bunch of men who failed your wives and family and still can't admit it was YOUR responsibility. If you are going to go around blaming courts, women, "muh system" for your problems you have given in your man card. If YOU aren't responsable for the outcome of your life you might as well me a single mother welfare niggers. Young men don't listen to these fuckwits; get strong, get moral, find a woman and LEAD her...thet are desperate and if a lawyer can twist your ex wife into destroying your life (the father of her children, often..) that says as much about the MEN as it does the women and system.
kw92 ago
Not like we have just room to throw stones, Qtards have infested this shithole and are far worse than the MGTOW crowd
SexMachine ago
MGTOW is a red pill, fucking idiots. The systems in place in America create a lose all environment for men wanting to get married and have children.
Be me. Get married to Mary Jane. Have 2 kids. Mary Jane is bored with marriage. She can have sex with other men, and get rewarded for it when I file for divorce. Mary Jane, who hasn't worked in the past 5 years, gets half of everything I earned in the past 5 years we've been married. She gets the kids, and she gets a paycheck from me for the next 18 years.
There is no penalty for a woman to step outside of the marriage. There is only reward, so why the fuck not? Even if I meet Mary Jane through church, once those dollar signs start floating around her eyes, she will be tempted.
Let's flip the roles. You're a dude. Your wife is lame. You can switch her out for some new pussy, keep the kids, and get fucking paid to do so. It's not the right thing to do, but shit, there's less incentive to work with what you've got.
The systems in place are designed to fuck over men. More specifically, white men.
MGTOW isn't blue pilled. It's red pilled of another flavor.
Dieboomer ago
It's not a black or right issue. The other side of the coin:
"Yes goys, get married to a pozzed slut. Obey her, or get divorced and be a slave to the state for at least 18 years if you are lucky. Maybe no alimony."
ArielQflip ago
You all know women upvote this too, right?
Fuck feminists and it's AGENDA.
Pissed_Off_Vet ago
Jew vermin.
CrackerSlant ago
Import blonde blue eyes girls?
Vc83 ago
"Oy white men, dont love your own kind and form traditional marriages! Just sleep around with low quality mixed races!"
RepostGhostCst2Cst ago
Maybe you guys should go out and talk to more men. Half the guys on my work crew are divorced and have nothing at ages where they should have everything.
Until things change with who's able to vote and who's in power, this attitude some men are taking up is going to continue.
And after looking at how Virginia went, I'm already assuming this country is lost. LARPer fags
PsyOp ago this really a Ben Garrison painting? If it is, I'm gonna buy it from him and hang it on the wall in my office!
HaHawk ago
ur cute
PsyOp ago
OMFG! Stop hitting on me, you MGTOW faggot!
ArayanZ ago
I hate that for you, but I totally understand why you feel the way you do - and that's a shame. I'm a female and I hate that women can be so fucking devious. But you're right, the courts and laws are ALL set up to destroy the White man today. I wouldn't chance it either, there's no reason to.
Black_Phillip ago
Trad cucks gon' cuck. So funny seeing so many of you think MGTOW = Incels.
Incels disguise themselves as MGTOW but they're really still blue pill cucks who believe in romantic love "somewhere" out there still. They like to co-opt it because it validates their inability to attract women. An Incel is the inverse of a PUA, both depend on a woman’s validation at the end of the day
Plenty of successful MGTOW who had a long time career with women. Even successful good looking men that women throw themselves at. They just don't talk about it. You can think what you want though, the beauty is we don't care. We focus on ourselves and our own purpose.
Walking away from women doesn't mean you "can't get laid" but because of gynocentrism and feminist laws they have decided getting divorce raped, getting accused of false domestic violence (Duluth model), rape, or even pedophillia (many women do this to take the kids away) with absolutely no evidence is not worth it. Family court or title 9 kangaroo courts that destroy men's lives on a DAILY basis because basic constitutional rights don't exist for men, isn't worth it. Going to prison or becoming homeless because you can't meet your unreasonable child support payments for a non violent crime isn't worth it. Getting fired from your job just because a women wants to take your position so she lies to management about something you didn't do or say (happens all the time) isn't worth it. A women lying to you that a child is yours when it's really another man's to trick you into raising it (30% paternity fraud in U.S., 48% in the UK, that's just men who actually get the test) - isn't worth it. And it doesn't even have to be a marriage contract that causes all of these to happen.
And I could keep going if you want, or I could just say some men think the juice isn't worth the squeeze, realize feminism won after the second wave and would rather find meaning in their lives other than an overpriced wet hole.
We realize that really the only solution is taking women's rights away.
The feminist cucks destroy their society obviously, and the traditionalist cucks who believe marriage and family can work WITHOUT male authority are just as wrong. You cannot have responsibility without authority over that which you are responsible for. I want you to think about for a moment - just a moment - having responsibility over your child and their actions but no authority to tell them what to do. What do you think would happen? What if they could also vote on top of that?
Women have rights they did not earn and thus will take advantage of everything. It's why the welfare state is what it is and will only get worse. Men are paying for it at a 200% rate while a women by age 50 is a -$150,000 net tax drain on the system.
And why? Because women are majority voters.
Patriarchy is the only way. The West has no country in it that has fertility over replacement, your society is literally dying around you but you refuse to see why. And it doesn't have to be violent Muslim patriarchy. Look at the Amish who have a less than 1% divorce rate and breed like rabbits, it's because they have patriarchy.
Keep deluding yourself men. MGTOW are the only ones who know where this is heading, we're just trying to warn you before history repeats. Best case scenario it will go down Venezuela style and worse case, Mad Max.
But think what you want, again the beauty is we don't care and you can keep wondering why the metoos, the Roy Moores, A CURRENT SUPREME COURT NOMINEE WITH A SPOTLESS RECORD can be destroyed by a lying thot because well ....vagina. You can keep using your self prescribed brainwashed feminist shame tactics like some fags in these comments. You can keep wondering why it seems to keep going to shit and blame everybody but yourselves for ALLOWING it. Be your own jailers, we don't care. We just laugh at you and move on.
When you guys find your balls and are ready to at least repeal the 19th, lemme know, I'm ready.
Tucker4president ago
Lol. Your ancestors ran towards machine guns. You are running away from broads.
Black_Phillip ago
By the way, when walking away from women will no longer be enough because of feminist laws and cucks like you..don't worry, the hockey mask will come on and BFG Division will start playing.
AnotherGrayman ago
MGTOW isn't running away from pussy, it's refusing to run toward pussy.
If women want to follow men going their own way, that's fine.
The point is, women should not have any control over men's lives.
WhiteChickens ago
You are running away from machine guns, ye of no self awareness.
You are cowards trying to win a war by being dads because you don't want to risk getting shot. lol
Tucker4president ago
I defer to the keyboard warrior
WhiteChickens ago
I defer to the dingdong warrior. lol
Black_Phillip ago
Lol. Why would I run away from these wet gashes? Many MGTOW still fuck these useless whores, we just let you cucks tie your chains to the state.
Don't get too mad when the kid's actually mine and kill yourself, please.
okimaracist ago
mgtow is more like mwmp , men with mental problems seek to blame women for their own shortcomings , i laugh at how these guys complain about all women being bitches and how 3 failed marriages has left them bitter and broke after divorce rulings . how much fucking money would a 3rd wife get after the husband loser has been cleaned out twice ? oh cmon face it ...THE COMMON DENOMINATOR IN THE FAILED RELATIONSHIPS WERE THE MAN INVOLVED = ITS NOT THEM ITS YOU
19810708321b ago
Many MGTOW are happily married. It’s to wake people up on the facts of divorce and how women can steal everything.
brigantine ago
If you're getting married and having kids to "stick it to the jews" that sounds like something they'd be happy with that. That just proves they still control/influence the biggest decisions in your life.
steven_feelsperg ago
When someone shits in your soup, you beat the shit out of that someone and start anew. This is natural.
ShakklezthaKlown ago
how is having white kids and making more white souls something they would benefit from?
brigantine ago
If someone else dictates your decisions (no matter who benefits), they still control you. I'd rather my choices come from my own first-hand experience.
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ZweibelKuchen ago
"Whatever Jews want I should do the opposite" is a surprisingly effective at giving you a healthy and productive life.
Crikes ago
Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.
Communists are antithetical to truth, and vice versa. Speak the truth!
Communists are at war with individual rights, and individual merit, and collectivism is their poison. They never stop shilling fear. Divide and conquer.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Clean your room. Speak the truth. Be better today than you were yesterday. You deserve your life. The buck stops with you.
Figure it out.
NPC1488 ago
Zyklon Ben Garrison is the best White Nationalist cartoonist out there.
keksupreme ago
they want you to date modern women so jewish lawyers can get pay days when they divorce you and so that shitty american feminist women can create more terrible offspring
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
I get the "that bitch took my house" MGTOWS, there but for the grace of God go I and all that... The incel ones are often to cringy and autistic to take seriously though.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Incels arent MGTOWs. MGTOW is a choice, incels don't make that choice.
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
Yeah but come on man, we're not dumb. We've all seen that vegan who wants you to quit meat because he's jealous of all that delicious protein. The alcoholic who becomes the moralizing religious zealot because being fervent about and obsessing over sobriety as a virtue is easier than having willpower in the moment.
It's not as painful if you pretend you don't want to get laid, even convince yourself it's not worth the trouble, I get it... Except I've been 20-something before and if you aren't getting laid you are going crazy in one way or another.
Don't get me wrong there are things we will agree on. They should hire me to hock peanuts at family court because it's such a circus. That poor kid in TX gets to keep his dick and that's considered a victory instead of disturbing work of fiction. Feminism is gender marxism steeped in lysenkoism and is ultimately societal cancer. Fuck the pussy pass. Fuck the entitled vapid thots, they are poor examples of women.
... It's just that in practice I have no use for whiney hyper autistic bitches that have ducked out of the demographic race war and are proud of it. Dropouts who encourage others to do the same. I get it, life's not fair but if I just laid down to die like a 25 yo MGTOW I'd be less a wife, three kids and a dog today living in some shit hole city going to meetings with my other repressed pals on Friday night and drinking myself to sleep.
The 40 yo MGTOWS ain't having any more kids anyway and they've been fucked by the government, the 20 yo MGTOWS haven't been fucked by anything and there ain't shit we can do about it, sorry. It sucks but it takes work and work numbs the pain too.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Like I said mgtow can get laid if they want to, and there are some that do. They use tinder and the hit it and lose it, but they will never form a relationship with that woman. You should get the idea that it is because they cant get laid, that they are mgtow. It is like saying that Buddhist monks are monks because they cant get laid. They are choosing to forgo carnal pleasure willingly, that is what a MGTOW is. They are choosing not to engage with women, not because they cant, but because they do not like her, and choose not to.
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
Schlomo should be holding a flesh light
EmmaWatson666 ago
Hah, but lets remember we're all on the same side.
Atkho ago
Actually I wish mgtow the best of luck and hope they recruit 90% of men to do the same thing. Then women would have to share men. They would have to be on their best behavior if they want attention.
antiracistMetal ago
90% of men will overtake women with force because 90% of men is a bigger military force than 10% of men.
@bojangles @eagleshigh
TheSeer ago
This is a misrepresentation of MGTOW.
The argument is that women have been ruined by feminism and the courts. Not that they are evil.
antiliberalsociety ago
You somehow fail to mention the jew being the root cause of it all, starting with the women's suffrage movement and later the 19th Amendment. Who makes those chick-flicks they're addicted to, making them believe they will always deserve better?
TheSeer ago
They told an entire generation of women they could be princesses, and in the end, turned them into cat ladies/hags.
JunOS ago
MGTOW itself is the kike lie, not the representation of the women associated with it. Feminism or evil, the going your own way and being strong is a feminist ideology.
MGTOW is feminism for men, change my mind.
The way the jews designed feminism to destroy families is the same way they are hitting the flank from the other side (the male side)
If you guys cant see this then you probably should be alone and not procreate.
TheSeer ago
It is a temporary strategy, as I understand it. Send a message to this generation of women. Either they give GOOD advice to the next generation of women, or, embittered, they try to make the next gen as miserable as they are.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Women are fundamentally amoral creatures, so from their point of view, concepts like "Evil" are largely meaningless.
Furthermore, Satan designed women to sniff out and punish WEAKNESS in men [it's a darwinian psychological phenomenon, which serves to strengthen the darwinian fitness of the herd], ergo all women have a non-zero baseline of Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder, and the very worst of women will be so disgusted by the WEAK men in their lives that they will drive those men [both husbands & sons] to suicide via constant relentless vicious baleful scorched-earth Passive Aggressive poisoning of any and all interactions.
Furthermore, I am convinced that the very worst of the PAPD women experience a licentious lascivious thrill when they succeed in driving their husbands or sons to suicide.
Having said all of that, human characteristics come in "Bell Curves", and there are some women, on the Right side of the female bell curve for amorality, who have just a hint of an innate Inner Moral Compass, and those are the chicks whom you want to seek out and impregnate.
Tucker4president ago
Get a high quality Eastern Europe or East Asian. Then you'll see how women are supposed to be.
Atkho ago
It all of them are ruined though. Yes they are adult teenagers that will cheat and blame it on you if you let yourself go but don't let yourself go. The stupid sluts are the lower percentage of them. If you don't want a low quality women then don't be a low quality man.
PsyOp ago
No, it's is precisely what is happening.
ZweibelKuchen ago
And the right response is to give up.
I'll pass.
WhiteChickens ago
Why not, you surrendered to the enemy. lol
blockbuster1488 ago
Women are a losing game dude. They literally cant be loyal to a man and they cant be monogamous unless they are in a society that literally forces by threat of death or total social isolation(like pre-50s America and current Islam). It took me a while to fully swallow the pill that women have been harmed just as much as us in society, and their issue is instead of resisting it and taking steps to go against the programming they go with it completely, or they become mentally ill messes who will just randomly fuck you over because oh, she hates herself and doesnt know why. If you look at the statistics, its actually insane to think about getting into a relationship. 1 in 3 men are raising kids that aren't theirs. I know a lot of people here want to pretend that having a family is still possible in 2020 but its not. You can either accept this fact(or as you put it giving up) or try to find a girl, raised in might I remind you FUCKING CLOWN WORLD which enabled her worst biological instincts and then try to have a family with her.
TheSeer ago
Give up? Men are fertile into very late in life. The point is for men to UNITE and send a message. Basically pass on this GENERATION of women.
kijoja ago
What makes you think the next generation will want your saggy balls?
okimaracist ago
he's a "mgtow" , women will beg him for his seed we he's good and ready or old enough to only be able to snag a philipino mail order whore
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Your job is to un-ruin them.
Fast. Paleo/Keto. Lift. Cardio.
Learn Game.
Rework your Inner Frame to have the personality of a psychopathic Stone Cold Killer.
Do not give a flying phuck about anything anymoar.
And let them know it.
They'll come to you on their hands & knees, begging for your seed.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Lolz. Notice all your downgoats? Your stepping on people's fantasies here.
This is so fucking close to the truth I'm getting tears in my eyes. Of course, the typical retard has no idea what you're talking about because they have their heads so far up Hymie's rectum they can smell the partially digested foreskins.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
We just gotta keep Evangelizing our White brothers in the omnipotent power of Zero Fucks Given.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
The power of Nothing.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Yes, then bury the knife in your back.
"not all waman"
Possibly. Not everyone is a murderer, but tell that to the murdered guy and see what he says.
Nosferatjew ago
You left out one very important thing: having a solid surround sound system.
tokui ago
Looks like voat needs an education on mgtow.
SexMachine ago
I was part of the MGTOW community on reddit years ago. The problem is that incels flocked to the community. MGTOW is about living the way you want to live as a man without catering to the wants or needs of women. Incels like to pretend they're MGTOW, but in actuality, they're just repulsive.
Vc83 ago
looks like you need an education in pre and post ww2 history
ZweibelKuchen ago
An education on how to be a cuck and make excuses? I'd just go to reddit if I wanted that.
Broc_Lia ago
How are they cucks? A cuck would stay with an abusive woman, take his licks, and let her cheat on him. MGTOWs walk the fuck away and leave her to her own devices.
jackfraser ago
False dichotomy. Find a normal woman, you stupid faggot. If you start looking for the in the places they’re found, you’ll do better than looking for them on Chinese anime forums
constitutionranger ago
Quite a few Simps here, but they are all NatSoc, but still believe in spinning ball Earth too. A lot of people have a lot of learning to do. Also, this place is filled to the brim with shills, glows, jews, you name it...
ShakklezthaKlown ago
fuck. flat earther surge? guess this site is really gone with the wind now.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
I'm curious; what's on the other side of the "flat earth"—turtles?
Sweettendiesloving ago
Opposite earth, where they aren't retarded
Fuckle_Chucks ago
The turtles aren't retarded?
Sweettendiesloving ago
We got the retarded version of the people that think the earth is flat on our "side"
chrimony ago
Yes, you do.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
I sure hope disco doesn't become popular again too...
smokratez ago
Atkho ago
May as well be castrates.
CowboyXero ago
I've been married and divorced...twice. Both times, I was taken to the cleaners. Recently, I've only just been able to get back on my feet. I'm thankful there were no kids in the marriage otherwise, it could have been a shit sight worse. Regardless, I don't hate women, I know two of them that would enjoy my companionship for life but here's the issue. I Attract Psychos. The thing is, I'm not making bank but what I make takes care of me and probably could take care of someone else in the picture. I'm thankful that the psychos I dealt with are out of my fucking life. The fucked-up part is that the last time I was in court, her own family told the court she was manipulative and her only happiness was found in money. Guess what they gave her? It took time to get out from under that shit and more money on top of that. The only ones I'm not done paying are the fucking lawyers. Now my area is completely blue. Moving is financially not a feasable possibility right now. I'm not dating in this area, at all. The reason I'm not dating is because and pay close attention because some of you fuckwits aren't getting a good explanation, I Don't Have That Kind of Legal War Chest.
Some psycho bitch hides it well enough to go "buyer's remorse" later? I'm fucked.
Accusations get thrown around? Guess who's going to jail. For a long fucking time.
Now if any of you have opinions about that, well bring on your downvotes and know that, until you're paying my bills (I have plenty of them, so step up or shut up) Not One Iota About My Decision Will Change. Whether you like it or not, agree with it or not...literally only means Jack and shit and Jack left town.
I got lucky, and I've dodged some serious bullets. Luck runs out. Some bullets don't get dodged.
If and When I get my ass back down South, I may be a little too set in my ways, most of the psychos I've encountered were right there down south so would I? Maybe. Up here? Not A Fucking Chance.
It's not "One bad experience." It's staying the fuck out of prison by not doing stupid shit like getting involved with some of these hysterical fourth-wave types. Some aren't easily recognizeable.
Much like owning guns, saying whatever I like or even deciding what I'm having for dinner, the common thread here is that not one of you will ever be consulted. I know it pisses you off but I don't care if it pisses you off.
It's your problem. Try keeping it that way.
inzmovi ago
Yes, we understand. However, just saying "fuck it, i'm not playing" is not fixing the problem at the source. It means less kids, or broken kids, which is exactly what the jews want
CowboyXero ago
So while I'm not in jail, I'm still rebuilding everything and I'm good where I'm at, perhaps you'll go back, reread the post and show me where I said "Fuck It, I'm Not Playing"
In the end what I'm doing can do nothing about. That's all. Downvote me on a website? Hurl insults? That's all. Still won't change a damn thing.
inzmovi ago
This isn't reddit, faggot
We can ridicule you. And you can't do shit about that either. And we don't care.
CowboyXero ago
You care a little too much. You'd ridicule anyone who doesn't toe that line of your worldview and you're far too invested into matters that have fuck all to do with you. Face it, what I posted triggered you and a bunch of others and then you went into your autistic screeching same as the fucktards over at Reddit.
You're not either of my parents (both have passed on), I don't owe you money and we're not fucking so until any of the latter two are happening, perhaps it would be best if you just did you and learn one fact; If I won't let some rainbow haired fuckmonkey micromanage my life, my being here doesn't mean I'm letting you do it either.
inzmovi ago
You clearly don't belong here
Reining ago
You sound like a slow learner. Glad you finally figured it out. There are many just like you. Thank you for your post.
123456788 ago
When laws are created, court decisions favor, and child custody decisions all favor women in a blatantly obvious way, men will opt out. The laws are exactly set up in a way for men to get the shit end of the stick.
Once these laws get changed and millions of illegals get deported, we're going to see a marriage and baby boom like we haven't seen before.
Basically_Hitler ago
There's something wrong with you. You're drawing these women to you and you are attracted to this type of women also. What major lessons did you learn and address about your own failings after each marriage, or did you just wash your hands of any blame, learn nothing and eventually give up?
CowboyXero ago
Reading comprehension not your strong suit? It shows.
Basically_Hitler ago
I'm surprised you replied, why didn't you give up and say it's everyone's fault but mine?
JunOS ago
I'm sorry you married the wrong person twice. Either way, MGTOW is a kike lie. For every horror story, there is a great one.
CowboyXero ago
Oh well. Nothing about my decision changes and that's that. Have a nice day.
Intrixina ago
I say "you do you" and you were lucky to dodge the bullet not once but twice. Why put yourself through that garbage for a third time?
It's why I always say that if I ever get married, a pre-nup which is ironclad, and includes a "duress" clause, is a requirement.
This is what happens in a society that glorifies degeneracy and attention whorehery, and attempts to destroy decent, hard working and wholesome types. I probably would stay single if I were a man, because fuck if I could deal with 99% of females these days and their manipulative cuntery.
1stResponder ago
Sorry to here about your troubles. Don't despair. There are good women out there. And there are some good websites that can help. Some one posted not too long ago a video/website that I thought was pretty good. One of the recommendations was to avoid women who have tattoos. Think about this for a moment. It makes sense to me. You want to find a woman that is accommodating, not one demanding to be the center of attention. Those women are "black holes" where nothing is appreciated and they always want more. To me, they are the ones that ring a loud "psycho" in my mind. Also, avoid women in which television is a dominant past time. It's a good indication their minds are polluted. Once you are able to settle down with someone, keep the TV out of your lives. It's a portal into your living room spreading destruction and lies. And don't ever take a marriage license. in taking a license, you are trading a Right for a permission from the government and it can be revoked at anytime. Not only that, your marriage contract is now between the 2 recipients of the license and a third party, the government acting as the arbitrator.
Don't give up. Do your homework. Believe me, there are good women out there.
CowboyXero ago
-Never dated a woman with tattoos
-I happen to like TV. Not much new shit. I use mine for movies in my own collection or what I pirate
-I'm not interested in marriage for two very obvious reasons
-Really what is all this reading into my post? I never blamed all women, for fuck's sake I see some people getting that and the rest are on this wild conspiracy theory that I let out some misogynist dog whistle. If I want that I can hang out at the next Women's March and believe me, I want nothing to do with that fucking crowd. You people are holding onto something that isn't there...fuck.
-I will never date HERE. See what I see everyday and you'll understand why.
-I have said if and when I move back...yanno what I'm not going to retype that. If you can't read my post then I say just let it be what it is.
-I'm sure there are good women out there.
-I don't have the legal defense fund to navigate the minefield
-I'm staying out of it.
-Not one letter of my original post is changing.
Some of you have far too much time on your hands to invest so hard into what it is I do. Wow...
Intrixina ago
Those are your run of the mill attention whores. A decent person isn't going to advertise to the world how great they are with words, they will do so with deeds.
ArielQflip ago
LUCKY you have no children. Women have been done the same. I don't blame YOU.
cohSh8Ca ago
Similar story, man. Can't blame you at all.
Anarchy99 ago
If you are a weak male, women will drive all over you. You have to vet the woman. But as they say men think with their little heads. As for men they are in way too deep. They don't own property. If they do own property they don't put it in a trust BEFORE they get married. I also don't hire lawyers and I am good enough at framing my own legal arguments. I would probably never get married at this point unless I had all my property in a trust. But most women are mentally ill these days from drinking smoking and having Medical dependencies with pharmaceutical drugs which is a guarantee for divorce. There are so many wedges on heterosexual relationships unless you are on top of your game, frankly you don't stand the chance.
Titanbikes4ever ago
You have horrible taste in women and your mentally fucked up. That's why you picked bad wives, that's why they were crazy. It's never all women that are bad, it's you, you're a bad guy
CowboyXero ago
I was born the bad guy what the fuck is your point?
Oh and one more thing, if you think that's going to change my mind then why don't you ask those religious idiots if I stopped listening to metal just because they decided to start calling me a devil worshipper.
Seriously, you shouldn't have let your father breast-feed you.
white_male30 ago
Right, you're perfect and the all women are crazy. Truth is someone fucked you up and you never healed/learned from it, and now you always seek abusive relationships, this is where the jew comes in your life and validates your feelings with mtgow, it's so obvious it's almost funny.
CowboyXero ago
Anyone else hearing the echoes of bitches?
white_male30 ago
I don't hear anything, I just see a confused man.
CowboyXero ago
Again with this echo...
white_male30 ago
Do you feel tough telling off people giving you advice while life gets harder for you every day? Does it satisfy your ego?
You're as much as a bitch as the women you've married, you whine but reject any help, you have no self respect, no wonder women and the gov is walking all over you.
Titanbikes4ever ago
You were born the bad guy, like Billie Ellish? Lol, you probably think she's hot. Sigh, gross. You're mentally and physically unstable bad. The fact you cant grasp that concept is proof you're an idiot as well. Women were never the problem. The shitty wives you picked were just a symptom.
Why are you completely changing the subject? No one here (or anywhere) cares what music you listen to. I probably listen to and play harder metal than you. I highly doubt anyone called you a devil worshiper in the last 20 years. If someone did, I still don't care.
Unless you're Jewish, you're not evil, just really broken.
Did your father breast feed you? Is that what fucked you up?
CowboyXero ago
Really? That's the best you can come up with? Who taught you shit like that, your husband?
Titanbikes4ever ago
Oh, I hit the bull's-eye. Well now I know I'm right for you to get so butthurt. If you weren't mentally and physically unhinged, you wouldn't even respond, much less resort to calling me names and freaking out.
It sucks, I see someone so stupid and broken they can't even see the forest for the trees and I wish I could give them insight into what's going on, but of course they're so oblivious they keep banging their head on a brick wall and thanking the wall.
I hope you figure it out before you bequeath all your hangups on your poor kids.
CowboyXero ago
You spelled TitanicBitchcase wrong, BTW.
Titanbikes4ever ago
Lol, I'm so right about you. Channel that anger into losing weight and making your life not suck so hard :( Now say something else vulgar so Im even more assured.
CowboyXero ago
Why? You seem pretty self-congratulatory yourself. I know multisyllable words are hard for a 12-year-old with an IQ of room temperature below zero but a hyphenated one? Ooh...that's gonna tax what few brain cells you have fighting to make a thought pattern.
Titanbikes4ever ago
Lol, you did what I told you to. I'm already married and I would never ever even date a fat.
Dude, if I'm 12 and on voat, that would make me the coolest 12 year old ever.
Now comment some more insults as soon as I post this.
everlastingphelps ago
ok rabbi
jerry ago
Getting married is the problem. Tell that bitch you don’t love her
CowboyXero ago
Already taken care of.
ForgottenMemes ago
The difference between MGTOW and the rest of us is that you don't seem to see this as something you can change. I've attracted psychos too. It ended badly. My response was to figure out what I was doing wrong and start attracting functional women. Magically all the problems you are so afraid of disappeared.
Do I risk some random false accusation? Of course. Do I risk financial ruin? Of course. I risk being killed in a head on every time I drive. I risk being murdered by a jihadi or nigger every time I go into town. I risk being framed by the FBI because I don't hate white people. I risk cancer just by living. I don't cower in fear from any of those things.
We all have to make the calculation of when a risk is worth it and when it isn't. Sometimes holding back is the right move. You're not a coward for declining a suicide mission. But when you give up and refuse to even try, when you stop fighting completely, that's when you lose the respect of men. MGTOW will always been seen as the cowards path. Correctly so. You'll always be laughed at because everyone will see through your excuses and see you for the weakling. You'll be despised because you refuse to take the risk and shift the obligation onto those who are man enough to shoulder the burden.
Raising the next generation is the duty of everyone. You're shirking that duty. If you don't want to be judged harshly for that, then go back to reddit where pedophilia is just a preference and squandering your entire life on xbox is a valid path.
CowboyXero ago
You may judge all you like. Which of my bills are you paying?
Nevermind that shit just send me your address and I'll surprise you.
In the meantime, eat a dick.
ForgottenMemes ago
My children are paying for your retirement. You want them to eat your dick? Yeah, fuck off back to /r/chapotraphouse with your pedo commie faggot friends. Voat isn't the place for you.
CowboyXero ago
Let's see you move me, nigger.
You won't because you don't have what it takes.
Fuck you and your goddamn superman bullshit because that's what it is, bullshit and I ain't buying it.
Tough shit, fuckwad.
Racial_Maddow ago
Your experience and the similar experience of many men is the foundation of mgtow, we here in the goat pen just want you to know that jews have orchestrated this.
Everyone has their particular experiences that might even be diametrically opposed to their principles, which is completely understandable.. So if you’re experiencing antagonism to your mgtowing know that it’s not you personally that is being attacked but rather the general retarded and jewish philosophy that is mgtow.
Dieboomer ago
IMO the foundation of MGTOW should be men building the best version of themselves they can. Sadly, several MGTOW decide to become materialistic faggots. It seems like the best move is to make as much as you can until 36, and marry some foreign chick who knows to follow her husband. Obviously, there are pit falls.
Racial_Maddow ago
Yes, I recommend rural and homeschooled also.. find one with something wrong with her face, they all end up ugly anyway but it’ll make her insecure and happy to birth you an aryan army. 😆 sort of jk but not really
Anarchy99 ago
Only if you let the Jews orchestrate it. Jews are international con artists. Feminization wasn't for women, it was for the boys and men so the ruling Elite would go unopposed when it comes to blows
Racial_Maddow ago
I’m not so sure about that.. generally speaking in terms of bio control you attack the females. There are many pesticides that use endocrine blocking or estrogen mimickers to kill off pests. A healthy population of women can reproduce genetically viable offspring with a handful of healthy males. I don’t really know what I’m talking about but it’s something I can imagine jews doing..
RepostGhostCst2Cst ago
Mgtow and trp is what lead me here. 3 years of time and money given up to a cheating whore had me questioning life and asking why.
Dating after that train wreck was like living life with my eyes open for the first time.
"Why do women act this way?"
"Why is society promoting this type of lifestyle?"
"I did everything I was supposed to do (career, car, house, "nice girl") why is everything fucked?"
Keep asking and you end up here. Sucks that a majority of the guys here live in some fantasy world where they think you can just hunker down, work hard, and go out and get a working relationship that lasts. Like society isn't already at a breaking point, but whatever. They can gamble their lives away. I was lucky to make it out in one piece
ScottMAGA ago
I was that guy, went through a brutal divorce (one child). Then I learned about women, practiced game, and learned to provide women with what they truly crave: leadership. Now I am married to an excellent woman have have three additional children.
The reality is that about 80% of women are unmarriageable. It is also the true that about 20% of women are marriageable, if you can provide leadership. "AWALT" but some much less than others.
RepostGhostCst2Cst ago
Well I currently live in a very blue area of the country so I would say the percentage is even less here. The local politics and population influx has me gearing up to move away, but I'm trying to set myself up so I can profit with a move. I cringe at the thought of throwing everything I worked for down the drain in a knee-jerk reaction.
We'll see how it turns out I guess...
ScottMAGA ago
Again, my experience is the opposite. First wife was from Virginia and lives in Texas now. Second wife is from Massachusetts.
What people (especially women) say and do are two different things. In New England they women have the feminist talking points down, but they silently shun women who aren't conservative in their personal lives. In Southern areas, men will bend over backwards to enable single moms. They are total cucks and the women take advantage of it. That's just my experience, but I'm in my 40s and have lived in 7 states, so it counts for something.
I think that this is more of a class thing than a region thing though. Middle class people are socially conservative in their personal lives (regardless of how they talk and vote) and working class people are usually a mess. Most blue states tend to have more middle class people than Southern states, so that is probably what I am seeing.
majb ago
Nice user name. Had to look up a picture of her wife. Needless to say, it is possible for two ugly people to be attracted to each other.
CowboyXero ago
I don't really give a good goddamn who started it.
Not until you put them in front of me. Then I'mma thunderpunch that motherfucker in the throat while someone else films that shit. Post that sumbitch to any video site you want.
I guess it's jewish to want to stay out of prison.
Sounds like faggotry to me.
Racial_Maddow ago
Man made by mark Brahmin
For a different age I was born,
every man has once said,
where each was to honor sworn,
rather to all this cowardice bred,
thus for a gilded time we mourn,
insisting such days forever dead.
Yet of all the feelings ever known,
longing for a time not your own,
is when true cowardice is shown,
especially if dark the age is grown,
for like dawn light in black sown,
all darkness will be overthrown.
All darkness will be overthrown.
Instead one is given a great gift,
born in darkness and darkest days,
he’s given trials, mountains to lift,
aye, the very minotaur in his maze,
he’s called to be strong, to be swift,
a hero upon which his sons gaze.
So appear you king or appear you slave,
among the good or a people strayed,
with actions now, the future pave,
for the coward is he who delayed,
product of his age, cradle to grave,
but an age makes not, it is man made.
It is man made.
ArayanZ ago
No it's not, but what IS Jewish is the wedge that's been driven between the sexes. It's a wonderful deterrent against child rearing and keeping the birthrates of Whites down. At least that's the argument. Personally I think that MGTOW is a natural reaction and it has little to nothing to do with "the Jews." It's self preservation. The only males who wouldn't do this are gluttons for punishment. But not all males have experienced whtat you have, so that's why they won't personally join or feel the way you feel. Having said that the movement is not going to significantly affect the birthrates. I do think it's a great thing that White men have begun putting their proverbial foot down. In reality that's what women want, a MAN. Also understand that not all women are like the ones you unfortunatly ended up with. The pendulum has begun to swing back in the other direction. Women are beginning to see the natural traditional way is the superior way. Our people have done things the way we do them for thousands of years and it's served us well. Alternatively 50 years of feminism has brought our people and our civilization to its knees. This isn't lost on the White female. Not all of them anyways. I'm noticing the younger generations searching for and attempting to do things a more traditional way. They WANT to get married and STAY with the father of their children, they WANT to stay home and raise those children themselves instead of allowing the state and strangers to do it for them. Our biggest problem right now IS the state. I don't have all the answers, but we've got to figure out how to get rid of this tryannical system. It's intentionally designed to discourage marriage and childbirth.
steven_feelsperg ago
It has everything to do with jews. Frankfurt School. Deconstruction Theory. Feminism. Try to keep up.
Broc_Lia ago
Pretty sure he was saying the reaction isn't jewish. The problem still is.
CowboyXero ago
At my job I can tell you there's one thing no one bothers taking into account; the rampant drugging of the population. Xanax, Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta and their generics...Fuck's Sake, I have no doubt that there are some people that probably need that stuff. There are some people that probably can't get along without that shit but the question I have is...this many people? And I'm looking at the timeline here, some of these people have probably been on this shit since they were children in the '90s. Now they're on it as adults and they're neurotic, can't seem to cope with life or with life throwing them a curveball every once in awhile. Lots of women on this and plenty of men as well and they do this same shit to their kids because they never learned parenting from their parents who never learned parenting from their parents before them.
In my area, I'm seeing that, people literally taking a shit in the aisles of stores where people are shopping, even where a public restroom is available, people blowing up public restrooms and not cleaning up after themselves, people completely geeking when there's a back order on their meds or over a price difference of fifty cents and they must, must, must count that change out of their pockets to the penny to the detriment and ire of the growing line behind them...when they're not leaving a hand full of change on top of a garbage can.
...but and I...should not have their "civilized" society.
I don't think civilization has been brought to it's knees. I think it's been driven into absolute irrational hysteria.
Anarchy99 ago
American men are not leaders. Women are looking for real leaders. We are so deep into the Jewish shithole you can't climb out even if you get a lawyer that fucks you.
If I was to do it over again I put my property in a trust and I'd never hire a lawyer. Also men wait too long to draw First Blood because they're fucking pussies. Once a woman disrespects me she is shown the door. They never know my wealth or have access to my bank account. Guys think they can still buy women then they wonder why they get dumped when the meal ticket Runs Out.
Intrixina ago
If you advertise your wealth or possessions you are absolutely going to attract the wrong woman.
You're also dead right on the "zero tolerance" of red flags - allowing such shit is just asking for it to happen again.
FuggBenis ago
It's not jewish at all to want to stay out of prison, that's only natural. What is jewish in this entire ordeal is that they've managed to pin the other sex against you (and all men), and calculated that you'd probably won't have that shit.
It's jewish that the 'motherfucker' you want so badly to see before you to 'thunderpunch' isn't a concrete person, rather an abstract entity that the layman would never be able to find out is a jewish construct. If push ever comes to shove, another kike would be the one 'filming that shit', because it would earn them a lot of internetsheckels. They tend to play both sides, 'cause it's profitable and they'd never lose. The individual always loses against a tight-knit community. Hence, the push for individualism.
And of course you 'don't really give a good goddamn who started it'. That's also incalculated. They want you to be angry about it, lose your composure. They want you to be angry at something that can't be easily named. They instead want you to be angry at everything. That only makes you less believable. And besides, who cares, the oppressed class would always win (which isn't you, you fucking straight white male you!).
You say you've been lucky. Taken 'to the cleaners' after been married two times. Could be a lot worse, since you had 'no kids in the marriage otherwise, it could have been a shit sight worse'. You haven't procreated, haven't left some children with the same fire in you to carry that torch of righteousness you possess.
Your abstract enemy is smiling.
This will only be getting worse, my friend. Unless we find a way to say this is the line. And the only way to do that is force. And that is exactly what they're raking from us now, force. Use your fire, and light it in everyone around you.
Anarchy99 ago
Only weak men allow wedges by Jews. I stand up to Jews. I also don't go with women who defend Jews. They can take a hike unfortunately this is most women. But if you have game you can override any mindset. Personally I get the women to spend their money on me. Then they get the cock they want
FuggBenis ago
It seems to me you focus on the simple things in life. And by that, I don't mean easy to get, but simple in mindstate. You are led by your bravado. Elevate that state of mind further. Your focus should be beyond the primal urges right in front of you. Focus on surviving, and your spawn surviving, and their spawn surviving.
Don't focus on which body part of a female specimen your semen might end up on any given night. Don't focus on the women, focus on that woman that can help you achieve what I just talked about. Focus on the 14 words.
I might have misinterpreted though.
Anarchy99 ago
If it was simple, you would have noticed it. If you think you are going to intellectualize a relationship between a man and a woman. You are doomed for failure. You might as well get the Asian tranny to give you the happy ending.
Many times do women leave because the sex is horrible and that's because men are circumsized. Stop circumcision and your relationships will improve. There is a primitive biological function of the foreskin which is to make sex pleasurable for a woman. That's the bottom line. I have to be careful with women because they like the sex too much and they tend to come back for more because I'm uncircumcised. I also know how to get a woman worked up and wet.
First a man has to own his own property. Two he has to be mostly sober. Three he must have Direction and skills. For starters...
FuggBenis ago
Your later paragraphs make a lot of sense to me, and are things I'm working towards myself. The circumcision stuff is making me immediately spiral into 'conspiracy'-thinking mode, which, while probably on point, isn't something I want to think about right now. As I said, I might've misinterpreted your post, and now I do think I did.
I have been conditioned to think emotionally from a young age, and would like to move on to a more practical way of thinking. It mostly proves to be very difficult, to change ones being. I will succeed though, and posts like yours help me reach that goal. So, thanks for elaborating.
Anarchy99 ago
I got tired of getting my teeth kicked in. So I set down to study women's psychology. That was 20 years ago. A common mistake men make is they get 1 itis. Meaning they get stuck on one woman. They obsess over one woman when they should be going out and dancing with many women. One that creates attraction for the other women.
You also have to understand that the Woman's Place in the world is not an enviable position to be in. Since ancient times they were were basically slaves or prostitutes or the housewife that was dictated over. That is their lot in their life. Even if you are a queen you can have your head chopped off. It's not an enviable position to be in. I can see how a woman would become solitary living in the woods as a witch. Just to stay away from society that keeps them dow. Just to stay away from society that keeps them downtrodden. Unfortunately the Catholic church only maintains their slave status. Women really got a bad rap in this world. They've basically been victims of exploitation for millennia. Feminists have done nothing but maintain the slavery to a corporate system instead of to a man who is worthy of her love. Women don't know if theyare going to be raped, kidnapped or somehow subjected to some mai or somehow subjected to some male entity. That's pretty much a woman's existence so I can't blame them for being cranky and unreliable because man basically are unreliable and not protectors. Especially when they drink for one example. You have to understand most men in this country are basically indentured servants. Being married to an indentured servant, isn't sexy. So as a man you want to provide the door to Freedom for her soul. Some women are in too deep until it's too late. I know women who become prostitutes because most men are throwing money at them anyways. They have no game other than a few one-liners that gets stale after a while. There is this guy named Bad Chad he lives in Nova Scotia any builds these beautiful custom cars out of scraps. He has his girlfriend and you know she's totally in love with the guy because he has Direction, skills, confidence and a Swagger about him. He's not a very tall guy either. But he is an incredible person. That's the kind of guy women want.
FuggBenis ago
Thanks for the post mate. This is why I love this place.
CowboyXero ago
My post hasn't changed. Neither has my mind.
That's the way I'm dealing with it. Now if you and those like you would like to, I dunno, start a colossal legal defense fund (because I will need it on top of what I'm already paying these ambulance chasers that mostly did fuck all for me in court) then maybe but until then. Not financially feasable. Let's not try turning this into some dramatically noble thing, it's practical. I'm not going to sit here and buy that. It's like the left telling me there are white supremacists and russians all working in collusion and fucking things up and if I don't do X I'm part of the problem. Fuck it, I'm not doing X. I'm not doing YOUR X, or anyone's X for that matter. I've BEEN doing everyone else's X and now I'm doing my X, my A, my B and my C while I'm at it.
At present, I haven't turned on the gaming console in months. Look at how little I fucking post here, how much time do you think I spend on this thing? Right now, I'm working on another raise at work while hitting the gym sometimes six fucking days a week at two hours a day, planning meals and working on sharpening my penetration testing skills for a bigger side hustle to become a full-time hustle so I can get out from under my day job AND writing copy at least two hours a day.
Fucking busy pal. Chasing that paper and paying these bills. Some "abstract enemy" is smiling, please cut the shit. Here's that "they" shit again. What spare I have is going into some precious metal when and where I can get it so no, if I have anyfuckingthing to say about it, my retirement is going to be well in my own hand.
I've run into this kind of approach before. When I lived down south everyone wanted me in their church and if I refused to join, I wasn't saved. I spent years hopping from one foot to the next trying like fuck to figure out which end is up.
This is the same shit. All it is is you figure if I join your cause then maybe your "enemy" doesn't win.
All of you have one thing in common, I'm a means to your end. Maybe you feel more saved.
I don't give a good goddamn about you feeling more saved in your pursuit of your religion and that's just what this is, a religion. I have an invisible enemy and you have all the answers.
I was born a heretic son and let me tell you something and I know, this is a hard pill to swallow but you either do or you don't and I don't give a shit which...I'm in no danger of joining the heavenly ranks any time soon.
I can find my own. Thanks.
antiliberalsociety ago
You sound like a dumbass that can't or won't see past his own nose. Your posts read like a persecution complex with no intent on finding any solution or even acknowledging advice. There's good women out there, but with your ignorance I can't see you managing it and when it fails, you'll just call them psychos and continue crying online about it.
CowboyXero ago
You sound triggered.
Intrixina ago
Don't play a "pick me!" dance for shit which isn't even a prize anyway. You'll always lose by virtue of the other fucker eternally shifting the goalposts.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Is it safe to assume that you got ZERO children out of two different marriage/divorce experiences?
CowboyXero ago
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Serious question here [I'm not trying to bait you or anything]: What was your thinking?
Did you not want kids? Did they not want kids?
Because a marriage without children is simply purposeless.
PS: Consider yourself DAMNED LUCKY that you are free, with no attachments, and no kids to be worrying to death about. [Can you imagine if the jewdiciary had awarded custody of your kids to one of those monsters? You would have gone homicidal.]
The right chick is still out there somewhere, waiting to meet you. You just need to find her and then move immediately to put White Bunz in her White Oven.
To hell with marriage & the jewdiciary.
All that matters is White Bunz -> White Ovenz.
CowboyXero ago
That's exactly what I'd wanted initially. With the first wife, I had a great job that was turning into a career but her spending was out of control. The second one...long story short, she went from functional and good to just not even trying and despite every effort it was going nowhere. Needless to say the viability of children with those two...nah.
That second one damn near left me homeless with how little I was able to keep out of what I was making. The one attorney who actually did something managed to get me out from under her financial grip when she demanded, I'm not kidding, MORE money from me. That's one attorney bill I don't mind paying because it's less than what I was paying The Ex-Phile and this one actually put up a fucking fight in court for me and kept me up to date.
Now you take that and right about the time getting out from under was happening, Kavanagh happened. Before that it was the Duke University thing and every day it seemed like there were women in the news falsely accusing men of rape, ruining their lives, then finding out the accusations were false but it didn't matter, the damage had been done. Combine that with my surroundings. The people around me hate Trump, and love socialism, they are completely out there in their thinking and they lean so hard left they're laying on that side 24/7. They're Commiecrats here.
Put all that together. Is the perceived reward really worth that risk?
It's not for me. I'm pulling my shit together to head back down south and when I do, I'll make sure I'm well established and have many many layers of protection before I even THINK about dating or making the attempt at starting a family. I do have siblings and one of them has started a family. The other is working on it. Guess what? My bloodline is not entirely dependent on me.
On the PS: I did note that in my original post.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Why would a judge award an ex-wife any money if there were no children involved?
That doesn't make any sense.
Presumably these "marriages" didn't last much more than two or three years.
CowboyXero ago
Makes even less sense to me and they lasted longer than you presume. Any time I asked my attorneys about that all I got was six words "Lifestyle To Which She Is Accustomed." Then I got a shrug and a "Sorry, there's nothing I can do." The last attorney I had no choice but to hire did take it back into court and got me out from under those ridiculous payments.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Do you mind if I ask precisely how long each marriage lasted?
operation_wetvac ago
By all means keep working on yourself. You are doing it for you and that's the best reason. Let all of the faggots here saying you should be doing all that stuff just to try your luck again with some crazy bitch learn the hard way themselves. You played by the rules and got fucked over and for some reason retards here on Voat of all places can't understand why you don't want to keep playing a rigged game. I'd tell you good luck finding a nice woman in the future, but you don't need any luck you're already taking control of your circumstances. Hang in there. But please post more, Voat needs more good commenters like you.
CowboyXero ago
No, it really doesn't.
FuggBenis ago
This might be the best reply on any of my posts throughout the years. There is no need for a forced rebuttal.
You are no individual. You are a maverick. Godspeed, you bastard.
CowboyXero ago
ZweibelKuchen ago
You MGTOW are even more pathetic than I've heard.
CowboyXero ago
Better than being the faggot you are.
ZweibelKuchen ago
Oh noes! Please don't falconpunch me mr totally hetrosexual internet ninja! I'm sure all your girlfriends and wives will swoon and your uber ninja skills, but I might die from your terrifying might!
CowboyXero ago
You do with every post. Obviously
HiJoker ago
Pump the brakes a bit there. You will be enlightened as to the big WHY women are fucked up in America in particular and throughout the west. It's not your fault. There's been evil sons of bitches working on causing you and every other man here problems.
Once you know, you'll be able to adjust you thinking so that you can navigate through the bullshit with a solid understanding and what to look for. You'll come to understand terms like 'Every.Single.Time.'
Buckle up, they fucked up and dumped the entire lot of you in our lovely red pill factory. This place is also a free for all of shills, glow niggers aka feds, JDIF, patriots, trolls, and assorted users, abusers, content providers and it will seem like being an asshole is a prerequisite.
Fuck around too long here and you'll end up 'Gulag Bait' if shit goes sideways and the rat fuck commies get their way. So there's that. At least someone told you.
CowboyXero ago
I've been here nearly five years and as for being "Gulag Bait" yeah, best of fuckin luck
HiJoker ago
Don't take any guff out of these swine.
There's purity spiraling faggot nuthuggers of down voat you ad nauseum nigger doom dildos, but at least its not 'bat country' lest the bug people would breathe on us.
I got some lysol today. lol
antoniolawyer ago
No offense but can you keep it simple stupid? lol wall of words
Fuckle_Chucks ago
If that was too complicated for you I have some bad news—you are not going to survive what is coming. Enjoy what little time you have left in this world.
CowboyXero ago
No. If you can't read a little, then let me reiterate. Your Problem. Keep It That Way.
Doglegwarrior ago
buy an eastern european bride or get a taiwanese girl... you will be happy have kids if your white if your not dont.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
I know several guys who've done this. It works to a limited extent if you not only keep the gravy train chugging along, but keep making the train bigger. If for any reason you don't continue to provide them with the increasingly lavish lifestyle they expect from you, then watch out for the knife in the back—literally.
I have heard that some guys are successful. They saved up a bunch of money and moved to Eastern Europe where they live like kings compared to the locals. Their wives are satisfied, everything being relative, but the local men not so much. Won't be too long before these "Wealthy Westerners" wake up with their throats cut.
Lolz. Young guy I know did this about 10 years ago. He is killing himself trying to provide enough money for his
witchwife. He's got his own business and keeps getting further and further into debt to try and appease his lovingbitchbride.But hey, Hymie said love is real and you can't be complete until you are part of a mystical, magical loving relationship. If you don't believe me just look at all the TV shows and movies extolling the wonders of a "loving relationship". Just ignore the fact that you will NEVER find an example of such a couple IRL; but hey, don't stop dreaming.
tokui ago
bestiality. don't. just.
CowboyXero ago
Wait wait wait, hold up.
Taiwanese girl. Have kids. But muh racial purity?
Go back and re-read just what you posted.
Doglegwarrior ago
well if he wants to be happy marry an asian dont have kids but half white half asian is ok with me esepcialy japanese if they are light skinned..
i get your point. he doesnt sound like he wants kids so marry asian no kids be happy
trigristle ago
ManchesterT ago
Okay, officer
shiffscreek ago
Thanks for sharing that.
Men are the beasts of burden for all of society via taxes or directly.
ZweibelKuchen ago
They always have and always will be.
They're also the beast of burden for fixing things when they get broken. What happens when they bow out and go their own way? Nothing gets fixed.
tokui ago
Well said.
TheSeer ago
Yep. The critics don't understand the extent to which the COURTS perpetuate and promote this behavior from women. It is hypergamy that PAYS.
Anarchy99 ago
Only if you let them
IgorStrav ago
How long have you been a tard?
Anarchy99 ago
How long have you been circumcised? Or is that a stupid question ...
Anarchy99 ago
How long have you been a circumcised Jew Fagget ?
beefartist ago
Have long have you been a worthless crybaby who blames everything on others?
Daxer ago
I agree the (((courts))) and (((laws))) share in the blame.
beefartist ago
At least you said "share"...most of these homos won't even recognize THEY are the ones who are supposed to be in charge of their families.
McPooperton ago
You’re being downvoted but you’re right on point. The courts and society tell women how to behave while men aren’t taught how to be men. The industrial revolution pulled men from the home and left the women unsupervised as well as leaving boys at home with their mothers. It used to be the case that around the age of 5 or 6, the man took the boy from the home and put him to work with the man. Brought the boy around other men who joked with him and fucked with him a little bit. Toughened up his skin and showed him how to be a man. Now days women and tv are the influence boys have on how to be a man and they are giving boys the wrong story.
beefartist ago
"Gamma males" are multiplying rampantly because they are produced in so many different ways but the result is the same; men who neither know how to act like men, or even act AROUND men. My wife is a good woman but I can see that she just isn't capable of understanding how male hierarchies work when I try to explain them; the BEST single mothers STILL can't teach a boy how to become a man and with modern media ,a lack of uncles or trusted male family friends, demonizing of contact sports, etc. there are very few places for them to learn in. The kind of boy that grows up that way isn't likely willing or able to seek out an avenue, thrust himself into it, nor withstand the literal and figurative bruises that come along with earning your spot
Anarchy99 ago
You don't understand law. Once you hire a lawyer you are considered a ward of the Court. Most guys would rather watch sports and drink beer. That's why they get divorced. Men just don't have game on top of being circumcised which also breaks attachment between the man and the woman.
KLDB ago
Mgtow, end your blood line. Gay, end your blood line. Trans, end your blood line. Multi culti marriage, end your bloodline. Can't afford kids, end your blood line.
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the_art_collector ago
This childless boom period has actually been a huge threat to the elite. Initially, people were just entertaining themselves, but now they're getting burned out and looking into conspiracy theories. I feel like this "end your bloodline" talking point is spammed all over these kinds of boards in order to make sure people go back to having kids and no longer having time to research and engage in activism against the controllers as much as they have the past several years.
Octoclops ago
This struggle will take decades at least. Anyone not having kids is at most a short term nuisance to the globalist elite. They will just wait for you to die.
KLDB ago
Research conspiracy theories with your kids. Raise them to be unconquerable.
steven_feelsperg ago
In this context, there is an antonym for boom. It was part of a century old slogan.
If you want to solve problem, you iterate through an idea using logic.
There is no political solution. Changing policy ignores the broader picture, kicks the can down the road, at best. Waste of time. Fake.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Absolutely FALSE.
Hindbrain >>>>Forebrain
Instinct >>>>Analysis
ShakklezthaKlown ago
yeah because your faggoty research and Q bullshit is more important than making more people like us.
white_male30 ago
He's kinda right though, I just realized the twin towers were atomized by some chemical that decomposes metals, it wasn't just thermite or bombs, it was literally turned into dust. Imagine if all the normies knew that instead of the vague shit that comes out of Alex Jones' mouth.
ShakklezthaKlown ago
it's not because of the kids.
Alex Jones is cia puppet
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Dude, here's a little secret: Have six or eight kids which you can't afford, and guess who pays the bill?
The bugmen taxpayers.
Go forth and seed WHITE BUNZ -> WHITE OVENZ.
Tallest_Skil ago
No one, because that’s not how it works.
antiliberalsociety ago
operation_wetvac ago
Don't pay child support? Get your wages garnished, lose your license, lose your job. Have everyone calling you a deadbeat dad. There's a reason certain races are known for this shit, they can get away with it. White guys can't. Or rather most can't. The kinds that I've personally known who can get away with not taking their kids aren't the kinds of guys we need more of. MGTOW is obviously stupid and not the answer, but sadly I don't know what is.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
You and your honey can live in a trailer and she can push out six or eight White kids and the bugpeople will be forced to pay for it all via their taxes.
And you don't even need to marry your honey.
antiliberalsociety ago
What makes you think you actually get paid for having kids? You haven't the slightest idea about how welfare works or who's taxes are funding it.
Octoclops ago
Can't speak for everyone but my sister literally gets paid for having kids.
memik ago
That's just more slaves for the state to molest. You have to pass on your knowledge.
mudbear ago
quality, not quantity. Whites can be niggers too.
if you want a new generation of white crackhead nigger fuckers, follow that guys advice. If you want righteous philosophers, raise them yourself.
2 boys myself and i couldnt be more proud.
xenoPsychologist ago
its pretty obvious women have men with guns backing them in a spectacularly imbalanced system. but thats still no reason not to try.
women are just so widely and deeply subverted that its more dangerous than any other time in history.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Women in college have reported college men aren't dating them... Can you possibly guess why? The biggest reason given by men is that they don't want to be accused of rape and kicked out of school by a kangaroo court. This is example of MGTOW.
It is funny that you complain about men being cowards, but women are the ones who spread the seran gas on the battlefield because they refuse to take responsibility for their own lives, and then want society or the establishment to baby them. Why call the man a coward if he simply doesn't want to take the chance of getting his life ruined by women? But you want him to take that chance because he should be happy to be disposal trash.
Listen sweety, men will only do that if there is a reward at the end of the tunnel. Pride in his family, respect from his wife and happiness from raising his children. If women refuse to offer that, and refuse to grow up and become adults, then you can't expect men to compensate for your failures as women.
antiliberalsociety ago
This condescension right here negates any argument you had.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
It was purposely put to rile the feminists like you.
AnotherGrayman ago
And instead, it just made you sound like a feminist cunt, yourself.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Im not the one who is getting mad at MGTOWs because they won't just thier identitaran philosophy. If I was feminist I wouldnt be on the side of MGTOWs in this argument, I would be insulting them calling them losers that can't get laid, or cowards for not accepting women in the modern era, because they have already done it plenty and have numerous articles stating as such. White supremacists and feminists are no different in their hatred of them.
AnotherGrayman ago
Regardless of what you think about yourself, the lesson to be learned here is:
Being a condescending fuckwad makes you worse than whatever problem you think you're addressing.
Don't ever say "listen sweetie" if you actually want anyone to listen. Nothing else you say will matter, because all anyone sees if some prissy dickhead jerking off to their own ego, and nobody has time for that shit.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Haha how bout fuck you, I'll talk the way I want, regardless of if your offended or not, whore.
AnotherGrayman ago
Nobody was offended you infantile loser, they were trying to help you actually be listened to the next time you say something.
You're a like a ten year old who thinks he's smarter than his parents.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Yeah no I'm not gonna censor myself because you want to complain about "mansplaining" but you won't come out and use that name because you know you would out yourself. Fuck you, you fucking white knight, I'll use whatever God damn language I want you fucking nigger. The only reason I started do this is to bring out cucks like you in the first place. It was strategic you fucking retard and you fucking took the bait like a good little sjw white knight that your are. Lick my ass you commie bastard.
AnotherGrayman ago
For fuck's sake, eat dick you malfunctioning reeeeetard. Your blood sugar's low.
TooMuchCoffeeMan ago
stop craving for attention so much.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Try harder to get laid you fucking beta freak, just a matter of time til you're in the paper for sexual assault. Nothing more slimy than a male feminist...
AnotherGrayman ago
I'm married you diseased little vagina.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Just because your hand is attached to your body does not a marriage make...
xenoPsychologist ago
swing and a miss. looks like someone had that rant sitting and waiting. well ya jumped the gun. Sweet Cheeks. you might get some use from this. maybe you wont be afraid of women anymore.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
I'm not a mgtow although I do refuse to get married. That's the brilliance of the human mind you can understand someone's position without being part of that group. All it takes is a little effort to learn what that person actually believes in.
The only reason I know about mgtow is because i came across them when i was becoming an anti-feminist. Feminists kept doing what youre doing, calling them losers who couldnt get laid, and cowards because they dont want to deal with the feminazi bullshit and I decided to look into it. So I hear you talking but all I hear is those same feminist talking points, and what do you know it is because I'm talking to identitarians. The white nationalists, the mirror image of intersectionality.
xenoPsychologist ago
you do realize i havent once called them losers that couldnt get laid. you are ranting at the wrong person. youre just so desperate to believe im hostile to them.
no, you dont. obviously. i havent made any of those talking points. reading comprehension just went completely out the window for you, didnt it? you arent making a strong case for yourself with straight up lies.
steven_feelsperg ago
That's the female shit test. "Prove to me you'll protect me from myself." Men who don't sculpt women are cowards, but only because they don't realize the nature of women, who is behind the rigged system, how it got there, and what to do about it. They are lost. Only enlightened men will be able to teach these men-in-training. Much trust has been eroded and trust takes time to rebuild. Make Men's Clubs Great Again.
This isn't something women can fix. It is a man's job to possess, control, and sculpt a woman into what he wants her to be.
AnotherGrayman ago
Not possible to sculpt women who don't want to be sculpted.
Also not my job to raise your bratty narcissistic daughter.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Um fuck you? It isnt my job to raise your daughter right. If you didnt raise the girl to be marriageable, she can die an old maid, I'm not here to fix your fuck up.
xenoPsychologist ago
exactly. we let them get to this point because we trusted them to not sabotage the people who love them. but they arent going to fix themselves. if we dont do something, they will manipulate us to the destruction of civilization.
antiracistMetal ago
I just thought of a wonderful scifi series where future men sexually enslave women.
We can say the war started in 2030. After neckbeards, soyboys, bluehairs, tumblrinas, beta orbiters, and incels became things. Then the military just saw extraordinary volunteer rate of men young as 12. When war is ear against your bitches. Women in uniform readily folded to their male superiors. Now women are chipped and barcodes and rented out like a Blockbuster.
@bojangles @eagleshigh
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Charles Darwin will have the final say here.
The unhinged Battlecunts simply are not going to have the fertility rates necessary to maintain their own bloodlines.
Genetic femininity will necessarily make a [relative] rebound [and after that, an absolute rebound].
xenoPsychologist ago
itll have to. theyre living with cats instead of families.
runOJrun ago
So mgtow is when you are either completely undateable yourself or you can't be bothered to look for a decent woman?
tokui ago
mgtow ain't about celibacy, you retards.
ForgottenMemes ago
It's about making excuses for your cowardice and failure. Incels are more noble.
blit416 ago
you're a female.
"Cant get laid", 'Cowards and failures,' pretty strong words. Why so hostile?
you value sex so highly, it's almost as if it's your currency. You girls just go NUTS when you lose your one hold over men.
ForgottenMemes ago
Nothing more female than clucking at your fellow hens to justify your immoral choices. How is "He's not good enough for you, you should cheat on him with Chad. He deserves it because he spent his time working instead of pampering you." any different from "You're too good for modern women, you should go your own way. They deserve it because they spent their time listening to feminist lies instead of settling down with you?"
It's your duty to reproduce and raise the next generation. Those who do not are cowards and failures. I can respect the MRA. He sees a wrong and is working to right it. I can respect the PUA. He understand the reason he can't get laid lies with him and he's trying to improve it... although his method is misguided. I can have some limited respect the incel in so far as he understands and admits he's just a PUA who is unwilling to try to improve himself... at least he admits it.
Blaming others for your failure and tapping out is something I can't respect. Black pilling and giving up have no place in my life. People who expect someone else to do the work for them disgust me. You have a duty to stand up for yourself. You have a duty to fight evil, raise the next generation and educate them. Sure not everything is fair. Sure the deck may be stacked against you. Sure you've had setbacks. But that's something a man takes in stride. It's a part of life it makes real men stronger and stops weak men. Unworthy men.
People say MGTOW is a right wing movement because there is cross over with PUA and MRAs. It's a left wing movement, it's feminism for men. Everyone on voat sees that. If are a man stay a while and learn. If you're a worthless beta cuck then go back to reddit.
PalmSprings21 ago
is there any difference between mgtow and incels?
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Incels are admitted losers, who've more or less accepted their fate in life and want to play video games above all else.
MGTOW is different and more complicated. Based on the cursory research I've done, MGTOW has different levels of 'understanding' about one's role in life. The first level is: "I'm pissed because my retarded fantasies about women didn't materialize. Now I'm going to cry and wail while I keep attempting to make those fantasies a reality!"
The final level is one in which you come to see your place in Universe and don't really care if you have a woman in your life. There are levels in between, but I really don't give enough fucks to get a better understanding.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Incels can't get laid because of the way they are.
Mgtow choose to avoid the risk, often due to experience.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
MGTOW can get laid they choose not to, incels want to get laid but can't.
Alot of MGTOW are made up of men that are tired of being burned by spoiled, entitled women so they simply say enough and live for themselves. Men being falsely accused of rape, or being taken advantage of in divorce court, or just tired of modern day nontraditional attitude and promiscuous behavior of women. Japan has a similar movement, they are called grass eater men. It isn't that they can't find a mate, they just don't see women as candidates to be mates. "Women aren't women anymore" or so they say.
Incel is short for, involuntary celibate, so like the name implies the don't want to be celibate, they are forced to be because no one will mate with them. They dont choose it, this is why they become bitter. I would almost say that incel is more likely to be a leftist too, simply because a person on the right is more likely to be attractive, and more likely to be fit or go to the gym. I would even make a bet to say that most male feminists are incels, which is why they became male feminists to begin with, and why so many of them end up being accused of sexual assault or harrassment.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
They do choose it. I've seen some of the biggest fucking losers get laid/get girlfriends/get married. These guys are fat, unkempt, have an average IQ, and are marginally motivated. The only reason they are successful is because they choose to participate and accept what comes along. Incels are afraid to participate and look for excuses not to at least fuck whatever comes along.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Incels do not choose it, otherwise it wouldn't be involuntary... it would be voluntary.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
So, because they act like pussies, are too retarded to figure out how easy it is to get laid, and don't bother to try, it's not their fault?
A nigger being too retarded to do a job is not their fault, a jew being too lazy to do a job is definitely their fault.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
Do you know what involuntary means? It being involuntary does not mean it abdicates responsibility in it. Like prison or "involuntary confinement" the person is still responsible for the choices that led them to be there, however do you believe they chose to be there? If they chose it, then it wouldn't be involuntary would it, BY THE VERY DEFINITION OF THE WORD. It would be voluntary.
That is the difference between MGTOW, and incel. A MGTOW chooses not to get laid even though they have the ability to do so. While an incel does not choose it, because they can't get laid even if they choose to do so. A Buddhist monk, or a Catholic priest can be considered a form of MGTOW, because they chose to take themselves out of the dating pool but for very different reasons than what most MGTOWs will say they have.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Let's cut to the chase here: You consider yourself an incel don't you?
The incel movement is nothing more than guys with inferiority complexes wanting to fuck supermodels, but are too afraid to even ask. Oh sure, they could fuck woman rated 1-8, but that's not good enough for them. No sir, if they can't have a Stacey (rated 9-10), despite never even trying, that absolutely means it's involuntary. No wonder the fucking world laughs at the pathetic loser incel community. Not only are they incompetent at life, but they are also retarded.
Maybe there's a correlation?
Regardless, I'm done with this stupid conversation. Believe whatever the fuck you need to believe to justify your pathetic life, but stop pushing your retardation my way. It's not going to work. I am not going to validate your incompetence.
Fuzzycrumpkin ago
How in the ever living fuck would you get that I am an incel from any of the comments I've made on this thread? I can see calling me a MGTOW as they are the only ones I appear sympathetic to in my comments but I even say that I'm not a MGTOW in one of them. I have a girlfriend so it is very hard for me to remain celibate in that situation.
No I just disagree with you because you don't seem to understand what the word involuntary means. You think involuntary involves a choice which by the very definition of the word CANNOT HAPPEN. This is just me disagreeing on the basic of human language, because you seem to dumb to pick up a dictionary.
Incels do not have the choice to get laid because they do not have the ability to, this is what involuntary celibate means. If the had the choice in the matter then it would no longer be involuntary, it would become voluntary that they remain celibate. Even a fucking 3rd grader would be able to understand this point between involuntary and voluntary, but you seem too stupid to even get that difference.
PalmSprings21 ago
tx for the clarification
ados ago
im mgtow and have had sex with 22 women. It would be 25, but when the undies came off, the smell was a boner destroyer. Some women have quite a nice pleasant smell and taste and others smell like a grease dumpster in summertime.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
I can't be with a chick who smells wrong.
SMELL >>>>all other characteristics of a woman put together.
"Possesses an innate Inner Moral Compass" would be a distant second to Smell.
After that, not much else matters [other than a cheerful personality and a properly functioning clitoris which will make her cum & cum & cum & cum].
midnightblue1335 ago
MGTOW seem to believe they could have a woman if they chose to.
But since they've been hurt or screwed over in the past, they decide to "go their own way" and become voluntarily celibate. A "volcel", if you will.
MGTOW seems to be made up of roughly 1/2 men who were hurt and fucked over by court system or society that favors women in general... bitter, angry men who think that "Taking their ball(s) and going home" is the best way to stick it to the female population of earth as a whole. The implication is kind of amusing- "That's right, women- you blew your chance to be with me, the epitome of an ALPHA MALE, by being shitty women! Take that, you rotten harpies!"
How do you think a typical woman would react to hearing this? "Demeaning laughter" is the right answer.
The other half of MGTOW are virgins or fucking weirdos who have never been able to interact successfully with women. Rather than accept the fact that they must change their behavior/physical appearance/worth to society in order to impress women, they decide "It's the woman's fault that she doesn't like me and want to let me put my dick inside of her. The fault doesn't lie with me- after all, I am the SUPREME GENTLEMAN."
There are a lot of incels in the MGTOW group. It likely appeals to them because an incel, full of bitterness and blaming women for his shortcomings, can have his warped view validated immediately by jumping into a MGTOW group. If a young man approached me and told me "I'm having difficulty speaking to women/closing the deal, I fucking hate women, they're the worst, I wonder why I should even bother".... I would ask him to examine himself and provide advice for moving in the right direction. I would try to teach him to work on his self-esteem and build his confidence through a variety of methods (message me if interested in this advice, incels).
But when he says the same thing to a group of MGTOW guys, they'll say "Hell yeah, preach it brother! Women are no good, we don't need them for anything, we can do this ourselves! All we need is each other! And porn. LOADS of porn. And then we'll be perfectly happy to not have a female companion. It's much easier and more convenient to watch another man fuck a beautiful woman, than to hit the gym and learn how to flirt."
All that being said, there's an element of MGTOW that is mainly focused on the real injustices men face in modern day clown world at the hands of women and fucked up court/federal programs; Men's Rights Activists (MRAs). These guys are absolutely right to be angry, and right to want to unfuck this totally fucked male-female dynamic of 2020. However, I don't think the solution is "taking your balls and going home". This just makes them look silly, and I suspect this was the beginning of the "incel" meme.
I'd never heard the word "incel" until a while after MGTOW popped up. I think these are connected. Most people assume that all MGTOWs are incels. Most of them probably are, but there are a significant portion who are volcels.
Smokybubbles ago
MGTOW realize the system is stacked against them and choose not to participate. It's logical and safer than entrusting your future life and finances to the whims of females backed by the laws of the state.
mudbear ago
finances for what? nah its men who think whores are top shelf and get surprised when they are whores. Learn to read the fucking packaging.
Find a women that wants kids and doesnt listen to pop music. maybe go to church if you are having trouble. you go to a dairy for milk, you go to a bar for whores.
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
And letting your genetic line die with you, while the shitskins outbreed us and destroy the Earth. Sounds depressing as all fuck.
WhiteChickens ago
You're supposed to fight foreign invaders, not engage in a breeding war with them. facepalm
What precedent are you relying on here, exactly? lol
Fuckle_Chucks ago
I see you still think this is a breeding game. You have no idea what is coming.
memik ago
I'm curious to see what you think is coming. Mind sharing?
Fuckle_Chucks ago
We have entering an age where the HUMAN race either evolves to the next level or will be exterminated. It will be hell on Earth for those who don't understand; especially those who are too attached to the "modern" world.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Quitting isn't winning.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Define "winning" without using a jewsports metaphor involving acquiring more meaningless "points" than the other person/team.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Easy. Having a happy family. That's it. You'll never achieve that if you give up and go your own way...and if you do give up, one day you'll look back and realize you were the last link in a chain of family that stretches back to the dawn of time, and you'll regret having gone your own way.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Well, if you ever achieve "having a happy family" you will be the first in the history of mankind and will be lauded throughout the annals of history.
First problem is "happiness". This is jewspeak for avoiding the realization that the purpose of life is to suffer, overcome, learn, and become more powerful. The surest way to be miserable is to seek "happiness".
You have no idea why you are hear and what it means to be human. This is not an attack; just an observation. You have a long, hard road ahead of you that may involve many lifetimes. Good luck—and I mean that sincerely.
ScrotumSweat ago
Who said anything about winning ?
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
Most MGTOW claim to attract women and turn them away. It like a buffet. Mgtow had enough and it made him sick. Incels don't even have a plate to serve on.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
This is definitely true once you reach the higher levels of MGTOW. The jews even tried to make a movie about this: The Tao of Steve (2000).
jewsbadnews ago
A lot of MGTOW is made up of burnt out, divorcee Boomers and Gen-Xers.
BeeBop71 ago
I've been divorced 2x one was a drunk and the other decided at 40 to go fag.
News to me. He played that card in court too.
Bottom line? I made fucked up choices.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Any kids from those two marriages?
Lagmonster ago
I stuck my finger in a live light socket once...
TheSeer ago
Why do you think that is?
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Reality over fantasy. If you are not more realistic at 40 than you were at 20, you are an unaware NPC in Clown World.
Broc_Lia ago
Incels want to get laid but can't.
MGTOW can get laid but recognise they'll get fucked.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Incels want to get laid but stop themselves.
That is the best description of MGTOW I've ever seen.
Broc_Lia ago
The "in" in incel means "involuntary." They don't stop themselves apart from possibly having behaviours that cause them to sabotage their chances.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
AnotherGrayman ago
Pretending that you're dealing with an unfortunate circumstance by choice, to save face; a classic move of insecure shitbirds who still want to feel like they're in control.
Like saying you intended to lose a fight because you wanted to know how it felt, instead of just admitting you can't fight and got beaten.... or like saying you have a hundred reasons for why women are worthless instead of admitting all of them you've wanted have been repulsed by you.
uvulectomy ago
Incels can't get laid, say it's because women are trash.
MGTOWs can't get laid either, and cite the same reasons, but add "so I choose not to bother" as a cope.
MrPank ago
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
You seem mad that others are choosing celibacy
MrPank ago
I dont really care that you guys are taking yourselves out of the gene pool. Honestly, I hope more of you betas stop producing children and contributing to the problems of watered down half blooded mongrels who arent willing to stand for anything other than short term hedonism.
Doglegwarrior ago
i can get laid but dont try to hard... not sure what that classifies me as.. well i could get multiple girls but im ok with one now when i used to have 3 or 5 girlfriends... im sepersted at the moment but have side piece.
ShakklezthaKlown ago
that would be voluntary celibate. but is refraining from sex over a month's time really celibacy?
uvulectomy ago
keksupreme ago
found the shill, imagine thinking modern women aren't trash lol
BoomerHater1488er ago
Lmfao quality women are still around and they're right where they've always been: with quality men.
If you can't attract a loving waifu on your $14.50/hr salary, that's your own fault.
keksupreme ago
the divorce rate in this country is astronomical.
but yeah i need to just make more money so i can give jews more money, nice try kike
Sometimesineedhelp ago
The divorce rate is actually much lower than its been in decades. And it's always been a fuck ton lower than the doom and gloom crowd has parroted for years
keksupreme ago
the us is #1 in the world for single mothers...nice try kike shill.
also they literally stopped reporting in california because it looked too bad lol
Sometimesineedhelp ago
Lol, most single mothers were never married in the first place dipshit.
Think of all the people you know in real life. Are the majority, or hell, even half of them honestly divorcees?? No? Well there's your first clue
keksupreme ago
yeah because that matters more than objective statistics lol...
we all know that shills like you and reddit mods hate mgtow because the demonrat party wants to push hypocritical, insane feminist outrage
Sometimesineedhelp ago
I don't hate mgtow men, I find them truly pathetic in the most literal sense of the word. I understand how they have reached their conclusions and I pity them. I think they should try harder to win the quality women in the world, but I understand how much easier it is to just not play the game if it doesn't seem worth it.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Everyone knows the game is rigged. Giving up isn't winning, though, it's just losing without trying.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Which is precisely why GAME was invented.
So that you could be a psycho-sexual entrepreneurial free-lancer who set up his own bidness completely outside the legalistic boundaries of Normie-Psych.
BoomerHater1488er ago
Did you seriously just say "bidness?". What are you, a nigger that only cares about muh dik?
keksupreme ago
no it's winning because producing more feminists is losing and giving away all my money to modern women is losing
okimaracist ago
mgtow are exactly the same as feminists , guys dont go out looking for feminists and women wouldnt fuck a mgtow if the got paid , convince yourself its your choice but the fact remains youre just a voluntary wanker
keksupreme ago
the law favors women on a massive scale...nice try though kike
okimaracist ago
dont worry about it incel , i'll fuck the women you cant , now go be a good goy and masturbate over some porn
keksupreme ago
yeah such an incel for not wanting modern women lol...
also i didn't say i wouldn't fuck them, i said i would never marry or impregnate one
okimaracist ago
im happily married for over 15 years and have kids , youre an infertile masturbator who blames women for your own insecurities . guys like you add nothing to the gene pool so theres no detriment by you not procreating , modern women wont miss you and if you change your mind they wont trust you either . goodbye incel ,get a tissue and flush your children down the toilet.
keksupreme ago
oooh wow. good thing statistically you will still get a divorce.
also sorry that i don't feel like banging or dealing with modern feminazi women in a society that favors women on a massive scale
okimaracist ago
look for a woman with old fashioned values and a good father , statistically speaking my wife and i would be the first in each of our families to get a divorce and thats something neither of us want the honor of becoming .we are honest with each other hide no secrets and solve our problems as they arise . we are happy with each other in every aspect of our relationship and laugh at feminists and mgtow as childish losers who cant accept of of the blame for the failure of their relationships and then seek to blame the opposite sex as well as try and convince everyone else of that . own it and move on but if every single relationship of yours fails YOU are the problem.
keksupreme ago
getting married in america period is financial suicide...and women and the mainstream culture indoctrinat everyone into being feminists period.
okimaracist ago
get to know your potential wife first then , dont just fuck them and then move in with them .
keksupreme ago
doesn't matter, the cultural and legal realities make it certain you already know what the outcome will be
Broc_Lia ago
MGTOWs are typically divorcees...
ForgottenMemes ago
incels admit why they can't get laid
Sometimesineedhelp ago
kneo24 ago
Being an incel is more or less a myth. They are either not trying at all to play the dating game, or they're a 3/10 believing every 10/10 should bang them, which indicates they have mental health problems for being so god awfully delusional. In both cases, I would call the celibacy voluntary, as they're voluntarily making choices which are counter to getting themselves some pussy.
Also, hookers exist. If getting laid is that important that you need to label yourself as an "incel", buy a fucking hooker. Not getting a hooker just makes yourself, again, voluntarily celibate.
operation_wetvac ago
Imagine some literal retard or a handicapped person in a wheelchair. I'd call those guys incels. But people who refuse to wash themselves and prance around smelling like ass, or worse, Axe body spray or wear anime shirts with little girl animal backpacks (containing their Switch naturally) and just expect hot women to want them, I'd definitely call those guys delusional assholes who have deliberately chosen a lifestyle that yields certain results.
ForgottenMemes ago
The difference between incels and MGTOW is who they claim is the problem.
Incels - they admit they are (at least part of) the problem.
MGTOW - its everyone else.
While everything you said is true, this was the jist of my statement and understanding that is how you get the joke.
CowWithBeef ago
There are some mathematical reasons low ranking men can't get laid. Men bang younger women so falling fertility the past 40 years means more available men than women. In increasing fertility even low status males can find mates.
ForgottenMemes ago
Low ranking men can't get laid because they are low ranking men.
WhiteChickens ago
Are we talking about sex or prostitution, because getting a wife isn't the same as banging 10 hotties.
Most men outside of top 5 can't do that.
TheFlameOfTruth ago
There are low ranking women as well. The issue with men is more in thier own hands, as self betterment can lead to an increase in rank. Women are more born with it, looks and temperament from genetics playing a larger role in thier rank.
Men can help thier station.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Incels are low-ranking men who want top-ranking women, but are unwilling to play the necessary jew games to obtain these womean. There are plenty of low-ranking men that hook up with low-ranking women, on the other hand. Check out your local Walmart, for example.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Dude, there are some BABES in Walmart.
And they're friendly, too [unlike the Battlecunts at (((Starbucks)))].
You guys gotta get away from the keyboard and go spend some time in friggin MeatSpace.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
I'm not saying their aren't some babes in Walmart. I'm just saying there are a lot of low-ranking men hooked up with low-ranking women that frequent that place. In fact, there are plenty of low-ranking couples everywhere—which is my point; you can hookup if you choose.
ForgottenMemes ago
Women can too. Women used to be taught manners and a flirtatious yet chaste demeanor.
TheFlameOfTruth ago
Which can make them more attractive dlr sure, but the differences of this between men and women are substantial.
90SE ago
Those dudes are idiots. Your can live your life how you want without blaming the whole world for your shortcomings
Herbert666Marcuse ago
In fairness, the entirety of the jewish psychological/edumakshunal/financial/jewdicial/political dreadnought has been waging scorched-earth totalitarian warfare against young White males since forever.
Most Betas [and all Gammas] are now so beaten-down psychologically that they're terrified of their own shadows.
We have to teach them how to rework their Inner Frames to the point that they simply DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANYTHING ANYMORE.
Then they can be reborn as Stone Cold Killer Psychopathic Shitlords with vast harems of White poontang.
Anarchy99 ago
Once you are circumsized, you are mostly done as a man. The foreskin is what keeps the Jezebel spirit in line
blit416 ago
Blaming the whole world? Is that what "Men going their own way" is? Blaming the whole world? Is your whole world greedy women?
Broc_Lia ago
You think that's what they're up to?
Feminism has turned marriage into a time bomb for men. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but I don't blame the ones who've been burned for wanting to put in a little distance.
ZweibelKuchen ago
MGTOW isn't putting in a little distance, it's giving up.
Anarchy99 ago
Instead of men going their own way, it should be men who send women packing. Let them do the walking
Herbert666Marcuse ago
That's where Game comes in, along with re-working your Inner Frame to have the personality type of a psychopathic Stone Cold Killer.
You gotta improve & perfect yourself both physically but especially PSYCHOLOGICALLY in order to corral these cunts and make their nether regions dripping wet in anticipation of receiving your Shitlord seed at ovulation time.
ForgottenMemes ago
Feminists, jews, kangz, commies, liberals and antifa would all disagree with you.
Conspirologist ago
This is awesome. I am reposting this in MGTOW.
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HatefulSaxon ago
Screencap the reactions before it's shoah'd and post here. The male versions of cat ladies kvetching will be amusing.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
How does something get shoah'd at Voat?
Do subforums have mods?
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
Yes. Even /v/whatever has mods, although they're pretty much just spam filters AFAICT.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Yes, you'll see drama posts about several in particular pop up from time to time.
rndmvar ago
Sub-voats have mods and there's been all sorts of fun surrounding outing mods as kikes or kike lovers here.
They do so hate it when they're found out.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
How do kikes get to be mods?
Do Atko & Putt not know who their mods are?
rndmvar ago
They do not. Their knowledge of identity only goes as far as an IP address. Which might tell you a geographic region, but even that can be misleading with VPNs in the mix.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Well that sucks - they're handing out Mod status to JIDF agents posing as goats?!?!?!?!?!?
rndmvar ago
Shit happens.
People sell their accounts, or lose them from poor password complexity.
Call them out when you see kike tactics.
Stay vigilant, and keep your head on a swivel.
They wouldn't be invading so hard if this site was a small target.
MrPank ago
Imagine avoiding women and the responsibilities of being a man because youre too much of a cowardly loser to wrangle your women and be responsible for having kids.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Thank God this kid who knows all about life has shown up.
MrPank ago
Thank science this nigger just made an irrelevant ad hominem. The best way to state your case is to attack the person and not the argument. Jesus christ, do boomer cucks really make up most of MGTOW?
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
I have no need or desire to 'state my case'. Think what you want, expert women wrangler.
MrPank ago
Ok. I will continue to think you are a cucked out faggot too limp wristed to maintain control over a simple woman. :)
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
And I'll continue to be amused at your beliefs. Feel free to believe I'm an unemployed garbage man, if that helps you feel better about yourself.
Doglegwarrior ago
i dont think you get it. i have a kid i can keep my women under control but there are some serious psycotic women out there and the courts are 100% staked in the womens favor its risky.
Anarchy99 ago
You just have to know how to frame your arguments and move the court. I would never let it get to divorce because the woman would be shown the door before I let it get that bad. If you live with a woman under her roof, you're fucked. If you share an apartment and rent with a woman, you're fucked. The only way to control a woman is to own your property. That way you can tell her to leave. It works like a charm. Guarantee nobody on this thread owns their own property which means you are a slave to the system.
MarauderShields ago
You'd be surprised. There's a few minted and happily married Goats here. Trad wives are a godsend and they are made not found nowadays.
Anarchy99 ago
I'm very picky. I don't go with women who like Jews. If they cannot see the threat they are hopeless. They will only ruin their children. There are no traditional women in New York. Maybe 2% of the population of women are viable options. You just need to weed the rest out then create attraction. America is a cursed country. If you cannot overcome the curse you are doomed with lawyers and divorce courts.
MrPank ago
Went through divorce - 11k worth of debt due to it - still prospering, still alive, still think MGTOW is a bunch of disgruntled cucks who are angry that a stupid fucking woman tricked them. kek
WhiteChickens ago
Not everyone was so lucky, man who argues like a woman. lol
MrPank ago
presents nothing to the table other than emotive ad hominem And I am the woman. kek Cucks gonna cuck!
WhiteChickens ago
Hides behind anecdotal evidence, yes, you are the woman.
And you do argue like a fucking woman. No ad hominem. Your argument is bullshit. lol
MrPank ago
LUL Cites "anecdotal evidence" as reason to argue and then says "BUT ALL TEH WIMMINZ ARE TEH BAD DEY DICK RIDE AND I CANT GET LAID!" And, again, I'm the woman. lololol You are a moron.
You argue like a retard.
WhiteChickens ago
You lie like a woman. lol
MrPank ago
You call other people a woman like a woman. Herp derp.
WhiteChickens ago
You lie like a cunt.
MarauderShields ago
Sometimes money is a small price to pay of your soul remains intact.
keksupreme ago
imagine wanting to bring ugly feminist brats into the world with terrible modern women lol
MrPank ago
Theyll only be ugly feminist brats if you hook up with ugly feminists to begin with. But lemme guess, that is women's fault too? kek
keksupreme ago
which is what modern women are like in the western world...nice try though kike shill
MrPank ago
Because you are too weak to force them to be otherwise you cuck faggot.
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
Imagine being so incompetent you can't convince your woman your political beliefs are right, then imagine not being able to raise your kids to not be retarded or impolite. Besides, younger white kids are becoming less and less retarded.
keksupreme ago
marriage in the us favors women massively.
women get all the money in a divorce and us divorce rates are insane.
oh wait you're just a kike shill
Herbert666Marcuse ago
You don't need to marry a woman to get kids out of her.
You just stick your manhood in her a day or two before she ovulates, and plant your seed.
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
Yes. Thanks to the Jews.
Women follow the example the closest most powerful men in their lives set. If you let that be an absentee father or the television, it won't go well.
Kikes created feminism to destroy the family, so no, you just want to give in to their demands like a faggot.
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
The kikes have already won, you speak like you think the war isn't over
Doglegwarrior ago
wtf! you are fighting billions of dollars of jew movies commericials advertising books media music and u expect to convince fucking retarded emotion based women of anything.. you are being obtuse or purpusly blind to the realities a younger man faces these days
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
I'm probably younger than you, anyway I have even younger friends who managed this despite the odds. If you're a zoomer you might be suprised, you may discover younger white women are more based than you imagine. Women follow the example important men in their lives set.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
This is also biological - since Griswold [1965] and Roe [1973], White shitlibs have largely ceased making White children.
According to the Pew Hispanic Trust survey [of high skrewl juniors], something like 75% to 80% of all White kids born in 2000 were backing Trump in 2016.
Whereas all the shitlib kids, who should have been born in 2000, ended up in the dempsey dumpster out back behind Planned Murderhood.
And that's been going on for almost THREE GENERATIONS now.
Nosferatjew ago
blit416 ago
Cowards? Are you /u/ForgottenMemes , cowardly losers.
You girls just throw around words like Coward as if you knew what it means. Do you?
MrPank ago
Ask your pocket pussy, coward.
blit416 ago
Pocket pussy? What the hell are you talking about. You're dripping spittle calling people names, computer person. You need to calm down.
MrPank ago
Must have hit the mark to get this type of reaction. "Computer person" as he types on a computer
Racial_Maddow ago
Yes, wrangle is a particularly apt term to use here..
HatefulSaxon ago
They have one bad experience with a female and are now going to break the chain between each generation of their ancestors spanning over 1000’s of years. It hurts to see white men this brainwashed as we have a duty to continue that flow between our ancestors and the next generation.
steven_feelsperg ago
Men's Clubs.
drj2 ago
Can already tell the gloomers are here when this is downvoated lmao
HillBoulder ago
One bad experience until you hear every single one of the men you know who are married have the exact same problems.
antiracistMetal ago
Can you explain to me why this is a duty?
@bojangles @eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
Imagine passing down a family heirloom for a few hundred million years only to have your shit stain of a son pawn it to buy a bad Ubisoft game... Only that family heirloom is literally life itself.
antiracistMetal ago
You remember that scene from Pulp Fiction about the ring the father kept in his ass through a Vietnamese prison camp?
That ring only became a burden for Bruce Willis.
How useful is a ring anyway?
Why burden your family with such junk?
What's so great about life? Trying to avoid fire and cold and thirst and drowning and hunger and disease and loneliness, all while staring at mortality. Seems less a blessing and more a curse.
@bojangles @eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
Lol just because you took the nihilism pill doesn't mean your kids will. Not to mention that I can't take this argument seriously, seeing as you are still alive to make it. If you really believed all that you wouldn't be here, you'd be ODing on heroine or dead by your own hand.
antiracistMetal ago
Lots of people kill themselves. When a subject presents an argument objectively, how can you apply his subjective circumstance to the response?
An argument count be sound if only dead people present it?
@bojangles @eagleshigh
Evolution has put in psychological restraints that prevent us from killing ourselves. Are you suggesting that evolution has instilled in you such a desire for procreation that you cannot will against it?
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
If life is suffering then stop bitching and end it. Nihilism might be the way of the universe at a cosmic level but it's no way to live. Human beings do have a purpose a wellspring of meaning and satisfaction waiting for them but apparently you've been so corrupted by post modernism that you refuse to see it.
antiracistMetal ago
Why does the subject have to believe an argument to present it?
Is it possible for an argument to be sound even if the one saying it doesn't believe it?
Why do you value the species over the meme?
I don't doubt that there is plenty of meaning in life and kids. But there is also a lot of suffering. Not only do I not see it a duty to make more life, there may even be a duty against it.
@bojangles @eagleshigh
InClownWorldSellPnut ago
That's called playing devil's advocate but usually you openly declare that you don't believe what you are saying instead of trying to convince me otherwise.
Yes but Is it right to preach a code you can't abide by?
What the fuck kind of question is this? You want to hear that "The entire human race has the same objective value as the intangible idea that everything is pointless and objectivity doesn't exist because everything is pointless and objectivity doesn't exist." This is the most unproductive post-modernist shit. You can reduce everything down to 'equally pointless' but that doesn't lead to anything productive or good, just more self contained smug intellectualism. I can reduce a diamond and lump of coal to identical carbon piles, that doesn't negate the value of the diamond.
Just go back to reddit.
antiracistMetal ago
I'm in a position between devil's advocate and adherent. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. I am not planning on having kids.
This isn't am argument from nihilism. Objectivity and value exist. But life is objectively of negative value, as suffering outweighs pleasure, or something.
We have a duty to minimize suffering.
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
Your response to his argument is a scene from a nigger murder porn movie?
antiracistMetal ago
He actually didn't present an argument. He told me to imagine a family heirloom. There was no "therefore".
@bojangles @eagleshigh
Eagz, you agree?
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
He actually did, he had a pretty good anology (I can't spell, sorry) which you then compared to a shitty snuff movie.
antiracistMetal ago
Imagine the family heirloom was radioactive. At a time before people knew what radioactivity was.
It would be valuable, given that is a family heirloom. But it would be harmful, because it is dangerous and causes suffering.
If life is the family heirloom, it is valuable. Life has a lot of valuable things in it. But if the family heirloom is radioactive, it can be harmful. Life is filled with harms and disappointments. Suffering. Eventual death.
If a family realizes the heirloom is radioactive and it is harming their family, they might let go of its value as an heirloom, and stop passing it down.
If someone realizes the harm of life, that to create a life is to create a new set of suffering for someone, then maybe they likewise stop passing this heirloom down. They recognize that their family can't enjoy the statue or lamp or whatever the heirloom was. But their family also won't be harmed by it. Someone's hypothetical child wouldn't be able to experience the joys in life, but they also wouldn't be harmed by life's harms. The loving hypothetical parent chooses that the best way to love the hypothetical child is to prevent those harms against it, rather than seeing this as depriving the goods from it.
Imagine one has a daughter who loves life, but will be raped, but then will still love life and say she wishes she had life despite that negative thing that happened to her. Before she was born, if this one knew what would happen, despite the positive outcomes... this one still has to choose to procreate and eventually have this awful thing happen to her. That seems like something morally difficult to sign off on, even though he knows his daughter still wishes or would wish to be born.
But look at it the other way. If one's child were to experience a lot of pleasures, but one chooses not to procreate, this child has those pleasures taken away from them. But since no one was ever born to have those pleasures taken away from, no one is ever harmed.
It seems easier to me to take the moral path where no one is harmed, than to take the path where you have to tacitly approve of some harms coming to a new person.
@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha @maroonsaint
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
I believe what the original guy was referring to was the millions of years of evolution in your genes that you would be throwing away. Besides that life comes with risks, but the benefits outweigh them ten fold. Finally, do you plan to actually fix life's risks so others may safely raise families? Judging by the fact you're on Voat and seem to believe you have nothing to lose, I'm going to guess you won't do anything.
antiracistMetal ago
Most people don't do anything. Very few people have invented life saving and life extending technology. Compared to people who just were.
I don't know where you get your number that benefits outweigh harms tenfold.
Lots of people who don't procreate can serve general humanity somehow. Gay uncles can raise kids without diddling them. Sterile people can work as scientists or police or soldiers or crossing guards or whatever. Doctors or dentists or politicians. Politicians who make war when war is needed and peace when peace is needed. Or whatever.
I don't see why cranking out a kid is a required ingredient for the recipe of a good life.
Do you think people who are born sterile or whatever can't have a good life? Do they still have this mystical duty to procreate?
@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha @maroonsaint @jewsbadnews
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
Because you will grow old, you need someone to take care of you. Only through a family can you find true happiness as well btw.
What are you? A Jew? The gay uncle is going to rape his nephews bruh, it's how gays reproduce. As for the rest, rarely has a man with nothing to lose acted or done anything worthwhile, men with everything to lose routinely give their lives.
You're twisting my words on the sterile people, that's obviously not who the discussion is about.
antiracistMetal ago
People can just kill themselves whenever they want, before they get old. Or people in society can take care of them, in homes and institutions or whatever.
At least be open minded that the kid could be turned gay by his gym coach rather than his uncle.
I immediately thought of Jesus and Newton as men who didn't procreate. You said "rarely." Fine. But the topic isn't, "What heuristic can we use to measure man?" and determine that natalists are generally better people than antinatalists. The question is whether it is moral or not to bring a new person into life. It may the case that natalists are generally better people, but wrong on this moral issue. We can't merely point to their stellar track record as an argument against antinatalism.
I'm not twisting your words by bringing in sterile people. I'm suggesting if you can see the value in a sterile person's life, maybe you can extend antinatalism into being a form of sterility, and then likewise find purpose in the antinatalist's life.
@eagleshigh @bojangles
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
"People can just kill themselves whenever they want, before they get old. Or people in society can take care of them, in homes and institutions or whatever." Okay Juden. People can just kill themselves or have other people's kids take care of them (as well as their own responsible parents). Good plan. Not.
Jesus had everything to lose, he really could have become a King and had endless women following him around. Newton had a bunch of knowledge, I don't know enough about him so I don't believe he was killed, but I'll let you use him as an exception due to my ignorance of him. You're on Voat mate, neither of us are the next Jesus or Newton, sorry but it's true. Since you don't want kids, and neither of us are likely to be important, what will you do about all the problems in the world you addressed earlier? You gonna make it so people CAN have kids? Or just complain it's too hard? You did bring up legitimate problems with having a family though, I'm not saying it's easy. You know the problems, how will you fix them so others don't suffer?
The discussion is about people who can have kids, not people who biologically cannot.
antiracistMetal ago
Why is it my job to save anyone if I'm not the next Jesus or Newton? If I'm nobody and I can't help anybody, why are you expecting me to help anybody?
The least I can do is not cause more harm. And to not cause more harm means not having kids. If I have kids, I am creating new lives which can undergo suffering. And this is known. There is not some mystery about whether they will suffer or not. They will. It is known.
I don't know why some difficulties encountered by some people when they get old or are dying should weigh enough to continue to let humanity suffer indefinitely. So some old people have no one to change their bed pan. We should therefore make infinite more generations which will grow old and need someone to change their bed pan? How does that make sense?
@eagleshigh @bojangles
RunOverByASchoolBus ago
Why is it your job to care about other people? You a rabbi? If you aren't, it's because the hordes will inevitably come for you.
Not having kids means more harm, it means the kids of people who do have them will have to suffer more. The alternative is no one has kids but that would mean we've lost.
No, not at all what I said and I'm having a tough time figuring out how you came to that conclusion. No kids means the few there are are burdened with taking care of all the selfish/short sided old people who choose not to think of their futures, mass group suicides is also not an option as it would also mean the white race has failed. With that said there's obviously more reasons to have kids as a group, getting taken care of and loved in your old age is the reward an individual will get.
antiracistMetal ago
I'll leave you with this.
@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha
antiracistMetal ago
Herbert666Marcuse ago
It's not just A duty - it's our ONLY duty in this life.
MurkSquatch ago
Thousands? Try 4.5 billion years bud.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
Hundreds of millions - or even billions - of years ago, there were pond scum amoebae making sacrifices so that their pond scum amoebae descendants could eventually become sentient hominids typing at keyboards [at whacking off to jew pr0n] all night rather than manning up and putting WHITE BUNZ -> WHITE OVENZ.
MurkSquatch ago
I've got a white bun almost 7 months in the oven right now.
Herbert666Marcuse ago
MrPank ago
Boom. Nailed it.
tokui ago
Get a divorce.
Report back.
HatefulSaxon ago
You scold all women because you picked a bad one? What kind of logic is that.
You have a bad apple within a bag of apples, instead of throwing the bad one away and keeping the rest, with your logic you would throw the whole bag of apples away.
tokui ago
Don't assume anything about me, then you won't be wrong.
It's never about A woman. It's saying the system is fucked up, don't play along. It's saying, breed with young women, ditch the whore single moms. What's to disagree about that?
MrPank ago
Already done nigger. 5 years ago. I am still alive and doing swell.