So I wanted to listen to Wind of Change by The ScorpionsYouTube, and I happened to click on the official music video which I hadn't seen in years, and HOLY FUCK did everything just CLICK.
The sad whistling, footage of the Berlin Wall, soldiers post WW2 etc, the entire fucking song was made with intent to subvert millions with a concise marketing / directing effort by the kike record label. So I start digging, wondering why this German band would side AGAINST their own people. Of course lead vocalist Rudolf Schenker and brother Michael Schenker have their "Early Life" section of Wikipedia deleted. Either way, only a few searches later and voila.. both Rudolf and his brother are Jewish as I suspected. Ha, no surprise there!
But wait, it gets better. Their label wanted to be controversial, and subsequently followed up a release of their album titled "Virgin Killer" (projecting much?) which literally has an UNDERAGE little girl (one of their own daughters) photographed entirely NAKED on the cover of their album. Not only that, but they added a "crack" over her private parts.. How "controversial" to be a kike pedophile and go unnoticed for decades. They literally got away with pushing Weimar Republic degenerate content, spreading it on a mass scale for the whole world to see, and no one even bat an eyeball.
God knows what these monsters in the band have done and gotten away with. Here’s their Bassist casually talking about attending Snuff partiesYouTube. If you don’t know what those are, look it up. All while fans, and millions of Whites waive their lighters in the air at concerts and glorify these kike pieces of shit.
I'm not surprised at modern day Pedowood occult videos and garbage music. I'm just a bit surprised at how early on they began the process. They calculated each and every move as soon as they got the green light. Almost like the entertainment industry kike label owners, musicians, and marketing agencies are colluding via songwriting, production, film and MSM media to sway public opinion.
Whites across the world ate that shit up and thousands would attend concerts in support and even cry over these faggot kikes' music. Never forget how they operate.
Azamuku ago
Camper Van Beethoven: Take the Skinheads bowling.
Mustard_Monkey ago
WTF OP a NSFW would be nice on that album.
Queef_Anon ago
Half the incentive for being a famous musician is power/influence over underage girls so that you can fuck them raw. Everyone from Jimmy Paige to Ziggy Fartdust to Gene Simmons were banging kids, so don't assume it's exclusive to Jewbags.
steven_feelsperg ago
Their music is simple, message is cuck, and singer whines.
0/10 would not headbang
Conspirologist ago
Were you expecting to find anybody normal in a Heavy Metal band? Heavy Metal was created by jews specifically to ruin the 70's generation.
ExpertShitposter ago
Watch this video about all your favorite rock stars being pedos:
PoliceICE ago
....and then, for no reason at all...
catcaller ago
You know when feminists talk about history saying that things like marriage were historically oppressive because they are measured these things by modern standards that didn't exist at the times of said historical society? Yeah, you sound like one of them. Society has changed over time. What was once normal behavior is now considered deviant. If you want to know what is natural behavior (the true norm), just look at wild animals and see what they do.
mudbear ago
Yeah it sucks but about all pop music dating to 60s is degenerate shit. Been working on detoxing from jewish media and i started listening to old school rock... Then i realised its all jewish. All of it. Now i just listen to folk music and sea shanties
c0ck ago
That gave me a good laugh. I understand what you mean though.
mudbear ago
Im not even kidding, if you have some good folk music to listen to im all ears.
HatefulSaxon ago
I've been deprogramming for at least half a year. All I listen to music wise (with lyrics) is ourguys. Mr Bond, RWDS, Zyklon Don. It's actually a premium upgrade as the only thing that grabbed my attention to rap/hiphop before is the beats, now I have non-cucked lyrics to go along with it.
ForgottenMemes ago
Winds of Change is about the fall of the Berlin Wall and re-unification of east and west Germany which was happening in 1990, not about flooding your country with shitskins. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.
This was explicitly stated by the band and understood by everyone at the time.
knightwarrior41 ago
The west germans resented that reunion because they had to pay for eastern germans welfare.Also later on merkel happened which brought even more socialism to the German state.I know because i had a friend in there.She was eastern German.
ForgottenMemes ago
I was in Germany in 1990. While I can't speak for everyone, they resented it to some extent, but they were fine with biting the bullet because these were their brothers. Sometimes literally.
Blood-is-Nature ago
~ George Michael "Father FigureYouTube"
That's all I wanted
Something special, something sacred
In your eyes
For just one moment
To be bold and naked
At your side
Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me
Maybe this time is forever
Say it can be
That's all you wanted
Something special, someone sacret
In your life
Just for one moment
To be warm and naked
At my side
Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me
But something tells me together
We'd be happy
I will be your father figure
(Oh baby)
Put your tiny hand in mine
(I'd love to)
I will be your preacher teacher
(Be your daddy)
Anything you have in mind
(It would make me)
I will be your father figure
(Very happy)
I have had enough of crime
(Please let me)
I will be the one who loves you
Until the end of time
That's all I wanted
But sometimes love can be mistaken
For a crime
That's all I wanted
Just to see my baby's
Blue eyed shine
This time I think that my lover
Understands me
If we have faith in each other
Then we can be
I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
I will be the one who loves you
Until the end of time
If you are the desert
I'll be the sea
If you ever hunger
Hunger for me
Whatever you ask for
That's what I'll be
So when you remember the ones who have lied
Who said that they cared
But then laughed as you cried
Beautiful Darling
Don't think of me
Because all I ever wanted
It's in your eyes baby, baby
And love can't lie, no...
(Greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always tell me to...
(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I won't let you go, my baby
I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
(So I am gonna love you)
Until the end of time
I will be your father
I will be your preacher
I will be your daddy
I will be the one who loves you until the end of time
Confucious ago
Check out the lyrics to Kiss's song "Christine Sixteen" which came out at almost the same time that Jeff Epstein was trolling the halls of Dalton. Considering that (((Gene Simmons))) was also once a school teacher makes the song more of a confession than anything else.
c0ck ago
Could it get more obvious?
BeeBop71 ago
The Scorpion Men guarded the entrance to Kurnugi
We also come across the scorpion men in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Their duty was guard outside the gates of the Sun god Shamash at the mountains of Mashu. The gates were the entrance to Kurnugi, the land of darkness. The scorpion men opened the doors for Shamash as he traveled out each day, and closed the doors after him when he returned to the underworld at night. The scorpion men must have had the ability to see very beyond the horizon as they could also warn traveler of coming dangers. According to myths written in the Akkadian language the Aqrabuamelu had heads that could touch the sky. They could terrorize people and their glance resulted in death.
Infearmal ago
She's pretty. 7/10 would bang.
DarthShekel ago
Maybe that is why they got rid of their drummer, James Kottack....
Kottak rants to refugees to fix their own shithole countries first
spaceman84 ago
That sucks. Sails of Charon is a badass song.
Shotinthedark ago
Did this info " rock you like a hurricane"?
watts2db ago
yeah unfortunately almost everything especially entertainment has been just kike propoganda all along
1stResponder ago
They must be the German version of KISS.
celestial-skylord ago
ginx2666 ago
To be fair, people on voat have been born AFTER 1990... Young, dumb, angry and still gullible. Juden have been a plague for millennia. Source of every corruption destroying society is always either a woman, or a kike. Since we can't get rid of the former and survive, they have to be muzzled, but longnose tribe can and should be eradicated.
c0ck ago
Fuckle_Chucks ago
No, the boomers brought it with them starting in World War Jew....
spaceman84 ago
Wrong. (((Abraham))) was installed by the kikes and had a bunch of them in his administration. By WWI they were already pouring in.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
What!? C'mon now; EVERYTHING is the fault of the boomers. The Earth was a veritable paradise until the boomers came along—just ask the millennials!
Oh_Well_ian ago
Rudolf Shenker in not the lead vocalist.
That is Klaus Mein
knightwarrior41 ago
same with rush and KISS and there are more i'm sure....
voatusernamevoat ago
ozzy osborne, jew run, jew wife, jew kids.
c0ck ago
Trannies with painted nails, tight fishnets, lipstick and dominatrix boots.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
Something I've noticed a LOT recently is that any musician who was pushed heavily over the past few decades ends up being jewish or having a key jewish member.
jj351 ago
See: Drake.
midnightblue1335 ago
Not always a jew in the actual band.
Always a jew in the production/managing end of things though. Always, without fail.
Ken_bingo2 ago
Some of the kike Musicians have real talent as players, but they chose to use it to spew filth.
Some Amazing jew violinists, but I wonder if they just get pushed to the front because they are jews, while the goyim of equal or greater talent are ignored.
c0ck ago
Every. Single. Time.
RevDrStrangelove ago
I always thought they were lame/corporate.
MyNameIsMud ago
I agree with you but they are just Scorpions
WhiteChickens ago
It's all the same.
You really have to dig to find white rock/metal band members.
Most of them are jew or non-white.
Ken_bingo2 ago
The genre itself is degenerate to low level animalistic behavior. It is like humans decided that nursery rhymes should be adult entertainment/inspiration.
Classical and Folk rise above that, but even though I still listen to rock (lifetime conditioning and ubiquitous), I find it less satisfying than Classical and things like Bluegrass or Celtic Folk.
c0ck ago
Yeah goes right alongside the rock culture of looking like women in tight leather pants.
What about Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters? He seems to be trying to spread awareness of jewery and kike degeneracy, no?
kidcip16 ago
What? Roger waters is a flaming faggot liberal.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
none of pink floyd are jews to my knowledge
WhiteChickens ago
Exactly, now it's pretty obvious what the agenda was.
Couldn't tell you, his father was a communist party member but he might be ok. I don't know if he's a jew or not.
Let's take Metallica, when I was growing up I thought that was a white band.
The only white member is James Hetfield and that's only because I don't have anything specifically saying he's a jew.
spaceman84 ago
Kirk Hammett isn't a Jew.
WhiteChickens ago
Yes, he's asian.
c0ck ago
Didn’t know that about Kiketallica, but I remember reading that Roger Waters was boycotting Israel. He could still very well be a faggot though.
Goys-R-Us ago
controlled oppo IMO
fr33europe ago
They are dirty kikes and deserve the rope, no doubt. How is the messaging anti German though? I always understood it as a post communist positive message?
cyclops1771 ago
Just for clarity sake - Rudolf Schenker isn't the lead vocalist. It's Klaus Meine. Schenker WAS the original founder of the band, and he and Klaus have been on every album.
This small error should not detract from OP's point. Just a clarification.
c0ck ago
Thanks for clarifying.
Blork_Blorkinson ago
Yeah, but that solo on Rock You Like a Hurricane...
ChiCom ago
Satan gives his best flute to his favorite minions
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Yeah, but he lost his fiddle to Johnny.
chirogonemd ago
I was going to say something similar. I think the artists are the wrong level to focus on. These people are identified for some abstract combination of talent and for possessing such a desire to be great that they'd sacrifice their "souls" for it.
Most of these artists are probably there because they did - at one time at least - legitimately love the music and wanted to be rockstars. Once they are taken up by the label, they're jumping through whatever fucking hoops they're asked to. "Hey guys, we're doing this with the next album cover and insert."
"Um, okay."
That's not to say these people don't get wrapped up in the degeneracy and probably over the course of a career see their last ounce of integrity burned up. I'm sure they do. But it's a system utilizing the energy of young ambitious people, just using it up. It's all a system for stealing energy from energetic, talented people.
draaakIncelTrolldom ago
Sheckel for a good goy
People who sold their souls for fame and have to murder kids are now (((victims))) lol!
Goyim, I
So, jews.
Are jewish or military family
(((Victims its anotha shoah!)))
Stopped reading after that. You kikes are getting bold. Thats for damn sure.
mudbear ago
They used one of the members own daugher for the nude photo, its on the artist level and they are jews
Ken_bingo2 ago
Sure but the Scorpions look jewish as fuck, so these ones were just evil from the get go.
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Bingo. Jewish media would have us believe that you gain talent by selling your soul. No sir, you already have the talent that is needed but lack the opportunity to utilize it to great material success. That's where one of the gods comes in with an offer.
This is also why some people, despite selling their souls, have limited material success—they have limited talents.
This is also at the heart of why all great spiritual teachings instruct one to detach from the material world. You can be in this world, but you don't have to be of this world.
MemeDropAcct ago
Fuckers permanently damaged my hearing with Blackout too.
New-World-Ebola ago
i never liked that song... it always had an enemy vibe.
BitChuteArchive ago
Zinnsee ago
You forgot to mention the snuff party interview with the bass player.
c0ck ago
Link for those interestedYouTube
redwing14 ago
they took out the part after he said he wanted to throw up. So it must of been pretty bad if they kept in the snuff party..
c0ck ago
Fuck, I had completely forgotten about that and had no idea it was (((The Scorpions))) band member once again.
GhostWriter17 ago
It’s weird to one day Wake Up and realize you have been living in a Bizarro World your entire life
The Truth is the opposite of every thing WE have ever been told
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ChiCom ago
It can't just be the power of media. There has to be supernatural elements to cast such a massive spell over so many.
Blood-is-Nature ago
No, it's the opposite. Mankind is missing the foundation; the basic understanding of the laws of nature. They used religion to hide them, and exchanged them with the laws of men to get control over mankind. mankind was deceived into following the playbook of other humans instead of the rules this system is operating under.
ChiCom ago
Doubtful. So who should make and apply the laws? The godless?
Or no law, just rule of power, like China?
I know you have nature in your handle but everything we do is natural, including maim and kill and rape and torture. You need God if you don't want human rule.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Nature created the laws and teaches them to us through our instincts and comprehension. Our "bondage" to this system creates the freedom of choice for us, but nature will judge the consequences of our actions, which it passed onto to the sum of all things that sustain this system. It's a self sustaining ecosystem.
You only need comprehension of the laws of nature. Every other life form follows them by instinct, only we we are failing, because we cannot handle the sophisticated sate of our consciousness. We misuse it to create excuses and justifications for the consequences of our negative actions, which then become beliefs (rules to curtail comprehension), which leads to self destructive hedonism...believing what we are telling ourselves, which obviously led to the corruption of us exploiting this to get control over each other, hence institutionalized belief and a tyranny based on lies and deceptions. And who's at fault...or ignorance to take responsibility.
Yes, and there is no moral problem with maim and kill and rape and torture as long as you understand the laws of nature, which in this case means the consequences thereof, which leads to the importance of the intent behind those actions, which brings us to you making a choice.
The barriers of our existence are inception (life) and death, all our actions in between will have a positive (life) or a negative (death) consequence, which creates a balance act (survival) in between to uphold the natural order. Why? Because time is the initiator of movement, which defines existence (movement between a beginning and an end), which creates the demands for adaption to ever changing circumstances, which is how we survive. We are free to do what we want, but if it isn't according to the laws of nature and towards upholding the natural order, we are going to collectively face the consequences.
Nope. It's a justification to shirk responsibility to blame the higher authority who can't respond. We did the same thing the other way around with the label "animals", by justifying our exploitation of millions of different life forms through a rhetorical denigration of value that we made up in our minds. It's what talmudic reasoning is later based upon...trying to outwit karma and easing your consciousness through self deception. Can't trick the laws of nature tho.
Anyway, a deity demands belief, and believing is against the laws of nature, because it means mental stagnation in a system based on constant adaption. Belief in nature is only ever temporary towards an unknown, which is automatically followed by curiosity, which leads to the path of knowledge, which makes the unknown known and the act of holding onto the belief into the temptation of blind faith, which is hedonism and self destructive. It's our choice to uphold the natural order between utilizing belief and holding on to it.
ChiCom ago
This doesn't work. You can't even explain it to be understood.
Regardless, the laws of nature free for all is what we have now that the commies demoralized us. People can choose to be collectively better but they only do out of fear and only some people can even grasp long term consequences. Most rarely think collectively unless virtue signaling.
Civilized society needs an omnipotent punisher or laws are always meant for the other guy, especially to the folks on top.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Because understanding means comprehending, which is the main function of your consciousness, but you're already holding beliefs in that consciousness, thereby restricting your comprehension to those rules. What I'm trying to tell you is so simple to comprehend that every life form inside this ecosystem can comprehend and follow these rules by instinct on a rudimentary level of comprehension.
The consciousness is tool for comprehension, but if you restrict the rules as to what its allowed to comprehend, it will use these rules to justify those rules (beliefs) for you. That is a corruption and if new information challenges your set rules (beliefs) then your corrupt survial instinct will see them as a danger to the status quo you set for yourself.
Communism is the strong arm to protect the leaders of predatory capitalism. Predatory capitalism is based on exponential growth, and communism assures that the slaves of capitalism are not allowed to grow.
Because they are operating on man made rules and do not understand the laws of nature. This system of human control creates hedonism based on the lie of individuality. Everything we're basing our individuality on is offered to us by this human system of exploitation. Our names, hobbies, ID's, accounts, credit cards, social security, fashion, preferred entertainment, education, jobs, marriage license, materialism, religious beliefs, choices for vacation, healthcare and so on. Participating in any of this doesn't make us individual, because everyone else uses the same things offered to us by those who control us. They are the ones who utilize and generate fear to create our dependency to their offerings.
Because hedonism justifies ignorance towards responsibilities. This all originates from the human misinterpretation of the consciousness. Our ability to have an inner dialog with the consciousness made us believe what we are telling ourselves, thereby creating the false perception that the consciousness is the human identity carrier.It is not. The blood carries the human identity, which the only thing we can pass beyond death through procreation, which also fuels the brain that holds the consciousness. If you identify as the blood you clearly see the responsibility to maintain it, which gives your life its purpose: "creation in accordance with the natural laws for the benefit of all", because only that creates the best possible breeding ground for our offspring. Blood demands responsibility; the consciousness generates the excuses and justifications to shirk responsibility (hedonism).
No, it needs you to face your responsibility to the consequences of your actions, because those consequences affect the sum of all things inside this ecosystem, which is natures unavoidable judgment. Your inaction is ignorance, which has negative consequences, which you can see all around you, but you misuse the consciousness to justify your own actions. Humans can play make believe conscious all they want, but they cannot escape the consequences of their actions. Nature created a parasite within us, to put us back in line for acting parasitical to this system and tests us to see if we follow back in line or go extinct based on the consequences of our actions and inaction (ignorance).
ChiCom ago
You are ironically riffing about an existence where human creativity doesn't matter.
Not only impossible to create but impossible to sell. You'd literally have to incapacitate everyone like Jeffrey Dahmer tried. Even cows are more social than the humans in the collective regiment you dream of commanding.
Yes we have blood. Yes it defines us as much or more than our thoughts. No we aren't units to be organized like a hive of bees. You've gone too far in your desperation to erase free will (of everyone but you).
Your dream is the megalomania of any dictator trying to simplify humanity into drones.
God does a far better job of managing us. We get to keep our individuality, free will, and do good for others. It's magnitudes more complex than somehow reengineering humans to devolve back into animals.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Creativity is an individual trait, like intelligence and strength, that has a chance to appear through procreation in the blood, which on the other hand requires maintenance of the blood quality by having a healthy family unit to protect it, a strong race (collective of family units), and secured nation (race holding land), which thanks to the individual traits will create culture to grow into a civilization. But you got to follow the laws of nature to create the best possible breeding ground, where all these individual things are beneficial for each other, otherwise you gonna end up with 2020 Earth.
If you understood nature then you would understand that our value is defined by our existence, because nothing has any value without existence. And how is existence defined? Through time. Now look what they did to mankind... you're wasting your time to acquire money, which you call value. Do you not understand that something is fundamentally wrong with that?
Holding beliefs equals stagnation. You're incapacitating your own comprehension of reality. And they achieved this by using cult of personality (Jeffrey Dahmer) to sell you a lie, to generate fear, so that you stagnate instead of using adaption.
You still think of a ruler to shirk your own responsibility to this ecosystem. We are part of the sum of all things that sustain this ecosystem. Every negative actions of the individual will have negative consequences for the collective.
There are two main version of the leadership principle in individual leader as the necessity for the collective (the Bee Queen), or the temporary leader that enforces order (the alpha wolf). Humans are bound to neither of those concepts, because our sophisticated consciousness puts us into the position of being mimics. We are not special in anything other than comprehension, which is why we can create by utilizing whatever we learn from comprehending nature. Combine this with the demand to maintain our blood and we are in the position of stewards, because we can comprehended the consequences of everything around, so we can direct. That means we don't need no fucking leader.
All human leadership is based on the hedonism of claiming ownership over that which this ecosystem is offering to all for free. That hedonism creates greed, which creates envy, which creates conflict. Then comes leadership, which is the ownership of other humans, which creates even more conflict from those who don't want to between. next comes the laws, which are the rules given by the leader to create order, which obviously also creates conflict, which is then followed by law enforcement to violently keep the conflict under control. At that stage the question came up "how do we make them believe to give us what we want without conflict"? And religion was born, which breeds hedonism in the non-believer, which restarts the whole cycle of hedonistic control.
Holding belief is what restricts our comprehension; our will. I don't want to erase free will, I want you to reclaim comprehension. Freedom comes from slavery, because they are defined by each other. The reason we have freedom of choice, is because we are bound to the laws of nature. We have a foundation which offers rights and restrictions. Freedom of choice comes for the price of responsibility to the consequences of our actions. We were given a compass to pre-determine these consequences to help influence our actions; it's called common sense.
You are already drones of the belief systems with which other humans control you. This ecosystem offered your existence everything, and you were tricked into accepting what your criminal rulers are offering you, while they exploit and restrict you. You only have one existence and you are wasting it by following the orders of another human. If that human would stand next to you, would you allow him to force the laws of men onto you so that only he can benefit from the fruits of your labor. This is easy as all to understand, yet you fear to apply this to the bigger picture, because that would demand your responsibility. Instead you chose hedonism; the path of least resistance, and not only are you shirking responsibility you call me a megalomaniac for pointing it out to you.
Go through all the history books (all lies) and you find only a handful of humans mentioned, while the billion other are nothing but white noise. Now if you read about those who are mentioned, then yous ee that they are not praised for their individuality, but for their achievements (all lies) for the collective (the billions history doesn't give a flying fuck about). Who are the humans who are known in history for their individuality; for their achievements and personality? The few that come to mind are Jesus, Mohammad and Hitler. Two of them are entwined in institutionalized belief system which the majority of the world doesn't believe in and the man with the mustache is about the most lied upon human in recent history.
Where is the individuality in history? It's a lie. We are part of a collective and we have individual traits to help that collective. When they promote "yolo", "living la vida loca", "express yourself", "just do it", than they are grooming you into the hedonism of individuality, which is "me, me, me" Religious believers create that by being tricked into ignoring it in others.
As stated above you do fuck all good for anyone with ignorance, a shirking your responsibility onto a deity (trust the plan). I hopefully don't have to point out that all the "share with the needy" bullshit led to the most destructive misery racket of all time..usury creates and controls poverty and all the donation are an organized crime racket going right into the pockets of the usurer, while you gave so much away that you cannot defend yourself anymore from the hordes that your donations made into hedonistic "gibs me dats".
What in the world is more selfish, self destructive and hedonistic than forcing a label on every other life form inside this ecosystem, thereby robbing them of any and all rights thanks to our egoistic judgment, which you use to excuse and justify the crimes you endlessly commit against them? Yet when the so called jews call us goyim, it's bad? From the outside this looks like a precious little special boy, who did bad and now blames everyone else for it. Shame that there is no father figure around to kick his ass for this behavior. The Germans have a great term to describe such a behavior "hinterfotzig", which translates roughly to underhand, devious, sly, conniving.
Ken_bingo2 ago
There are energies not well catalogued, but it is not supernatural. Just little understood, because it is not easily (or maybe at all) quantifiable. I don't know that it is directly related to what the OP is saying, though. Basically constant vigilance is needed to protect your own spirit and if you don't it rubs off on others. This can also be explained with the language of psychology, but that is just as qualitative as any other explanation.
c0ck ago
Excellent. Yes, you have some good points. Language is strongly connected to all consciousness and unifying energy. Things you dwell on, speak of frequently, or even part of your internal dialogue, thoughts and goals you set for yourself etc. They are all represented by words which subsequently are represented by sounds. Certain ones have been subverted and altered to where that meaning might be lost in modernity, yet the etymological roots have remained the same through time and regardless of their edits.
The sound you’re making represents an exact vibration and You might be resonating with a completely different frequency when uttering certain words/thoughts/archetypes and resemblances.
What you’re putting out there truly matters as all things are connected by resonance and can affect change.
”Om” is a good example It’s possible that ancient healers and alchemists knew how to utilize specific sounds and vibrations in order to heal the mind & body, however after thousands of years of kikery that knowledge has been scrapped and people that were labeled witches/wizards were burned at the stake or just called mentally insane.
/u/Goys-R-Us I believe this answers your question above
BeeBop71 ago
Proverbs 23:7 Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)
7 for as he thinks in his soul, so is he; Eat and drink, he shall say unto thee, but his heart is not with thee.
DontBeRacist ago
This is why if you're in the business of media or entertainment, you need to rape and torture kids and maybe sacrifice some of them. It helps get the kikes physically and devils spiritually working on your behalf.
c0ck ago
We are all magicians. We cast spells with every day language hence “spelling” - some food for thought
Shakenstein ago
First there was the word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
On a side note, have you look into druidism society in ancient Gaul? The druid would instruct his fellow celts with tales and myths that would carve their moral compass and organize their society. The druids were kind of a secret society among celts, meeting a couple times a year to exchange tales and stories that would help them control their sheeps. Right or Wrong, thats not the point here. The important thing was that Druids would be seen as the spiritual leaders, and the symbol they used to dictate rules to other was one of a branch made of holy wood....I think I nose who stole their symbologies once again.
PoliceICE ago
Casting spells? What level of kikery are you on?
DefenderOfTheThrone ago
He’s just saying that your words can be used to persuade people to do what you want. That’s essentially what a “spell” is. Words that change (or affect) reality. Some have called it rhetoric, others wizardry.
PoliceICE ago
ahh ok thanks
ChiCom ago
Apparently the secret kikes and muslims that scurry around here agree with you...
Fuckle_Chucks ago
Very based, and unfortunately, most goats have no idea what you're talking about....
Goys-R-Us ago
You want to expound on that? Are you talking NLP or persuasive speech in general? I too would like to be a magician.
Specific_Fox ago
You already are. You just don't know your "gifts".
Goys-R-Us ago
Well that was helpful.
Freedotem ago
Once you accept what you are as a human you can begin to focus on all of the patterns of others instead of you. It’s becomes wildly powerful when you begin to understand what other’s are going to do before it happens because it has happened before
Goys-R-Us ago
I appreciate the response but that doesn't help very much - unless you are talking about the obvious parallels between Wiemar Republic and the current state of our country/world.
Or the Bolshevik Revolution headed by jews that slaughtered tens or hundreds of millions of Christians and what seems to be the beginnings of a repeat occurrence of that horror. I see all of that very clearly.
Is that what you're referring to? Am I a magician?
Freedotem ago
I tried sending a reply and I’m not sure it went. No, there are things that we absolutely know to be real that an evil has caused to so many like us. When you can get to the point where you can look yourself in the mirror and look in your eyes while you tell yourself “I need you”, it becomes extremely powerful. Magician may not be the right term but instead Composer. You can start to see the people you need to affect the change that needs to happen and begin to see them of the instruments of change.
Goys-R-Us ago
I'll be honest, I don't get it. That's OK, we all have different reality lenses.
Freedotem ago
Actually you are quite correct when you mention lenses. Our experiences tend to drive us to see the world that way in order to not be hurt the same way we were in the past. We view so many interactions through that lens and it can make us see a reality that isn’t totally real. Not saying that is you at all and I’m not even asking you to agree with it. Just want you to accept that there may be truth to it and think.
Goys-R-Us ago
I couldn't agree with you more. The true sage is the one who has lost all ego and sees the world without distortion. I have a ways to go, lol.
Freedotem ago
Internet is being dumb, just want to make sure this goes through if it already didn’t. That comment absolutely shows you are on the right path. Hope to see you down the road
Goys-R-Us ago
Yeah, maybe another thousand lifetimes in my case.
Freedotem ago
I’ve known that place all too well for most of my days. I’m not there anymore but I understand. Look for what is truly beautiful. Those that don’t agree with the simply beauty in this world are not to be trusted. You will get there. Just do it one day at a time
Goys-R-Us ago
Good advice. Thanks.
Freedotem ago
That acknowledgement means you know the right path. Hope to see you down the road friend
Freedotem ago
No, that is all certainly very real and there are those of us here that know it to be truth. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself and actually believe in you and you can start to figure out how to fight against all of that evil. You understand the evil, once you truly understand yourself, you begin to know how to fight it.
Goys-R-Us ago
That's fair.
But to fight? It's all so tiresome.
knightwarrior41 ago
nope, but they do practice black magic and other stuff
Azamuku ago
Some of us are Magicians.I got my wand right here.
c0ck ago
I’m using the term in a way to be understood. Not referring to dark/black magic. Spells are embedded in people’s daily lives. Look up the etymology of words such as “mortgage”.. there’s people that unknowingly participate and strive to get their “death contract” etc.
There’s many examples of this, just trying to give context on what I meant by it.
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