sionblade22 ago

5 day account

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Because the age of the account is a good argument against the facts being presented, amirite? NPC.

sionblade22 ago

Bc its a good way to know if you're an FBI or not

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

That's completely retarded. FBI have been on Voat for 5 years. They have hundreds if not thousands of accounts. Obscene make-believe rules demonstrate you're a child.

sionblade22 ago

Doesn't mean I'm wrong. You're either an ai that comments, FBI, or some other disingenuous faggot

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

And you have no evidence and a shitty opinion. So what?

What is disingenuous about pointing out that Virginia just passed 9 more gun control laws?

You're having a stereotypical Liberal-SJW reaction to me expressing my right of free speech and making fun of your Q Jesus, because Qews are children who don't have thick skin and can't actually have a dialogue. Prove me wrong.

sionblade22 ago

Naw. Prove me right

melissastricklin ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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Berichonbegone ago

So many “not enough action” fags that forget to look in the mirror every morning. If you want action, then “just do it” like your stupid nigger friends who act first and think never. In case you haven’t noticed, change is afoot in America and everyone in a position of power hated him when he was first elected. Every single thing he does, (((NPR))) goes nuts and attacks him. This includes the recent “anti-semitism” bill. We must be doing something right so why fuck it up now? I’d prefer to wait until we aren’t making progress, which would be under a socialist cunt leftie. Save your “action” for an openly hostile administration please.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Any President that funds Israel is openly hostile to Americans.

Berichonbegone ago

Any president who openly attacks or defunds Israel will be subject to “anti Semite” claims and be incapable of accomplishing anything. The world is not black and white and progress does not occur over night. Enjoy the small victories that have been piling up and imagine the world had HRC been elected. You stupid fucks need to stop wallowing in misery, it’s pathetic and you come across as true faggots.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Your argument is if the President does something the majority of the Citizens demand, they'll all be ruined for being called antisemitic by the minority of screeching autistic welfare class?

Well, I guess your logic is undeniable. Explains why you Qew retards are all convinced you can stay at home and Government will fix itself. Idiots.

Berichonbegone ago

You do realize a large portion of Trump’s base loves Israel right? He can’t win (and therefore make a positive impact) unless he gets those Bible Belt votes. Yes it sucks, but that’s the reality of the situation. We all want him to name (((them))), but I’d prefer he continue doing things that make them mad while also winning elections.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Winning elections while you continue to lose rights is not winning anything, it's losing. Perfectly shows why you have no clue. You're committing suicide willingly for no reason, while convinced you're winning. It's so sad to watch.

Berichonbegone ago

I’ve not lost any rights anon, though I’d be happy to hear what grievances you’ve suffered. So far I’ve only seen pay increases and less tax liability due to economic conditions and tax reform. I still have my guns, my family, and a strong community. My right to free speech is still limited, but it hasn’t deteriorated to my knowledge. I’d love for that to improve more than anything and I’d say Trumps rhetoric has at least made it less taboo to speak ones mind.

kneo24 ago

When did you hop off of the Q train? After Srayzie booted you out, you still went on and on how you were getting top posts on QRV.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Q is a Military PSYOP and only idealistic imbeciles believe Government will fix itself.

kneo24 ago

That doesn't answer my question, when did you hop off of the Q train?

Mumbleberry ago

it's a copycat acct, the real ian doesn't have an underscore at the end.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

He knows, he's playing pretend and he has a reason.

kneo24 ago

Shame on me for not taking notice. Thanks for the heads up.

Mustard_Monkey ago

But Q said! Wait for it. It will happen soon. Just not today. Maybe tomorrow. Next week sometime looks better. But eventually it will happen soon.

aGameCalledCountries ago

But eventually it will happen soon.

I knew it! I'm going to sit here and wait patiently. I'll be ready for the non-violent petition.


Mustard_Monkey ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

An emergency substantial risk order shall expire on the fourteenth day following issuance of the order.

How strong is your front door? And do you have a secure bunker accessible from inside your house?

Derpfroot ago

According to ATF Trace data, there were fewer firearms traced to Virginia in the three years after the law was repealed than in the three years prior to repeal.

So they know with certainty that guns going across state lines isn't a thing niggers do, but are still willing to fuck their citizens for it. So brave, so brave.

nohiddenmeaning ago

The empty suits can write all the lofty ill-informed laws they want... WHO F*****G CARES.

The Laws they make are only suggestions by which people should live. They still have to be enforced by other people that are chosen to enforce.

So if those laws are unenforceable then those laws amount to a bunch of meaningless words on paper.

Let's see them try to enforce those CRAP laws.

That is when we'll see what really matters and what is just an list of empty threats from an overreaching government.

robot7247 ago

TL;DR, law-abiding is a voluntary act.

XSS1337 ago

This glows mighty bright , I need some shades.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Reality always glows to paranoid NPC's.

XSS1337 ago

4 day old account.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

^ NPC.

XSS1337 ago

Call me what you want niggerfaggot,

You are a sliding kike cocksucker and there is no denying that now.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Oh yes. You're clearly able to demonstrate evidence which would make this anything other than ignorant opinion.


XSS1337 ago

Oh it keeps responding as if I give a shit that it is a lying imposter or maybe the Same Ian from before.

Keep an eye out new goats , this nigger glows.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

I've lied? That's a lie. You've just proved yourself a liar.

XSS1337 ago

And it continues to reply , interesting.

Go ahead ADL , keep responding to me , you will see what happens.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

You'll stay at home doing nothing trusting a plan from an anonymous source that might as well be the ADL while you expect the Government to fix itself?

Man. I love watching smart people be so dumb.

XSS1337 ago

And it continues to respond as if I am reading what it is writing.

Keep them on the hook goats , use them like they use us.

Fancy451 ago

People use the boiled frog anaolgy, but that's incorrect.

Hypnotized Chicken. And you know what happens when that hypnosis ends? The chicken attacks anything that moves around it.

New-World-Ebola ago

stock up on a lifetime supply of ammo now.

buy multiple 80% receivers and magazines now.

if you're a dopey bastard and haven't done so already.

jonnyquest ago

Will this be the 'straw' that breaks the camel's back!?

Will a guillotine be carried down to the center of town? Will this make citizens mad enough to put it to good use, making it crystal-clear what the 10-20k+ marchers meant by their "no thanks" the other day!?

VA, you're all my prayers.

Mustard_Monkey ago

No Jonnyquest it won't ask Q. I am sure the almighty A.I. will say: "It's happening soon" or "trust the Jew plan."

petevoat ago

To be fair they were going to push whatever regardless. Have been since Northam wore black face.

DoyouSEE ago

TF does this have to do with Q? No Qtard ever said a word about gun bills in VA. You’re just farming for faggy internet points. This isn’t Reddit faggot

BarbaricHamSammy ago

And all his faggot redditors getting ccp from him and each other by way of this circlejerk reddit-tier post.

watitdew ago

Q badge noted

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Oh, NO! Not more laws that will not be enforced, anything but that!

9NaughtZ ago

when are we gonna burn down VA? seriously.

At some point we have to admit when a limb is too infected and just cut it off. I've been there. It's an overrun cesspool.

marvin_nash ago

No, just cut off Norther VA

9NaughtZ ago

that's fine. whatever it takes to burn out the shit.

my ex went out there for work. some black rally was happening. They were near heart apartment and start congregating in the parking lot. Few decided to follow her into her hotel and stood outside the door to her room. She called the cops but they said they wouldn't go into that herd of people. They instead shined their lights on the building and told her to get her stuff and make a break for it.

So fuck VA imo... time to burn it all down.

HiJoker ago

The SCOTUS will land on this hard. Stop panicking bitches. We've got a long ways to go still, try to keep your limbs in the car.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Silly rabbit, Congress controls the SCOTUS. Fox guarding the henhouse. You're all so willfully ignorant.

HiJoker ago

Were you homeschooled by niggers? SCOTUS is independant. It's called the Supreme Court of the United States, in case you didn't know, being homeschooled by niggers and all.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Oh yes. Insult me, when you're the moron who doesn't know that Congress directly controls the expansion, contraction, and budget of the SCOTUS - and has kept it roughly the same size since it's first 6 in 1789-1790.

No other court, year after year, not only demands no increase in Justices, little increases in staff, and little to no increase in funds. The SCOTUS has the biggest backlog of any court, kept artificially picky about what cases it takes, and wielded as the umpire for political theater.

You are completely ignorant of the systems of control that own you. Even worse, you pretend you know what you're talking about and demean others online who actually do, making you even worse than a nigger.

Wake the fuck up, you gutter trash debt serf. You're just a corporate asset being farmed as cattle with taxes. You're so stupid you aren't even worth saving. You act just like a nigger does.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Interesting you used the word cattle.

Obviously being as "smart" as you are you exactly what it means.

We aren't good goys here, shekelstein.

You just showed your hand, time to make a new account or better yet just leave all together.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

We're all slaves to the jew banking mafia. You're just dumb enough to pretend you're special for sitting inside a jew-owned walled garden letting you broadcast your voice to a dozen others.

HiJoker ago

Look nigger faggot, crippled as they are, they still have the power to crush this shit. They'll act on it because if they don't shit is going to blow up. Democrats have went way too far.

Now what we don't need is bad faith faggot actors ginning up more damn rage when we're in a tense game of chicken with these fuckers. Yes baby bitch, they'll trying to pull some shit, but we've got a system to deal with it. We're going to trust it until it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can't. Why? Because we're NOT FUCKING NIGGERS! Now STFU you glow nigger cocksucker, or half wit mother, I don't know which nor do I care.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

They'll act on it because if they don't shit is going to blow up.

You're an idiot. Congress controls both the lesser courts and the SCOTUS, both procedurally, and in passing the laws which bind the SCOTUS as judges.

The problem with you idiotic Qews is you're too stupid to actually understand how the system works, so you create some fantasy in your mind that's only partially right, and then you proceed to actually convince yourselves the real system works the way your dumbass nigger brains half-understand it to work.

It's comical as hell to observe by the rest of us with functional synapse who've taken the time to educate ourselves. You're actually stupid enough to think the SCOTUS job is to go against Congress, when it's literally to enforce for Congress.

Ignorance is bliss..

I don't know which nor do I care.

Literally sums up you in a nutshell. You don't know nor care. You just feel. Your emotions are fucking irrelevant you dumb fucker.

HiJoker ago

We'll see mother fucker. We'll see.

Don't ever darken my path.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

You came into my submission and started shitting all over it with your ignorance, not the other way around. The day you get a clue and self illuminate will be a glorious day. You're delusional, and that's most of today's problems.. making you just another part of most of today's problems.

Please kill yourself, for all our sake.

hang_em_high ago

How many states have blatantly unconstitutional laws and have for a decade or longer? SCOTUS hasn't done a FUCKING thing.

Sakusha ago

It's already worse in New York and guess what, no SCOTUS intervention. It's as it seems. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

RoundWheel ago

Posts like this exist because they have orders to start violence and demoralize.

HiJoker ago

Or they could be free range organic useful idiots.

PalmSprings21 ago

waggywiggawanda fucking boomtards patrioting from their keyboards while VA goes to shit

HillBoulder ago

Op is a fucking mentally ill qtard I don't know what he's pretending to be here

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Need new glasses, Boomer?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Someone told me I was being negative because I said the gun rally accomplished absolutely nothing and only proved that the citizenry is docile and will passively stand by and watch their rights get taken from them.

heretolearn ago

we're passively standing by while our country is going to shit.

New-World-Ebola ago

bread and circus of the roman empire.

prepare like hell and spread the word.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Speak for yourself.

heretolearn ago

What are you doing

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Nice try glow nigger

heretolearn ago

you're sadly misinformed. would you call the founding fathers glow niggers too?

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Are you comparing yourself to the founders?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Anything can be compared to anything.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Absolute nonsense.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Compared to Saturn, you're incredibly tiny. But otherwise...

heretolearn ago

answer the question

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

How about you go fuck yourself? I’m not your nigger and I don’t answer to you.

heretolearn ago

that's what I thought. fuck off faggot pacifist fbi shill

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You responded to my comment, moron. And now you’re stealing my insult. Pathetic.

heretolearn ago

you're an idiot. slide done.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

I disagree.

What it accomplished is that a bunch of people learned that standing around looking tough is not a substitute for being tough. An even smaller subset realized that change will actually involve violence.

Tick tock ....

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Realization does not beget action.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Fair enough

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Rally's just give the Total Surveillance State better data on future Citizen targets.

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh look... some cunt has hacked my username and is shitposting anti Q propaganda

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

I already knew you were a retard but this is just next level stupid, even from you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

look at you... what a childish cunt

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Says the blind retarded Qew boomer who can't even read and claims to be "hacked".

Planetoftheclown ago

You can bet every one of the attendees has photos of their face in a db somewhere titled "dissidents".

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

LARPer trying to dissuade goats.


philmchawk ago

No it should people were more worried about being called racist than about their guns. You super fearful authoritarian people need to come to terms that the correct order of people pleasuring themselves into docileness is more effective than the USSR style. Why would they give half a shit about 99.9% of the people that showed up? They are all going to go back to their electric jew and twitter. They have zero reason to put a boot on your neck, because the masses are jerking themselves to death.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Why not both?

philmchawk ago

Because if you care more about a word than your gun you already lost.

RodentLord ago

Post this to QRV. They don't check other subs.

watitdew ago

And yet still manage to dominate v/all

I've almost gone back to browsing /front

RodentLord ago

On desktop you can block subs and they won't show up on v/all. I haven't found out a way to do it on mobile.

watitdew ago

I mean I know but I just want to browse all and to be honest sometimes they post things that aren't retarded but it's all in this warped Q-reality perspective and they have so many fucking lusers.

RodentLord ago

I know.

I brows all with the sxub blocked then I check the sub out occasionally cuz blocking the sub still lets you go there.

So it's like I got no-Q mode and Q mode.

Q mode is hilariously dumb and jewishly homosexual.

I've always pronounced "qoomer" the same as "coomer" and i think there's a lot of crossover there.

watitdew ago

You might be interested in this thread. I want to see how it goes. Vid is also interesting. Some LARPer posted an image without being logged into the tripcode account and the streamer just casually starts going off on their pre-ordained "interpretation" of this google bike as if it were an "official" Q post (TM)

RodentLord ago

TBH I disliked Q from the start cuz he was a tripfag lol.

watitdew ago

I feel the same sentiment towards from: doglegwarrior

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Why? I'm not wasting my time talking to retards when I can just make fun of them here.

RodentLord ago

Your title says "while you keep 'trusting the plan'".

I find the use of the word "you" when you aren't talking to your audience to be quite homosexual. No offense.

AnthraxAlex ago

They probably banned him like they do everyone who questions Qew.

RodentLord ago

I'm banned from greatawakening but pretty sure I can still post on QRV and there's one other I think.

TBH at this point I think Q is some MKULTRA successor and just using a bunch of triggers to activate programs in boomers.

I've never seen someone under 45 respond positivlely to Q. I wonder what media they all saw that the rest of the population didn't. Moon landing?

AnthraxAlex ago

Tv programming before the internet basically created a situation where they were just delivered information and all they could do was believe it. Ontop of that their parents were the greatest generation and they would have to accept that their great deeds were really on behalf of the enemy than the side of light. The most disturbing thing is their insistance that a 100 percent corrupted system can fix itself.

RodentLord ago

The generation bleedover is a D&C tactic to be sure, there are redpilled boomers. But there are "based negroes" too and the race war is D&C as well. They still are "the enemy of my enemy" and we'd rather have nothing to do with them both ultimately.

Boomers: Become useful or die on DOTP.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Oh no, someone with an opinion on the internet. Serious business.

My feelings are deeply unaffected, I assure you.

RodentLord ago


Fried-Laptop ago

yummy-yummy jew-jew-come!

BasketPitcherTub ago

donald, we already fed you

Fried-Laptop ago


Nosferatjew ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

The day they allowed jews into America is the day America lost

philmchawk ago

That isn't true, they could have easily sent them back. The day America lost was when the hippie movement wasn't stop with extreme force.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

There was no path after the forming of The Federal Reserve in 1913

philmchawk ago

Na they still didn't have control of the population before then. Population > money. Once TV + federal reserve was able to make the population faggot hippies it was over.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Once jews take control over a nations money everything else becomes easy

philmchawk ago

If TV wasn't insanely effective at brainwashing people Americans would have revolted. Yes the federal reserve was the worst thing that happened to the US but the US killed two national banks before, it wasn't until TV happen and fucking hippies happened that it stuck.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I will agree with you on the hippie movement. It was designed to destroy white culture. At the same time, jews created a system where only their or foreign products get onto store shelves.

jonnyquest ago

Mind clarifying? Not sure I follow.

philmchawk ago

The population is what matter, the population of America hadn't been subvert. The hippie movement was the "we have been subverted do whatever" trigger. Before the hippie movement the people could have been convinced to get rid of jews.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

He’s saying that in his imagination, transportation is easy and successful.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Pathetic sheep. Government does not fix itself.