InClownWorldSellPnut ago

....I think HBO owns this shit now (so not surprised at all). Fuck PBS though even in it's prime it was TV at gunpoint w/ intermittent begathons.

TheEqualizer ago

Fuck Lifesite News. Yeah, they're right about the gays, and abortion BUT they treat adopted people like shit and only use abortion (Catholics don't give a damn about illegitimate infants) as an excuse to steal single women's babies and sell them to unstable infertile couples. I ain't signing this petition, because it comes from them. Rot in hell you Saul worshipping, non-forgiving, money worshipping, child abusing Catholics!

PinkiePunk ago

I don't get the drag queen hate. All the ones I've met are loads of fun.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Save it for the synagogue rabbi

PinkiePunk ago

Do they even have female rabbis? I'm gonna look that up.

TheEqualizer ago

Of course they do faggot. Jews hate their own religion.

Dark2light67 ago

Check out Dave Chappelle's skit on the Muppets. Funny as hell

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The only way all of our problems dissolve is to expel all jews and seize their assets.

Reapreap ago

that is A wet dream and a half.

SDem ago

Petition this and that.

There was a time there would have been torches and stakes.

HeebSlayer ago

Online petitions rarely work. is a prime example

TheEqualizer ago

One Million Moms petitions work.

Reapreap ago is to brag to your fellow libtards about being woke about some 4th galaxy country needing the right to vote to be raped.

satisfyinghump ago

Very good

drhitler ago


SmokeyMeadow ago

Sesame Street is some kiked shit. The other day I was looking for used games at the thrift store, and ran across a pair of DVDs where Grover goes to Israel and meets some yid muppet. You heard it here first, kids. Grover is a kike.

fightknightHERO ago

Sesame street always stroke me as ghetto garbage (i.e shows for dumb niggers)

but i never knew it was THIS kike'ed

spaceman84 ago

His nose was a dead giveaway.

satisfyinghump ago

Oi vey!!!

Reining ago

Which one?

Reverse-Flash ago

Little Miss Muppet.

Skipberry ago

They do realize there was a puppet literally infected with HIV back in 2002?

satisfyinghump ago

Thats because they couldnt have a gay butt raped puppet on... if they did that puppet today it would be a kid puppet and hed be doing gay shit with the Count

Specific_Fox ago

Why are puppets having sex? They have no bottom half. Why are puppets having ANAL sex? These people are all flaming degenerates.

Gorillion ago

They were playing the "I was born with it" angle IIRC. Trying to reinforce the notion that it isn't gay plague in every way possible.

And I think this was also back when Kevin Clash, Twink Fucker, was still playing Elmo.

Now they just don't hide it. Next month they'll have an active bug-chasing (and proud of it!) puppet.

Splooge ago

Technically most puppets get fisted regularly.

CowWithBeef ago

HIV positive puppeteers with open cuts on their hands are a menace that must be dealt with.

satisfyinghump ago

This deserves more attention. Bravo!!!

Ol_Hickery ago

Their entire existence is dependant on getting fisted actually...

Sitnikoff ago

In that sense, our own entire existence is dependent on getting fisted by God's breath

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Reverse-Flash ago

Some people are just wired like that.