TrialsAndTribulation ago

Oh, for fuck sake, another of your fucking alts. TheAmerican? MaroonSaint? Whatever, I don't give a fuck. The only thing that matters is that OP is a faggot.

EnsignPossible ago

Hey, instead, why not find SOMEPLACE ELSE?

SoOutraged ago

Where did I say I was any different or any better? Obviously I like it here.

EnsignPossible ago

So be it. Gonna hold your inviters responsible when I get rid of you AGAIN.

Morbo ago

And let me also inform you that this niggerfaggotkike (@SoOutraged) is our resident basement dwelling incel loony. He creates lots of alternate accounts to post retarded shit and spam up Voat. He has no life and must do this shit to keep him from necking himself. He makes you soyboys look like real men.

SoOutraged ago

Confirmed 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤪🤪🤪💪👈 don't forget to mention that I have huge muscles.

Morbo ago

It's true. SoOutraged has huge sphincter muscles.

SoOutraged ago

If anyone knows you do. Disclaimer; Morbo and I are actually gay lovers and live together in real life.

Morbo ago

SoOutraged wishes I would dominate him night and day, but the sad truth is that SoOutraged is actually Harvey Weinstein and he has no testicles and a deformed penis/vagina combination. Even the jewesses don't want him.

Far2Long2 ago

*toe the line.

SoOutraged ago

I use voice to text

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Observations and a question.

  1. You left out niggerfaggot and the less used but still mportant niggerfaggotkike and niggerkikefaggot.

  2. Why did you capitalize Oblivion? Are you suggesting people will be banished into the Tom Cruise movie of the same name?

  3. There is are also a lot...

    Grammar, motherfucker. Use it.

  4. To be clear, I am better than the rest of you, whether our opinions coincide or diverge. To suggest I look down upon others because of differing opinions is insulting and ignores my ontological superiority. This is about a lot more than just opinions.

SoOutraged ago

You may have better grammar than me but I can guarantee you I am far stronger and have much larger muscles

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Sadly that is almost certainly true (unless you are in reality thin and weak). I've had some injuries and surgeries with significant recovery times that have allowed a fair amount of muscle mass to waste away. I've maintained fair cardiovascular health, but strength and muscle size are not nearly what they once were. On the plus side, I need to eat far less which at least saves money.

SoOutraged ago

I tore a pectoral muscle which took a month to heal and I still worked out that whole month lifting weights literally every single day. I just made sure not to use that particular muscle. There's never an excuse not to work out and lift weights.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I tore all the ligaments in a shoulder completely separating the arm skeleture from that above it. The corrective surgery involved an incision of several inches, drilling holes in bones, putting in ligament replacements, etc. They also took off 1/2 inch of collar bone because it was no linger healthy bone. The recovery time was not quick and then there were a few months of physical therapy. And that is not to mention a totally separate occasion where the issue was a biceps half detaching at the bottom. I seem to just be accident prone over the last 3 or 4 years.

I'm glad you recovered quickly from your pulled muscle, though. It sucks when the body won't do what it is suppossd to.

SoOutraged ago

That would have healed on its own.

Deplorablepoetry ago

The only good Voat is a dead voat

kneo24 ago

I lol'd.

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belrial ago

You sure are a butthurt little bitch aren't you?

Mumbelberry ago

Thanks, CIA!