WD_Pelley ago

that top pic

Guy looks like someone my dad went to school with in Whitesville, USA. It's strange. Now I'm starting to believe that the world used to be run by a unified White race before the darker races overran it and fucked everything up.

Ken_bingo2 ago

USA is far worse off than Europe.

Rizzo9000 ago

In that case: carry on, carry on.

Rizzo9000 ago

Yes. Hence my statement.

whoisdoingit ago

Japs are just another nation of chinks and we shouldn't be applauding them. Good thing they're slowly dying off.

Anarchy99 ago


GuesstheJaws ago

Getting nuked twice kinda pulls the wool off of your head

friendshipistragic ago

Because they have virtually no Jews to subvert every single thing

mattsixteen24 ago

No. Japan is not "based".

The destruction of Japan and extinction of its population is the desired consequence, or by product, of the fact that Japan serves as the laboratory for the ruling social engineers. The country is used as the primary testing ground for nuclear and biochemical warfare technology, social engineering, climate engineering and more, for a very long time. As a result of the relentless socially engineered attacks on this society we can clearly see the demographic and social results of it. Anyone who thinks this is just the result of a normal evolution process is clearly totally out of his/her mind. The social engineers use the Japanese model as a blueprint for the rest of the world and we can see the exact same tendencies evolving in the West.


DanielR ago

Cuz they got no niggers

Dark2light67 ago

Japan is probably the most racially pure country in the world. An old co-worker of mine(black) married a Japanese woman. He said Japanese are by far the most racist people he's ever seen...

Anarchy99 ago

Jews are the most racist people on the planet

Joe_McCarthy ago

Helps not to be right across the water from Africa or to share a border with Mexico.

NoxAeterna ago

We can only hope Japan keeps going that way, cause the degenerates in the west are trying to cause issues there too.

A pity they dont get enough kids, cause the ways thing are going, one way or the other, they are going to go down.

englishwebster ago

because jews dont look like japs. they cant trick them with the "fellow white men" routine

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Jews don't actually look like whites either, they look like pale arabs (which they are). It's just that they made sure the average white doesn't know the difference.

englishwebster ago

harder to fake eye shape than skin color

RonBennington ago

Rhinoplasty :(

rabbisucksbabycock ago

cause jews got that big fucking nose so they can't pretend to be a fellow japanese and subert them, yet.

Nosferatjew ago

No jews.

QuickMafs ago

Came to say this

ilovejuices3 ago

The guys are now fucking the robots and not having families.

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NarrativeControl ago

They have their share of problems but nothing unfixable yet.

Rating-- ago

There's a lot of immigrants in Japan. Apparently mostly from other East Asian countries such as South Korea, China and the Philippines.

oneinchterror ago

Japan is still ~98% Japanese.

Splooge ago

As it damn well should be.

Quaintarrow303 ago

They are reversing that position and gonna start bringing in foreigners according to their government.

uvulectomy ago

There's still hope on that front. Because unlike, say Sweden, it seems a good chunk of the Japanese public is not happy that Abe signed that "foreign workers" bill.

Quaintarrow303 ago

I hope so but they're putting most of their military budget into actual proven tech for offensive reasons because of Chinese unlawful expansion and cutting ai experimental research.

green_man ago

The jew no longer fears the Samurai, in fact he makes the Samurai eat out of a fucking shoe.

slwsnowman40 ago

They aren't that based, they aren't having nearly enough children.

voatuser1128 ago

they aren't having nearly enough children.

Thats because they were forced to give women "rights" by the Americans after WW2. Women's liberation always leads to population decline and a huge generation of men checking out of society and feeling directionless and purposeless.

Splooge ago

they aren't having nearly enough children

That's a jewish myth. Their numbers are fine and actually almost ideal. Kikes want it both ways -- not enough births so let the shitskins in, but also there's overpopulation so stop having kids.

oneinchterror ago

Japan's population could be cut in half and they'd still be more than okay. Things will naturally correct themselves if Japan is able to maintain its ethnic homogeneity and self determination.

Charilko ago

The problem with population numbers is never the raw numbers, but percentage population by age. If you have an extremely top-heavy system, with lots of old people who suck up resources and can’t contribute to the economy, the downstream consequences can be profound.

Yes, the lack of babies is a huge problem. And a real one. Just because you support Japan doesn’t mean they don’t have problems.

There is no ethnically homogenous utopia out there

oneinchterror ago

Okay, tell me something I don't know. As I said, Japan will ultimately be fine, and as the OP pic suggests, their problems will be ameliorated/mitigated through the use of automation/technology. Of course Japan still has issues - who doesn't? - but I'd rather be in their situation than the one we've found ourselves in over here in the West.

tokui ago

It's a modern phenomena (in educated nations) derived from technology. Short of a cataclysm, technology cannot be removed from equation, and will only increase.

The solution, imo, will require technology to get us out the quandary - in yet unknown ways.

CrunchyStinkies ago

robots beat the shit out of niggers. as LONG as NOBODY gets to collect data from YOU if you buy one (unlikely you're safe from that given the leadership we ALLOW to lead).

tokui ago

Apartheid is still legal there.

Sosacms ago

Because they don't let foreigners and faggots control public discourse.

AgentSakura ago

Ya they do it's called the USA

philmchawk ago

They are literally an occupied government by the US and a 20 year old jewish feminist wrote their constitution. The correct answer is the PEOPLE are still mostly based.

TheDonaldTrump ago

20 year old jewish feminist wrote their constitution


Aryanawakening ago

Please keep dropping bombs on these nerds

oneinchterror ago

It also helps that they are a remote island nation, and their only neighbors are other high IQ/civilized people. Migrants can't simply walk to Japan like they do to the US and Europe.

HillBoulder ago

So what happened to Canada?

oneinchterror ago

I said it helps that Japan is an island nation. Not that it is their only saving grace. If the government of Japan wanted desperately to replace its citizens, as the government of Canada does, it wouldn't matter that they're an island nation.

philmchawk ago

Uhhh the UK has the worst situation besides US. If the US wanted to they could easily stop it.

oneinchterror ago

Lol, you're utterly delusional. The UK is still far more White than the US. Whites will become a minority in the US 20+ years before the same happens in Britain. Also your comment about the US just "stop[ping] it" is hilariously naive.

philmchawk ago

Can you not read? I said besides the US. But if the US took matter into their own hands they could stop it tomorrow, UK is a little less certain because of guns. That said the US won't so the will die first.

Rizzo9000 ago

Yes, racial/cultural homogeneity based on a traditional Aryan structure

philmchawk ago

You should read some Japanese history, it isn't based on Aryan structure, it is based on bushido (that they made) which happens to be a brutal version of Aryan structure.

Rizzo9000 ago

You contradicted yourself, within one sentence. Nice.

philmchawk ago

If you think bushido was based on Aryan structure you are retarded, it existed before they met any white person. They do happen to look similar but it isn't them copying, it is why they are the only good asians, came to them naturally.

Rizzo9000 ago

Ah ok, gotcha bro